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Carren Heart

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Everything posted by Carren Heart

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D x SaBrE [/i] [B]Err... uh. I'm a newbie around here, but like the other guy said, I've been RP'ing for a hell of a longer time then most of you. I bet if I were to post one thing, I would be judged, and, right now, I'm afraid to play any of these games...knowing what you people would say to a "newbie" You people need to also know that not all newbies are incompetent...some of them, including me, RP extremely well. And you guys are mods? Where I used to play, MODS didn't even dare to cuss at the inexperienced..I thought mods were selected by their interaction... [/B][/QUOTE] Well as it would appear not at Otaku Boards !!
  2. > Rajaah: We .. Need > to head south > NOW !! Ken: Where the Hell are we heading ??.. Hybrid !! Rajaah: To safety ? Human !! ???.. Please continue ??..
  3. Zylik: > Alright. > Valeigh: > Are you coming or what? Zylik: O .. I'll catch you!! Just giving you a head start. > Valeigh: > Where'd you go ??
  4. Sorry guys just takes me awhile to read your LONG post ------------------------------------------------
  5. Zylik: > Then again nothing to be embarrassed about .. I'd guess Siren: You two done? Zylik: NO !! > >
  6. > Zylik: > Always with the weapons > Siren: > what other way is there? Zylik: > none I guess ?. If you'd excuse me Siren * Drives in *
  7. :laugh: :laugh: ....... because of the Key rule of role playing which is to have FUN !! i'll just say one little thing AH !! AH !! Experianced Role players know that its just a game ... and don't personally insult people .. Have a Nice day SS Trucks And for the note ... i feel that i'm pretty damn good for this Otaku Boards thing being the frist Online Role playing i've ever done :)
  8. Name: Vol'don Age: about 17 maybe 18 Appearance: 5'11 foot, Wiry Build. Black hair, Blue eyes, wears a light chest plate and commoner clothing Personality: Very Compassionate Man, Kinda Shy and lonely Type: Vol'don can Use the arts of healing magic and Druid magics, also has a magic power that allows him to become friends with any animal as long as he has no intent to harm it. Companion (optional): None Past history: Vol'don seeks traveling companions on his adventures to become more experienced in hes healing arts for he may aid other in his travels.
  9. > Zylik: > God yes that feels good ? >
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arikel [/i] [B]Now I don't mean any offense to anybody, but I have been visiting this board for only a couple of days and I've noticed that this room is very rude to "newbies" and just so you know, I am not an newbie, I have been Roleplaying online for almost 5 years and rollplaying offline for over 10. I think your initial reaction to anime goddesses character application was very rude and unhelpful and quick tempered... If someone is a newbie you should not scorn them, call them an idiot and ban them from RPing, that way they will never learn and will remain a newbie. The only way a newbie will learn how to roleplay online is if they are helped and taught, you don't expect a person to get a video game they have never played before on a system that they've never seen and expect to be an expert at it right away do you? I feel this is the same way.. I think you were to hard on that poor girl..... Feel free to email me if I'm wrong [email]bluekaosdragon@aol.com[/email] or message me on my aim Paradox Wish I'm usually on late at night.... or you can just respond here, your perogative. [/B][/QUOTE] i personal agree with this statement that was very VERY RUDE !! No Where did you just tell her what was wrong ... and then insulting her on a personal level why to repersent the Boards MAN !! ... You people piss me off sometimes ... rememberr you too were a newbie once ... and Anime Goddess just forget everrything he said join a game were people will nicely tell you what to change .... THANK YOU !! :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  11. Zylik: > ? that was every close.. > soon they begin their ascension to the first stage of power ? > Worried yet guys. >>>> > Rajaah: > Welcome to your new coming Oblivion, if only you had listened to our warning. > Bhaal: > Well-done Rajaah .. Damien: > and what of Zylik !! Rajaah: > Oblivion defied us and dispelled my magics. He remains with Siren and Valeigh. Bhaal: And the other ?? Rajaah: She's recovering the power of her weapons. Damien: WHAT !!!?? How did they know !!? Rajaah: Zylik's Knowledge of us is great Damien, which is why we should have destroyed him from the beginning. Bhaal: Worry not of him Damien, the only one's that can defy us we should worry of. Damien: You Fool, Zylik is Valeigh guardian Angel. Bhaal: So what !! Rajaah: Do you know nothing Bhaal, when you become a Guardian Angel you seek to become loved by the other angel .. Valeigh has declared her heart belongs to him! Bhaal: So what !?! Rajaah: They are now bound to one another ?. She can die only after the Death of Zylik !! Bhaal: SO we kill the others first !! Damien: BHAAL!! You're being an idiot !! ? Valeigh is the Highest of archangels and holds the powers of Death !! She can simply revive them. Bhaal: But only if she reaches the first Level of ascension. Rajaah: He's right .. but I feel two Angelic creatures beginning to ascend. Damien: Then we prepare ?. Too night while they sleep. Rajaah: They'll have someone watching. Damien: I know we'll wait for the right moment ? remember attack Zylik first then Valeigh .. Bhaal keep Siren Off us. Bhaal: Right !! Rajaah: We'll wait for Zylik's Watch then we'll strike.
