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Everything posted by Neptune
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]This news really is a shame, and unfortunately all roads on this one are leading to suicide. I truly wonder whether it could have been some sort of an accident with the pills they found by Heath's bed. It seems highly unlikely, but maybe his body had some kind of violent reaction to the medication and it just shut down. Hmm ... That's a biiiig stretch. I guess no questions will really be answered until his autopsy tomorrow. I'm just going to let this one go and try not to follow the gossip the news spreads. All I can honestly wish is that he rests in peace and that Heath's family and friends are coping with the news as best they can.[/FONT]
Request Kingdom Hearts Sig and Avatar Request SUCKA
Neptune replied to Neptune's topic in Creative Works
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Oh wow, I thought my prayers would never be answered. Thanks a lot, they're great!![/FONT] -
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Navy"]Alright, I got bored last night so I decided to to draw something for the first time in a while. I couldn't find anything good to draw, so I ended up drawing Naruto again. It's not much better than my first Naruto drawing, but it gets the job done.[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"][URL="http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t139/JimitheGreat11/CIMG0176.jpg"]Naruto Side Pose .. Sort of[/URL][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Navy"]I use an old Shonen Jump I have for the models, and then I just go at it. I really wish I had the ability to draw something from scratch, but for some reason, I just can't. I always have to be looking at something to draw it, which isn't all that bad, but it kind of feels like a handicap of sorts. Any and all feedback would be appreciated. Thanks![/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Damn. Four new games? That's definitely pushing it a bit too far. I might go and get GHIV, but I really have no desire to get Guitar Hero: Aerosmith. It's not that I don't like Aerosmith, but a whole game dedicated to just one band seems like a really bad idea. (*cough* Aerosmith arcade game. Anyone know what I'm talking about?*cough*) Who knows. Maybe in a few years we'll be playing Guitar Hero: The Jackson 5. * shudder*[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="2"][Font="Palatino Linotype"]Oh wow, I don't know how I missed a Guitar Hero thread. I absolutely loooove the Guitar Hero franchise, I can't get enough of it. I started off playing Guitar Hero I back when the game wasn't that popular, so I spread the word to all of my friends in my area it caught like wild fire. I could only handle Medium-Hard on GHI at first, but I slowly and surely made my way up to Expert mode. I sucked horribly and only could get three stars on most songs, if not every song, and eventually I gave up playing when I could not beat "Bark at the Moon" on Expert. I think at that point I could barely beat the song on Hard. Then Guitar Hero II came out and everything changed. I at first beat every song on Hard mode, and then eventually I was able to move on to Expert. I learned to double-strum and to nail hammer-ons and pull-offs, but I was eventually stopped by "Psycho Billy Freakout". That song ... is ridiculous. I went back to Hard mode and got five stars on every song, and then I eventually went back to Expert and beat the game. Hoorah! I've still to this day never beaten "Jordan" or gotten five stars on "Misirilou". And now, I've been occupied with Guitar Hero III. It was very strange at first, but eventually I got used to the new look of the game and pressed onward. I beat all of the main songs on Expert ... barely. I took me about 20 times to beat "Raining Blood" and the final Boss Battle, but eventually I won. And, I've come to terms with the fact that I will never beat "Through the Fire and Flames". It's also ridiculous.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Navy"]I really have no explanation for the title of this thread ... I think it's the name of a television show my mom watches. I recently started drawing again, and I also recently started coming to OtakuBoards again, so I figured why not kill two birds with one stone and post some of my old artwork here. I'll admit, some of it is not that great, but I was young, and actually, I'm not much better now because I stopped drawing for about two or three years. I'll try posting some new stuff later on when I have something new to actually post. I would appreciate feedback, of course, but I also wouldn't mind if someone requested me to draw something. I really need some extra practice! These pictures also won't be of the greatest quality because, well, I don't have a scanner and I'm taking the pictures with this old school digital camera. D'oh![/COLOR] [URL="http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t139/JimitheGreat11/Vash.jpg"][B]Vash the Stampede[/B][/URL][/FONT]- [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]So, this is one of my older drawings, I think I used the case of the Trigun Dvd as a model. [/FONT] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][URL="http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t139/JimitheGreat11/DSCF0018.jpg"][B]The Main Character from Shaman King[/B][/URL]- I forget this kid's name, but it's not really important. I actually colored this one with colored pencils, which I rarely do, and not to mention this picture cam out like crap. I promise the actual picture is not blurry like this one! Just look past it and find the inner beauty.