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About Animepunk420

  • Birthday 01/16/1989

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  • Biography
    Im a boy just like anyone in the world I spend most of my years on this site lol
  • Occupation
    Unemployed -_-;
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  1. [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]PS2[/SIZE][/COLOR] ---------- [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Yellow"]Persona 4[/COLOR]-I have to say its my favorite persona thus far really expanded I've got only 50 hrs now so I still got to work on that but also there are more games im playin at the moment though:animestun [COLOR="Yellow"]Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories[/COLOR]-I have played the original for the gamboy yrs ago but to be one the PS2 were there are voices I was like no freaking way good & fluent like the other two the only thing bothering me was Sora's voice that's his older voice shouldn't they used his younger voice*\*same goes for Riku & Kairi*[/SIZE] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][SIZE="3"]Xbox360[/SIZE][/COLOR] ---------- [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Prince of Persia[/COLOR]-This blew me:animeknow away for sure*since I gots a new hdtv on the same day to play on*Im a Prince fan & the 1st game to me was the best them 2 & 3 was a little dropped cause of certain violence & junk but this new protagonist was...a smarta$$ but he's more fast, agile, & quick witted then the other prince new world, adventures, & character skin lol the game calls for a sequel for sure till then though im givin it another go [COLOR="Sienna"]Fable 2[/COLOR]-:animecry:Disappointing Im sorry I cant say much the game went to fast if anyone play the 1st Fable they would know I beat it in 7 hrs less than satisfied but ill say it my guy was good outlook though was complex [COLOR="Red"]Left4Dead[/COLOR]-Addictive if you love Zombies & alot of them this is worth the money made from Vault the people who brought you the Half-Life series takes a new step in online Campaign the game has a single player but the game is meant for Online only literally being a survivor or a certain zomibe makes it more fun & challenging achievements to unlock [COLOR="Red"]Mirror's edge[/COLOR]-Fast paste, no time to think, just running AWSOME!!!! I beat the story in 61/2 hr but I didnt care this game was bomb it reminded me of Breakdown an overlooked game on the Xbox Faye has a certain quality of her the game is good so now im doing the speed chapter to see if I can best the fastest in certain points[/SIZE] [COLOR="White"][SIZE="3"]Nintendo DS[/SIZE][/COLOR] ---------- [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Blue"]The World ends with you[/COLOR]-An old game yes but freakin amazing a friends recommended this to me & I keep playing Square Enix has owned with this title with full use of the Dpad & touch screen & a moody main character it was like playing Cloud again this has been so far the best DS game I have ever played [COLOR="DarkOrange"] Chrono Trigger[/COLOR]-Yes an old schooler remade im currently still playin this so I can't say much but awsome fighting is awsome gameplay is sweet it's like I turnd 6 again & got my 1st Super NES again[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"]I do not own a PS3, or a Wii so I can't say, my Psp is nothing to me *acepting FFVII Crisis Core, Tekken & Disgaea*[/SIZE]
  2. This game is pwnage my favorite Persona thus far right now im steadly lvling Yukiko & Kanji also I want my rank up with her but for certain things to say or do I need more courage & diligence, diligence im workin on can some1 tell me whats the best way to get more courage
  3. OMG I checked on my computer now its fixed this was the 1st problem I ever had with myotaku *& I been using it for nearly 10 yrs now*thank you though seriously for a moment I though there was no solution for this problem:smirk:
  4. Ty if it doesnt work at all you can delete it I dont mind [COLOR=Blue][b]Edit:[/b][/COLOR] Did my eyes decive? it think it good im on a library comp so I cant be sure I cheak @ home later tonight & hope this isnt a trick [COLOR=Blue]I merged your two posts. Please use the edit button (or delete and re-post) if you need to post again. -Petie[/COLOR]
  5. I know its super late to reply but it has not got any better its still the same im sooo sad this was sooo depressing I can deal with this is there any way I can delete myotaku & make a new one this is the worst problem I ever had & im sick of dealing with it so can sum1 plz tell me how to delete my old Otaku
  6. [quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]That's weird, I wouldn't think custom HTML would be able to affect the backroom pages. I'd send a PM to Panda about this, either here on OB or on theOtaku. She's an admin on theO/myO and I think she should be able to reset your post styles for you.[/color][/QUOTE] Thanks alot I hope this can be fixed
  7. [quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]Can you get to the [url=http://www.myotaku.com/account/life/styles/][u]Post Styles[/u][/url] page? If you can remove the code from there it should fix the problem.[/color][/QUOTE] Im sorry but thats the problem I cant take out anything a certain code in the html prevente cause its not the same I cant toch anything I thin I may have to delete my pro if possible
  8. Sorry but I do have a problem with myO, my post styles has a serious problem my friend put a myspace code to make it cooler instead I cant see my page & I cant edited it at all it make me mad I ask an admin or someone but no one replyed or said anything I wonder can any1 help me please?
