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Carren Heart

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Everything posted by Carren Heart

  1. > >>>>> Ace: Of course the force is with us ?? after all what better force is there then I!!!!!!! Marth: Me ? > Ace: > Marth: It's a joke kid. Ace: > Marth: Man your weird > Ace: AH!! Made ya laugh Marth: > Let me guest, your going to be our comedy relief. Ace: Only when we need it Sir. Marth: Good, I hope to see these skills I've heard you have. Ace: I promise Sir you will. Marth: I also heard you were apart of the Imperial Forces. Ace: Yes Sir I was. Marth: What made you join us. Ace: I refused to kill a cute little girl Sir. Marth: > Good to hear. Ace: > Best choice I ever made. Marth: What were you too them kid. Ace: That's the best thing Sir. I was the Dark Star unit 2 leader and one of the best intelligent officers they have ever had. Marth: Dark Star Wow .. so is its true what they say? Ace: About the Dark Star being as good as Rogue Squadron? Hell no Sir. Marth: Didn't think so. ???.. Please Continue ???
  2. Zylik: So Valeigh, Where are we going? Valeigh: Give me a moment .. I had an idea Siren: Give you a moment what did you forget? Zylik: Siren, just let her think. For now we have time. > Valeigh: Zylik? Zylik: Okay maybe we don't have to much longer. Siren: > is there anything we can do to stop what evers happening to him > Zylik: > Well since I'm not a true Blood I don't think so Siren: True Blood? What the hell is that? Zylik: It means I wasn't born an angel, my power was granted to me by Valeigh remember. Siren: Well if that's so then could Valeigh stop whats happening to you? Zylik: If her Powers were restored in the temple maybe. But I didn't sense her powers awaken. Siren: I don't feel any different, mine haven't awakened. Zylik: > Still asleep ? she wasn't there long enough. why haven't you said anything, Valeigh? ????? Please Continue ???.
  3. >>> Zylik: The HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Kain that > You deal with. Kain: >> that I didn't see coming?? ???.. Please continue ??
  4. Zylik: For ? Us .. > Zylik: I knew they were going to attack the angels and defeat them ALL. Even you ?, Valeigh ? so I agreed to help them knowing that I'd at the very least save you ?. > I have always been fond of you Valeigh. That's why I'm your guardian angel, That's why I restored you Valeigh?, I ??Care for you.
  5. Wedge: Private! Ace: > Yes Sir! > (( Spelling?) Wedge: glad you could join us. Ace: Sorry sir .. I wasn't informed but a moment or two ago. Wedge: take a seat > Ace: > Sweet ? these guys are like my heroes > not really. > ??? Please continue ?..
  6. >> Zylik: We should find a safe place. Valeigh: Where's a safe place Zylik?? Siren: > I KNOW!! > Siren: A Temple! Zylik: The Vercona Temple Valeigh: What??? Zylik: A Temple in honor of all angels. Being there will make us stronger and safe. Valeigh: Then lets go. Zylik: When we get there I feel its time for me to answer some questions > Valeigh: About time.. I have a lot of questions for you ! Siren: Me too!! > >>>>>>>>>>> > Zylik: Welcome to Vercona Temple Palace of the Archangels and your lost home. Valeigh: Lost ?? Zylik: Yes Lost ? you forget ?? all three of us are fallen angels and "forbidden" to house your selves here. But i don't think they'll mind because there all but dead Siren: Archangels ?? we were archangels ?? > Zylik: Yes YOU too were archangels. Valeigh: And you ?? Zylik: > Hardly ? Siren: Hardly?? Then what were you ?? Zylik: Archangels are powerful angels and righteous ones ?. i was a mortal that became an angel Valeigh: But you said your one of the strongest angels because of you Aura, didn't you? Zylik: Yes now I am, but I owe you for my aura Valeigh. Valeigh: What ?? Me ?? >> Zylik: Yes you, I am hardly worthy of it. Siren: Well now I have more questions for him. Valeigh: That man holds to many selects, time to uncover them. Zylik: Ladies come in !!! > > Zylik: You'll be safe here. Soon I'll answer your questions please take your time when you are ready ask me what you may. I promise I'll answer to the best of my ability. > ???.. Please continue ??.
