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Carren Heart

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Everything posted by Carren Heart

  1. > Zylik: Good .. you both learn quickly. Valeigh: Of course .. Siren: Well come on Zylik continue .. Zylik: Alright ... I'll push you harder .. > :cool: ................... :mad: .........:naughty: ................:demon: ............:blackeye: ...:butthead: :laugh: .......:flaming: ...........:confused: .....:blackeye:
  2. Kame: > So when does the action start ?. Kain: > Kame: What I just wish to know when I need to fend for myself .. Cass none of you look friendly. Kain: > Kame: > Well as I said none of ya look friendly ? you all know if we don't fight together we'll Die
  3. Name: Lanus Wood Color Armour: Main body is a light Black with Grey trim. Gender: Male Age: 17 Side: Evil > Weapon: Wrist Saber > And a High Powered Shoulder Cannon Bio: Lanus doesn't remember his past every well but has a great drive to harm and kill people he has become one of earth's greatest enemies he seems to work with the enemy at this moment and no one understands why they would allow a human to work with them but he has become very valuable to them all.
  4. Name: Dave "ICE" Jones Age: 16 Description: Black Leather Jacket w/ Various chains and pictures all over it, Hair Red "Of course not naturally" Contacts in eyes to make them have a Black tint to them. Personality: Dave is very "odd" he loves to test people on all affairs of life (Love, Religion, Actions ? you name it) He is highly intelligent and can hold decisions with the best of them. Everyone at school either loves o/r hates him. Another note is for a gothic guy he flirts with those he likes abit.
  5. Name: "Kame" the only name his known by Age: 23 Reason For Conviction: He was a part of a military operation. The enemy catch him and now his a prisoner Description: Japanese man Approximately 6 foot, 1 inches tall with light blue eyes and long jet black hair his well bluidt and "cut" Biography: You'll have to find out. Weapons: His bare hands serve well as weapons but his loves to carrie his Twin comstom made 9mm pistols around .
  6. I'm user name was a nickname given to me .. Carren Heart Care(n) Heart she said I have a Caring Heart .. get it Carren Heart
  7. I've been Playing A D&D for some time now ( 11 years ) I'm very good at it VERY good I'm mainly the GM > Now but I like to run that game right now I'm trying to find people around were I live to play but all my friends don't really play anymore ? but I'm still looking.
  8. > Diamond: There you are Sir you'll be fine in Oooo I'd say two days. But I'll make in four get some rest. Injured man: Thanks Diamond. Diamond: Where is Abob. geezz. > Diamond: > Med bay ready .. full systems operations on. > Diamond: > Amber and Ean I still need you for your check-ups ? Abob get your butt over here .. and look for Ken. He won't want a check-up but get him over here ASAP.
  9. > Zylik: > Damn .. they learn quick >> Now with your weapons !!!! Valeigh: What ?? hes crazy .. Siren: Yup !! but don't you love it !! Valeigh: > Well lets show him a thing or too. Siren: Nice .. > Zylik jumps back and raises his hand >> Zylik: CHAINS OF OBLIVION !!!! >
  10. > > Diamoon: > Hey Travis everything is ready to go .. here start sending the crew for check-ups and get Abob over if you would I'll need to show him how to work some of my stuff. Travis: > Right .. I'll be sending them on their way. > >
  11. > Female Voice: > Diamond!! Thanks for the check-up. Diamond: > your welcome Mama. Diamond: Well everyone up ? Wow that's a change. > or not?? > Amber: O.. Diamond can you make that alien .. breakfast thing .. ?? the one I like .. Please man! Diamond: Sure why not ? Ken: I hate that crap .. Diamond: Then what would you like. Ken: Waffles ? Diamond: Okay then I'll make you waffles Travis: me too please .. O and Diamond we have a job or we will I should say .. Diamond: Right ! .. I'll be sure to get everyone check-out and all medical equipment up and going. Tursi: I'll have some of that .. alien stuff .. Bryan: Nothing for me ? well I'll have some milk kay .. Diamond: Right .. waffles for Ken and Travis ? the "alien thing" for Amber and Tursi ? then some Milk for our Guest. Travis: O sorry .. this is Bryan .. he'll be joining us Diamond. Diamond: O ? well welcome Sir. > Bryan: Thanks ? Diamond: I'll need to do a full check-up on you Bryan and I will be recording the information in our Medical data Banks. Bryan: Alright .. I guess that's okay .. Diamond: Well I'll go make Food .. be right back > ?? Please Continue ..
