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Everything posted by Neptune

  1. [font="Comic Sans MS"]I just finished this amazing anime series and wanted to see if there were any other fans of the show on these here boards. The first couple of episodes of the show are great, but then the next few seem like filler. [spoiler]By episode 11, the show completely changes everything you thought you had already figured out.[/spoiler] I don't want to go into too much detail yet in case other people need to watch the series, but it really is fantastic and worth at least one watch. The visuals are beautiful and the story is woven together really well. Here is a synopsis of the show, taken from Wikipedia, and spoiler-tagged because it gives away just a few plot details: "[spoiler]The story revolves around Maya, the daughter of the former Headmaster of Waldstein Academy, and a time traveling agent Fumiaki Uchida. In the year 2012, the world had been invaded by aliens and time travelers were sent back to the year 1999 in order to find and destroy the Nostradamus Key, which Nostradamus Prophecy foretold as what would bring about the apocalypse. The series then turns to the year 1999, where Maya returns to the Academy with the intention of destroying the Academy by superseding her late father's position as the principal. Her plan was interrupted when she meets Fumiaki and learns of the forthcoming destruction. Despite being distrusting towards Fumiaki, they form a pact to look for the Nostradamus Key. In order to find the Nostradamus Key, time agents were provided with specially created cell phones. When a user finds an object of interest, by thinking of destroying it and taking a photo, and if the resulting image is that of a peaceful world, then the subject is the Nostradamus Key. Conversely, if the subject is not the Nostradamus Key, then the photo displays destruction. By using the phone, Maya and Fumiaki investigates occult occurrences as they occur in the town.[/spoiler]" Seriously, watch this, then let's discuss.[/font]
  2. 'ello again everyone.

  3. [font="Comic Sans MS"]I haven't logged into OtakuBoards in a long, long time. Everything is so different, it's going to take some getting used to. Hi everyone! :3[/font]
  4. [FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"][SIZE="2"]You guys might already know this, but you can watch every Brotherhood episode that's come out so far on Hulu. Usually they only have five episodes of a series up at a time, but for some reason they have all of FMA on there. Neat.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Garamond"]I haven't really been listening to any one group in particular; I usually listen to whatever my mp3 player plays on shuffle. I do have some favorites though. [B]Green Light - John Legend feat. Andre 3000[/B] This song is just so undeniably cool. I really can't describe it. If you're into R & B, you definitely have to give this song a listen if you already haven't. It's most fun when played while racing on the Rainbow Road track in Mario Kart 64. [B]The Theft - Atreyu[/B] Atreyu is mostly known as being a hardcore metal band, well, at least they used to be. Their new album [I]Lead Sails Paper Anchor[/I] is a little more chill than the others have been, but it's not exactly my cup of tea. The Theft is on one of Atreyu's older CD's, and is actually a pretty mellow song in itself. It's one of my favorite songs by the band. I've been listening to a lot of [B]Sublime[/B] and [B]Dispatch[/B] lately as well. For anyone that hasn't heard Dispatch before, do yourself a favor and Youtube them or something. Particularly the song [B]General[/B] or anything off the album Elias. They're kind of like a modern version of the Grateful Dead ... but not exactly. It's hard to explain. You'll see what I mean.[/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Garamond"]Man, I've been playing so many games since I've been home for the summer. College is a *****. Anyways, I can't get a summer job because I'll be gone for a month visiting families and such, so I've put most of my times into friends and games. I've been playing the crap out of [B]Resident Evil 5[/B]. I've already beaten it, but now I'm trying to go for that wonderful Pro Mode trophy. It pretty much sucks. I've also been playing[B] Metal Gear Solid 4[/B] again; I realized that I never actually beat the game. I'm ashamed. I'm still trying to beat[B] Persona 3: FES[/B]. It's not that I can't do it, it's just that the amount of time you have to put into that game is ridiculous. Luckily, it's one of the best RPG's I've played in a long time, so I don't really mind. [/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Garamond"]I've been watching the show Lost lately. I watched the entire first season, and then skipped to season five to stay current. It's pretty swell. I just want to say how much I hate [I]required [/I] one credit college classes. They are a gigantic waste of time!! Anyone else feel this way? Oh, one more thing: Bruce Lee > Chuck Norris[/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Garamond"]It's been four years since a thread for this game was made, I figured it'd be alright to make a new one. This game releases