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Everything posted by Dragonfire1477

  1. Matt: Not a thing I can do. I can't help in any way..... Trekmon: Matt, you give me strength. It is because of you we lived through previous battles, and we'll get through this one, no matter how bleak things look. Matt arms his staff. Matt: I will help in this war. I won't stand back and simply give encouragement from afar. We're all in this, like it or not.
  2. Suddenly, a pink fist shot out of nowhere and struck Krillen in the gut, forcing him to gasp for air on his knees. The group watched as the fist retracted back to its owner, Majin Buu, who had sneaked in behind the special forces. He said nothing, just glared with an evil grin on his face. Krillen: I'll get you.....for that..*gasp* Buu: Hehehe. Pan: You guys wouldn't last one round if you fought by yourselves! Buu cocked his head in curiosity at Pan. He signaled for her to follow, and the two flew over the desolate city that had just been destroyed. Pan: Ok then....let's go. Pan rushed in with a quick punch to Majin Buu's chest, but her fist only sunk into his pink skin. She retracted her punch, as Buu's chest filled in the dent. He smiled again, then backhanded her to the ground.
  3. Matt, Trekmon, Liam, and Mynechmon are making their way to primary village, when they spot Quinnamon pass them in a hurry. Trekmon: Quinnamon, wait up! Quinnamon glances over her shoulder and signals for them to follow. Trekmon: Ok then. Trekmon digivolve to......Terradramon! Ok get on, we'll catch her. Liam: I sensed something bad back there, is that normal? Matt: I felt it too, I don't like the looks of this. Terradramon: It's wierd we didn't see Ginnylyn back there...... Matt/Terradramon/Mynechmon/Liam: Oh no...
  4. Don't you listen to a damn word of that. It's all crap. You're a much better person than that, and you know it. No one can tell you that you are a screwup. It doesn't matter if your mom thinks that, because it's still not true. It gets to you because you accept it, not because it's what your mom says. You can't ever believe you're anything less than great, because I know you. You are far from anything you mom said. As for what to do, you could be like me and ignore her existance. I suck at giving advise on how to fix things like this, but I do know you're a much better person than that. You just have to believe it as much as I do.
  5. As they head for Primary Village, Matt and Trekmon stumble across Liam and Mynechmon. Trekmon: Hey, Mynechmon! Long time no see. Mynechmon: No kidding, how've you been. Oh yeah, I got a human now. His name's Liam! Matt: Nice to meet you. Mynechmon: Glad we met you, with this rebellion it's not safe to travel in just pairs. Where are you guys headed? Matt: Primary Village. Why don't you guys come? Mynechmon: Great! Liam: Yeah and maybe you could explain some things to me on the way. This digital monster stuff is still new to me.
  6. I'm like Squashed Snail, I'd just walk around a farm. My neighborhood consists of my family on my mom's side, and everyone has at least two dogs. Plus, the nearest "in town" area is a good 30 minute drive if the traffic's good, lol.
  7. Matt lands in the same place as his digimon did. Matt looks up to see Terradramon, Tsunamimon, and Titaniumrocaceramon prepared for battle. Titaniumrocaceramon: Well then, I am off to rendez-vous with the rebellion. Try and follow me, and you will die. In an instant, Titaniumrocaceramon was gone. Terradramon looks down to find Matt. Terradramon: Matt? What are you doing here? Matt: You're not doing this without me. You know only when I'm near can you use your full power. And since when can you digivolve to mega without me? Terradramon:.....oops. Terradramon reverts back to Trekmon in the rookie stage. Trekmon: Accident. Matt: Ok then, we need to gather the others and crush the rebellion. Let's be off then.
  8. Matt awakes to find his computer on. He hears the message from GinnyLyn, then looks around for Trekmon, but he is nowhere to be found. There was a note by the computer, it read: "Gone to defend honor in digital world. Be back soon so don't eat all the cookies!" Matt: Digital takeover, huh? You're not defending our honor without me, Trekmon! Matt quickly gets dressed and arms himself with his six foot staff. He holds his digivice up to the computer and is sucked in.
  9. Actually the plane crash took place in Tampa, Florida. Adam doesn't have to be on long for people to think he's cool.
  10. Well my parents are heavy Christians, so it's worse with them. I just finished watching it, though. I think some of the drawings are a little strange, but other than that I thought it was great. I'm watching it a second time now to make sure I understand it right. :worried:
  11. Mostly I try to imagine myself as a martial arts master or someone from DBZ saving people and foiling evil plots. Pretty sad I know, but it makes me feel like I'm really worth something.
  12. I just bought it and it comes highly recommended from my friends. I started watching it and after a while decided that I shouldn't with my parents in the house. Any comments on this? Did I make a good investment or throw away 30 bucks?
  13. I would transform into the Publix manager so I could fire my boss.:D But really I think I'd be a dolphin because they are so carefree. Plus they swim better than me.
