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Everything posted by Dragonfire1477
As the man jabs at with his knife, Matt turns his body, easily dodging the attack. Grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back, the man drops the knife. Matt: There's no need for anyne else to get hurt. Let me by you a drink. Man: You keep your darn drinks, I don't want nothin' from you. The man walks out of the bar. Hikaru throws some water on the other man and he leaves too. Hikaru and Matt take their seats on the bar again. Hikaru: That was fun.
Matt:........Ok I think I should look for Kontan now so bye! Matt and Pdramon runs off in search of Kontan. In doing so, they stumble through a hole just big enough for the both of them. Pdramon: What's going on?! They continue falling until they black out.
Matt walks over and hands Alin the last Whopper. Matt: Calm down, I saved you one. You didn't give me time to react. Alin devours the whopper.
I guess 3 or 4. I'm not attractive, I can't cut in school, and my personality sucks a monkey in real life. That's what's so good about the computer, cause I can talk to people without them worrying about how ugly I am. Plus I don't choke up or get nervous so I can make my personality seem better. Oh, the wonders of electronics!:wigout:
Kirby passes a nearby television store. He stops and observes an advertisement regarding the melee tournament. Kirby: Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Kirby zooms off toward the tournament to register.
Matt: That was quite humiliating. Shiro: Tell me about it. Matt: Let's just head back to the camp. Shiro: But what about- Matt: She won't ruin anything. I should have had more faith in her from the beginning. Shiro: How do you know that?! Matt: Just trust me. Matt and Shiro arrive back at the camp. Matt: I wish I could do something to get her trust back.
Matt: I think this is something she needs to do by herself. We each have our own issues, and no one else can solve them but ourselves. Shiro: But she might ruin it for all of us! Matt: If you're so concerned about it, we'll follow along. But we must stay back so she doesn't know it ok? Shiro: Deal. Shiro and Flaredramon take off after Alin. Matt: I don't like this one bit, but we can't let either of them get out of control. Pdramon: I got your drift. Pdramon digivolves to Silverdramon and, with Matt on his back, takes off after Alin and Shiro.
Kirby: Just my luck they have the tournaments on this planet! This is what I need on my vacation, but that rude creature wouldn't tell me where it's being held.... Kirby goes off in search of another being that could tell him when and where the tournament is being held.
Sorry I'm late! I had a frisbee practice! Name: Matt Age: 17 Weapon: Staff/Swallow (staff with elongated blades on each end) Element: Fire
Matt: I've got to stop traveling in the forest, I get hit too many times. Pdramon: Wonder what the hurry was? Matt: I don't know, but it looks like something's wrong with Shiro. Shiro: Guys! More of the digieggs are missing. Siren: Not again... Matt: I'm going to stand watch, no one is getting back in there without me or pseudodramon seeing them. Think of a plan and tell us later.
Kirby flies through space on his starboard, seeking another planet to explore. He passes a green planet inhabited by many lifeforms, Earth, so he decides to take a look. He skims the atmosphere searching for a place to start....
Since you need another guy I suppose I will join if you will let me. Is there some sort of plot......or something?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]It is physically impossible for humans to lick their own elbows "OK, so how many of you tried to lick your own elbows, when you read this???":smirk: :) [/B][/QUOTE] Ok not only did I try this, I succeeded!
Character: Kirby Special Move: Injest (steals other special moves) Special Finishing Move: Hammer Smash Helping Move: Star Healing Terminating Move: Bomb Sacrifice (instead of a rock Kirby morphs into a huge bomb and makes a huge explosion)
Pdramon: Matt, why didn't you tell her it wasn't her fault? Matt: Well, she left in kind of a hurry.... Pdramon: Oh come on, that's bullmon crap. Matt: Something just took the words from my mouth, it's like I couldn't speak. Pdramon: Aw you humans. Matt: Hey you better watch it. Pdramon: Or what? Matt: Or I'll beat the digistuffing out of you! Pdramon: I'd like to see you try! Playfully, Matt rams Pdramon and the two wrestle on the ground trying to outdo the other. They lay face up in the grass. Pdramon: So that's what women feel like. Matt: I guess. Let's get some food, I'm hungry. Pdramon: Fiiish!
