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Everything posted by Dragonfire1477

  1. Kai: Interesting. She has many forms I have never seen before. This will be an interesting fight indeed..... Kai goes into his dream state to do some intense training. He enhances the gravity to its extreme, then begins his workout to his hardest.
  2. Good night. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt: You guys again? It just so happens that the day you're looking for trouble, you've found it. Soldier 1: If it isn't our friend Matt! Soldier 2: You still owe us money! Matt: I owe you jack sh*t. You couldn't take me by yourselves, what chance do you have when I have friends? Everyone gets in a fighting stance and prepares for battle.
  3. Name: Matt Age: 16 Bio: Master martial artist as well as a shape shifter. Weapon: Double-bladed staff Matt walks to the bar from his table and sits next to SX. Matt: I understand you're looking for recruits? SX: That's right, who are you? Matt: Just a concerned citizen who wants to see the Shadow fortress go down. Kool: So what are your specialties? Matt: I'm a champ martial artist, weild a mean staff, and I can shape shift into animals. I have abilities that I'm not sure of yet, but I'm told I can control them with experience. That's one reason I want in. SX: You seem worthy enough. Just curious, but what's the other reason? Matt: Those b***ards at Shadow Fortress killed my parents because we didn't have enough food to feed them with. I've been poor all my life, and they've taken advantage of it. They're going down, and I want the best seats for the show.
  4. I sure hope this starts soon. Anyone ever see Dungeons and Dragons movie? Seems to me this is what the RPG is based on, with some of Shadowed Demise's imaginative changes. This should be good once we get going with it.
  5. After waiting a while, Matt gets board and decides to check on Nobility. He walks into the room and puts away his shotgun. He walks to Nobility's bedside and kneels next to her, caresing (sorry for spelling) her cheek. Matt: I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. I've failed you. But it won't happen again. I'm going to do him in for hurting you and everyone else! Nobility stirs in her bed. Matt: I won't make my mistakes again. I'm going to protect you this time. I'll be right here.....always. Matt takes a seat next to her bed and readies his shotgun again.
  6. I live in Tallahassee, and it doesn't snow but it get REALLY cold in the mornings. Then when the sun comes out, it heats up! You pretty much have to bring a change of cloths for every different situation. Either hot or cold, I wish we had one instead of in between!:flaming:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] yeah, he does, thats why I said its a s/he, I think its a she, though, look at its clothes, lol.... [/B][/QUOTE] Man I've seen so many debates over this topic, lol. I think it's a she as well. I have to agree in that there were not enough eidolons in the game. But my fav FMV movie was when the heroes were going to Memoria, and the Lindblum fleet and the Queen's ship helped out. I know it's stupid, but I was on the edge of my seat going "GET EM!" :laugh: :laugh:
  8. Hey I'm really shy. I'm one of those people in school that sits in the back and never talks to anyone. But I am certainly NOT stuck up. I don't think I am better than anyone. You are not alone Lotus, and if your relatives think you're stuck up then they don't know you very well, or are trying to get you peeved like my uncle....
  9. As transic already said, we're without snow in Florida. Other than the 1 inch we got back when I was 4, I've never seen it. But that will change, since for a junior trip we'er going skiing in Colorado! SNOW, HERE I COME!
  10. As Matt and Kai charge towards the shadowman, he draws his sword and prepares for the fight. He and Matt exchange sword blows, the clashing can be heard for miles. Kai stands ready to fight. Shadowman: I see you've sharpened you skill! Matt: More than you'll ever know! Kai jumps in the battle, so now the shadowman is fighting with Matt and simultaneously dodging Kai's attacks from his tail. How the man could posses such speed and agility was beyond the dragonas, but they didn't care. Riven angrily prepares for battle, as does everyone else.
  11. Kai reluctantly enters the ring and bows. Kai: *to self* I should be helping Ken, not fighting in games. *outloud* Craig, with all due repect, I think we should postpone this fight. At least until Ken and Orion are fighting. Craig: I must agree. This match will continue once the planet is safe again. Andrew: Everyone stand by in case Ken is beaten.
  12. Matt stands ready to fight the dark mage. Matt: So, we finally meet again. I've got friends this time, you won't get off so easily as the last time. Dark Figure: Is that you Matt? Ha! You do have confidence in yourself, but your power, or your friends, is no match to mine! Prepare for your end! Matt: Anyone want out, run. But I'm staying. This is the shadowman who killed my family. One way or another, this ends tonight. In or out?