  7. > Soldier: Hey Ace!! Ace: Gary!! > Soldier: It's been along time man. Ace: How did you get outta the empire? Soldier: Secretly joined them. Ace: Sweet ***** man !! Soldier: O hey I was sent to tell you to meet in the beriefing room at 1800 hours kay. Ace: What for ?? Soldier: Your meeting the other members soon. Ace: > Damn it. Soldier: What's wrong man ?? Ace: Other plots never seem to like me ? I'll hate this one. Soldier: Hey cheer-up man ?.. they'll see how cool of a guy you are ? Ace: > yeah right !?! Soldier: Hey I have to go now .. but be positive. Ace: Fine I will. I will ? Ace: > O well ?. Its not my job to be liked just be a team player ? > but it sure helps if you like the people your teamed-up with ??. I'll just try to be professional ????????. >> That was a good one .. O god I crack my self up .. Professional ME !!! HA !!!
  8. if someone would be so kind to introduce my chr i'd be very thankful. >
  9. > Ace: **** .. left wing down??. Must stabblize left wing .. **** !! > Damn it !! Rebel soldier: You'll never beat that game Man!! Ace: Silent !!! ? > Quarter NOW !! Rebel Soldier: > Ace you have WAY to much dramatic flare ?? Ace: I will win this game ? I mean for god sakes am in the Rouge Squadron .. this should be easy. Rebel Soldier: What are you going to do if the others see you like this ?? Ace: They'll have no clue how long I've been here. ??? Please continue ?.
  10. This time we'll win. >> Vol'don: We need to become stronger this time guys. Oceana: Last time we just rushed in way to fast. We can't let our anger get the better of us this time.
  11. i had a chr. in here but lost track of him and wish to start a one one ... may I ??
  12. > >> > >> >> Valeigh: ZYLIK !! DAMN IT SNAP OUT OF IT !!!!!!! > .... please continue ...
  13. Old man: We have found him my dear. Young Woman Yes father, Vol'don with him wee will awaken the other hopes. > Old Man: We must hurry my dear. Young woman: > they have come for us, to stop us haven't they father. Old man: Yes dear if we can't awaken him ? we will die > Old Man: < Begins to Draw a circle with chalk >> Young Woman: > HURRY FATHER!! Old Man: > > Naga # 1: Put down your blade and die silent !! Young woman: > I have lore enough to kill you serpent so.. BE GONE!! Naga # 2: Foolish Woman!! Your savior is dead!! Old Man: Awaken Vol'don our Savior !! Naga # 1: Fool ? >> > Naga # 1: Let it be known you were forsaken. Voice: > Yes you will be forsaken VILE BEAST !!!
  14. if see could please pick some not dragon ... o/r angels are okay but note that your not ungodly powerful in fact you'ld most likly be weak for a angel but you all will get stronger
  15. You two are welcome to join my LAST HOPE .. Guardian's return Tread if you'ld like ... i need people who will post
  16. Long ago a Horrid being spawned from the evil and wickedness of mankind it grow and festered like a vile seed into the hearts of mortals. Mankind was on the edge of destruction and the spirits of the world cried out and so mankind's last hopes were born. You were one of the seven Guardians of this god-forsaken world and you fought well. But a last in vain you were imprisoned in a Tome of rock lost to the hearts of mankind until now a few mortals have rediscovered ancient documents with the legends of your finial battle and now seek to awaken you. (((Only six more people))) Name: Vol'don Age: 144 Gender: Male Race: High Elf Appearance: Very Good Looking he can attract nearly any woman if he puts his mind to it > Bio: (((include any background about other guardians you want))) Vol'don is the leader of the guardians he is kind and strong willed ?. he has traveled the world looking for the other hopes for more then half his life and he found them one by one and helped them discover how important they really were. Powers: (((Please not ungodly powerful things you can gain more powers later ))) 2-3 powers please Battle Telepathy: Can see thought other guardian's eyes and is still able to perform with out distraction. Conjuring: Can summon objects with no or little moving parts Power Field: A Barrier that protects him from harm >> >
  17. Name- Zylik Age- 19 Gender- male Appearance- Tall, White Hair, and Well built Bio- Zylik awakes without any memory of his past Dragoon Spirit-White/silver. Magic- Healing Magic Weapon- One-Handed Halberd