tonight at midnight at most stores. I forgot that it was coming out tomorrow, so I went to try and pre-order the game today. The employee at GameCrazy gave me that kind of "are you stupid" look and told me that you can't pre-order a game that day of its release ... although, it's coming out tomorrow. Whatever. So is anyone else going to get the game tonight or in the near future? I know that I'm pretty pumped to play it, even though from the demo I know that it's basically going to be RE4 with better graphics. It wouldn't really bother me all that much if they didn't reuse the animations for the enemies; they could have at least created some new ones. On the other hand, who's not excited for the release? I can see why a lot of die-hard Resident Evil fans hate the new games, as they have been more leaning towards action/adventure rather than survival horror. I've been a Resident Evil fan since I was little, so RE4 was a big difference in the series for me. I don't hate RE4, I think that it's a great game, I just wish that they would make another RE more in the vain of REmake. What characters do you think will be in Mercenaries? Unfortunately, I've already accidentally stumbled upon them, but I won't ruin it for anyone. Which characters do you want to be in the DLC for Mercenaries, provided that they are even going to do that. I'm rooting for Barry! "It's really powerful, especially against ... living things." EDIT: Got the game, waiting for the installation to finish (PS3!!). I'll give my opinions tomorrow.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Garamond"][B]1.) Live a long life, but start losing your memory and your ability to do things on your own or live a short life but live it independently until your death?[/B] I'd rather live a shorter life in this case. A longer life that wasn't as fulfilling just wouldn't be worth it in my opinion. Even if you want to be around longer for your family, you're most likely going to just make things harder for them. [B]2.) Have your acts of public drunkenness captured and broadcast on Youtube or have your most intimate moments broadcast on Veoh?[/B] I'd rather have my drunkenness all over Youtube, although both options aren't all that appealing. As far as I know, people know about Youtube way more than Veoh, making it less likely that I would ever be caught. [B]3.) Find the most perfect guy/girl ever go on a few dates and find out that he/she is a cousin of yours or become the new Naked Cowboy of Bourbon Street?[/B] It would be really weird to have a hardcore crush on one of your cousins, but I mean, it's not unheard of. I guess I'd rather accidentally date one of my cousins a few times rather than be the Naked Cowboy. Yeah, I know, I can't believe my answer either. [B]4.) Would you rather meet one OBer of your choice and get the chance to meet them once a year for the rest of your life or meet a different OBer once a year every year for the rest of your life?[/B] I would rather meet the same OBer once a year for the rest of my life, provided that I actually enjoy their company, ha. I'm a sucker for friendships, and if I were to meet different OBers every year and never see them again, I'd be upset. Rather just not know what I'm missing. [B]5.) Would you rather eat 5 rotten cheese slices or lick a dirty toilet?[/B] 5 rotten cheese slices. Next question. [B]6.) Would you rather die quickly without having a chance to say goodbye to family and friends OR would you rather die a slow, painful death but having the chance to say goodbye to family and friends?[/B] I'd rather die a slow, painful death and get to say goodbye to my family members. That kind of closure is important for people about to lose someone important to them. Unfortunately, you usually don't get that chance. [B]7.) Would you rather make out with your brother/ sister or be tongue kissed in the mouth by your dog?[/B] Dog, hands down. It happens all the time already on accident, it wouldn't really be that gross. If anything, my dog would be cleaning my mouth. [U]New Questions[/U] [B]1. We're all mature here. Would you rather eat a cup of diarrhea or be put up to your neck in period blood for half an hour? Yeah, kind of gross, I know. [/B] [B]2. If you had to choose between being either deaf or blind, which would you choose?[/B][/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Garamond"]There are so many different kinds of candy I enjoy ... it's hard to pick favorites. It's like asking someone to choose their favorite child. ... good thing I don't have any children. My favorite candy would probably have to be Ferrero Rocher, those little chocolate balls filled with nuts and more chocolatey goodness. [SIZE="1"](That's what she said.)[/SIZE] My second favorite candy of all-time is probably Nerds. Pretty much anything to do with Nerds, Nerds rope, Nerds boxes, Nerds coffee. Oh, wait, what? No such thing as Nerds coffee? Try it. The rush will be enormous.[/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Garamond"]My roommate and I have been going back and and forth with these silly questions, and the answers we come up with are usually entertaining enough for a good conversation. So, without further anticipation, here are some "Would you rather..?" questions. 