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Carren Heart

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Everything posted by Carren Heart

  1. i'll take Cristan Marina or Rubio Lexus
  2. please if anyone is interested in joining, go ahead and post a character (the game has only resently started) and people that signed up didn't post. (i'm sure if you look to the adventure thread Harbinger: Eternal Darkness you may like to join!)
  3. [I]The night passed quickly as the group planned their move it became clear this would be a fierce battle, but not fierce enough. When the morning rays blaze across the skies Dameon looks over at his comrades.[/I] Dameon: Wake up! Everyone up! NOW! [I]The other jump and staggered out of their sleeping places quickly gathering their equipment and standing looking over at Dameon and a floating robed being behind him.[/I] Dameon: Pyrial has come to destroy the witch that protects the others, he will draw them out then its our turn. [I]The group stared in awe/horror at the powerful Pyrial the angel of life and death the end bringer of man.[/I] Dameon: Don't attack right away! I wish to speak to them first.
  4. One big problem Arikel,the angel has already fallen asleep.
  5. [I]As the dusk of the long battle settled and the three mortals stand victorious realizing they have done what only a handful of mortals could even imagine. Three of them managed to defeat a Bacus, only three! Wow they thought to themselves. Xanthia and Cador looked down at themselves momentarily.[/I] " This is impossible right?" " The angle must have done this!" [I]They both almost simultaneously look over at the halfway-encased angel; they see Arikel looking the being over as he looks back at him moving his eyes wherever Arikel goes.[/I] Arikel: > I do believe he is angelic! Unreal an angel still among us, which would explain the demons searching the area. [I]The old man looked back at the angel thinking to him about what those runic encryption may be.[/I] Arikel: O.. I see these runes make it very difficult to focus one's powers even painful to some degree. We should free him quickly, come youngins help an old man. [I]The other two walked over to the wise aged man and begun to help releasing the chains freeing the angelic being it began clear that it may take a little while before they would be able to free him, maybe over night.[/I] [I]Angelic Being: > thank you all very much?? [/I] [I]The old man nods, Xanthia looks up at him a moment smiling, and Cador pats the being on the shoulder as the angel's eyes slowly close [/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Meanwhile a Mortal Oracle is questioned ??? Nag'a Leader: Great oracle, tell me of the caravan lost by my demon brethren. Oracle: > The Caravan is no more great Nag'a! Nag'a Leader: What happened to it!? Oracle: Brave mortal warriors attacked the caravan and overwhelmed it protectors, all but one is now dead. Nag'a Leader: The survivor is it Demon or Man! Oracle: It was demon grand Nag'a. Nag'a Leader: Was? What do you mean? Oracle: The Demon trusted to protect the case that imprisons what you seek as fallen to three mortal being, an old man, a young woman, and an adult male. They grow in power already surpassing their pervious states. Nag'a Leader: what do you mean? Oracle: They have been granted extraordinary abilities by the one you seek. Nag'a Leader: And what is to come of this??? Oracle: > the mortals will be your end. Nag'a Leader: > you jest! One mortal in ages has taken on a Nag'a, let alone a Nag'a Commander! Your visions must be false! Oracle: > they will become close to this being you seek in time and he will become close to them as well. These mortals are born under a sign and their purpose is greater then any mortals to this day and with the angel's help they'll be the end to your plague on our world. [I]With a swift act of anger the Nag'a impales the young Oracle and rises her off the ground, the Nag'a leaves with a slight menacing grin on his scaled face.[/I]
  6. [I]The remaining members of Dameon team walked out of the woods.[/I] Blight: We have all of their names. Dameon: excellent that will give us in advantage. Blight: I'll being the ritual, now that their names are known! Dameon: Do the ? Blood sent ritual on the Damien. Raagar: I wonder if he'll remember us. Dameon: No not at first. Blight: to think he and I may have to fight. > Dameon: I've always wanted to test him, so there you go! Harper: So when do you attack! Dameon: Very soon, Harper you, Raagar, and Kitsune take the golem woman and her friend! I'll take The Dragon on! Harper and Blight deal with the rest. Remember people watch out for these one's there's a reason they have the mystic tattoos. Kitsune: Can we have the women after wards? [I]Dameon paused for a moment his face begun to grew cold instantly, luckily for Kitsune he was new to the group and had no idea Dameon hated sick comments like that one. Before even Kitsune's reflexes could react Dameon had pinned him against a tree.[/I] Dameon:
