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About Rei.A

  • Birthday 04/03/1992

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    Hinote Alchemist

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  • Biography
    Love anime

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  1. Dude, you're so right, there are like no Team Rocket Wallpapers. [url]http://www.team-rocket.nl/wallpaper2.shtml[/url]
  2. Fruits Basket is an EXCELLENT anime. Bleach is great and try and find D. Gray Man if you can. If you can't then try reading the manga. :animesmil
  3. Man, Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z were my first animes. I love Sailor Moon (Sailor Mars is the best)! I remember when I was little and I swore I would love Pokemon forever. Looking back everything just looks cheesy. But I still love 'em ^^
  4. I don't mind it that much, but whenever I notice it I say something like "Oh! That's the voice of Cari (from Digimon)." I here a lot of people from Digimon on other anime shows.
  5. OMG Night of the Chimera's Cry, Full Metal Alchemist episode. Man I SOBBED. And also, the last episodes of Fruits Basket made me cry aswell.
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