Carren Heart
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Everything posted by Carren Heart
Name: Orin Age: 24 Race: Half Demon and Half Angel Job: Magi-Knight Special: Holy and Darkness Special Attack: Fall to the Halo Weapons: Sword of Oblivion Appearance: Very Hansom, Blonde hair, light gray eyes Bio: his mother was captured by the demons and raped through magic he was born with the ideal to destroy Ken/Orion but deep down seeks peace and maybe if god willing love >
> Harper: I fear no man with only a large sword and a cold stare to welcome others ? I've fought and seen far worst. Theoden: O hes very skill with that large sword as you put it. Rasanak: > Man you got racist for a moment. Harper: I just hate when I'll not answered. Theoden: Well. Where are you headed? Harper: just stayin on the move ? someone hired a bounty hunter to find me Rasanak: WOW wait a minute bounty hunter !!! Harper: Calm down I didn't do anything Rasanak: why is he after you Harper: Well first it's a she ? her name's Moon or something like that Theoden: Well why is she after you. Harper: Well you promise you won't freak out > Harper: Well ? you see ?. Am practice a darker art ?. BUT I USE IT FOR GOOD !! Harper: > Ahhh ?? Necromancy > > >
okay if we can get one more person to play a citzen we will start
Name: PJ Age: 17 Crest: Love Digimon: DraMon New/Existing: New? Bio: post Later
> Himona: > > > Himona: Hey.. Where you going?? Cyprus: Something's wrong Himona ?. I just all of a sudden felt like something was wrong Himona: ? You feeling okay Cyprus > Cyprus ?? > >
Zylik: this is not to be Siren: What? Valeigh: what is not to be?? Zylik: but you all fell that day ? Siren, Valeigh, Xander, Samantha, Kain, Ash, Lupus, and Selen ?? maybe I was wrong. Valeigh: wrong about what Zylik ? I think its time to tell me Zylik Zylik: sorry I still can't Siren: Oookay ? >> Valeigh: Damn it!!!!! ?.. Fine Zylik ? what ever ? Zylik: > Boy I miss arguing with you Valeigh Valeigh: Wwwhat !!! Siren: > If we don't leave and find the others we won't stand a chance against the ? Triad ?.
Rasanak: Hmm wait a minitue half-Quart half-meda ??? Harper: I was created Rasanak: Ooo ... ???? created ??? what !! ?? Harper: yep created Rasanak: Weird ?? Hmmm Harper: question for you ? Rasanak: Yes?? Harper: do you have any idea whats happening to our world ?? Rasanak: >>
okay .. we have one to many military persons need some citizens
i'm having some problems with writer's block so if someone could enter my chacter please >
> Himona: everyone should be happy to see you again Cyprus: > I hope so Himona: Ooo they will your mister popular Cyprus: > still Himona: come on Cyprus lets go in > Cyprus: Having some problems Sir Mako: Yeah one can hear something or me > NPC: Cyprus !!!!! ?? Hey everyone Cyprus is here Himona: > here we go Mako: Looks confused > Himona: Always mister popular Mako: But why??? Himona: His just a really nice guy ? and a great football player ? and basketball player .. > O and I can't forget Wrestler Mako: I've played those sports to Himona: he brought the championship in all three in our school at > and hes a 4.0 student Mako: you going to this party .. right? Himona: yeah ? Mako: is he your Date .. Himona: No ? just a good friend .. why ? Mako: you want to hang out with me a little ?? Himona:
OOC: Zylik is a guy just for you know Siren>>> Zylik: Maybe he doesn't know anything? Hmm > Siren: I now what an angel is man! Zylik: I know Siren ? wait you did fall?? Siren: What? Valeigh: You mean his one too?? Zylik: Yes Valeigh: Odd ? he friend or foe?? Siren: What?? Are you too talking about? Zylik: Hmm.. maybe I don't know as much as I thought ?.. I thought he had perished. Siren: ???? Valeigh: >
we need a little more people
A virus has spend along the planet earth the year 2012, this alien virus simulates everything people, computers and even simple things like rocks and wall. Even at times the very air we breathe. No one seems to realize the danger of this alien virus as nothing is ever left after its wake only mysterious abandon towns. With a collective intelligence at its disposal the virus seems unstoppable the question is can man survive its finial trial or will this unknown force strikes remain unnoticed for to long. You can be a [U]normal person[/U] (citizen (max of 6) or military personal (max of 4 more) Code Name: Shy Hawk Age: 24 Weapon: M-16 (5 extra clips) berretta (2 extra clips) Armor: Kevlar vest Skills of Note: Military opps and marksmanship Bio: Sky Hawk is the leader of the an elite military team (4 other persons (need people for my team) has lead a good life and has recently married his second in command (someone can play if you wish) he is leader because of he's cool, clam and collative. his elite team are all good friends and unless its calls for it always listen to orders, well as far as the higher parts can tell. Sky hawk generally does not care if one of his team speaks up to him he trust and understands them all.