  18. Valeigh: > Zylik! Zylik: > Siren: What going on > Zylik: ****!! Valeigh: > What is going on. Zylik: The triad have awakened. Siren: What does the sun do that when they awaken ?? Zylik: Because that's how Wicked they are. The symbol of hope given to man by god fades away. Valeigh: The sun ?? Zylik: Yes god set the sun there as a reminder to all mankind that out there somewhere their being watched out for. Siren: Odd Zylik: Yup ! god can do a odd one at times ? Zylik: We have to go ? > > Robed Figure # 1: Angels ?? Yyessss ? Robed Figure # 2: Fallen ?? Angels ????? Robed Figure # 3: Triad ?? Nnooo !! to weak Zylik: Daemons .. Robed Figure # 2: Noo !! Angel. Death !! Zylik: AH!!! Foolish creature. Robed Figure # 5: > Valeigh: Vampire ?? Siren: AH! Easy Zylik: Wait !! .. Siren: > Zylik: > Angelic Vampires !!! > Valeigh: Vampires !! .. How Zylik: > I have no clue Siren: > What ? why are you to so surprised?? Zylik: That impossible .. angels can't become Vampires !! Siren: What these guys ? O Please I fought one just three days before you guys found me. ???. Please Continue ??..
  19. Name: Dave Maze "Ace" Age: 19 Description: Avg. Human Joe .. Rank: Private Wing #: 12 Home Planet: ??? R2 or R5 Name: BOB Bio: Ace was a fighter plot for the empire before his commander ordered him to Kill a young Woman and her children about 3 years ago ? he said he would that no part in the scentless killing any more and was imprisoned for his refusal. It turned out that the woman was a rebel General's Wife and the Kid was his as well after a good two year he was rescued and rewarded. Now his one of the Elite Plots that is the rogue Squadron.
  20. Name: Carren Heart Age: 17 Grade: 11 ((Started school one year late)) Bio: Carren is a shy young man with a lot of talent in computers and Design he became one of the SYF because about 3 years ago his school was held for ransom and Carren found a way to allow the police and feds to enter the building undetected he also single handedly captured one of the armed Men that was holding his school for ransom. Ever since then Carren has shown that he is very capable of Military espionage and a very adept "Soldier" able to use almost anything to his advantage.
  21. Well, a lot of people have very good points about LOVE ? One thing I'd like to say is that half of you have no clue what your talking about ((And am not saying that I'm the expert))) But I do belief that I have great insight about LOVE and to all those people who get Abnormally depressed about losing some "GREAT" Guy o/r Girl ? just remember this .. IF YOU TRULY LOVE SOMEONE YOU CAN BE HAPPY, EVEN IF YOU CAN'T BE WITH THAT PERSON IT SHOULD BRING JOY IN YOUR LIFE TO SEE THEM HAPPY AND DOING WELL. > JUST ONE MORE THING >>> This is to Queen Asuka >> If you feel love is 95% Lust, You should really think about that LOVE is a Wonderful thing and if you Label it 95% Lust then you may never find anyone that truly loves you ???.. Just some insight
  22. I would say my biggest fear is being alone ? I HATE being alone .. but luckily I have a lot of friends that make time for me .. so for now I'm very happy.
  23. I've never been I love with anyone YET .. but I hope one day I will .. I had a girl friend about two years ago and she asked me if I loved her. Well I said that I wasn't going to say that I do .. because I truly didn't know if I did or not and my wasn't going to be throwing that Word around until it means nothing to me ? Breaths* Saddly we had a BIG fight about that .. she thought I didn't love her and I was using her or something .. and that was the last time I've seen her .. I miss her a lot. ?. Well anyway I very much so hope all of you how say your I love MEAN it because a word like love should not be a meaningless one ?. Stay Happy Forever guys and gals
  24. > Kame: > Gotta love those last timers ? > Kain: Why must you always talk !!?? Kame: Because its better then being a stiff board like yourself. ?. Kain: > Whatever. Kame: > Seifer Right?? ?.. Seifer: yup .. Kame: What you in for ?
  25. Why are carriots more orange then oranges ?? If the whole world started runing in one direction would we go back in time ??
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