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Everything posted by Dragonfire1477
Kai's body lies motionless, while his tail sweeps Blade faster than he could blink. With a scream, Kai disappeared into the forest again. Blade picks himself up and listens to the forest. Screaches and growls come from what seems like all directions. He readies is weapon. Kai: (deep groggy voice) Predator, reveal location of Earth base now. Blade: Never! Kai: Screeeeeeeaaaaa!
Hey I didn't know you still wanted in! And you're ok now aren't you? :blulaugh: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two site in the car in their own worlds, each pondering one thing or another. Matt: Have you ever gotten tired of the hunger? Craig: That question came out of nowhere. What do you mean? Matt: You were born a vampire, do you ever wonder what it's like to be human? Craig: Matt they're our [i]food.[/i] Matt: I know that, but have you ever even wondered what it's like to take a walk in the day without any sort of human hunger? Craig: ..... Matt: I guess I miss it a little. Craig: So now you don't want to be a vampire? Matt: Don't take it that way. I'm better off as a vampire, and I love it. Craig: So what are you talking about then? The two go back to their own worlds, with Matt staring out of the window, watching the buildings speed by as blurs.
I've had a lot of animals, but my mom couldn't tolerate small rodents. We've had guinea pigs and rabbits. The two guinea pigs ate (quite literally) our bean bag chairs, then my mom said they had to go. We started with two rabbit, and in two years they had like 10 litters. We learned fast that they ate their young, so we divided them and until we gave the adults away, we gave the babies away to children. No throwing them down stairs, you sick little monkey. Now we raise goats mainly, and they only have one litter (single or double babies) a year.
I guess Craig wants out, but if he comes back we'll team up again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt walks into Craigs room to find five humans surrounding his bed. Glancing over the crowd, Matt finds Craig's blood staining the entire bed, with a large stake in his heart. Matt clenches his fists in a rage so hard they begin to bleed. NPC1: Another one?! NPC2: You said there would be only one! NPC3: Just get him! The first two men dressed in black and armed with stakes and weapons attempt to pin down Matt. Matt leaps over their heads (these are big rooms) and quickly slaughters the third man. Suddenly losing whatever curage they had, the other two are overcome with fear and run out the door. Matt glances at the window. Matt: Sundown. I need breakfast. The men run out the front door only to hear a shattering above them and glass from Craig's window to shower them. Regaining consentration, they look ahead to run, but find a character dressed in a black overcoat with eerily glowing eyes blocking their way. NPC1: We're dead! The second man jabs the stake in the first mans heart, quickly killing him. He takes the mans wallet and starts to run in fear. Matt: Betrayal exists even amongst the humans. This must be why spells cannot work here. Matt leaps on top of the running man and begins feasting on the still alive and screaming man. Leaving the bodies, Matt seeks Liam's mansion to hone his skills. Matt: Craig......I will make the humans suffer for what they did.
Matt slices the huge icicle into shards which melt on the ground. He turns to face Andrew. Matt: Not bad. His body suddenly turns metallic and silver. He rushes at Andrew so fast he can't be traced by human eyes. Andrew flies into the far wall from a ramming shouder from Matt. As Andrew gets up, Matt charges again with extended claws. With lightning speed, he stops with his claws an inch from Andrews face and smiles. Matt: I win this round. He retracts his claws and his body turns to normal. Andrew wipes the sweat from his brow and relaxes. Matt: I'm hitting the shower, I don't want to be all smelly when I see Nobility again. :toothy:
Dandy.:wigout: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]On his home planet, many years ago, Kai fights with others of his kind for the sake of the planet.[/i] Dimiti: Don't know how much longer we can hold off against them and their ships! Rolo: They're picking us off one by one! Kai: Leave it to me. I'm taking out their mother ship. Rolo: Crazy! You'll never take that thing by yourself! Dimitri: We'll come with you. Kai: No, you two will stay hear. We are the last of the strongest. I'm taking it out from the inside. With that, Kai flies off towards the emense mothership. He fights with partial strength through hordes of enemies, until finally he gains entry into the great structure. He makes his way to the core. Suddenly, a figure is waiting as Kai enters a large room. Figure: You wish to stop my plans? Kai: I wish to end your terror! Figure: I give you this chance. If you can best me in battle, then I will withdraw my army and you will never hear of us again. The two fight for what seems like hours. However, the battle is overwhelmingly in evil's favor. The cloaked figure beats Kai down, then forces him to watch the destruction of his family, his friends, and his planet. As punishment for challenging him, the dark figure let Kai live, to go on with those horrifying memories of the slaughter of everything he ever loved. [i]Back to reality.[/i] I have been searching for him ever since. Getting stronger along the way, I think I finally have the power to beat him and his army, for now I have the power of the dragon in me.
