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Everything posted by Dragonfire1477
Metroid I would not attack you, you're on the team. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Matt: Well we're in luck, Ryu. He's not an X-Man anymore. Ryu: Didn't know that, but he's still my friend. Matt: Get this man, he tried to kill us all. That means he's our enemy. He dishonors himself by hitting and running, never standing for a real fight. It's time to pick a side Ryu. *extends claws* Whether you know it now or not, we're the good guys, and we're going to take down Ryan. Matt walks back to the group, leaving Ryu to ponder his words. After explaining to everyone, they all look upon Ryu for his desicion.
Matt quickly heals the snake wounds and dissolves the venom, and runs to find Nobility underwater. He spots her, and kisses her to exchange oxygen. He uses every ounce of his strength and lifts her to the beach where he smashes the weights. Matt: Man I'm glad that's over.
Dude, this is bull crap. You can turn into a dragon, make weights appear, AND heal now?
*bangs head against the wall* Sorry Deathknight! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt: Spies, here. Who was he working for I wonder.
There's no cliffs in Florida......... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt uses his claws and all his might to burst through the wall into Ken's room. Matt: Time to bail! Ken: Way ahead of you! He lifts his glasses and fires his laser through the wall easily. He goes to get Sean's room, Shadowcat runs to safety. Matt and Nobility get Craig, Andrew, and Shadowcat from their room. Everyone is laying on the beach and watch their vacation go up in flames. Just then, Matt smells something funny, and familiar..... He looks up to find Ryan barely visible behind a large dune. Matt: Guy, Ryan is watching us from that dune, but don't look. I'm going to sneek up behind him and then you guys come from all directions, he won't get away. Craig: This is going to end now. Moon: Everyone get ready. Matt kisses Nobility before he leaves, then he departs. Everyone starts putting out the fire to throw Ryan off, while Matt sneaks up behind him and grabs him. Matt: NOW! Everyone rushes in and Matt throws Ryan on the sand after squeezing the breath out of him. Ryan is now surrounded. Thunder is heard as clouds come rolling in, Nobility and the others prepare to attack. Ryan takes the form of a bear and lunges at Nobility. Matt leaps on his back and digs his claws in with a mighty battlecry. He is thrown but is back up again, Ryan is injured and bleeding.
And we better get details! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Matt lays in bed with Nobility beside him, they stare at the ceiling. Nobility: What's our purpose? We have super human powers, we defeat evil, therefore becoming super heroes, and we make out a lot. Matt: Yeah, I love this life too.:toothy:
Matt looks at them and cocks his head in curiosity. Matt: You are not of this world either... Drake: Hey how did you know?! Matt: It doesn't matter. What does matter is that all four of us were not born in the dark world, but were transported here from the light world. Ken: So this must be what you call fate.... Siren: But what is the purpose of this meeting? Maybe there are more like us, who are not native to this place.
Matt: Experimented on.....how horrible. It has been many years since I've had a conversation with another, you are welcome in my territory whenever you like. Wait- Matt sniffs the air and looks around. Siren: What is it? Matt: There is something else in my territory. *sniff sniff* Two things. *sniff* That way! As he points he takes off in flight to the direction of Akira and Orion with Siren following behind. Siren: Hey you're not going without me! Matt: Very well. They reach the two monsters and land on either side, surrounding them. Akira: What the--! Matt: Who are you to tresspass on my hunting ground?!
Matt grabs Nobility's head and puts it right in front of his. Matt: Nobility! Get a grip!!!!! She continues to fire lightning bolts at people who are restraining her. Matt: Look what you're doing!!! Her eyes suddenly turn their normal beautiful color and everyone relax a little. She looks light-headed and then faints, but Matt catches her before she hits the ground. Matt takes her in the room and puts her on the bed and walks outside with the others. Ken: What the %$*^ was that all about?! She almost ripped my arm off with those nails of hers, then tried to electricute me! Matt: I'm afraid it was my fault. Nobility saw me bringing Shadowcan here and she just got jealous at seeing me and her so close at the time. Sorry guys, I didn't know she would react like that. Just.....please don't be mad at her.
THUD! Matt lands on the ground just behind Siren. She slowly looks back at Matt with a mouthful of meat. Matt lowers his head in a threatening pose and utters a low growl. Matt: First you trespass in my hunting territory, then you steal my food? Have you any idea how scarce food is in this swamp?! Siren swallows the meat in her mouth. She picks up a hunk and offers Matt some of it. He reluctantly walks over and eats part of the carcass. Siren: I don't believe you would have killed me. Matt: I only kill for food, I just act threatening to ward off intruders. You have courage for a young girl, and I repect that. Unlike most of the creatures in this dark world, I only kill for food, and not for sport. That is because I a not of this world. What is your story?
