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Carren Heart

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Everything posted by Carren Heart

  1. Zylik: Xander Right? Xander: Yes that is I Ash: What? A dumb name!! Zylik: Ash clam down okay Ash: FINE! Whatever Valeigh: Men Samantha: < Hearing something else> People Lupus: < Walks past a corner> ??? What the ??? Zylik: Lupus is your name right? Lupus: < Rises eyebrow> Yeah ? Zylik: we are missing two others ? Ralvenar is he ? and what about .. Ash: We should not stay here Xander: Agreed Ash & Xander : < Look at each other > Zylik: Hey .. do you guys remember anything ????? What happened here ? and what could have done this ?? Xander: Hey wait a minute ? Zylik why is your mark < Points> different then ours Zylik: < Doesn't even look> We should be going I have a bad feeling Zylik starts to walk off The other pause for a moment or two ?..
  2. < as Zack rides towards camp with the other two behind him> Zack: Somethings wrong .. Diamoon: ZZAaCCkk!! Watch out !!! < Zack quickly catchs something to the corner of his vision but its to late > < hes hit in the right side of his torso by a powerfully threwn spear> Zack: Daaa !!! < Zack falls to the ground> < Æon moves in front of Zack protecting him as he looks around> Diamoon: Hold on Zack !! Kool: Daimoon ?? what happened ?? Diamoon: something attacked zack from the woods Kool: I'll check that out okay Diamoon: Alright but be careful < Meanwhile ? Zack Holds the spear tightly in pain, he tries to pull it out a little and lightly screams Daa !, as if by magic the spear drives in more> Zack: DDAAA aaa !!!! Æon: Are you okay Zack < looks somewhat worried> Zack: Aaa No this sucks ? Diamoon: < lands near by> zack? You ok Zack: < Thinks what does everyone ask me that I HAVE A SPEAR IN ME IT HURT GOD D*AMN IT ALL !!!> Yeah Fine ? NO ! help me < meanwhile kool searches the forest> Shardy: < AS a huge wave of fire engulfs shardy shardy slams against a tree> Kool: WHAT THE HELL !!! < as she turns to look she too is blast by a wave of inferno> Aaaa !!! Zack: What was that ! Daimoon: Kool ? damn it no Zack: < starts to get up but in great pain> have to help her Daimoon: I'll handle this < Diamoon begins to cast> Zack: Daimoon don't you dare < the spell is cast> < *Zack Appears at the camp soon followed by skee and Æon> Everyone at the Camp < As both kool and shardy appear moments late both BADLY hurt and unconscious> Zack: Damn it Daimoon .. don't try to be a hero teleport your self to .. < looks worried> not another .. Damn it < Looks down>
  3. < A scream echoes across the dead battlefield > Zylik: < Looks to his Right> What was that? Valeigh: < Slowly waking > What ?? Were < Sees the battlefield> < Craws backward for a moment> Zylik: Don't worry .. I won't hurt you ! Ash: The Hell !! < looks around slowly> Zylik: I don't know ?? Ash: Does anyone know whats going on .. wait ? who are you people? Samantha: Am ? Zylik: Samantha ? < Looks over at her> < Looks over at Valeigh> and your Valeigh right ? Samantha: Y.yes..s I am, but how did you ???? Do I know you? Zylik: I think so? I know all you names? Ash: Ooo really whats mine then ?? Zylik: Ash ?? Kain: < Holding his sword up as he leaps from the corner> Who are you ? Zylik: Kain right ? ease down ! Kain: < Looks over at Zylik> Who the ?? Zylik: I am ? I don't know why but I know you all ?? Valeigh: < Looking to the east> Something or some ones heading this way < All of them prepare for a encounter < Drawing swords and standing still they all pause and wait >
  4. Plz Read the Following ? some of you have to change something Please PM me with changes and I'll edit Okay only the following can post here Name - Zylik (Carren Heart) Race- Half-Elf Age- 65 (17 in human) Element- Void Magic- Yes Notable weapons - Dragon Fang (Light Blue high lights Deep blue in the middle) Angel's Wing (Silver high lights and golden in the middle) Name: Ralvenar (S.S. Trunks) Race: Elf Age: 500 (looks 18) Element: Electric Magic: Yes Weapons: Dragon Katana (a golden bladed katana with a black dragon rune engraved in it. It has a green and red handle, and a black hand guard) Name: Ash (Super Gohan) Race: Human Age: 17 Element: Fire Magic: yes Weapons: Sword of Pyro. Name: Xander (Heaven's