1. Would you rather be a dragon or Superman? 2. Would you rather have no arms or no legs? 3. Would you rather never be able to listen to music again, or would you rather never have sex again? These are just a few of the questions we came up with. I'd love to answer right now, but I'd rather get some unbiased answers to start with. In my opinion, only one of the questions has a definitive answer, or, rather, only one answer seems the most logical. Obviously, a little explanation of your answer would be appreciated. Enjoy![/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="2"]Lately I've been playing a lot of DS games because I realized that I've missed out on so many gems. Right now I'm spending my time between [B]Phoenix Wright[/B], [B]Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow[/B], and [B]Elite Beat Agents[/B]. On the console side of things, I'm still working on[B] Fallout 3[/B] and [B]GTA IV[/B]. Being in college and all, it's been hard to find time to play these great games. I have noticed that I play [B]Mario Kart 64[/B] way more than anything else now though. Shake and bake! When it comes out, I'm definitely going to be all about [B]Resident Evil 5[/B]. Even though I'm not entirely happy with the way the series is progressing, it's hard to deny that the RE games are still loads of fun. I can't wait to see whether or not the creators are finally going to incorporate Barry again. I guess we'll see. It's really powerful, especially against ... living things![/SIZE][/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Heh, I'm bored, let's get this ball rolling. [B]Suikoden 2[/B] - I missed out on this game when it first came out because I was too busy playing Final Fantasy 8, plus, I was like, 9. Luckily my dad found it in in some abandoned house while he was working and gave the game to me. This game has epic battles, a great storyline, an insane amount of characters to fight with, and much, much more. If any of you have missed this game I'd recommend trying to pick it up somewhere, it truly is one of the greats. [B]Metal Gear Solid 4[/B] - How does Hideo Kojima create epic game after game after game about one person's struggle to survive without keeping the story stale? Drugs. Well actually, I'm not really sure. While I wish the game had somewhat more gameplay in it than the cutscenes, the gameplay you do get is pretty much awesome, as are the cutscenes, some of the most gorgeous and well thought out scenes I've ever watched in a game. Solid Snake's story is wrapped up perfectly in one of the best games out for any system at this point and time, depending on your tastes. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  14. [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I bottle all of my stress up. Healthy? Definitely not. I don't recommend it. And as for gamer rage, I have that too. I get mad playing certain games like Soul Calibur 3, they make me want to throw things. So that's why I have two broken PS2 controllers. Sucks. I try to brush everything off like it's no big deal. I don't get emotional often, and when I do it's well worth it. I don't waste my emotions on trivial things, well, besides breaking controllers I suppose. But that's not what this topic is about, is it? You want to know good ways to relieve stress. Well, I usually cook up some popcorn, kick it back in the recliner and pop in my favorite movie or television show. If I surround myself with things I like I usually calm down real easily. No big. Maybe it'd work for you.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I voted for Boo's signature because it's visually appealing to me and I really think that the character in the signature expresses the statement the signature is trying to convey. Or maybe it's because I've been really bored all day and the signature pretty much expresses how I've felt all day. Holla.[/COLOR] [/FONT]
  16. [quote name='Haku877']...Im not to worried about the bigger rack like others. Also, unlike a normal person, I can kill 3 birds with a one Tumor stone. Ikillion and vicky: Thats pretty funny. but im no pimp. even if i tried, lol. [/QUOTE] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Man, why do Ikillion and Vicky get to be funny but my humor flops? Oh well. Okay, now for my [B]serious[/B] advice. I've been in the same situation before. I'll keep it simple and say that I was also with J and liked C, although before I dated J I barely knew anything about her. Temptation flows. I hung around with C for a while behind J's back, never did anything besides hang out like friends. I developed feelings for C but as far as I could tell she had none for me, so I realized that I was being dumb and stopped hanging out with C and am still with J today. I found out that C actually did like me during that time, but at this point in my relationship after seeing C change drastically I definitely made the right decision by staying with J. She's pretty special. Basically, just use your better judgement and don't lose a girlfriend, friend, and sister all at once. We can only give you advice, you have to roll with it.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [quote name='Vicky'][SIZE=1]Why don't you just pimp them both?