[/FONT] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][B][URL="http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t139/JimitheGreat11/DSCF0020.jpg"]Naruto![/URL][/B]- Of course I drew Naruto back in the day. He was the shiznit. This was well before the anime started playing in America, and actually, I think I had only read the first manga chapter or something like that. Once again the picture is a little blurry, darn you old camera! I also kinda skimped out on his hands when I drew them, but I still think it came out well.[/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I'm actually kind of proud of myself. I went through all the games I still have, and I actually beat about 80% of them. Now, of course, most of them are older games from when I was a kid and had no life, but same difference. This topic makes me sad because it made me realize I still have some unfinished business I have. Oh well. [B]Resident Evil Zero[/B]- I love all of the Resident Evil games, but for some reason I could never finish this one. It's technically not even my game, but actually my friends whom I'm borrowing it from. For like, two years. I think I played this for a few hours and just decided I didn't like it, so now it sits in my entertainment system collecting dust. [B]Jade Cocoon 2[/B]- Jade Cocoon was one of my favorite PS1 games, so I thought that I couldn't go wrong with a PS2 incarnation. I don't actually remember why I stopped playing, but I think it had something to do with being annoyed by the repetitiveness and the voice-acting. [B]Every Racing Game[/B]- I don't like racing games, so I never finish them. Easy as that I guess. [B]Grand Theft Auto, PS2 and PSP Games[/B]- I can honestly not figure out why I have never beat a single GTA game. I have almost all of them except Vice City, which was stolen ..., but I just have not completely finished any of the story missions all the way through. I came the closest with San Andreas, but eventually it got too hard and I gave up. I'd rather just stop playing then have some more broken controllers. Well, that's just a comprehensive list. There's also a lot of game I'm playing right now that I wouldn't consider lost in time, like [B]FFT: War of the Lions[/B], [B]FFXII[/B], an [B]Earthbound Rom[/B], [B]FFX[/B] for about the eighth time, and a few others. Deuces. [/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Navy"]Well, I know the title pretty much explains itself, but of course I need to emphasize what I want. [URL="http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t139/JimitheGreat11/kingdom_hearts_2.jpg"][B]Here's a Picture[/B][/URL] Now, it doesn't necessarily have to be any of those members of the Organization, and I want whoever takes this request to use their own artistic capabilities. Go crazy! I would like the Banner to say something like " Organizations will be the downfall of man." And, I would prefer a kind of dark mood for both pieces, maybe a black and kind of light blue, but honestly, as long as it looks awesome, I don't care.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE="1"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Navy"]Kensei smiled at Axl's response, but on the inside he was extremely angered at the fact that this one-eyed monster was easily able to thwart him. [I]Well, it's no bother now, he's gone.[/I] As soon as the thought crossed his mind, something screamed in the distance. "[B]Keeeeeeeyyy hoolllleee!![/B]" Kensei slowly and regretfully turned around, and to his dismay the one eyed monster stood tall and proud, still raging on about the keyhole. Although Kensei's memory returned to him, he was still a little fuzzy on the whole keyblade business. He looked to Axl and the other two ladies still present, and with a smirk said "I don't know about you guys, but I think that I'm gonna get the hell out of here." And with that, Kensei took off running in the direction of the forest Azure and Dawn had fled to. He had lost sign of the boy named Tsudo, and he thought that perhaps the girl could lead him in the boy's immediate direction. Well, that was the plan anyway, but, of course, Kensei's course was changed again by some of the strange creatures he had learned were called Heartless. The first wave of Heartless that came after him consisted of just a few of the small heartless, and Kensei had no problem wiping their numbers clean with just a few swings of his sword. Kensei would have sheathed his sword and started to run again, but he knew the Heartless better than that. Three dark, large puffs of smoke exploded in mid-air and down fell Heartless endowed with a suit of full armor, knight's swords and all. "Crap." Kensei hated the Armored Knight Heartless, because they were both valiant warriors and harder to kill then most other ones. Kensei swung his blade down hard at the first knight and easily sliced through the Heartless' sword and down the top of it's head all the way down to the ground, causing it to dissapear in another explosion of smoke and particles. In one fluent motion he swung his body around the second Knight Heartless and swung at it in a wide arc, but this time the Heartless parried the blow and ducked under Kensei's sword, coming within inches of Kensei's face before a spark of lightning shot out of the tip of Kensei's sword and burnt the little bugger to a crisp. [I]Alright, one more to go.