Cloud) Race: Elf Age: thousands of years old, looks 30ish Element: Wind Magic: yes Weapon: Battle sword (think Green Destiny form Crouchin Tiger...) that is a dull crimson color Name- Samantha (Kool -Aid13) Race- human age- 13 Element- water/ice Magic- Yes Notable weapons- sword, bow/arrows Name-Kain (Safer Cloud) Race-Human Age-15 Element- Both are taken plz change Magic-Yes Weapons-Blade of Destiny (think Cloud's buster sword and Green Destiny from Crouching tigger mixed together except they have the color of Cloud's Ultima Weapon) [Name: Valeigh (Raiha) Race: Elf/human Hybrid Age: 17 [actually around150] Element: Darkness o/ r Metal (Plz Pick one) Magic: Yes Weapons: The Darkblades: Two identical swords, with no hilts, only wrapped with black leather around the handle.... Rue Arience: blast of dark magic from the blades of the swords...takes a good deal of power, and usually destroys the enemy... Name: Lupus (Forte) Race: Elf/human Hybrid Age: 16 Element: EARTH Magic: Yes Weapons: 1: Lavo Sword - He has a sword made from pure lava, he made it himself. It has the seal of rune power so the FEEL FREE TO START
  5. Look for the Fallen Angel (play) Ooo ? Heaven's Cloud no angels Okay ?.:D
  6. You awake in hot pain, What? Your hurt ? what's happen ? where am I. < You awake to see a horrid sight, thousands of warriors impaled by large wooden spikes > < You don't know why but you feel as thou you've failed, something you needed to do > < You slowly see other warriors rising up about 6 or maybe a little more ? all with a mythical symbol you oddly remember.. But who are they and why do they have the same mark as you> I need the following (only 7 o/r 8 people allowed) Name - Zylik Race- Half-Elf Age- 65 (17 in human) Element- Void (No copies) Magic- Yes o/r no Notable weapons - you all can have one or two real good magical one or whatever) Twin Blades - Dragon Fang (Light Blue high lights Deep blue in the middle) Angel's Wing ( Silver high lights and golden in the middle) looks alike give color
  7. < Looks over at Nabashi > Diamoon: < Sighs and mounts Skee > I'll go get him Nabashi: Diamoon I don't think that's wise Diamoon: listen Zack needs his friends even if he thinks he doesn't Kool: Are you sure Diamoon ? Diamoon: Yes I'll get him back we need him he is the most experienced of all us riders Nabashi: that's true ?. Then I wish you luck Diamoon: < Starts to fly off waving as he leaves > Looks back at Skee > Skee: This isn't wise Diamoon .. I know what your thinking Diamoon: Skee .. he is one of my best friends, He was captured to help us and you seen what its done to him Skee: But what will you do ? Diamoon: Bring a good friends Will to Live back !! Skee: < Smiles > You're a good man Diamoon Diamoon: < Sighs > get me a little past the camp sight then I'll use magic to fly ? and you return to protect them okay Skee: NO !! That's crazy and way to dangerous Diamoon Diamoon: I have never asked once for anyone to do anything for me before .. Skee: yeah ?? Diamoon: So now I ask you to do this ? please Skee Skee: But ? what if .. you get ? Diamoon: then at least Zack will return .. he can do more then I can Skee Skee: But Diamoon ! Diamoon: Skee No!!! that's .. that , I'm the newest rider, Zack is the most experienced, if you ask me that's worth the risk, we need him
  8. Meanwhile back at camp the others stop to make camp Kool: why is it that everyone finds a need to leave each other? Emcew: I don't know Kool ?.. Maybe they just think everything can be done on their own! Diamoon: < looks over at the two > I don't know as well ? but if this continues we will all fail < Everyone looks over at Diamoon Questionly > Diamoon: Don't you get it that attack earlier was planed and a Half ? They knew where we were going and worked together to stop that. Skee: < Nods > they are working well together. Diamoon: the only reason we won the first war. Was because we all worked together.. and the enemy fought with each other ?.. < Sighs > now while we don't hurt each other we split up all the time and yell at each other o/r say we don't care < starting to look angry > I am starting to fear that this war was lost before it started ?. < looks down sadly > < lightly sighs> There's a pause
  9. just wondering if now we can play ... or whats up??