Matt: I hate to wake him up, but I can't leave my blood brother alone while the sun is up. I must seek master Liam's teachings a different way for now. Matt gets in a meditation position and consentrates until his mind throbbes. He attempts to establish a telepathic link with Liam, in hopes that he will show Craig and Matt the ways of controling their abilities and magic.
Hearing a small crackling sounds, Blade turns to see several javeline like spines speeding towards him. He dodges in time to see Kai leap from the tree and reveal his evil self. He drools with acid, excited with the confrontation. Blade aims his weapon. Blade: Big mistake. As he fires, Kai leaps into the air and lands on top of him, pinning him to the ground. Acid drips onto his armor, barely avoiding his face. He attempts to gut Kai with his claws, and Kai steps back with a screech. Kai: Screeeeeeeeeeeaaaaa!!!!! Kai fires several more projectiles from his back. Blade manages to dodge some, but is impaled by two he was unaware of. He falls over in pain. Kai bides his time as he approaches Blade. Blade: A new alien....
They insert the key into the door and turn. The door slowly lifts up to reveal a large empty room. Torches on the walls light up the arena, while Andry and Matt walk to the middle of the room. The door quickly slams behind them. Andry: Get ready. Hearing a diminuative growl, Andry and Matt turn to find a small gremlin staring at them from a corner. Andry: How did he- Matt: Look out! They turn again to find an entire mob of the machete wielding gremlins growling at them. Suddenly, they jump at each other and start melting into each other. The black mass rises to form a huge ogre with an enormous blade. It beats its chest and roars, as if to challenge the two warriors. Andry and Matt prepare to figh the huge beast.
Man: Die hell spawn! Matt: You humans will never learn. A man rushes at Matt with a large machete. Matt simply dodges, grabs the man's head, and breaks his neck in an instant. An angry mob surrounding Matt hesitates to attack. Voice: Matt.... Matt: Who knows my name?! No answer from the crowd. Matt: Who calls me by my name?! The crowd parts, and a woman in a cloak approaches with her head down. Voice: Matt.... Matt: *takes two steps back* I know that voice.... The woman lifts her head, revealing her aged face and expressions. Matt: Mother! Matt wakes up in a cold sweat. He looks around his large room, as if to make sure he wasn't still dreaming. He puts a hand on his head for support. Matt: Hmf, another nightmare about mother. He gets out of bed and goes to the darkened window, staring at nothing. Matt: Evening, almost sundown. I should wake Craig, it's almost feeding time. Matt gets dressed in baggy pants, a black t-shirt, and a long black leather overcoat. He heads downstairs to wake up Craig.
Matt: I love that girl. He walks off to the danger room to do some training with his new powers.
Andry and Matt walk through the darkness led by their torches. Matt: Put your torch out. Andry: What? Matt: Do it, the next traps are light triggered. I'll guide you. They walk along the narrow hallway and into a larger chamber, where they find an odd looking key. It has a gem encrusted in the top. Andry: I'll bet this is worth some money. Matt: Boss key. There is a great treasure in this temple indeed. Andry: Then let's go get it!! Matt: I said BOSS key. That means there is some horrible incarnation of evil guarding it. We must defeat it to get to the treasure. Andry: Let's find it and take it down then. The two walk some more, avoiding traps, until they come upon another narrow hallway. Suddenly, torches on the walls spark into flame, as if to light a path. At the end of the hall is an enormous door with a keyhole.
Hey Snow, welcome to the boards. You picked the best darn RPG available right now! Like Raiha said, just read or skim through the earlier pages and get a feel for it. Sooner or later you'll get the jist of what we're doing.
Matt steps out of the machine and looks at himself. Matt: No physical changes. He tries moving objects with his mind, fails. He tries to change his shape, fails. Matt: Darn it, guess it didn't work on me. Ken: Hey there's a pizza store nearby, anyone hungry? Matt: Man I'm hungry! He runs towards the road, but at an increadible speed. In fact he ran the quarter of a mile in no time flat. Matt: Quicksilver, sweet@$$!