[/I][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][SIZE="1"]Well, we don't have any cool banner yet, but I will hopefully edit that in later. Sometime later, I will make a list of everyone and their characters, but for now just use this thread as a means of communication if you have any questions about the story, what's going on, or if you have any suggestions about where the story should lead. One thing I will say about my own character ... I really don't like the way I have portrayed him so far. He really hasn't done much, but I've been so rushed when making my posts that I'm unhappy with what I have written so far. I'm trying to make Kensei the foil to Tsudo, or perhaps maybe become a mentor to him. I'm still trying to figure that out. Oh, and we have to make a decision about whether Scythe was killed by Hana-Ame. That would be the being she refered to as killing, if I read everything right so far, but I'm not sure if Deathsye caught that. In the end, it's ultimately his decision, but I'm sure he'd appreciate some feedback for the situation.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="1"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Kensei awoke from his long slumber, unaware of everything that had happened while he was ? resting. He slowly opened his eyes and realized that he was laying on the ground once again, finding this funny because this was the second time in one night he found himself waking up on the floor. He slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position with his sword, leaning against the wall for support. Without putting much though into it, Kensei started to think, [I]Man Kensei, you sure have gotten yourself into a mess this time. Wait! My name ? my name is Kensei!! I , I remember my name. Wait ? I remember everything.[/I] A waterfall of memories rushed into his head, flooding his mind with dark and merciless things. Kensei was not a good man, not at all. He was deceptive, cruel, cold-hearted ? pretty much every horrible adjective a person could think of. Even though these memories caught Kensei off guard, he accepted them as the truth. If his own memories lied to him, than he had nothing left to live for. Although Kensei accepted his memories, he was also overwhelmed, but it was not enough to cause him to forget about the giant one-eyed monster. Kensei jumped to his feet and took a quick glance around the town square, but he saw no sign of the monster that had thwarted him earlier in the night, however; he did see a large group of people not too far in the distance. He awoke at just the right time to see a man who resembled a vampire grab the girl he saw in the cottage and start to run away from the group. Kensei had taken a liking to the kind-hearted blonde, so without knowing what was actually going on he began to run towards the vampire man at an alarmingly fast speed. ?This power ? how did I forget I had [B]THIS[/B] power?!!? He stopped running for a moment so that he could unsheathe his sword from the casing on his back. He held the sword out in front of him and began to channel his energy into it, causing a dark, purple aura to start to spin around the sword as if a windstorm had just began. Within an instance a dark light shot from the sky and encompassed the sword, causing two little indentions to form at the very tip of the blade, almost as if it were a key of some sort. Interesting. Kensei?s returning memories caused him to remember that his Keyblade was formed from the darkness of the heart, rather than the light. The greatest part of Kensei?s Keyblade was it gave no sign of being formed from darkness, and as long as he played his part right, neither would he. He walked around the corner and met up with the group that he had seen before, consisting of a woman fighting with a parasol and a woman fighting with a Keyblade of her own. There was also a young man that was holding a kama , a weapon which he had not seen in very long time. ?So, which one of you saved me from that monster?? [I]I have to win these people?s trust, and then, well, my plan [B]HAS[/B] to work. I need Tsudo! Wait ? I already forgot about ? [/I] ?Hey, isn?t anyone going to save that girl?? [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Navy"]Kensei followed the search and rescue group into a small village, which for one reason or another seemed familiar to him. Eventually the group of men stopped at one particular home, a quaint little cottage that looked like a peaceful place to live. After waiting for the men to leave again, Kensei came out from behind a large oak tree and crept closer to the cottage, deciding that a quick glimpse inside one of the windows couldn't hurt that much. He first spotted a girl that looked about his age, maybe younger, it was hard to tell. She was quite beautiful, but Kensei's mind swiftly changed gears when he saw the young man from the beach lying in a bed next to her. [I]?Maybe they're related ... but that wouldn't make sense. The way she looks at him, it would just be too weird if they were siblings. I've got to find out who that kid is, he may be the only one that can help me remember who I am ... perhaps I should just go knock on the ..?