  10. Name- Cyprus # 142 Age- 180 (looks 18) Gender- Male Race- Bio/experiment Fighting style- Dragon style martial arts Bio- created by Heihachi as a test to find the most deadly weapon ever ... has shown its self to be very powerful ... and Heihachi has offered that if it can win the tortament it will win its freedom as well Des: Human But can transfrom into something that looks like a Xenomorph (from Aliens the movie)
  11. Name: Jason Hunter Major: Law .... ( Police ) Age: 19 Des: fairly good looking, blonde hair, light blue eyes, no one really knows anything about him... even his major is a mystery ... most haven't even heard him speak
  12. Human-Elf Name: Vincent Ragi Gender: male Age: 48 (19 looking in human) Element: Void Appearence: a mysterious dark wander, no one really ever gets to see his left hand ... avg. height & weight , LONG almost supernaturally Black hair, Hazel eyes with the "Dune" Light Blue Glow Weapon: Sword of Oblivion (Legendary) < if thats okay> Animal Name: Blight Animal: NightMare Abbilities: Cancaling others powers, Mix between fire/shadow attacks Appearence: a black and red winged horse ( Firy Mane and hoves)
  13. Diamoon jeaps off skee .. Skee takes to the air after the dark rider with the wisp they engage in battle..... Meanwhile Wild magical energies flare up encicling Diamoon his hair starts floating upward the sun light hit it as his hair happens to glow as wild as the energies around him .. he begans to cast a spell Diamoon: (looks over at the forest Orcs) FOOLISH BEASTS !!!!!!! - Diamoon arcs his plams over one another ... energy quickly gathers around his hands .. Diamoon: BACK FROM WHENST YOU CAME - he thrust out his plams aiming it at a small group of orcs .. A dim Blue light races to the group and hits one the light engulfs him ( He screams in pain) Diamoon: BAACCKK !!!! - he closes his plams .. as the orc is no where to be seen- the other three orcs rush him in hopes to stop any further casting -Diamoon quickly dodges one then the next, trips one as the other swings wildly at him his hit in the shoulder pretty badly *SCREAMS* Skee smashes against a tree nearby Sere ... regains himself and take to the air again.
  14. While riding along with the others near the back at the end of their journey. Skee: Diamoon some things not right .. Diamoon: I feel it too - Everyone feels that something bad is going to happen- Zack: (slows down to looks be hide the group) hey guys .. ready yourselves riders Voice: (seemingly from no where) -laughing- ?. -Everyone looks around them to see where it comes from- Sere: where is it .. Nabashi: I don't know I can't see it Diamoon: that Voice Zack: it's in the woods ? it has to be. Leona: where then we should be seeing it Diamoon: ?? Skee where is he Æon: (to Zack) this is a trap .. Zack: (seeing something in a tree near by) -points- there Voice: So the riders .. fight fate again .. so you won over the Egg in the last war .. but not the stone, the stone is ours The group gets ready drawing their weapons ? as a group of goblin appear to their rear (about 3 dozen or so) .. to their left flank 7 forest ogres appear, their right about 2 dozen orcs ?. And in front of them 2 dark riders (one on a giant winged snake the other a huge wasp both armed with a lance and to their side long swords) as Lacin jumps from the tree foolish Riders this war is already lost to you ALL !!!! moment from now we will own the stone ? and as for your friend Emcew he will be gone in moments as well. -Meanwhile Emcew is ambushed by 4 goblins and one large forest orge-
  15. Note to all players- I won't be joining this game but i will randomly give you all encounters .. to fight or whatever ............... i'm this games bad guy basically
  16. Diamoon stands still for a moment or too then looks over at the group Diamoon: Oo another thing.. we'll have more problems my brother Lacin, his a Dark rider he too riders a dragon. but this dragon is huge and very powerful .. still it lacks speed if we run across Lacin riding a huge black & red dragon .. use its speed against it Leona: Right ? hey Diamoon? Diamoon: Yeah Leona: your brother Lacin? Diamoon: Yes Leona: why is he a dark rider? Diamoon: I don't know Leona (looks slightly sad about the thought) Leona: sorry I didn't mean too ? Diamoon: I know you didn't Sere: So you're the fated one Diamoon Diamoon: Yes ? it is I ? if the time comes I will take magic's place Nabashi: What does that mean? Diamoon: if the fated hour foretold by legend .. the Day of Judgment ? comes I am the one that will take magic's place in oblivion. - All goes Quiet- Diamoon: why so quiet ? is it because you all feel sorry for me. Sere: Well kinda.. I guess Leona: it's just that ?. Diamoon: Well don't ? its not everyone who gets to died for billions of other beings .. I am fine with that fate if it saves so many more. Sere: (smiles) Wow ? I don't think you could have put it any better Diamoon Diamoon: Its not like I can't live my life the way I wish to live it ? it just means one day soon, far or whenever I will died for all the things I love .. and I bag you all not to treat me differently .. I am still and always will be Diamoon ?.. your friend