[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]That seems like the logical solution to me if you can't choose between them. They'll eventually find out that you're playing them both and not want to talk to you ever again, ruining your relationships with both of them and your sister. That's like killing three birds with one stone, even better than two. Okay okay, just kidding. My best advice for you, seeing as your 16, is to go with whoever has the bigger rack. You'll have plenty of time to worry about love later in life.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [I][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"]He sat, waiting. He seemed to always be waiting ... waiting for something, waiting for someone. Sometimes even James was clueless as to what he was waiting for.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B][FONT="Georgia"]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/FONT][/B][/COLOR] [I][FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]It had been a few years since his he and his wife had been attacked in the car dealership. At the time the thought of monsters and ghosts existing had almost driven him completely crazy, how could people go on living normally not knowing the dangers that faced them everyday? He must be insane, hallucinating. Maybe he killed his wife and the car dealer in some kind of blind rage? Was it possible that he had actually hallucinated the entire ordeal? So on that note, he checked himself into a mental institution. The doctors were at first interested in his stories of vampires, ghosts, and goblins, but their patience wore thin. Scans run to test James's sanity all came back positive, nothing could be found mentally wrong with him. Just because the guy believed a few ghosts stories didn't make him insane, just wierd. On that note, James was released from the hospital, with a renewed feeling of hope and vigor that he could live a normal life once again.[/COLOR][/FONT][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B][FONT="Georgia"]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/FONT][/B][/COLOR] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][I][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]He shook the thoughts out of his head ... what had happened in the past did not pertain to now. He held the SVD (Dragunov sniper rifle) tightly in his hands, not wanting to miss this next shot. He had been perched on the roof of this building for three days now, rations were running low and so was his patience. He had received a tip from one of his fellow Hunters on the forums that a vampire had taken up lodging in one of the abandoned building not to far from his location, so for the past three days he had kept the sight of his rifle aimed directly at the doorway, hoping the monstrosity would come through and then BLAMMO!, that would be the end of that vampire.[/COLOR][/I][/FONT] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][I][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]But, of course, it was never that easy. The undead were always moving, changing their location to throw a hunter off their scent. Occasionally the stupid ones would hole up in the same place for as long as they could, thinknig themselves unkillable, almost godlike. Those were the easiest ones to kill. James zoomed the sight out a few notches and began to scope out each window of the building, hoping to catch a glimpse of anything. With no luck, he zoomed back in on the doorway. Wait, was the door handle turning? Perhaps it was his lucky day. The door was opened and out came a grotesque looking man dressed in a tattered blue suit. The creature was obviously young because its usually hidden antennas were sticking quite noticably out of the top of it's head. [/COLOR][/I][/FONT] [B][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]"Do these little buggers even try anymore? And I thought this guy was supposed to be a vampire, not a Jumper! Well, a kill's a kill, I don't care."[/FONT][/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][I]He pulled the trigger of the rifle with ease, and within an instant the brains of the Jumper were splattered against the door that had sealed its fate. He had dealt with some nasty Jumpers in the past, fast little buggers if you didn't catch them off guard. Although he tried to tell himself otherwise he was disappointed, a vampire is what got him into this mess and he still held a small amount of hope that he would find the vampire that killed his precious Rebecca. Unfortunately, today was not that day. He stood up and collected his belongings into his satchel, let out a sigh, and began the process of making his way to the Jumper to clean up the mess he had made. Stupid things.[/I][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B][FONT="Georgia"]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/FONT][/B][/COLOR] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][I]He had just gotten out of the shower and booted his computer up for the first time in over a week. By instinct he logged directly into the hunter homepage, checking his e-mails and such. Looks like he had two new e-mails ...[/I][/COLOR][/FONT] [CENTER][FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]To:[/B] SureShot275 [B]From:[/B] Wild143 [LEFT]Hey James, It's Amia, I noticed you hadn't posted in Hunter-net lately. Wondering if your alright or if anything is wrong. Get back to me and lemme know. Thanks. - Amia.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [I][FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I'll reply to this later, lets see what this other e-mail is about ...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/I]