While there are also so many questions that I have that will never be answered, I believe in God. He has helped me through many a bleak situation. I find strength through Him, and although I sometimes doubt myself, I will alway believe in Him.
Matt looks down at Siren who just ran into him. She looks up and their eyes meet, she immediately takes steps backwards. Siren: Umm....uh..... Matt: *deep voice* Who goes?! Matt takes a large step towards Siren and she cowars. Matt: What are you doing in my hunting grounds?!
Name: Kai Species: Alien (not sure what kinds there are so ill make one, tell me if its unfair and ill edit) Age: 85 (16 human years) Weapons: Scythe like extentions from stomach like extra arms, rippinng claws, acid spit, projectile spines, and bladed tail. Starting Location: Earth Queen's nest Bio: Kai is a new breed of alien warrior. He is skilled in both defending and attacking, and is a master of ambush and melee fighting. Description: Kai stands on two very powerful legs, and is capable of running for a long time at top speed. In addition to his elogated forearms tipped with razor sharp talons, he has two extra shorter arms coming from his chest tipped with scythe like blades. His tail is tipped with a curved blade and is also very sharp. Thousands of spines of different sizes emit from his body, and can be replaced naturally when he fires them as projectiles.
There is a deafening roar that echoes thoughout the swamp. Matt is hunting again, and he devours his prey with a few crunches. He lifts his head, aware that there is something else in the forest. He heads back to his cave to guard his stash. Being careful to notice everything, Matt guards his mound of supplies. He watches the entrance and snarls, waiting.
Matt: It doesn't matter now how this thing started. There is no one to blame. The point is we're in this together, and Ryan cannot take the whole team if we work together.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=seagreen]Mm...*twirls tail* you ain't seen nothing yet boy...;) BTW, if you're 14 Sean, don't you think that's slightly young to be sleeping with a girl that's 15?[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] BUSTED!
Kai: You need your strength back! Drain that espeon! The dark dragonaire again uses its giga drain to cripple the espeon and replenish dragonaire. However, the espeon gets up immediately to everyones dismay. It once again uses psychic, and the dark dragonaire is knocked into the wall yet again. Kai: What is this thing made of? Dragonaire: Drrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! It begins to glow a white shining light, and its shape changes. As the glow settles and everyone grows silent, Kai's new pokemon emerges. DarkDragonite: Drrrraaaaaaagooooooon!!!!!!!! It rushes at the espeon and smashes it with its tail, knocking it for a loop. As it tries to catch its balance again, and dragonite blasts it it with another hyper beam. In the air, dragonite throws the opponent to the ground. He is using his final and most powerful weapon: dragon rage.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]LOL, you're a naughty kitty Matt.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] :devil: We'll see what kind of kitty you are tomorrow! If I posted that you need to as well!
Noises come from the room next door. ***********and*******then they***********next************after that********whoa!*********thump*. Matt walks outside the door with a large cigar in his mouth and watches the horizon.:devil: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let me know if that offended anyone and I'll edit it. You get to go next Moon.:devil:
You want details? I didn't come up with this idea, why don't you give us details when you get with Craig? lol
I don't think I'd be that agressive....but i guess take it or leave it :devil:
Matt: Nothing will ever hurt you again. Matt holds Nobility close. He then thinks that this is the reason why Ryan hurt them, except he wanted Siren and not Nobility. Matt: We've got to find Ryan Ken and Andrew some girls.
Matt: He hurt my friends, and he hurt Nobility. It will be hard to welcome him back, but that's me being selfish. He could benefit the team greatly. I should put that over my personal grudges. Nobility: Like I said we're all in this together. If Ryan wages war with one of us, he's against the whole team. Matt: You're right. If he wants to come back and he proves he's sincere, then I'll be the first to welcome him. But if he thinks he can tear us apart, he's wrong. I don't give a flying sh!t how powerful he is, I'll do whatever it takes to take him out, but only if I have to. Sean: Thanks guys, for everything. Nobility: Hey, we're a team. You guys would do the same for me, or anyone else here. And as for KEN....
Nobility and Matt walk outside to get some fresh air and see Ryan walking along the beach. Matt's expression immediately turns dark. Nobility holds onto his arm tighter. Nobility: Don't Matt. Not now. Matt stops and stares into Nobility's eyes. He pauses for a moment, and nods in agreement. They disregard Ryan.
Matt wakes from his doze to find Nobility sitting up in bed. Matt hugs her tight. Matt: I'm so happy you're ok. I'll never let Ryan hurt you again, ever.