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Carren Heart

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Everything posted by Carren Heart

  1. Zylik: Okay Shocks just remember .. we're going to your temple frist... there you should find the Alter of Storms to empower your weapon. Siren: Then can we go to my temple ?? Valeigh: Lets wait til we have the Empowered weapon for Shocks before dealing with other subjects. Zylik: Agreed Siren: > (( To herself - like you would disagree )) Shocks: So how do i Empower my weapon. Zylik: I don't know ... you'll have to find the way after all its your weapon Shocks. Shocks: Right !! ... Zylik: The rest of us will continue training outside your temple. Until you get your weapon. Siren: Great we'll get to see how much stronger Oblivion made us. Valeigh: > You'll get about 30 seconds to test Zylik: why is that. Valeigh: Becuase thats how long it'll that me to knock your *** down. > Siren: O .. its on !!! Zylik: > always ready to fight are we !!? Valeigh: thats right ... what other way would you have it ?? Zylik: > Siren: > Shocks: > ........... Please Continue .......
  2. can i join even if i don't know to much about Lord of the Lords ... i do know a little !!
  3. Name: Jason Hunter Age: 21 Gender: Male Trial: Good Appearance: Long Black hair, Blue eyes, and a wiry build Bio: Jason Hunter is a FBI agent by day and by night an Aeon Warrior he is very similar with all types of supernatural evils and hunts them carefully. He has recently been having a strange dream about the death of Mira > and leader of the trial of light ((Goodness)). Since then he has tried to send her a message to warn her but the higher up Aeon warriors think he has lost it, other then that find out in the thread.
  4. Trapped by a web of endless deception lays the truth of the planet earth. Ages ago god created man in his self-image with this god went to tend other "sheep". Hundreds of years past quickly man became the most evolved race on the planet, Top of the food chain. ????? If god created man then went to tend other sheep we were left alone ??.. Countless of other deify beings also left their mark on our world, Creatures of light and darkness, Good and Evil slowly began to show them selves among the human race. This was meant with the first war, Man against the most powerful of creatures this savage war would last Aeons until the time mankind's days would be short lived. God returned to his children to find them at near extinction with this sorrowful time God had not the power to save them, he had not the power to destroy the dread creatures created by other Deities. ?????.. God left us all to die ?. Or so we thought ??.. God sent aid to us in a much different way, with his death ? he created six powerful beings each that had one aspect of the Earth > these Divine beings sent to earth a great power by bestowing gifts to a select few mortal humans. These Mortal gained powers of there given aspect ?. Great Powers that can save or destroy our world. They were given the name Aeon Warriors and have watched over the human races for generations fighting the supernatural evils of this world ? in a secret war waged in the background of a modern world. Welcome My Warrior ??. Are you ready to join the fight for your world !!!! ???. Just remember no mortal must know the truth ? they will never understand what you must do. There are now much more Aeon Warriors in your modern world you are among hundreds of your kind that travels the world fighting the Evils hidden behind the world of a mortal's life. Name: Age: Gender: Trial: > Appearance: Bio: ??. I'll post my character later ??..
  5. Zylik: There is still a problem ? Valeigh: What's the problem? Zylik: Those weapons of yours ? they need to be restored to their full power. Siren: How do we do that? Shocks: The temples of Virtue. Zylik: Right ? we go to the temples of Virtue. Shocks: I heard that they are only a myth. Zylik: Nope? There real? We just have to go find them. Valeigh: Do you know of any Zylik? Zylik: > of course I do.. Siren: which one? Zylik: I believe its Shocks. Shocks: Mine? Zylik: Yeah yours ? located east of your place of worship .. hey .. we may find some of your worshipers there ?. > Shocks: I hope so ? Zylik: Do you recall your mortal title yet? Shocks: Me? .. No Zylik: well just for you don't get confused the mortals call you the Storm Rider .. so if you have worshipers left they won't call you Shocks .. okay Shocks: Storm Rider .. > ???. Please Continue ??..
  6. Zylik: > If I could Valeigh I'd make ever day of your life never ending bliss. ??.. Please continue ??.
  7. Zylik: > Valeigh? I thank you ?.. Valeigh: > I told you ?. I wouldn't let you go .. Siren: > > We should take a little walk .. Zylik: Valeigh > why did you sigh? ?. Was there a catch to that deal? ?.. ??? Please Continue ??..
  8. > Rajaah: > Well I'd best start looking now. Rare to see Hybrids around here ?. Hope I find him.
  9. > Siren: > I think he'll be fine Shocks: I hope so ?. ???? Please Continue ?? >>>>
  10. Name: Rajaah Race: Hybrid / Panther Gender: Male Appearance: He is Tall
  11. if you guys could keep my character in the story i'd be grantful ........ i a hurry ..... i will not be on for about two days ... maybe if lucky only one day ........ Bye !!
  12. Zylik: Valeigh! your a genuis. Valeigh: > I know. Shocks: Care to fill me in. Siren: Wait .. i get it. Shocks: What .. get what? Valeigh: I empowered Zylik as my Guardian Angel ... and angels gain power with what the mortals percieve them to be .... Siren: The named the mortals gave Zylik is the Angel of Oblivion Shocks: I heard of that .. why didn't i remember ...... the song i heard a long time ago. it said something of Oblivion lays Immortal in the realm of stars ... space right? Zylik: yes thats it! But this doesn't save me yet ....... O/r does the brillent Valeigh have another idea. ......... Please Continue ......