Matt prepares his Katana. Matt: An ambush? Lupos: Could be. Everyone be ready for anything.
Your theory makes perfect sense. The movie "Jack" was based around that disorder, and while is was a movie, it was based on a true person with that very disorder. I believe, however, that in changing genetics to that extent would be playing God. Humans are not meant to live for such an extended amount of time. If you were to eat right and stay healthy throughout your life, then you would most likely live to be around 100 before you die. While developments will eventually be made to improve health naturally, changing one's genetics is wrong in the eyes of many people. One who has "tampered" genetics is no longer a human, but a genetically engineered statistic. Granted they may look and act like a normal person, but they will never be human. Inevitably(sp), this will lead to the possibility of immortality and even perfection through genetics. There will be people who use this data in persuing eternal life. Forgive me, but I simply think playing God is wrong. The human lifespan leaves plenty of time to live a happy life.
Dokugomon: I came for digieggs, but children will do nicely for desert! Matt/Alin: :therock: Pdramon: Wha.....*rubbing his eyes* Matt: Let's take care of this quick Pseudodramon. The digimon need their sleep. Dokugomon: Ha! You're not that strong! Pdramon: Pseudodramon digivolve to........*deeper voice* Silverdramon! Matt: Ok finish it. Dokugomon: Not so fast! The spider digimon fires a blast of webbing at Silverdramon. Silverdramon: SILVER FIRE! A blast of energy hits the webbing and goes right through it to blast the Dokugomon into oblivion. Nothing is left, and Silverdramon reverts back to Pseudodramon.
While everyone is distracted, Matt takes this opportunity to back away again. As he creeps to the forest, he notices two ominous figures kneeling at digicrib after digicrib. He decides to investigate, but as he made his way over, the figures were gone without a trace. Matt: Curious.... Pdramon: You think the digieggs are in trouble? Matt: I don't know, but maybe we should bed down here tonight just in case. Pdramon: Ok then, I'll keep the first watch. Matt: You know, why don't I keep the first watch tonight. I'm not sleepy at all. Pramon: Ok then, goodnight. Matt: Night Pseudodramon. Matt stares up at the night sky, admiring the stars. Matt: *to self* I won't let him take this away. Pdramon rolls over in his sleep and Matt quiets himself.
Matt: It's getting pretty crowded here, let's head into the forest. Pdramon: Coward. :p Matt glares at his comrad as they head for the cover of the jungle.
Matt opens the door as he and Craig enter the huge suite. Never having seen a room like this before, runs and leaps onto one of the beds. Matt: Man this is soft! Craig puts his hand on his head and shakes it in dismay. Craig: Why do I stay with you as a partner.... Matt: Because I provide comic relief and I'm a martial arts expert. :toothy: Plus we're best friends. Craig: Oh yeah. *Craig smiles*
Meanwhile, two other figures are cooking fish they caught in the lake. Pseudodramon: Another pretty sunrise. Matt: Yeah. It makes me so mad that Kontan wants to end it all. Pdramon: Don't worry, we'll stop him. We have to. Matt: I don't know how we will, but we've got to. Pdramon: We can't do this by ourselves. We should join the others. Matt: They'll just slow us down. Besides, you've seen me around people. Pdramon: So your social skills aren't the best, big deal! Matt: I get so nervous and I can't speak, I'd be no help that way. Let's just eat the fish and plan our next assault.
Matt and Craig look around, amazement fills Matt's eyes. Matt: How are we to tell when it's night or day with all these lights? Craig: You're such a hic.
Make that two fans!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B]by the way... better tell Bejiita-san.. yu have some admirers *cough*will2x*cough* [/B][/QUOTE] He's not the only one. I wish I could meet someone like Lady M or BG in real life. Simply to gaze upon their beauty in real life would be quite a privelage.