Matt: Very well, I will go with Andry. Siren can come with someone, or wait for Craig. Drake: What makes you think he's coming? Matt: Craig is wise about the traps inside, but has yet to complete the mazes as it requires the strength of many. He wants the gold, trust me, he'll come.
Matt hugs Nobility and they sit on the shore watching the moon ripple along the breaking waves. Matt: I guess we sleep out here, since our motel burned down. He goes and gets several sleeping bags from his car and everyone lays out on the beach, hoping it doesn't rain.
Well I don't know if SSTrunks has a partner yet but if anyone wants to team up just say so. Until them I'm going it alone. Name: Matt Hunt Age: 16 Sex: predictable (male for any retards that may be reading :p ) Race: Vampire Bio: Matt was bitten at an early age, and since has gained control of his vampiric abilities. He won't go out of his way to kill someone, but the thrill excites him. He has mastered many styles of martial arts, and is quite adept at combining that with his abilities. He is not quick to anger but he is definately a force to be reconned(sp?) with.
Blade runs through the forest, only to be stopped by a single bull alien. It snarls and drools acid, rears back its head and lets out a blood curdeling(sp?) scream. Disturbed by the noise, Blade despenses of the single alien with his shuriken. As he prepares to leave, another jumps in front of him. Another two pop out of the bushes behind him, then to the sides. In no less than ten seconds Blade is completely surrounded by ravenous bull aliens. Little does he know, the ordeal is being monitered by an intrigued Kai, perched atop a tree, and well hidden. Blade: *arming himself* Let's go. Aliens: Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Matt: None of you know these ruins at all, and you don't stand a chance against these traps within. I suggest we have two parties, I will lead one since I know these ruins. Drake: And what about the other party? Matt grabs Drake's sack of rupees and sets them on the ground, motioning everyone to get back. Drake: Those are my rupees! Matt: If this works, we'll find this treasure you seek and this amount will seem as nothing. Drake: *thinking*And if it doesn't work then I'm broke..... Matt: Craig! We seek your guidance through the ancient ruins! As a notion of peace, these visitors have donated this sack of rupees to you. Drake: Yeah, donated my tail. Matt: Quiet. Craig is listening. He sees and hears everything around his territory.
Drake: Hey, where'd Matt go?! The team looks around and finds Matt behind them burying the monster carcasses. Orion: Hey what the hell are you doing? Matt: I do not kill unnecessarilly. And I refuse to become just another lethal monster that fills this world. Drake: They attacked us though! Matt: Handing over the rupees would have spared all of our lives. You just want treasure? Take the stuff in my cave if material things mean so much to you. But I will not join in killing over money.
Kai: This is not a fight......she's killing him! Kai runs to the side of the ring. Kai: Aster! You've got to control your rage! You're killing him! *thinking*I hope I don't have to jump in there....
As Kai is running through the forest, he senses pheromones that relemble Blade's, a notorious alien killing. Kai allerts the nest with his signal. Kai: Screeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Running at full speed, Kai rams Blade with such force that he crashes through a tree. Deciding it's best to wait for recruits with this one, he sets off again at full speed. Kai: No need to commence with the fight, the dones will be looking for him now. He silently runs through the jungle with amazing silence, prepared to ambush again.
Matt: You would be wise to watch your tongue, you are outnumbered. Andry: I've gotten out of worse situations. Matt swings his tail blade to a ready position. Matt: But you've never dealt with me. Siren: Enough you two! Drake: Yeah, we've got more stuff to worry about. Matt reluctantly drops is stance and the two monsters eye each other. Matt: Very well.
This sounds really cool. Anyone who wants to team up with me PM me your stats and I'll post it up. So are we all working together for an objective or what?
Signal from queen: For now you will be a lone fighter. Creatures known only as predators are among us on this planet, and pose a potential threat to our colony. Kai's mouths foam as he ponders about his new adversaries. Signal: You have been gifted with a pheromone sensor, you will be able to "see" the predators when they become camoflauged. Humans for the most part can be disregarded, as they pose no threat. You are advised to take caution on the soldier humans. You must not fail, Kai, for our colony depends on your success. Acid drips from his mouth as he becomes excited with this new challenge. Kai: An entire colony full of drones, and it's survival is on my shoulders, hehe. He leaps into the jungle in hot pursuit, careful to blend in perfectly with the lush jungle, and somehow keep perfect silence.