a light cool breeze brushes past a still figure, behide him skee the dragon of light,
Skee: it is them Diamoon the riders that call for you.
Diamoon: yes skee, i know but why what is happened or better yet what will happen.
Skee: time will tell friend, time will tell
Daimoon: better to keep my presense a secert for now to watch from a distance.
Skee: But diamoon why wait?
Daimoon: to watch them, ..... see how they work ...
Skee: I see but for how long diamoon, how long will you wait.
Diamoon: " a light wing blows his hair to the right" .... until found o/r needed
( a short pause )
skee turns his head to his side looking over his own shoulders, it would seem that we've been spoted diamoon. diamoon quickly turns to see ....... ( insert ) (i'm new at this so someone continue at this point)