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About Furry-Chibi

  • Birthday 11/25/1993

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    Hyperactive, Crazy, & Outgoing. ^_~
  • Occupation
    Jounin in the Leaf Village;
  • theOtaku User Name

Furry-Chibi's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="2"]I find watching fansubbed anime a really good thing! I mean, not all of use have international TV programs. And not all of us have TV! So in my case, if I watch anime, I go online to youtube.com or [[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]link removed by moderator[/COLOR]] to watch them. YouTube isn't bad but it's not that great. [[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]removed[/COLOR]] on the other hand, in my opinion, is almost dedicated to anime! They have so many series of anime. So, "when in doubt, use [[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]link removed by moderator[/COLOR]] " Haha. So don't watch anime on YouTube unless it's the last option. Remember, subbed is always better than dubbed! Stick to the subbed! (My Opinion) Well, to answer my own question, I've watched Naruto, Hikaru no Go, MAR, Dragonball Series, Pokemon, Digimon, Fruits Basket, Tsubasa Chronicles, Cardcaptor Sakura, Sailor Moon, Death Note, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Zatch Bell, and a whole load of other anime! As you can see, I watch a lot of stuff! I basically live off of the internet! ^_^ So what anime do you like to watch online?[/SIZE][/FONT][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][INDENT]For future reference Furry-Chibi, providing links to copyrighted material is not allowed. Thanks. ~SunfallE[/INDENT][/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. I would like to have lots of stuff... Haha! But so does everyone else. ^_^ Well, here's my Christmas List: -Sidekick LX -Nintendo DS (already have one but want another one) -Pokemon Pearl Version (already have the Diamond Version) -Mangas from a variety of anime (Naruto, Fruits Basket, Tsubasa Chronicles. MAR(Marchen Awakens Romance), and other anime series.! -Perhaps a iPod Video would be nice. -Laptop.!! -Adobe Photoshop CS3 -Paint Shop Pro X -Anime Merchandises!!! (EX: Naruto Keychains, Posters, Forehead Protectors.. etc.) As you can see, I want a lot. But I doubt I'll get everyone I want. But I'll be happy to get whatever I get this year. There's always next year. ^_^
  3. Well, I would just try to graduate middle school and try to get aboved 85 on all the texts/quizzes... which is totally impossible. I would also hope that during the summer of 2007 I would visit China... haven't gone there in two years and its pretty sad if I can't go this year also. I've always gone there during the summer... Well Happy New Years Eve!~`
  4. Well I'm not good with a few things: Math: My average is btwn 65-69 Yikes! ~ Speaking: I don't think before I speak sometimes so that causes me to say unnessesary things. o.O :animeblus Sports: grawh! I'm not good with any of them ~ Except swimming.. I'm madd good with swimming. It's one of my favorite hobbies. I'm ~Okay~ with volleyball. I learned how to serve really good lol. Or did I? o.O Well, that's all I can think of. ;] :animesigh
  5. My favorite song this week gotta be Ocean Avenue by Yellowcard..... I've been listening to it non-stopped ! =D It's a great song even though it's a few years old... great percussion part, and great violinist. They are very unique ! No other bands has a violinist in it! ^_^
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