  13. Matt waits outside the door impatiently. He quickly heals the nail marks on his cheek, then stares into the sky. Matt: Where are you you cowardly imp. YOU HEAR ME! I'M COMING FOR YOU RYAN! Matt reaches into a compartment and pulls out his shotgun. He grabs some binoculars and finds a hiding spot in some shrubbery. He watches the sea gulls and looks for Ryan, but to no avail...yet. Matt: Nobility......
  14. Kai is awakened from his meditation with this strange surge of energy. He senses Ken is in need of help, so he gathers Aster and Siren, while telling the others, and they depart for the fight location. They reach the area where Ken is fighting Orion, and Aster begins to advance. Kai holds her back. Kai: Let Ken fight this battle. Aster: He needs our help! Kai: This is something he needs to do on his own. We can jump in only if things get too dicey.
  15. Matt bursts into the room with an unconcious Nobility in his arms. A look of rage comes over his face. Matt: *seeing Ryan* YOU!!! Moon: I've got him, don't worry. He's not going anywhere. Matt: Nobility and I were walking along the beach, and all of a sudden a bear comes. A BEAR! He knocked her out and I stabed him few times, but he flew off as a hawk. Is everyone alright? Sean/Ken: Sort of. Matt sets Nobility on the bed, kisses her cheek, and turns to Ryan, and extends his claws. Matt: Don't go anywhere. If you escape, I'll track you down and I swear you will live the rest of your life on the run. There will be nowhere for you to hide. And I will kill you.
  16. Matt eats his pizza sitting next to Nobility. He stares at Craig while eating. Matt: Hey I know a contest that will decide who's the real man. Craig: This I gotta hear. I'm up for any challenge! Matt: Drink. Everyone: To the bar! Matt and Craig sit on opposite ends of the table, taking turns downing shock glasses. Craig starts to get lazy eyed and his head nods a bit. Moon: Hey! Don't lose Craig! Nobility: You've got him Matt! Matt takes another swig and sits up after almost collapsing. Craig takes another, and slowly falls from the side of his chair. Nobility: Yaaaaaay Matt! Sean: Hey can you teach me THAT?! Matt looks up at Nobility and falls with his face on the table. The mutants gather their fallen comrades and head back for their motel. Craid and Matt sleep peacefully.
  17. Hey man let me fight for myself! I can't help it if I have school 7 hours a day.
  18. The dark dragonaire is flung against a wall, cracking it and leaving a body print as it falls to the groud nearly unconcious. Kai runs over to it before the espeon can attack again and sprays a hyper potion on it. The dragonaire rises again. Kai: Let's take this one carefully, that espeon is pretty powerful. But so are you dragonaire! Dragonaire Drrrrrrrrr. Dragonaire fires a gigantic hyper beam, completely engulfing the espeon. A large explosion forces everyone to back up, and the dust begins to settle.
  19. %*&*^$@#$!!!!!!! Sorry about that, I'll try not to confuse them again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kai finishes eating and walks back over to his corner. Kai: Ooooh that was soooo good! He begins to meditate again, trying to focus his power.
  20. Kai: I know you've got some secret phenominal power that no one has seen, but you're not the only one. You may have forgotten, but I have fused with several highly trained dragons, those who martial arts were based upon. I warn you not to underestimate me. Moon:....... Kai: Hey I'm hungry!! Moon also falls from her chair as Kai runs for the buffet.
  21. Matt: Well you know her better than me Craig but I think you're being to leanient. I say 1 minute at the most. Moon takes steps towards the shivering Ryu, her hands still in tight fists.
  22. Kai smiles from his position in the corner. Kai: Hm, I've yet to see their full power before, I'm not even sure this is their true power. I hope they can do better than that when they fight me....
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]hehehe... dude, Dragonfire, i was going to say the same thing! Wouldn't it... be weird if Dragonfire and I had the same mind? [/B][/QUOTE] :devil: :devil: :devil:
  24. Wouldn't it weird if Elton John had a girlfriend?
  25. Hey I got the jist of the Dragoon idea. That game kicked some serious *****. That's a good idea, if so I got dibs on Hatchel!
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