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Carren Heart

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Everything posted by Carren Heart

  1. I'm very sorry, but it would seem i'm not going to be able to host this story after all. but don't worry my friend (Heartless Me) will likily host the game with my input about what i had planned for this story...
  2. OOC: The Time frame is Modern (2003) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ? [COLOR=blue] Lexington Suite?, How interesting... lets see Namida... that?s her excellent [/Color] .? [B] The hotel base floor almost seemed unreally, with the surroundings environmental perfectly frozen in what would seem to be a time anomaly. [/B] The figure mockingly pats the young lady behind the counter and moves to the other end of the desk, as every thing seems to continue around him. ?[COLOR=blue] Namida in the Lexington Suite, what room is that my lady [/Color].? Lady: umm .. Room 417 sir. ?[COLOR=blue] Thank you, my lady and may I say that?s a lovely perform[/Color].? With that he was off, waiting tell night fall for his introduction.
  3. "[I] Faith? What is Faith! I remember the first time I spoke those words. The belief in something greater then one's self, or so they say. If so then I ask why I was punished for holding faith and love higher then duty? Why did you banish us to the hellish pits of the Void? The Abyss? We only fought for them because, we loved them like you once loved us! [/I]." ???: Ty! Wake up, they're here! "[I] I remember it like it was yesterday, the fear coursing through my body, I never dreamed he'd be gone [/I]." ???: Ty I'm going to stand against them here and now! "[I] NO! I wanted to scream that to him. But the look he gave me, froze me [/I]." ???: You remember what I taught you about the fall! You must go find the others and awaken them like I've awakened you! You must protect them. "[I] Then He disappeared, gone forever. He held his ground long enough for me to escape. He died for me his belief in me was uncanny[/I]." [B] the deep hollow feel of the night grew stronger [/B] Ty: and the finial piece of the puzzle has been set. [B] A cold chill brushes across his back, visible by the pale shiver closely following it.[/B] Ty: [COLOR=blue] with a worried expression [/COLOR] a seeker!? How I ?. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B] News Broad Cast [/B] "[I] ? and in other news, Local authorities are seeking information on a roof bombing of the wayen's building on Sisler Ave last night. Any information would be greatly welcome and reward for anyone whom may hand it over[/I]." "[COLOR=red] The Seeker [/COLOR] ?" "[COLOR=green] Nowhere to be found madam [/COLOR]." "[COLOR=red] Ty grows stronger [/COLOR]." "[COLOR=green] Indeed he shows promise [/COLOR]." "[COLOR=red] You have the documents [/COLOR]?" "[COLOR=green] Yes ma'da [/COLOR]." "[COLOR=red] Excellent, destroy all of the individuals on them [/COLOR]!" "[COLOR=green] At once my lady [/COLOR]." [B] News Broad Cast [/B] "[I] ? It's rumored that the police have recently hired some kind of paranormal Investigator[/I]." [B] The report cut short with a click of a button [/B] "[COLOR=light blue] and now the line is set, but how to reel them in [/COLOR]?"
  4. yep my character will remain unknown til the game starts!
  5. Shinkoru, Your character is a very well written peice of work and i'd say.. (Congratulations your character has been acceted as a fallen in this RPG.) Everyone whom made it look for the thread on tuesday.
  6. Carren Heart

    A new person

    Word of advise, Please check out the thread rules and etc..
  7. Name: Jason Hunter Age: 15 but soon to become 16 Gender: Male Weapon: Large Axe Description: Something of a dream like state seems to live within his powerfully intense sky blue eyes, with wide shoulders and a surprisingly well-built upper body Jason is a stunningly handsome young man. History: Since in early age Jason had very thing going for him Physically and Mentally speaking that is. Sadly the flaw to Jason's life was his parents both dim-witted half-dead drugies it was to everyone's surprise that a seemingly perfect Youngman like Jason could come from parents like them, But as all people have advantages and disadvantages so Jason had his. From in early age his parents ignored him and abused him heavily leaving marks up and down is back, working him long and hard hours just to leave him hungry and alone. This was his fate but worse then this was that they forbid him to partake in schooling having him make money or steal thing instead. Until four years ago Jason had nothing but his natural advantages going for him, but again fate stepped in and gave him another chance. An adult named David Wage helped Jason by giving him a little money and teaching him the way of the world and woods. Recently his parents have discovered that Jason has been being some what schooled and several beat him and treated him with is life (drunken rage) with this Jason has set out to the woods in hopes of never seeing them again.
