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Everything posted by Dragonfire1477
Don't worry about it, everyone has to start somewhere, and this is a pretty cool RPG I think. So I guess I'm still evil. :devil: EDIT: You and me both Sere! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt and Trekmon walk into the diginursery created by Kontan and surveyed the area. Trekmon: I guess this is all yours now. Matt: Yeah, I guess. I'm gonna get back home no matter what. Trekmon: I'm gonna miss you.... Matt: What are you talking about? You can come too. Trekmon: Really?! Matt: I couldn't live without my best friend in the world. Trekmon: Then we'll leave this place together. And these digieggs are the key. Matt: You're right. Good thing this cave is unnoticeable from the outside. Trekmon: If you don't know what to look for. Matt: Right. *smiles* Let's get started, we've got a lot of eggs to hatch. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For further notice, please do not just "stumble" down the entrance to the cave. To make this more interesting, I don't want anyone to discover the headquarters.
Matt: I guess I'll fill our cantines back up. Matt hikes towards the side of the mountain where a stream was charted.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B][COLOR=chocolate]And what's all this about God-Rodding? If I need to intervene, I will.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Now look where this has lead! Why don't we just make up and start back BEFORE Alin transforms. I'd kind of like to be evil for a change. At least for a while. Either way let's not try to piss each other off. Let's just all get along. :nervous:
Becoming interested, a man hunched over the bar rises and approaches Reiken. Raziel: My lord, my sword and my life are yours to command. Reiken: You are a swordsman, are you not? That's quite a blade you've got. Raziel: Thank you, it was a gift from an old friend. And my skills are among the best. Your father was a wise and just king, and you have my deepest sympathies regarding his passing. I will aid you any way I can. Reiken: Very well, your services are welcome. Have a drink, please. Raziel: Thank you, but I believe I have had enough for one evening.
Everyone likes a survey! (don't they?)
Dragonfire1477 replied to Nerdsy's topic in General Discussion
Nickname: Matt, small child, and some people just call me "hey you" or "kid" Age:17 Allowance (or income from job): Good income for a grocery store Favorite Smilie (from the boards)::therock: Favorite... Umm... Power Ranger ^_^ : Don't know, I lost interest back in the third grade..... Time of Birth: 2:30 PM or something close Do you think the teletubbies are demonseeds? (a simple yes or no will suffice): I'll give that a hell yes Favorite Cartoon Cartoon: Don't watch much more than anime Favorite Japanese Anime: dragon ball z all the way Favorite Font: Beats me.... What kind of pet do you have, if any? a newt, a herd of goats, horse, dog, chickens, turkeys, quail, hedghogs...I think that's it. (If you said no to last question,disregard this one) What is it's name?: Don't go there..... Favorite "Grown-Up" American Cacrtoon? (I.E. Simpsons, Family Guy, etc.): Family guy How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood, and what did Peter Piper do with his pickled peppers after he picked them, in your opinion? ::therock: -
An RPG with rules sounds cool. Name: Raziel Age: 17 Gender: Male Class: Swordsman Limit Break: Dragon Sunset-Concentrates all power into an onslaught of jabing and slashing until either the opponent is down or Raziel collapses. HP/MP: 90/25
Matt: If we could only find some mode of transportation. Ryu: Granted, that would save us plenty of time. Hikaru: We just need money. Leona: Is there a village or two between here and the palace? Maybe we could do some minor jobs and get some cash. Amber: Also, keep an eye out for thieves. They hit at night, but someone in town told me they were getting bold. Ryu: That shouldn't be much of a problem. *grins*
Matt: We should probably bed down for the night so we can get an early start. Ryu: Matt and I will be in this room. You all take the one across the hall. Hikaru: Ok.... Ryu: Everyone think about which path we should take, then we'll decide in the morning. Amber: Sounds like a plan. I'm going to bed now. Leona: 'Night everyone.
Matt: She said she knew me..... Kontan: Matt, who saved your life? Matt: You did. Kontan: Then who are you going to believe, me, or some imposter you don't even recognize? Matt: I'm sorry, you're absolutely right. I won't abandon our cause, so don't worry. Pdramon: Oooo, rrrrrrrrrrr..... Matt: What's going on pdramon?! Pseudodramon begins to glow a purplish glow. The light dies down soon after, revealing a dark digimon that resembles pseudodramon. Matt: Pseudodramon? ???: Matt, it's me. I'm just Trekmon now. Matt: I see. So you've transformed? Trekmon: Yep, I'm still your best friend. Kontan: Excellent...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by woody [/i] [B]I loved school :D [/B][/QUOTE] Are you feeling ok? Well I'm another person who hates it. The work of the devil it is. What would happen if we weren't educated? Well, politics wouldn't change much, that's for sure. I like to see what few friends I have, and I'm a hard worker, sometimes I just wonder what it's all for.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by woody [/i] [B] My brother is done with her already. You're another Akito [/B][/QUOTE] Then I'm sorry I was not able to offer any advise. I can only say that this happens more than you might think, some of my friends went through similar experiences.
Oh man that's bad. I wonder what inclines people to do such things. Personally, I don't think I would ignore her. I've got this nasty temper, and revenge has seemed like almost second nature. That's just me though, although she should suffer some sort of consequence for what she did. Tell your brother to brush it off, she's not good enough for him. Meanwhile, have that gasoline ready. :devil:
OOC: Oh, I can. :smirk: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kirby opens his mouth and injests a load of bombs, then fires them back to the troopers, causing massive explosions. Kirby: Still hungry..... Another shell flies at the group, and Kirby injests that one too, but swallows it. He instantly transforms, wearing a hat with a skull and crossbones on it. Kirby: Good food!