[/I] -[B]BOOM!![/B]- The thunder caused Kensei to jump a full three-hundred-and-sixty degrees, as it would with any other normal human being. He grabbed for the sword sheathed on his back, fearing for his life. The lighting that proceeded the thunder was no ordinary lighting, it was red and blue. One of the lightning bolts struck a few hundred feet in front of where Kensei was standing, and although he had a bad feeling about it, he decided that it would not be a horrible idea to at least investigate. He turned around once more to get a glimpse into the cottage window, but the curtains had been closed unbeknownst to him. Shrugging it off and with sword in hand, Kensei began to run towards the area the lighting bolt struck, hoping for more answers. And answers he got, in abundance. The area the lightning bolt hit was large, and seemed to be a town square of some sort. Many statues, benches, and other assorted plant objects littered the area, creating a sort of park vibe. Kensei searched the area for any signs of life, and it was not long before he saw a gigantic figure lurking near the end of the public center, a hideous grey being with only one eye. Kensei called out to the monster. ?[B]Beast!![/B] Who are you? What is your purpose!?!?? The monster replied in a deep, raspy, menacing voice. [COLOR="Green"]?Find ... the Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeey hole!!!!?[/COLOR] ?What are you talking about? What key hole? Actually, what is a key hole?? [COLOR="DarkGreen"]?[B]Find the KEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYY HOLE!!![/B]?[/COLOR] And with that, the monster rushed at Kensei with incredible speed, faster than a being of its size should have been capable of moving. Without a moments hesitation, Kensei lunged at the monster?s face with his sword. Although he thought he had driven the killing blow, the monster continued towards Kensei, unaffected, grabbing at Kensei?s skull and squeezing with enough force to lift the man off of his feet. With what seemed like little effort the monster lifted Kensei well above his own head and threw him into the side of a building a good thirty feet away. Kensei could feel all of the muscles in his body tighten as he hit the brick wall back first, and then to add insult to injury and because of Newton?s Law of Gravity, he fell to the ground head first a least fifteen feet down. Needless to say, Kensei got knocked out cold, opening him up to an undefended assault from Scythe's minion's, the[I] Heartless[/I].[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="1"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Kensei awoke from his slumber. He tried to open his eyes, but as hard as he tried, he couldn't. He rolled himself over and violently began to rub at his eyes while chunks of sand slided off his face, eventually leading him to realize he was lying on his back on some kind of sand dune. Finally amassing the strength to open his eyes, he observed the area around him and saw that he had somehow managed to pass out on the beach. It was quite beautiful, although it was hard to make anything out because a dark storm had blotted out the sky. [I]"This is odd ... where in the bloody hell am I?"[/I] He tried to remember where he had been previously, but no memories came to him. He tried to remember his own name, but no memories came to him. Feeling flustered, Kensei walked to the edge of the water, where the little amount of light not blotted out by the storm flickered and danced in the ocean's twilight. He looked at his reflection and did not recognize the person staring back at him, although in his mind he felt as if he should be saying something sarcastic like, "Who's that handsome guy?" In that split-second, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted something floating in the water a few feet away from him, an upon closer inspection, it was a body. Kensei ran to the body and hoisted it onto his shoulders, having some difficulties because the ocean water tried to pull him in as best it could. Placing the body onto the beach, he began his investigation into whether this person was still alive or not. This person had the appearance of a young man, maybe 21 or 22 years old, long reddish/brownish hair, and after further inspection, a pulse. For reasons unknown to Kensei this startled him, and in a split second he grabbed the man by the hair with his left hand and held a long, slender sword to the man's throat with his right. [I]"What ... is this feeling ..?"