  8. [B] Edited [/B] [B] KiaraStarr [/B] [I], your character is well written and now I've gained in interest and believe she may bring something to the story in a positive manner so with that said ? (Congratulations your character has been accepted as a mortal for this story.)[/I]." (Please don't take it wrong; it just honestly doesn't strike interest more then anything.) [B]for Everyone[/B] The story thread go be started up some time [COLOR=crimson]sunday thur tuesday.[/COLOR]
  9. [B]Lalaith Ril[/B] [I], your character background is simple but very well made and with some consideration I've made a my choice (Congratulations your character has been accepted as a Fallen for this story.)[/I] BTW Everyone who has been accepted please look for more people that maybe interested in this RPG, also anyone that posted a character may repost a new one or put more detail into the character you've already posted.
  10. Please continue to post characters as you wish ?. I am selecting people as they post! [B]Ohkami[/B] [I], I have decided to accept for character in this story but feel your character fits being a mortal with her background and all, Plus it strikes interest more as a mortal.(Congratulations your character has been accepted as a mortal in this story.)[/I]
  11. Okay so far everything seems to be going rather well, people seem interested. But there are a few things I'd like to go over ?. [B]The Harlequin[/B] [I]You character idea is a great and interesting one indeed, but sadly I feel it would go against my story more then anything. I'm not saying you can't make another character in the place of this one! I'm sure a role-player of capabilities can easily adjust.[/I] [B]Ravenstorture[/B] [I]Character seems fine except one little problem (well big one) you missed this?[/I] Fallen Angel's Need (only allowed up to 3 others) ([B]Your character doesn't recall the Fall from grace or the fact she/he is an angel when the game starts that will be covered in the progress of the story.[/B]) Other then these little things everyone is doing quite well, I'd just like to say? [B]KnightOfTheRose[/B] [I], character Ryan Schezar very well made I personally think. A little to far pass the border of realization he is apart of the supernatural, but in the way he has presented it I will allow this. ( Congratulations your character is accepted as one of the fallen).[/I] [B]Heartless Me[/B] [I], character Daved Blayne seems to fit very well into the role I had planed for one of the mortals so ? ( Congratulations your character is accepted as one of the mortals). One little detail I'd like it if he became a paranormal investigator recently.)[/I] I'm still looking over notes and deciding whom will be invited to the story so please all of you bare with me for a few more days, others may still post characters.
  12. Warning to those whom wish to post characters this game will be a slower paced game with a maximum of one post per day for each person involved for I the host don't have to worry about falling behind! Also I'll pick from the seven characters I think will add something to this story, with that it mind please continue. [I]The victors write history, as the saying goes. Whether an uprising is seen as a glorious rebellion or a treacherous insurrection depends entirely on who held the upper hand at the end, with the losers consigned to posterity as traitors, tyrants or worse. Their story is largely forgotten.[/I] [I]We are told that demons are the incarnations of evil, spirits who exist to seduce the innocent and lure the virtuous to destruction. They are driven by a relentless hate of all things holy, consumed by a malevolent hatred of light and life. They are the purveyors of lies and misdirection, clouding the minds of mortals with promises of power and glory. At least, that's what the good book says. That's why they were hurled into the darkness of the Pit, bound in chains of fire until the end of days. Only God knows what would happen if these evil spirits were ever freed.[/I] Now mankind is about to hear the other side of the story. -- Mortal's Need (have to have 3-5 mortals) Name: (Duh!) Age: (Duh!) Appearance: (description of character) Bio/History: (Duh!) this is required. Fallen Angel's Need (only allowed up to 3 others) (Your character doesn't recall the Fall from grace or the fact she/he is an angel when the game starts that will be covered in the progress of the story.) -- Mortal's Name: (Duh!) Age: (Duh!) Appearance: (description of character) Bio/History: (Duh!) this is required. --Celestial's Name: (Duh!) Age: (Duh!) Appearance: (description of character)
  13. I play A LOT ? of different games most I've made myself (Phantasy, Burning Zone.) they are really interesting but anyway, right now I play Demon: The Fallen, Exalted, and a verity of different self made games.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MistressRoxie [/i] [B][color=#9933ff]THANK YOU! I am so glad I'm not the only person who's "old fashioned" and doesn't believe in pre-marital sex. I think it's the same thing with both nice guys and girls. I think a true gentleman will not be turned off by virginity. Afterall, if he was, then he isn't a getleman/nice guy, now is he? ;)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] *Claps* I'm a guy and i agree with you whole heartedily in fact, i know myself enough to exstablish that i'll never have pre-martial sex. I think it shows conmitment and respect toward the one person i'll share my life with! plus i consider it apart of my personal code of honor to wait! But i don't blame others for thier actions (after all sex is tempting.)
  15. I don't have much to say but I agree that people need to start waiting or take responsibility, but at the same time I will not be a judge for character and I'm Pro-Life so that's all I have to say about that??