  17. Diamoon sighs then leans against a tree (a light breeze blows his hair in front of him as the morning light gleams across his crystal clear hair) Diamoon: my friend Zack how I wish I could help him here ? Skee: can't you use your magic? Diamoon: yes but that's no way to fix a man's broken heart Skee Skee: Ooo Diamoon: (looks over at Nabashi): he'll be fine ? he's strong of heart and will never lose that part of him ?? it just needs time to heal Nabashi: So Diamoon how do you know Zack? Diamoon: Well we've been friends for a long time about for about half his life now But we became friends right before the enemy catch him I would say ? we fought together in the war long past now. He was the one to bring me to the Egg of Haloes were Skee here was hatched. (Everyone stares at Skee & Diamoon in awe) Cara hearing this from the other side of this huge tree looks at mist confused Mist: My lord ? the egg has hatched Cara: What? What's the big thing with this egg? Mist: it's the egg that would never hatch ? Skee is the dragon of light Cara Cara: what? The dragon of light. Mist: Cara you remember hearing of the last war right? Cara: Yes. Mist: the war was waged to protect that egg. Cara: WHAT!! Mist: legends say its Gaia's last gift to her people before ?? Cara: before what? Mist: the Day of Judgment!! Mist: the day magic ends for us ... that mean dragons, elves, and everything magical goes away cara Cara: (looks at Mist Worried) Nooo Mist: no cara don't worry yet .. it doesn't mean we are fated to leave.. Skee is said to be the dragon that holds the key to stoping magic's end... but the legends say in no way can he alone do this task ... maybe thats whats happening now .. or maybe not yet cara .. this also means diamoon is the fated one .. (looks Sad staring at diamoon)
  18. It is a World of Dread a world taken by evil, has it truly been only two short years. Your world fell into a state of vile evil the peaceful planes now stained with the blood of Heroes. About two years ago a powerful force laid siege to your world, the land of magic called Landis your home now ruled by an inhuman evil a faceless power. With no knowledge left but your name and powers you must make a choose between fighting like the heroes long past you o/r live a life so horrible that death is its reward. Chr Name: Chr "class" Descirption- hopes and dreams- Pick between Elf Dwarf Gnome Human O/r MP me with your idea for a new race Then pick your "class" Wizard Warrior Thief Priest After that you can choose three minor Powers/Moves/Spells (offensive, defensive, or general) I will okay almost every thing in here with MPing you all
  19. -While flighting to the path ahead to meet his fellow riders Diamoon notices another dragon- Diamoon: *yelling* HELLO !!! Hello ! Cara: (hearing a voice behide her, she tells mist to slow down)-and looks behide her to see Diamoon riding Skee a very well known dragon amongst riders and other dragons- Diamoon: Hello ! *waves* Excuss me Mam .. the path your going is a dangerous one a legion of dark riders and Vile Beast await you there ... perhaps you'd like to travel with me and my friend here(pats Skee's head sofly) to follow the other riders of Gaia ...... -A still silence- Diamoon: I won't harm you Mam ... i'm just saying for protect we may want to sick together ... i have some food if you'd like to follow me down to build a fire and eat ?????
  20. Last- (skee turns his head to his side looking over his own shoulders, it would seem that we've been spoted diamoon. diamoon quickly turns to see ) Lacin ( a Rival Rider and brother of diamoon) Lacin: So diamoon you've come to help them. Diamoon: of course ... but why have you come lacin .. have you felt the summoning Skee: Diamoon .. we should go the others a wait Lacin: *smirks* yes diamoon go watch over them Diamoon: your not here to help them are you Lacin: No ! of course not you fool Diamoon: *sighs* then what are you here for Lacin: You'll see diamoon ... you'll see (starts to cast a spell) Lacin: ahahahahahahahahh ( casting finishs and he disappears) Diamoon: Skee your right we'll meet up with the other riders now Skee: lets meet up with them on that path over there ... they being heading that way soon .... Diamoon ?? Diamoon: yes skee? Skee: are you okay? Diamoon: yes .. lets go meet our new allies ( thinks to himself )
  21. just for you all know this is my frist time Rping like this so bare with me okay .....
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