  13. :flaming: WHAT !!!!! if thats is True then my heart goes out to your friends and his family. No one would EVER have to deal with that .. no matter who you are ... i truely hope your friend finds peace wherever he may have gone. Me personal if this ever happened to one of my friends i would .... i don't know its just to ... Sad .. I rarly ever pray for anything but i pray tonight .. for your friend's peace in the arms of a loving God. God rest his Soul ..... >
  14. > The modern world as you know it perished in 2034. Mankind could not find peace within their hearts and finally resulted in nuclear and biological warfare. It is now 2413 over 300 hundred years have passed since this war the world suffered a Devastating nuclear fallout but now is beginning to recover from the horrific ordeals. But what if man has not yet learned from it's past ? can the world survive another fallout? In the time of the Great fallout evolution has begun to take place. The introduction of Animal/Human Hybrids in the northern and southern parts of the world has engulfed the regions in a very Bloody War between the too races. Recently Humans have rediscovered varies military bases around the world with details to make a nuclear weapon with this the most Intellect people around the world have been gather to recreate this Powerful weapon and with plans to use this weapon against the Hybrids the world may find itself unable to survive mankind's wraith a second time. ---You can play a hybrid o/r and normal human both are fine Build your character as follows. Name: Race: > Gender: Appearance: Bio: Please list any talents you may have > Your character may get more as you post. ?? I'll post my character a little later ;)
  15. Seth? Seth: > I know. I feel tense as well. Piro: > I don't like this. Valeigh: > Quite! Seth: > Guys?? ? > ???: > Ouch !! Seth: > Name Please ???: Ouch .. Ouch ? Chris ? please let me go ? they'll find .. me Figure #1: > Excuse me Sir that kid you have ? is a criminal ? I must take him in. Seth: May I see your badges sirs ? Figure #2: That's all the "badge" we need !! ?? Please Continue ?.
  16. Ace: Rouge leader ... i have an idea but i need some cover badly cover here .. my wing mate is having problems of his own. Marth: Jana and Trusi form on Ace's wing get those fighters off him. Ace your plan better work ! ...... Please Continue ....
  17. Zylik: > ?????: Aww .. poor Zylik > Siren: > who are you? Valeigh: > A Fallen? Shocks: > Stand Back ?????: > poor little fools ? Valeigh: > Leave here while you have to ability to walk ! > Siren: > > sorry no time for a chat Zylik: > Ra .. jaah ?. Be car..ful > Shocks: > Valeigh .. Siren, Zylik says that's Rajaah and something is happening to him. Valeigh: Dispel your magic from him and be gone Dark angel. ?????: > calm your self little girl ?. Valeigh: > Siren you ready .. Siren: Always am ? ??? Please Continue ??..
  18. Name: Chris Hunter Age: 19 Favorite Spell: Divinity > Looks: Chris is tall, with long blonde hair > and sky blue eyes. He is in excellent shape with a strong wiry Build > other then that he is generally in something White o/r Blue > Bio: Chris's past is very much a mystery to him. He was raised as a orphan since he could remember > until he became 18 in which he travels the world searching for his past and evading powerful Dark figured men that seem to wish him harm, with no clue why and having magic's that he himself doesn't fully understand there is no other choice but to run and pray. Personality: Chris is fairly nice until given a reason to act other wise. ((((((((Something about my character)))))))))))) --- His magic's are VERY powerful but the one big catch is that his magics do not harm others and for some reason he can't empower himself and has no clue how to fully use them. Also all of his power enhances other peoples abilities and skills making him a very useful "team mate" his powers also work the best to empower other mages Magics. ((( Other useful things I'm add with posts that he can do to aid others)) I'll post begining soon ... unless someone else just wants to throw him in.
  19. Silent !! ? > Zylik: You can't ? awaken them ? that quickly ? now listen!! even if you all could save me by awakening your powers ? I'd be much weaker then you ? all > Shocks: Zylik, you can't ask us to sit still and watch you die. Zylik: Then leave if you must ?.. Valeigh: ?.. > Siren: ?.. > Shocks: But what do we do without you ?. ???? Zylik: the same you've always done, keep fighting. I thought I was the luckiest man alive when I was granted the power of an angel and all I've done with it is get thousands killed by betraying all of you and for that I will die like this, then awaken in hell where I belong!! A meer mortal given to him all his worldly dreams, has done nothing but destroyed the most holy and divine creatures to ever have set foot on this corrupt world! Now I pay for that mistake with my burdened soul. > Why would one want to save such a creature anyway? ???? Please Continue ??..
  20. may i join ... i was gone becuase of computer problems for a while .. But if theres no spots thats okay.
  21. > Siren: > Why is it the dragon has to be under huge rocks deep beneath the earth. Vol'don: > I just don't know?? Siren: > Vol'don: Okay count of three ? 1 ?. 2? 3 !! Vol'don: You will have to transform into something smaller Siren. Siren: > this will do nicely, I missed you too? but we have our old job again. Siren: Some how I knew you'd say that. Vol'don: Oceana and Kain await us out side. Siren: Please lead the way. ????.. Please Continue ??
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