  14. Name: Majin Buu Age: ??? Bio: Short and pink, but not to be underestimated. Description: Pants.....that's it. Stats: Stronger than the good guys :p
  15. Trekmon: I'll have you know I follow Matt by choice, and I'll defend him! Cute and cuddly my tail spike! Trekmon waits until the middle of the night in the real world, while Matt is alseep. He turns on the computer, and sets off in the digital world to defend his honor. He suddenly finds himself in the middle of a would-be battle between Baemon and Tsunamimon. Baemon: You're no match to me! Go back to your human! Tsunamimon: Never! Trekmon: Allow me to give you a hand Tsunamimon. Trekmon, warp digivolve to.......TERRADRAMON! Terradramon lowers his head, raises his tail spike, spreads his membranous appendages and his four large wings. A very powerful display indeed, Terradramon assumes battle mode.
  16. Matt: Starving. Craig: The only chance we have of eating now is luring someone into the van. Lupos: :devil:
  17. Matt stares out the window of the SUV. Craig: Hey man, what's up. Matt: Nothing, I just haven't seen a sunrise in a while. Craig: Enough of this mushy crap. You're a nosferatu, just like the rest of us. Minus Zack. Zack: :mad: Craig: You've got to accept who and what you are. Matt: You're right. I'm not going to be a burden anymore. Craig: And don't tell me you didn't have a good time at the strip joint. Matt: Revenge feels good. I just hope I havn't lost my motivation.
  18. Druid:Raziel Weapon: war hammer I'll take Kuja's example. I'm gonna be a transforming druid for the most part, so I need Lycanthrope and werewolf or werebear.
  19. Can't we just have a normal RPG? There are no robots. DBZChikaGhan, sorry if I messed with you. You're welcome to join me and become evil, but let's keep with the original idea please. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt: Inspection! All in-training! About twenty in-training digimon line up side by side at attention. They stare straight ahead with a serious expression. Matt and Trekmon patrol the row, inspecting each digimon. Matt: I am very impressed with all of you. It has been only hours since you have hatched, and you're already digivolved, as well as learning my discipline. All in-training: Thank you sir! Matt: There is no room in my plan for failure, therefore you all must train to the best of your ability. Trekmon, I want all rookies' to take a break and let the in-training digimon train for a while. Trekmon: Gotcha. He heads off to vacate the training area. Matt: Remember, my loyal digimon, that you are fighting in the greatest digital revolution in history. We shall destroy this parasitic world, and move on to a better one. No more wars, no more fighting. After all this, we will finally be at peace. In-training: Yes sir! Matt: Dismissed. Begin training. The in-training digimon head off to train. Trekmon rejoins Matt by his side. Trekmon: You ok? Matt: Yeah, fine. Just thinking. Trekmon: About that Mistress Destiny lady? Matt: Yeah. I don't know if she's with us or against us. Let's seal the exits until further notice. Trekmon: Good idea, no one from the outside will ever find it. Even if they do, they can't get in without your permission. Matt: I want to thank you for staying with me, Trekmon. Trekmon: You're my best friend, I'm with you to the end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey I'm a poet and I didn't even know it!
  20. :eek: You could have warned me some how! I'll be right back, I have to change my pants now.
  21. Zack: Hey Matt, isn't this the place where you and Craig were infected. Matt lowers his head. Matt: That's right. I believe it's time for some payback. Lupos: Only after we get what we want. Espa: Of course we can't leave any leads. Matt grins, as he polishes his Katana.
  22. What the hell is going on? Can't I have an evil empire around here?! And there are no robots. Please just let me build a plot here.:rolleyes: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt: Alright then, you want to help me? Trekmon suddenly bursts free and readies his claws against MD's throat. Matt: The only way you can help is by staying out of my way. I need no one. The digital world must be destroyed if we are to return home. I am doing you all a favor. MD: But I- Trekmon: Silence! Trekmon barely touches MD's throat with his razor-like claws. Matt: Make sure she doesn't see anything. Trekmon: Right. Vertigo Swipe! MD blacks out. She awakens to find only empty chambers. Everything was gone. Matt, Trekmon, even the digieggs. She struggled to find the exit, or possibly some clues regarding their whereabouts. She made her way back to the surface, where there was no clue in sight, not even a footprint. She met up with Bellamon, then went to find the others.
  23. So am I obsessed when SOME of these apply to me or All apply to me? :nervous:
  24. I'm excited because two of my goats just had twins, so we've got four new editions to out herd. I guess goats aren't that unusual, so I'll name my other strange pets. Emus, hedghogs, flying squirrels, newts, and a horse that thinks she is a goat. So what kind of strange or unusual pets have you had?
  25. Liam: If they get Espa, they'll hold her out in daylight to see if she's a Nosferatu. Espa: He's right, they won't exactly take my word for it. Craig: I guess regular sunblock isn't strong enough. Matt: Liam, got anything that might aid the situation? Lupos: We're running out of time, we have to make a discision fast.
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