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]It's human nature to be selfish. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] This is very true, But it is also our nature that allows us to have the drive or willpower if you must, to resist the selfish side of our selves. (I know its off subject a little but I couldn't resist saying something about it. J
  17. will you allow others to join?
  18. [I]Orin sighed at the coming Bacus not truly wanting to fight he knew that if he didn't fight the others would be overwhelmed they could pull off fighting one or two as a group but without Orin's help they won't stand a chance. Leaping from the horse Orin's wings quickly manifest in a awing brilliant white flash the demons paused foolishly to look up as the three tackled a few to the ground.[/I] Orin: we didn't want to fight you but you leave no chance!! [I]Orin dove down sharply and rammed into a Bacus, the battle paused as a horrid scream followed by the cracking of wood filled the air. The Bacus Orin attack was driven though sever tree trucks and with flailing a bout on the ground in pain. The others stare for a moment until their demonic enemies continued the attack.[/I] Bacus: > after the angel NOW!
  19. Orin: Fate ties man and angel together > it's the only thing I can remember my parents saying before they were killed, I've dreamed of it time and time again. Arikel: Angels and man tied together by fate > I could see that actually, man has seen angelic beings as their saviors of millions of years. Cador: My > Mother used to tell my lullaby when I was little, that had Man and Angel are link by the light of hope. I don't understand that completely but more and more I began to understand its meaning. > before you, I'd never even consider fighting the demons the only thing too me was darkness and sorrow and I thank you for that Orin. Xanthia: I agree with Cador I'd always hoped to free of their presence but until you came I knew it would never ? [I]Interrupting Xanthia the horse rear up naing(
  20. [I]After a long week of training the triad decided it was time to leave and continue toward Ben'ta (the town Orin says no demon is aware of). Time flies as they travel dangerous wilderness areas and are confronted by various wilderness encounters. It all seemed to peaceful for confront.[/I] OOC: sorry for short post but busy trying to create a web page :)
  21. Tursi you do get to choose the animal speech is from the ealier post not for the training. Arikel: enhanced agility Cador: 6th sense
  22. [I]Orin Looked back at the Giant boulder as it faded from view.[/I] Orin: Strange traps, I would have to say. Xanthia: That one I don't remember being down here! Cador: Hopefully those things hunting us didn't hear anything. Arikel: Chance is they didn't but still we should press onward. > there is something I most ask you Orin, how is it that you empower us with these ? well gifts? Orin: > it's actually simple, I give you that part of me and sort of relearn them later. Cador: Wait, so you gave me some of your strength and speed? Orin: Yes Cador, and Arikel a part of my life span to renew his aged body. Xanthia: If you do that enough won't you die? Orin: Sort of if matters if I relearn or get back it shape so to speak. Cador: that is awesome! Hey when you can throw me some wings or holy sword and stuff. [I]Everyone laughs a little.[/I] Orin: Funny Cador, funny. But I don't think I can give wings and I don't have a "holy" sword. Cador: I know, I know, joking. Arikel: > shouldn't we train then? Cador: yeah that gets you more powerful > and will get us some actual safe training in. Xanthia: It would be helpful to know how to fight better then we do. Orin: I guess we could for a little bit. Arikel: How about a week in this cave. Xanthia: I know a place in here we could sleep and I could hunt outside at night. Cador: I'll stand watch when she does incase there is problems. Orin: I guess it sounds good for now. The group continued to travel down the dark cave, until finding the place of which Xanthia spoke of where they agreed to train for one week. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: this is rather simple just post a couple of skills you have learned, then list three different abilities you'd like Orin to imbue you with and I (Carren Heart) will inform you which he was able to or which fixes the storyline/character the best. Other then that Tursi, your character gets the speak to animals gift started earlier.
  23. [I]Orin looked beyond at the tracks and with a wave of his hand they disappeared.[/I] Orin: It temporary but it'll do for now! [I]The group broke a clearing the sounds of rushing waters filled the air as a crystal clear waterfall could be seen. Stopping the horse Orin looks over at Cador and Arikel.[/I] Orin: alright, I believe I can do this again Cador I'll give you some speed to go with that strength, and Arikel > would you like some youth returned? Arikel: Youth? Why of course! Cador: Sweet Speed! [I]Orin focus as he raised his hand to them a brilliant bluish gray light bolted out and struck the two granting Cador with speed it match his Strength and Arikel of the Resilience body of youth. (Congratulations Cador and Arikel your characters gained a angelic gift).[/I] Orin: > I have to rest before granting the speech of Nature to you Xanthia. Xanthia: > does that mean I'll be able to speak with animals? Orin: Yes it does, I fix's you well. [I]Xanthia Slightly hugged Orin as he guided the Horse to the Caves behind the waterfalls. [/I]
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