> " Hello ? hey Himona, whats up ? O a party .. well .. hmmm ???? ?. O your parents say they don't want you to be out on your own hmmm ? I see .. so you said I'd go along to watch out for you again .. alright I'll pick you up " > Cyprus: Crazy young teenagers ? > O well >
> Valeigh: Zylik tell me one thing ? if you would Zylik: All matters what you wish to know. Valeigh: did we fight whatever did that?? Zylik: yes, some of you did you, Xander and Ash fought very hard Valeigh: what? About you didn't you fight? Zylik: yes I fought, but I fought Kain and Samantha Valeigh: > what? Why? Zylik: > I had no choice .. I didn't want to fight them but .. Valeigh: > you always have a choice Zylik. Zylik: > yes you do ? but there is a part of the story you don't know Valeigh Valeigh: will you tell me Zylik: No ? not directly .. I'll just say the graceful must fight the fallen. Ever when great bonds are between them. Valeigh: > Hmm ?? > > continue please ?.
okay stormwing you can join think of a element and look at the frist page and then make a chracter
Name: Harper Species: Quart/ Metropod (Made with Magic) has both races best features Weapon: Wrist Blaster, psynergy blades (extented from lower wrist), Mini-rockets on armor Armor: Exo-Skeleton (Resist to physical and magical damage) Primary Ability: Techno-Magic and Necromancy Secondary Ability: Great Intelligence and Combat style Personality: Harper is dark and quiet, always on the watch for new tricks Bio: Created by another necromancer Harper rebelled against him in so killing him then learned the dark art as well while a necromancer he still cares for all his fellow creatures. He continues to study this dark art to better combat it other wise he hates it with a passion. Harper recently has been searching for the cuase of the world changing around him. >
Great thanks Lady Katana ! Ooo ss2Serren do we have powers ??? i read the story and it says something about no powers ??
Name: Cyprus Age: 19 Race: Reincaration of the old leader of gods Apperence: looks like Heero from gundum wing but with silvery hair height:6'1 Bio: Lived a good life up to this point has always felt different and everyone he knows likes his want and care to aid those around him. >
> Zylik: Well first I guess we have a look around Valeigh: Very well then > Valeigh: nothing, and no way out that I can see Zylik: > your wings you could ? Valeigh: Right.. They're so lightweight sometimes I forget Zylik: Right ? > Lights in the trees a ways north Zylik: Let us fly then Valeigh Valeigh: Hmm Black wings ? blacks my favorite color Zylik: I know ? Valeigh: Really ?? > Valeigh: So Zylik why is it that you seem to know about everyone ?. Zylik: Because I didn't go down in that fight at the battlefield you all awoke at .. Valeigh: > what !!! Zylik: > that's right I didn't fall Valeigh: then why didn't you tell us before ? why were you acting like you didn't know Zylik: because I wish I didn't know Valeigh ? Valeigh: > Zylik: Valeigh I'm not your enemy ? Valeigh: then explain yourself or ? Zylik: OR WHAT !!!! ? fight oblivion ? I doubt you wish to fight me !! > Valeigh: Oblivion ??? your ?? but that voice said " The salvation of this world ?. Known by Oblivion " does that mean you .. Zylik: Yes I'm the one who knows how to save this world Valeigh: then tell if you are a friend to me ?. Tell me how I can avenge those people Zylik: avenge >I can't Valeigh ? but still know I am a friend ?.