  12. Name: Diamond C'oss Age: 65 > Call Sign: Trace Height: 5'11 Expertise: Medical "Miracle Worker" Prefered Crew Position: Medical Appearance: looks like a human with a gold tinted skin ? Long Golden hair .. light blue eyes. Equipment: Highly Superior Medical Eguipment > No Weapon > ((( Highly Resist to energy blasts ))) Bio: Not much is known about Diamond Expert he is the Best Medical personal you have ever seen and a good wing man when in his alien ship > > Force Shielding: This is the Main reason the nemesis is at all effective > The shielding really lasts a long time because of its high energy resistance. 2x Frontal Pluse Cannons: Really weak against armored foes but packs a punch against the rare alien Tech. Shielding 2x Missle Silos: (( 4 N.O.V.A Homing Missles ea. ))> The N.O.V.A is a very effective missle dealing a good amount of damage to both shields and a heavy amount to the main hulls of any ship >
  13. how do you get the picture under your member name .. ???
  14. Name: Lacin Harper Age: 19 Gender: male Race: Human Magic: Yes Psionics: Yes Bio: Lacin is a priest of the old faith that once locked these horrid creatures away ? and know seeks to find a way to do that very thing again. He beginnings his journey coming upon the quite ruined town >
  15. post later ... not enough time now ... i'll be full time medic
  16. you,know you want to join !!:( ;) :D ....:mad: do it >
  17. > Shocks: > WHA ?? Valeigh: > ?? Siren: Sh*t Zylik !! hes out there !! Shocks: > Look ! > Valeigh: Damn !! ? what the heck .. happened !! Siren: Hes not going to attack is he ?? Valeigh: No .. I think hes doing something .. Shocks: :therock: > Valeigh: What is he doing ? ??? >> Zylik: > Training starts NOW !! ?. > > > Zylik: > Error # 1 Awareness ? always be ready for anything ?. > Shocks: Ouch .. Zylik: > This aura > around me is were > an angel's > power lays ? but there is a step beyond this !!
  18. Unspeakable Horrors locked away by the power of an old faith ? What if that very faith that locked them away slowly perished ?. What would become of us ?. What would we do ?. > > > > Shaken man: > PLEASE !!! GOD !! PLEASE LET ME IN ? Town watchman: Sir .. Sir !! calm down sir .. where are you from. Shaken Man: > PLEASE GOD ? LET ME IN !! > NO !! PLEASE HELP ME !! > Night Watchman: Ooo .. my god General .. what .. Shaken man "General" : All ? All .. my men ga .. gone !! Town Watchman: Sir hold on I'll ? General: Death .. BLACK !! .. unstoppable ? WHY !! > Town Watchman: >
  19. Ya: DEVIL'S NIGHT!!! Orin: > Figure: Fool? > I don't think so ? Figure: > you are truly becoming a fool. Orin: Me the fool .. you're the one how doesn't look behind himself. > Indeed ..
  20. Zylik: ? I don't have .. to much longer to help you okay ? Valeigh: .. ?? Why? Zylik: I'd say but again I can't tell you? But don't worry before I go away I'll tell you all you need to know Valeigh.
  21. > Orin: > Both of you attack me at once and make it good and strong ? I'll act like I've been knocked out cold ? then you NEED to help and fight that Army. Remember they are a lot stronger then the first ring and a Hell of a lot smarter.
  22. Zylik: Umm ? that's was good cookin Valeigh: Thanks ? Siren: No really that was great ? Zylik: Ummm ? well how's tired ?? Shock: Me .. O I am Valeigh: Kinda ? Siren: Lets get some rest. I betrayed her the most ? Rajaah: You should have killed the others .. then you and her could have been together .. Zylik we can still do that. Zylik: No !! ? Rajaah I will not betray them again .. I will show them how to kill all three of you. Rajaah: FOOL !! teach three where hundreds have failed I think not ?. I remember before all this started you were wise then you joined us ? Zylik: No I was stupid then .. and betrayed my friends and Valeigh .. not again Rajaah: Then your clock tinks Zylik .. two weeks Zylik and that spell will kill you. Zylik: > Very Well then Rajaah ?. Whatever Rajaah: I hope Valeigh and the others don't remember your betrayal .. o/r it just maybe shorter ? > Oo and Zylik .. think of this will Valeigh ever forgive you ?. After all she is not know as a forgiving type? Zylik: they fell for belief and I fell from grace for myself ? my fate no longer matters. > Zylik: > A Fallen Angel crying ? well that least I know I still can. ? Two weeks left .. I need to find a counter spell o/r teach them quickly ? Damn It !! ?.. Please Continue ?
  23. Orin: > He will need your help Siren: Right !! Orin: > We should make it look like we're fighting ? and you may need to help them yet ? Yajamara will summon demons and other minions to aid him .. those you can kill.
  24. > Leon: Umm ? the triads having a meeting tonight .. I'd better go get ready for that .. There could be some good business there. > Mexican # 1: Hey !! I told its that Silent Scoop Guy ? KILL HIM !! Leon: > **** !! > Leon: Well ? someone must of told them ? Umm that's not good I'll bring it up to the triad tonight.
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