  19. [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Green"]Alright, I finally had the time to read every single post so far, excellent work everybody. My problem is that I have no idea how to weave myself into the story at this point in time ... If someone could send my character an e-mail or something that would be great, I think I could take it from there.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]I saw this movie last night with a group of my friends ... it was insane. It not only completely demolished all hopes that I had for the movie, but I can honestly say that it is definitely my favorite super hero movie so far and pretty high on my al ltime favorite list. Period. I went into the movie trying my hardest to have an unbiased opinion about Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker. People were talking about an Oscar nomination well before the movie was released, and I fully agree. [spoiler]The way in which Ledger portrayed the Joker was fabulous. The Joker, along with many other characters, had already been done before. Ledger's Joker felt fresh and new, he was the perfect villain. No morals, no restraints, no rules. He wasn't a beefy killing machine, he was the insane evil genius. Beautiful.[/spoiler] [spoiler]I thought the movie was over when Batman pulled Harvey Dent from the explosion and Rachel got esploded. Yeah, that's spelt wrong on purpose. Then it kept going and going to even more awesomeness. Joker + Nurse's outfit = WIN.[/spoiler] [/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Navy"]Man, gone for [B]one[/B] day and there are suddenly nineteen posts to read so I know what's gonig on. You guys suck. Hah, just kidding. But seriously, crazy crackers.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Oh AP anything, we just don't get along do we? In 10th grade I got straight A's in AP US History, studied my *** off all year, started slacking around test time, leaving me with a 2 on the AP test. I tell you, I was sooo close to a 3, though it didn't matter. My college only accepts 4 or 5's for college credit. Than senior year: AP Calculus. I [B]hate[/B] math. What comes so easily to some people takes weeks to churn and make sense in my head, math wise anyways. I can ace English and History, no problem. So I get my results yesterday for the AP Calculus test, not expecting much, and, like I thought, I got .. a 1. I'm glad I didn't have to pay for it, I tell you what. And it's not like I'm not disappointed, I mean, I tried as hard as I possibly could! Math and I just don't click anymore. : ([/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Navy"][B]Name:[/B] James Snow [B]Hunter-Net Name:[/B] Sureshot275 [B]Age:[/B] 28 [B]Hair:[/B] Medium length, brown [B]Eyes:[/B] Blue. [B]Height:[/B] 6'0'' [B]Weight:[/B] 225 lbs [B]Creed:[/B] Avenger [B]Weapons:[/B] James prefers the use of firearms over any other type of weapon, though he's not afraid to get down and dirty with swords or even his own fists. He has the ability to wield practically all types of firearms, but he prefers using his double-barreled shotgun that he's lovingly named "Rebecca", his 'boomstick' if you will. All firearms are obviously loaded with ammunition laced with silver, otherwise he'd be killed quickly and savagely. When he does have to get up close and personal he prefers to use either his shotgun or the two scimitars he carries on his, called "Icingdeath" and "Twinkle" after the names of the swords carried by his favorite character in the Forgotten Realms universe, Drizzt Do'Urden. He wears the same type of Kevlar armor underneath his clothes that Wolf wears, although his probably isn't as necessary. His main use for the Hunters is as an assasin, leaving him very handy with a sniper rifle. [B]Edges:[/B] [I]Impact[/I] - James closes his eyes for only a moment and concentrates a good chunk of energy into a single shot able to pierce the strongest armor. He's somewhat able to use the same Edge with his scimitar's, although the effect is not as drastic. [I]Discern[/I] - James wouldn't be much of a marksman if he couldn't tell friend from foe, or in this case foe from civilian. He mutters the phrase "Show me the money" and different colored auras emit around everything within his line of vision. [I]Expose[/I] - James points his hand at someone as if he's about to shoot a gun and says "Bang." [I]Trail[/I] - Some missions call for taking a target out steathily. These missions are usually handled by a small team of Hunters including James, who's ability to use a snipe rifle has helped tremendously in the past. Having a target emit a smoky trail makes sniping easy and fun! [I]Restore[/I] - Although James prefers to