[/I] Luckily for the young man, torches appeared in the distance, along with the thuds and sounds of other men. Acting once again on impulse, Kensei sheathed the sword and began to run, again not fully realizing what he was doing. He hid behind some tall rocks not too far from the group of men so that he could listen in on the conversation they were having, which became clearer as they approached. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]" - muffle muffle - ... can't believe this nasty storm we're having! Anyone see anything yet?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"Right here Targos! There's a kid here!"[/COLOR] And with that, the group of men grabbed the young man and began to walk back the way they came. Kensei waited, making sure he would not be spotted, and then he left his hiding place. He followed the men, hoping he could find some answers wherever they were headed.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"]Alright, the last RPG I was a part of was Silver One, but many things came up and I simply was not able to keep up with my posting. I've always wanted to do a Kingdom Hearts RPG .. ha-ha. [B]Name[/B]: Kensei (if anyone has ever seen heroes, they’ll know that this is Japanese for “godsend”; however, this is not the same character. ) [B]Age[/B]: 25 [B]World of Origin[/B]: Elysium [B]Alignment[/B]: Evil [B]Race[/B]: Human [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL="http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t139/JimitheGreat11/yuber.jpg"]Kensei[/URL]. Kensei’s hair is actually shorter, kind of like a buzz cut that has had a few weeks to grow in. He also doesn’t wear a top hat. : ) [B]Key Weapon[/B]: [URL="http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t139/JimitheGreat11/sword.jpg"]Kensei’s Sword: The Keyblade Katana[/URL]. It differs from Sythe’s key blade in that it has the inept ability to change form based on its users level of adrenaline. In a state of high adrenaline, the sword will take the shape of a sword with a gigantic blade, such as Ichigo’s from Bleach. In a calm state, the sword will simply stay in it’s Katana form, where it is lighter and more deadly. This technique has yet to be master by Kensei. [B]Drive Form[/B]: Not yet known. [B]Bio[/B]: Kensei has no memory of his past, and does not know where his future lies. It does not take long in the town of Elysium for his memory to return, when he will remember the evil crimes he has committed and eventually not stray too far from that path. He will manipulate his enemies with his smooth way of words and false friendships, only to find the opportune time to strike them down in the process. Perhaps a meeting with another certain character will lead him to an ultimate goal of using the keyholes for darkness, rather than light. [B]Theme Music[/B]: Entrance Theme: “Let the Bodies Hit the Floor” Battle Theme: “Victory Shall Be Mine” Victory Theme: “Mandark’s Laugh: Remix”- Dexter’s Laboratory Loss Theme: “Serenade 1520”[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="1"]Wow .. tonight's episode was .. amazing. I'd have to say that it's easily my favorite episode of the season so far ( which isn't saying too much .. ), and possibly even up there in my top 5. Anywho, onto the awesomeness, from what I can remember anyway. [spoiler]So let's see .. what's a good way to start this off? Well, of course it finally happened! ... Noah got capped, yo. It all happened so fast that it caught me off guard, and for a moment I actually believed that HRG was about to take out Bob. I was suprised that HRG shot Elle, but like he said, he would do ANYTHING to protect his daughter. I really thought that someone else besides Mohinder was going to shoot Noah as well, but that somehow got past me and actually happened. The biggest suprise of the episode for myself would have to be the ending, when Noah is shown regenerating from what we can only assume to be death. I had a feeling that Noah couldn't be out of the picture forever, but frankly, I didn't think that he would be brought back to life in the same episode![/spoiler] Hmm .. that paragraph is all over the place. Oh well. This season is really making it difficult in distinguishing between who is evil and who is good. [spoiler]One could argue that Mohinder is a hero for killing HRG, but one could also say that he is falling to the dark side, so to speak, by siding with The Company .. I could honestly go either way.[/spoiler] What do you all think?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="1"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Gosh, I haven't posted in a really long time. Heroes is like my flavor of the day currently, and I just can't pass up starting some discussions. In last night's episode, a lot of unanswered questions were finally answered, but it seemed to me that even more were created. I didn't really think of Heroes as a complex show until I went onto the Heroe's Wiki website, and that just blew everything about the show out of the water for me. How many people other than myself suspected that [spoiler]Adam Monroe is actually Takezo Kensei? I was reluctant to believe that Kensei could actually live for hundreds of years, but if his cells were repaired because of his regenerative abilities than it makes sense that he would never age. I suppose that this also means that Claire will not age once her cells start to breakdown and deteriorate, but I have an inkling that towards the end of the show she will be killed off anyways.