it's Zylik ....... not Xander, hes with samantha
> Zylik: Odd again they disappear Valeigh: But why do we keep seeing them Xander: I still say we all are missing something, I think we should move on Kain: > Stairs off Lupus: walks over to Ash ? > somethings not right about all this I feel as if ? well just somethings not right ash Xander: Okay frist of all I have to ask does everyone have some kind of element they control or have power over, because I've used the power of wind I've seen ash with fire and Kain with energy Valeigh: > Darkness .. I control the darkness Zylik: > No I have no power over any element Samantha: Water I channel water energies Voice: > the key to your future ? lays in thy past ??. The salvation of this world ?. Known by Oblivion > Zylik: > Oblivion ?????.. > I know what that means All: ?????? Valeigh: I know ?. Something of what ? that's means but what ?? Voice: Thy true enemy ? takes the from of a angel Zylik: > All: Look at each other Ash: Its in angel ?. ???? Xander: No that's the from of one ash Valeigh: Perhaps someone here > Lupus: Well if you ask me the "angel" of Darkness sounds like the one > > > Xander: Wait guys don't ?. Lupus: Quiet Xander ? Samantha: Lupus maybe its you that's why you want to fight Lupus: You want to be hurt little lady ? > > > Zylik: Whhhaatt ?? ALL : AAAaaaaa !!!! Zylik: come on .. my lady I've waited long for this day
< While heading down the path> Zylik: I wanted to talk to you too about something Xander: Whats that ? < Zylik slows down a little> < Xander and Valeigh walk along side him> Zylik: I feel as though, I know you to best or at least I should , Like a gut feeling Xander: I see ? I feel you maybe right Zylik Valeigh: Hmmm It does feel as thought I know you well or should. Zylik: Xander when I look at you, its like I'm here to follow you .. like maybe I was employed by you and Valeigh when I look at you that feeling as though I failed heightens Valeigh: Odd ? Xander: < sees a town ahead> Hey ! a town < the party comes to a clearing out of the woods to see yet another horrid sight> > Xander: My Lord ! Valeigh: < a single tear> I feel ? I think this was my home > > > (((( The statue has a small alter on its base, where some kind of worship appears to have been done a child lays lifeless against the alter as though he was praying the look on the child face shows nothing but hopelessness, as Xander and Valeigh look up at the statue they see three winged figures, they awe in realization those figures the child's last prayers were too look exactly like them only with the addition of powerful looking wings)))) Zylik: Whats this ? < gently moves the child's corpse> written in blood on the alter is simply the word ? (((Please))) spelt wrong as if by a child >
Kain slowly gets up to hear Valeigh say> Valeigh: ?. What we were doing there , at that battlefield Kain: I don't know but I have this weird feeling like ? Zylik: Like you failed something or someone Kain: Yes Xander: same here Kain Samantha: Me too Lupus: And I Ash: yeah here too Zylik: There must be a town near by ? something we were fighting to protect o/r conquer < The group continues in silent very little is said, after a good half in hour of walking they see a path that may lead to a town> Zylik: Listen I think only a few of us should go check it out ?. You know to scout the area Xander: I argee with Zylik Ash: Fine ! whatever. Valeigh: I'll not being left out of the action, so I'm coming with you Zylik Zylik: Alright that's fine with me Xander: And I too Zylik Zylik: okay that's all I'll need so the rest of you ? I guess just hang out and to see if you can remember althing okay ? < Zylik , Xander, and Valeigh begen to travel down the path>
< Back at the forest> Lacin: well Diamoon my brother it appears that the fated hour has come at last Diamoon: < Looks a little winded from casting a long range teleport spell five times> Perhaps Lacin.. Perhaps it has come. Lacin: So tell me why didn't you try to have your "friends" help you Diamoon: I know how powerful you are and I wish no harm on them. Lacin: Then why not you tell them how strong I was Diamoon: why would I place ill hopes Lacin: So you don't think they can fight me, don't you Diamoon: Correct ! they can't not yet ? but soon even with out me Lacin: < Laughs > you are a fool Diamoon !! Diamoon: I'm not the foolish one Lacin Lacin: Not ! talk not to me Diamoon: < Being thrown back by Lacin powerful blow> Aaaa < slowly stands> Lacin: we were made to destroy them Diamoon join your brother and we will rule this world Diamoon: under who Lacin !!? Lacin: The power of the stone Diamoon Diamoon: You would have it rule you ? a rock ! you are a fool Lacin: Diamoon: even if our race came about to destroy we have the power to fight that to live our own lives Lacin Lacin: then if you will not join me in life you will join me in death Diamoon Diamoon: What? You can't have !! Lacin: the stone empowers the ones loyal to it Diamoon and it has the power to awake forbidden magic's and wondrous powers Diamoon: Necromancy !!!! is that what you've awakened Lacin: No !!!! Diamoon that's just one of the thing the stone has the power to awaken Diamoon: < Powerful magical energys starts to crackle around him> Lacin: Fool .. you can't fight the power of the stone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Diamoon: we'll see Lacin we'll see < Far off in the distance all being tied to the powers of magic feel a surge of dark and holy energys > < Back at camp everyone sees a display of magical lights shows in the skies> Zack: Diamoon ?? but how can he have that much ?. No somethings wrong Skee: NO !!! that's forbidden magic ? Shardy: D ? d ? A .. r .. k magic no ? not Someone please continue ?????????????.