stay far away as he possibly can from battle, for those times when he's got to get close this technique comes in handy. He's only able to use it once every three days because of the toll the restoration takes on his body, leaving him out of action for a few days but thankfully alive. [I]Hide[/I] - A good sniper has got to have the abilty to hide until they have a good shot on their target, and then that one shot is all that it usually takes. [I]Ravage[/I] - A technique that James can use, although at this point and time he's not aware of it. [B]Appearance:[/B] Although James is usually in the backfield of fights, he's pretty well-built for his size. His muscular build tends to make it easier for him, having no proper melee combat training, to handle enemies up close. When he's not on a mission he looks like your everyday average joe, wearing a t-shirt, slacks, and work boots, but on a mission he dresses for stealth, usually wearing a tight balck sneaking suit that very much resembles that of which worn by Solid Snake. [B]Biography:[/B] James lived the life of an average American citizen. He was born into a middle class family, graduated from high school and then college with honors, had a wondeful girlfriend, had just bought a new house, the list goes on. His father, a veteran of the Vietnam War, had interested him at an early age in firearms and marksmanship, virtually shaping James into an expert marksman at the age of 15. His father had always planned for James to join the military after high school, but James had other plans for his life and dropped all things shooting from that point on. That was, until ... [B]Imbuing:[/B] He was with his future wife at the car dealership wanting to buy a new car to go along with their new house. Everything was going fine. The salesman asked James and his girlfriend to come into his office to work out the little details that remained with the car. James had had to go to the bathroom since they got to the dealership so he excused himself from the dealer and his wife, who both went merrily on their way to the dealer's office, not thinking twice of it. James finished his business quickly and approached the dealer's office, though as he approached he heard the screams of his wife. He rushed to the office and found the dealer hunched over his wife with his teeth sunk into the side of her neck, blooding dripping from the orifices his sharp teeth had created. James's first reaction was to grab the closest thing to him and smash it over the preoccupied dealer's head, allowing him enough time to scoop up his wife and carry her out of the dealership. He had only made it a few feet out of the dealership when his wife suddenly began to cough up heaps of blood. Her eyes were turning cloudy and she seemed to be staring far-off into the distance. She suddenly sprang out of his arms and lunged at him, making a beeline for his neck. He pushed her away and ran as fast as he could, but she somehow managed to keep pace with him and even catch up. She dove at him, clasping his left leg tightly to keep him from moving away again. James realized he had no choice anymore and swung his right leg back and then drove it back full force into her skull, twisting his girlfriends head sideways with a sickening thud. Mortified by what he had done, he ran home, where for the next few days he became delirious and practically insane. How could there things really exist? Why had this happened to him? After many days of soul searching he decided that he could either sit on his ass and sulk or do something sbout this new twist in his life. He went to the nearest bookstore and bought any book he could find about hunting monsters, believing that it may be his only chance for survival. Many years passed and he eventually found his way into the group of Hunters, once again perfecting his marksman skills for the good of those around him. Due to his past experience, he believed that no rot could be turned back human and followed that code to a tee. He never second guessed himself once he had pulled the trigger. He chose the codename Sureshot because once he located his target and fired, they were as good as dead.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [quote name='Matt'] One of these days, we should do a Diablo2-athon.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Garamond"][COLOR="Navy"]I'm down for a Diablo 2-athon. That would be pretty flipping sweet. I don't actually have the game loaded on my computer right now, but if you guys seriously wanted to bust it out, I'm game.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']I changed your font and size for my quote, that choice of yours is a royal pain in the butt to read. >_> Anyway, that was my first thought when I saw the thread and it had me going... what? But it turned out to be something else which as I said before isn't something that would make a difference as far as gang activity goes.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Navy"]Is it really all that hard to read ...? It looks perfectly legible on my computer, I guess I'll have to change it in the future.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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