[/spoiler][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="1"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][spoiler]Adam starting the Company actually makes a lot of sense, considering the fact that the Company's symbol is the same as the symbol that Kensei used throughout his time in feudal Japan.[/spoiler] [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Times New Roman]Yah, I apologize for my post not being long, but i'm not really sure where to go with my character yet. I guess i'm just waiting for someone's ship to come to Sector 12, and then I'll go from there. Everyone else seems to really know what they're talking about, so maybe I should go read the Silver One story. I'm glad I'm in an RPG for once with actually talented people, now I just have to live up to the expectations as well.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Navy]Royce was standing in the smoldering ruins of his home, mourning the loss of his beloved dog. Somehow the fire had started and spread quickly, killing not only his dog, but the many plants and birds that lived around the perimeter of his former shelter. Amazingly Royce's shed was stilll intact, and naturally Royce decided that the best thing to do right now would be the grab his shovel and give Buddy a proper sendoff to Heaven, because lord knew that that dog wasn't going to Hell.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Navy]"Well Buddy, it was fun while it lasted. I loved you as if you were my own son, but thankfully your now in a better place .. better than I could have ever provided for you."[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Navy]He might have burst into tears if not for the excruciating noise that filled his ears, causing him to drop down to his knees and wrench his head back and forth as if he were being possesed. Royce had forgotten that it was almost 5:00, about the time that the Versilan's normally ran their scan of the planet, checking for god knows what. He wished that they used a less lethal system, but it had been this way ever since he was little. He was used to it by now.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Navy]"Ah, the benefits of living in Sector Twelve."[/COLOR][/B] [/FONT] [FONT=Times New Roman] [COLOR=Navy]Royce would have been out of this hell hole by now, if not for the excuse that the only race capable of space travel were the Versilans. There used to be other races that had the technology, but alas, they had all been destroyed by the mighty empire. He shook his head in shame that he had let something like this happen, and then walked off into the woods in the direction of town, hoping to find somewhere to stay for the night. If he only knew how this fire had started, then he could do something about it. If only.[/COLOR] [/FONT]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Navy]" Well .. this is interesting. "[/COLOR] Leon was more confused than anything, and he frankly just wanted to find his way home so that he could eat the pot roast his mother was making that night. Her pot roasts were the best in the world, and for Leon to miss out on such a feast would be a travesty. He looked around for a while, surveying the surroundings of this new, uncharted world. The slope of the land was eerily similar to that of their high school, but that only left more unanswered questions in the back of Leon's head. [COLOR=Navy]" So Angel, Aaaron, Arya .. where do you suppose we're at? "[/COLOR] Leon looked each person in the face for a while, but received no reply. He already knew their answer: they didn't know. They were just as clueless as he was, and asking them was a rather trivial waste of time. Leon could not hold that against them of course .. most people would be frightened if they were suddenly not where they were five seconds ago; however, Leon just assumed he was either dead or had a really bad hangover. Either one was fine, preferably the hangover part. At about this time was when Aaron was hugging up on Angel, which was fine with Leon, besides that fact that it was weird to see the girl he treated as a sister to be held like that. This lake they were all gathered around was not a normal lake, or so it seemed. It was vast in size, going in every direction as far as the eye could see. It was a majestic tint of blue, as blue as Leon had ever seen. They were certainly not in Firestrike High anymore. Leon decided to test the water to see if it was salty, but it was thankfully fresh water. With this knowledge, Leon took off his shirt and pants and dipped himself into the lake, cooling himself off so that he could calm his mind and the friends could devise a survival plan, for night was creeping just beyond the horizon.[/FONT][/SIZE]
Request Final Fantasy XII Avatar and Banner Request