I simply think guns were made to hide behind to show either a lack of skill or cowardis(sp?). I use my fists when I have to, which is not often. My weapon of choice though is a staff. I don't exactly carry it around all the time though.....
Name: Matthew/Matt Hunt Age: 17 Height: 5'4 Weight: 105 lbs Gender:male Description: Light baggy pants, an American Eagle tshirt with an unbuttoned overshirt. Cabin: Dragon (where else?)
Name: Raziel Age: 17 Race: 1/2 human, 1/2 dragon Bio: While Raziel appears to be a normal human in appearance, his ancestors(sp?), a dragon and a human, fell in love during a great war (don't ask), thus creating dragon hybrids. Raziel is the result of selective breeding. Instead of going super saiyan, he calls on his inner dragon to boost his power. The limit of his power is not known, but his ever growing rage increases it at every turn. Description: Raziel wears baggy pants and a black shirt. He has an unzipped vest with ripped sleaves over his shirt (resembles teenage Trunks's outfit). His only momento of his parents is a torn headband which he has never been known to remove. Stats: Strength:20,000 Speed:25,000 Defense:15,000 Ki: 20,000
I'm trying to be evil for a change here! Would there be too much confusion if Alin just didn't die but was knocked out and the digimon recovered her? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt wakes up in a cold sweat. Pdramon: Are you alright? Matt: It was just a dream. Pdramon: What was? Tell me! Matt: I don't remember.... A cogmon floats into the room. Cogmon: Pardon me, but master Kontan requests your presence. Matt: Well let's go then. Cogmon: Follow me please. Kontan: Matt, you've just had a dream correct? Matt: Yeah, but how did- Kontan: Whatever happened in that dream is for you to know. Just be warned that this planets, the digimon, and the kids here will try to influence you any way they can. You must stay focused on the tasks at hand. Matt: I see.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]. Example; although the majority of guys (or so it seems) are jerks, there are some out there who aren't, but they may not be in your living area. [/B][/QUOTE] :wave:
Matt: I have no fear. Pdramon: And I will follow you Matt, wherever you go! Kontan: I'm glad I have your support. It will take all of our efforts put together to destroy this evil place. Matt: Then how will we go about the destruction. Will we consume the entire world, or are there weak points we can aim for?
Okey doke, thanks. I've never been evil before :devil: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Matt wakes up from yet another long sleep. Pdramon: Matt! Are you ok? Matt: Yeah.......I'm fine. Have you been here the whole time? Pdramon: Yes. Do remember Kontan? Matt: Who? Pdramon: How about Alin? Or anyone else? Matt: What are you talking about? All I know is that I'm Matt, and you're Pseudodramon. Why can't I remember..... Kontan walks into the room. Kontan: Welcome, Matt, to my cavern. Pdramon: *whispering* This is Kontan. He gave me food and shelter while you were asleep. Matt: Kontan is it? Thanks for taking care of my friend. I owe you. Kontan: Think nothing of it. I just wondered if you would aid me in a quest of mine. Matt: You helped us, I'll help you anyway I can. Pdramon: Me too! Kontan: Wonderful. Right now, we are in a world called the Digital World. It is parallel to the Earth Dimension, where we all came from. Ever since we arrived here, we have been stuck with no way to return home. The only way to return home would be to destroy this world. While it seems heartless, all of the inhabitants in this world are actually computer data, so we are not actually killing them. Matt: I see. We will help you, and we'll all return home together. Kontan: There is just one thing. There are kids out there with digimon partners like you and me, but they think that there are other ways out of this cursed world. They don't realize that we are right, and will try to stop us at all costs. We must not let them come between us and our homeworld. Matt: It is understood. But surely it isn't just us against an entire world? Kontan: Follow me.... Kontan proceeds to explain his plan to Matt and Pdramon, while showing him the digiegg farm.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]Hey has anyone seen Spaceballs...[/B][/QUOTE] Yes! Long live Mel Brookes, lol. That brings to mind my favorite movie, Robin Hood: Men in Tights. It even has a musical number in it!
My stats remain the same! Kai is my dragon, by the way. ---------------------------------------------------- Matt and Kai fly from forum to forum looking for things to do. Kai: I have to use the little fire-breathers room again. Matt: You just went half an hour ago in the pokemon forum! Kai: I know but that Jolt just goes right through me. The two stop at a rest area somewhere outside of G&S. After triggering the automatic sinks and toilets 10 times, the guard threw them out and they were to press on once again. Kai: Can I drive? Matt: You already are. Kai: Are we there yet? Matt: No. Kai: Didn't you have a game boy? Matt: You ate it. Kai: I have to go to the bathroom. Matt: *sweatdrop*
My definition: Someone who stands up for what he believes in, without getting anyone hurt in the process. One who is not afraid of change or trying something new. My hero always has and always will be Bruce Lee. Your legend lives on!
Matt wakes up to find he has a terrible headache. He rubs the back of his head. The immediate area is lit by a single lantern. Matt looks over to see Pseudodramon. Matt: Hey, wake up. *shaking Pdramon* Pdramon: Where are we? Matt: I don't know. ???: Matt, Pseudodramon. Welcome back.
Kirby, while making his way through the forest, hears talking ahead of him. Kirby: HELLO? Falcon: HELLO? Yoshi: HI! Kirby: WHERE ARE YOU? Ness: YOU TELL ME! Yoshi: IS THIS THE WAY TO THE TOURNAMENT? Falcon: WHERE THE HELL ARE WE? Ness: AND WHY ARE WE YELLING?! Kirby shrugs and rushes foward to find Falcon and Ness. Yoshi joins them later. Ness: Well at least we're safer in a group. Falcon: Yeah we can take Bowser easier now. Kirby: I thought we were going to the tournament? And who is Bowser? They explain to Kirby. Kirby: Ooooooh!