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Carren Heart

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Everything posted by Carren Heart

  1. a light cool breeze brushes past a still figure, behide him skee the dragon of light, Skee: it is them Diamoon the riders that call for you. Diamoon: yes skee, i know but why what is happened or better yet what will happen. Skee: time will tell friend, time will tell Daimoon: better to keep my presense a secert for now to watch from a distance. Skee: But diamoon why wait? Daimoon: to watch them, ..... see how they work ... Skee: I see but for how long diamoon, how long will you wait. Diamoon: " a light wing blows his hair to the right" .... until found o/r needed ( a short pause ) skee turns his head to his side looking over his own shoulders, it would seem that we've been spoted diamoon. diamoon quickly turns to see ....... ( insert ) (i'm new at this so someone continue at this point) :help:
  2. Name: Diamoon Animal: Dragon Animal type: Holy/Light Animal Name: Skee Diamoon - appears to be a elf with crystal clear shoulderlenght hair that shimmers in the sun, light sky blue eyes and a light wiry build ( he doesn't use a weapon he uses magic mainly healing & energy based magics) Skee - A full grew one of a kind dragon, skee is about 14ft in lenght 10ft tall and 71/2ft wide. for the most part skee looks weak but its his agility and speed that allow him to fight with the physically stronger beings .. second skee is more of a magical dragon then anything with many innate hidden powers ( only two of which are known about) -- Breath 4ft wide 12yrd cone of pure golden energy -- Wings (only if suns out) when spread out they focus sun light causing a quick blinding almost painful flash of light:lecture: (is all this okay??)
  3. I only have one real good way to put this.... :love:--Love is Friendship set on Fire--:love: or maybe be the sound of my beating heart when you rest against my chest.
  4. Name: Jason Hunter Alias: The Winter Angel Age: 19 Height 5"10 Wieght 172lbs Bio- Born into a living hell, jason ran away form home to become a great pilot. he got his chance when a toranment came to the town he was training in he used a standrad low armor grade AC and wiped all the other ACs down being impress with his skill a CEO of a Acs testing and technologies company offered jason a proto type AC if he could test it out for them and with this jason tested the outstanding new AC type and learned how to pilot it after the testing was a succues he sold his serives to any one how would pay the most and earned the name winter angel for the way his AC looks and how everything in winters wake withers away in its passing so does his enemys Description: Lightly built but powerful young american, he is hansome but fairly rude to those how anger him. Hair: brown Eyes: light sky blue AC Name : VR12 " Fallen Angel" AC Description: Fairly small light wieght high powered AC with a white paint job and light blue highlights. Also has state of the art in technology robotic wings that seem to glow brightly in the sun light AC weapons: Light beam saber (STRONG !!) Twin chest mini-rockets (holds 6 each) Wrist Blaster (strong but short range) Power Rifle (uses shells and has long range)[SIZE=1]q[/SIZE]
  5. i argee RGPs are great .. i myself make table top games all of which are fantasy RGPs :wigout: i have alot of people how play them (27 total) some online (3) but most play table top with me running the play .. i want to go to gencon and have been invited like 3 times but no money o/r things to do...... :eek:and i think i will check out the G&S board ... hey why not
  6. *the backstreet boys start singing a song of love everyone looks over at them and a riot begins even al of a sudden ....
  7. SOoo how here role plays and well how into it are you all (table top RPG not video games) :wigout: me well i'm pretty big into role playing and enjoy it alot i even make my own games ( and i'm good at it):devil: i love fantasy games of all kinds so what do you guys like or dislike.:smirk: :babble: :butthead: :box: :demon:
  8. the only thing i can say is :box: .... you need to realize that everyone out there is fighting a hard battle themselves:( its the way it is and sadly some of us don't know how to take it:drunk:but it seems like you may want to get some help ... if your cutting your wrists :worried: :( the only thing that does is hurt you and worry people like me .. plz if its that bad find help before something bad happens .. you have friends there are people how care:) :D
  9. well .. Hmmm ... i don't know i personally have never been in love BUT i have notice one thing about people that word doesn't mean what it should people throw it around like it should if the mod their in .. WELL i Firmly believe that if he loved you he'll come back its that simply and if he did love you .... well i'm sorry ... but real think about it you say you love him right !! ....... and you want him to be happy and well that means maybe if he doesn't love he will be happier as friends o/r maybe not even that ... life goes on and sometimes if you love someone and they don't show that love in return ... letting then go would be the best way to show you LOVE them :box: until then take it from my little friend here try to look at it better .......... you'll find another i promise you that love is for everyone and to love you MUST have lost it before o/r how would we truly know what love is ... i wish you well :toothy:
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