Neptune replied to Neptune's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Times New Roman]Heh, sorry about that .. it was late last night, I didn't even realise I had forgotten to do that. My bad.[/FONT] [FONT=Times New Roman][URL=http://img174.imageshack.us/my.php?image=balthier01ia4.jpg]Here's the picture[/URL][/FONT][/COLOR] -
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Leon Markson [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Personality:[/B] Leon is someone who is very intelligent, but tends to say dumb things. He's quick on his feet, and is always one to protect people without thinking first of the risks. He is good friends with Angel, but sees her as only a friend and nothing more. He could also be labled as lazy, but he quickly learns that laziness will only kill him in this new world. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img187.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kamuro01kalav4.jpg]Leon[/URL] [B]Weapon:[/B] He at first can't fight with any weapons, but later becomes quite skilled with the katana.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Times New Roman][B]Name:[/B] Royce Athlazar [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Loyalty:[/B] Neutral [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://img403.imageshack.us/my.php?image=roycema1.jpg]Royce[/URL] [B]Weapons:[/B] It might seem strange that Royce wields a giant axe, but you would become more understanding if you knew his occupation. On Earth, he is a lumberjack of sorts .. so using a giant axe is no problem for him. He is constantly splitting hunks of wood, so what better way to get the job done than a giant axe? [B]Special Skills:[/B] Royce works with the resistance frequently, although he is of such a young age. He's mainly a recruiter of young men and women on Earth; mainly the women due to his dashing good looks. He is a lumberjack, as said before. [B]Personality:[/B] The lumberjack life did not happen on purpose, and was more of a way for Royce to release some of his built up rage. As a child he was diagnosed as bipolar, so his father, not the brightest of men, handed him an axe and told him to get to chopping. Whenever Royce felt himself becoming .. angry, he would just grab his axe and head outside, chopping up a storm. He is generally a good-hearted man who does what he feels is right for the overall population, and providing them with firewood is the best way that he can. He's very intelligent as well, but does not fully realise this at the beginning of his journey. [B]Short Bio:[/B] He was tired of chopping wood for the day, but something inside of his head told him that he wasn't done yet. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but it could have had something to do with the news report this morning, something about how another member of the resistance had been executed by the Versilans. Of course, the ignorant news reporter knew nothing about the members of the resistance; although, most humans knew of it. After the report had completed, Royce grabbed his axe and headed out to the woods, trying to calm himself before he got into his car and drove it into the Versilan-run company near his home. He still had his bipolar tendencies, but he could control them. That's all that mattered. The Versilan's could be labled as the reason why Royce was even in this mess. As a child he had watched two Versilan soldiers murder his beloved dog, and the experience had traumatized him so much that he could barely remember what had happened. He only cared that he hated the Versilans, and he wanted to be the reason why they became extinct like the dinosaurs. Versilans were scum, and in Royce's mind scum needed to be wiped clean of the universe. That is why when a member of the resistance came to Royce with a proposition, he gladly accepted. It was what he always had dreamed, his inner-most desire. Well, with the sun setting in the sky and the air becoming damp and cold, Royce decided to finally pack up his things and head back home. Although he hadn't yet been married, he did have a dog named Buddy that was always at his side: minus today. Buddy was feeling sick today, so he stayed at home to rest up so that he could be in Royce's company again tomorrow. However, when Royce was finally within distance of his home, he could smell smoke, and as he came closer he could see the trees around his home ablaze, and he could only imagine what his house looked like. He ran as fast as his legs could take him, hoping that it was not too late ..[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Times New Roman]I just made a new name on Otaku Boards because I haven't used my old one in ages, but that also means that I need a new avatar and banner. And because I'm no good at things like that, that's when you wonderful people swoop in and save the day! I want both the avatar and banner to have to do with Balthier from Final Fantasy XII, because he's honestly the coolest character in the entire game. It would be nice if they had a blue backround as well, but I'm not that picky. As long as they look awesome, go wild on them![/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]