  12. Class: Good Name: Magus Age: 513 Character: Vampire Personality: Cool, Calm and Collective > Bio:
  13. Humans in 3rd edition DnD get more stills and feats does that mean i can have one more Specialized skill --------------------------------------------- Name: Diamoon Age: 21 Race: Human Class: Cleric Weapon: Heavy Mace and Light Crossbow Armor: Banded Mail, Large steel shield Specialized skill: Listen Deity: Pelor Bio: Favored by his god for some unknown reason Diamoon has powerful healing magics along with a wide Varity of Protection spells Description: Diamoon is a very Compassionate looking man with long black hair, Blue eyes, and a nice build having a strong looking upper body.
  14. > Rajaah: > littler closer Carrot: Cat-man!! Watch-out!! Carrot: *Rising his eye brow * Cat-man has got some moves > Get that pointy *** thing away from me !!
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arikel [/i] [B]Hey Carren are we getting this thing going soon or what? *rubs hands impatiently.* [/B][/QUOTE] yes we will start very soon .... trying to get a good starting post ready ;)
  16. Zylik: > > O. Sorry > Your Temple is about half a mile that way ? when your ready come back if your not back in a week I'm coming over to check-up on you Kay. Shocks: Understood Zylik.. Thanks Zylik: > those are my crazy girls .. always fighting > gotta love them ? > I wonder what the Triads up too ? nothing good ?. > O well, when they > rediscover they true power .. they'll be able it fight and defeat them. > Then it'll be all over > No ? there's got to be more to it then that ? how did God loss his hold on their powers ?. Satan .. No ? must be another force ??.. Well we'll worry about that after the Triad.
  17. Name: Chris Hunter "Shade" Age: 21 Height Weight: 5'11ft 164lbs Hair and Eyes: Blonde/Blue Birth Island: Southern Island Race: Human/Elf Plot/No Plot: PLOT !! Background- Shade has all but destroyed any files of his Past > Skills- Basic Electricity knowledge +2 Advanced Electricity knowledge +1 Stealth +2 Prowl +2 Rope Use +1 Camouflage +3 Resourceful +2 Intelligence +1 Scrying +1 Supers- Ninjutsu X 2 Martial Arts ((Dragon Style)) Shadow Abilities Shadow Magic Conjuring Weaponry X 2 Chi Powers
  18. Arikel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... *grins* now the world will be ours * Starts Laughing evilly * O ....... no supernature Strenght Okay .. when the game starts you are just humans with the ability to have powerful powers granted to you through game play ......... Okay :)
  19. when can we start this thing...
  20. Name: Diamoon Raze Age: 19 Home planet: Loriza Weapon: Technological Weaponry and Magical Abilities ((Does have a Technologically Enhanced "Sword" but rarely uses it)) Magic: Time Alteration and Technological Enhancements Secret Identity: Lorn Wright Other forms: An aura flares up around him and changes his hair white makes him Physically Powerful and Dreadfully Fast ((Think DBZ but not nearly as powerful)) Personality: Appears Coldly Logical at first with little regard for the life of others. But if he finds you to be a loyal friend he will quickly show a softer side of compassion and the heart of a hopeless romantic ((if you're a female and hes interested)) Bio: Not much is Knew about Diamoon but he seems to have Connections everywhere he goes even where his race would other wise be Kill on sight. No one knows why this is and hes not telling anyone his secret, he also has a large bit a fame having started a rebellion that no one ever seen any chance in and turned it completely around overthrowing the Imperial Dynasty of the Veronca Galaxy ((A very powerful military force in the Universe)) other then that nothing know about him is common knowledge. Looks: Tall hansom man with a very nice "cut" Build to him, Long Black hair that goes down to his shoulders and light hazel eyes. Normally wearing some Dark and Mysterious commonly seen as your classic Tall, Dark and hansom.
  21. i'll join ... but i'll post a little later
  22. We need a at least one person per element !!
  23. what happened to the other thread ??? ... did they delete it ??
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