  9. Well I have 2 Mustang is one of them but I love Al [IMG]http://img225.imageshack.us/my.php?image=alsp2.jpg[/IMG] me & him are so much alike were like the voices or reason I like everyone in the series (except Lyra)
  10. I know its a lil off I guess but in the episode 'Death' of Fullmetal Alchemist when [spoiler]Ed was killed by Envy cause of that one moment...he saw Envy's real face once that he was stabbed in the chest[/spoiler] I was sad but I was sadder in the last episode when [spoiler]Al transmuted himself to save Ed[/spoiler] to me I the I soooo close to cry I just teared & the one time in Yu Yu Hakusho when [spoiler]Kuwabara was shotin the chest by Togoro[/spoiler] Im a huge Kuwabara fan I puched my knuckles to the floor hard once I saw that *& seeing Yukina cry made it work* but it panned in the end when [spoiler]he wasnt really dead[/spoiler] & Yusuke kicked his *** XD!!! [color=#4B0082]OMG the spoilers. :o (Good thing I've seen FMA already.) Please remember to use spoiler tags in the future; you can see an example of how to use them on [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/misc.php?do=bbcode#spoiler][u]this page[/u][/url]. Have fun! - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  11. Hmmmm thats a toughie....let's see...... 1.Well I 1st would want Kenshin's super speed from Rurouni Kenshin Im already fast but with his speed...woot I been in sonic speed 2.An angel egg from Ah. My Goddess hey who said you have to be a goddess you can be a male goddess person to lol 3.I though hard on this one but I finally knew what I wanted...Air Treks just like from Air gear a Pair of Ikki's or Agito would do fine XD
  12. I go on an emotional rollarcoster & get estaticed or pissed on certain out comes on this also I can't stand still so I ruslle upside down or side to side like Ed from Cowboy Bebop she could never stand still & so can't I thanks Ed
  13. I sorta want to make this short as possible (by rank of course) [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]1.Ah! my Goddess-Ah my Goddess is definatly a hearttaker for me the story is a tradinal love story of Keiichi Morisato a man thats always taken advantage of until he meets Belldandy the scenes of confessiong his love to her always got me & the final episode was greatly inspering to me as you can get the love you want I am a boy falling for a romance anime but it really unique in everyway possible plus beliving to have the most beatiful girl in anime *Belldandy* well that's just me anyway so that series will remain #1 for mr forever [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]2.Fullmetal Alchemist-Nearly got to #1 but #2 is just as good as it had the same feel as Ah! my Goddess Ed was born into the world of alchemy to use it along with his brother Alphonse but after a series of problems come the boys lose them selves some what Ed is right arm & left leg Al his entire body & with a series of charcters intrieging moments & a heartfelt movie to end it all who not to say Fullmetal Alchemist is one of the greatest animes out there[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]3.The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya-Who can do whatever they want & get away with it? apperently it's Haruhi Suzumiya as she & SoS Brigade members, Yuki Nagato, Mikuru Asahina, Kyon, & Itsuki Koizumi go about into wierd phanomeon all I can say is she is literally pawning our world so get ready that's why she's #3[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]4.Beck-Want to rock? then cheak Beck yo Koyuki lies a dead end street of being 14 utile he meets Ryusuke, Saito-san, & the freaky mutt Beck Im a guitarist & been playin for 11/2 yrs & this enspires me also my frineds say I look like Taira *the Bassist of Beck* all I need to do is dye my hair white lol[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]5..hack//SIGN-[The World] is not what is seems but what is the true world said by Tsukasa he travel the online game [The World] unable to logout to find out awnser on his questions & meets great friends & allies like Crim the red lighting, Mimiru, Subaru, Bear, Sora & alot more plus it's series to mess with you mind love it & the games were great especially G.U.[/COLOR] & Sorry wasn't short at all huh? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Other recomandation's Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Evangelion Lucky Star Death Note DrangonBall Z etc.
  14. [CENTER][COLOR="DarkOrange"][FONT="Fixedsys"]I don't know if there's a threrad of this put it never hurts to try I have been watching one of the new anime's that caught my eye, BECK a Musical anime not like singing & junk during the show it's about Rock & stuff main character's name is Yukio (Koyuki) Tanaka who come's across a dude (& a wierd looking dog) that changes his 14 year old like I just picked up the 2nd Dvd & love it alot evan more Im a guitarist & this anime motavates me evan more on my work I have to ask "What do you think of BECK?"[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  15. I recently been watchin this at 1st the impression didn't get mebut the dance intrest me when the Dvd came out I was like (0_o OMFG!!?) Kyon was sooo owned by Haruhi but she's soo kewl nitice for wacky games, & perversion T_T poor Mikurur I can't wait for the 3rd dvd
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