  7. OOC: thank god, i maybe able to keep up! [I]Dameon watched carefully while the others were away wondering how he'd go about this fight, what was the easiest way? How could they pull it off quickly and without fail?[/I] Dameon: > guide me true. After hours of waiting and searching himself he smiled to himself. Dameon: I see this will be more then a single encounter. Impressive they will manage what few can do. Kitsune: how will manage what? Dameon: > so you've return, and the others? Kitsune: No, just me. Dameon: well Kitsune, how do you feel about this coming battle? Kitsune: I think the others are a little too confident! Dameon: agreed they have yet to see a loss. [I]They stood quite looking over at the cabin their prey waited in. pondering planning what to do, this would prove to be a grand battle.[/I]
  8. [I]The Bacus's back stabbed by the swift blades of Xanthia it flowingly moved only suffering a minor wound. The battle raged on for a few more moments Cador, Xanthia, and Arikel now joining the fight. (Throwing rocks and helping them up or mending wounds quickly.) But they started to tier and were beginning to bleed badly from injuries. There seemed to be no hope of survival?[/I] Injured Bacus: Stupid humans it took four dozen seasoned warriors to defeat the dozen orcs and my partner. What makes you think three could defeat even one of us!?! Cador: Because our purpose is greater then yours, DEMON! [I]Cador rushed at the demonic fiend ramming full speed into the creature they both when down with a bang! The demon round a top of Cador rising his claws high to strike him down, when Arikel and Xanthia both grabbed a hold of its claws keeping it from attacking Cador's helpless form.[/I] Xanthia: I can't keep it still! Arikel: I'm afraid I'm not nearly the strong young man I was! [I]Cador tried to worm his way from under the Bacus's still enduring body. Xanthia started losing her grip on the demons claws while Arikel's aging strength began to fail him all looked lost. Suddenly erupting from the iron case a straight beam of twisting light crushed into the Bacus's chest throwing everyone back expect Cador whom laid there breathing deep, breathing hard. Xanthia and Arikel both flew back fourteen feet landing firmly on the ground while the Bacus's yells in pain, the searing light burning his demonic form scaring him at the least it came to a halt against a great oak tree it kneed to the ground holding its chest carefully. It looked over to the iron case and hisses violently then stood up standing it ground, it grinned.[/I] Injured Bacus: > you can't help them Orin that must of took a lot out of ya ?.. [I]The Bacus's eye brow raised ever slightly, as he notices the iron case emitting a faint white glow. [/I] Injured Bacus: > what is he doing? Doesn't matter I'd best finish these humans off just in case he tries som?. [I]An unnaturally brilliant flash of blue light cut off the demon's thoughts as it covered it eyes. [/I] [B]Cador[/B] --[I]as the brilliant blue light envelopes Cador he feels his muscles tighten and relax looking down at himself he feels stronger then ever before and with a renewed confidence stands up once again cracking his fingers. (Blackheart note your character also has an inhuman fortitude now as well, so have him find this out during the battle.)[/I] [B]Xanthia[/B] --[I]The brilliant blue light whirls around Xanthia relaxing her body beyond its normal capability she feels an abnormal energy fill her when the world around her slows ever so slightly granting her with exceptional agility and reflexes. (Please remember agility isn't the same as speed, and reflexes allow one to respond mentally as well as reaction quicker physical.)[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: Arikel and Juuthena because you've only posted a few times your characters won't receive a gift of power yet (you should understand.) as for Blackheart and Tursi you two have been doing very well so far and I'd like to thank you for posting in my story. Further note to blackheart and Tursi the abilities your characters have gained are not greater then a demons abilities in those area (yet) but are far greater then most mortal humans ever get.
  9. Please look to the Harbinger: Eternal Darkness recruitment thread for the background and the adventure thread to see if you want to be part of the game and post a character here I'll only take one or two characters!
  10. [I]The Bacus laughed at the foolish woman's bet knowing there was no way she could defeat him by herself.[/I] Bacus: Fine then lets fight little lady! [I]The Bacus charged at her swiftly, with only instincts guiding her Xanthia quickly and narrowly dodge the Bacus but the Demon was not impressed sharply stopping and whirling around he thrusted toward her she was not prepare for this thinking he'd not have this kind of speed nor reaction. The Bacus nailed her dead on slashing slightly into her right side she flew forward momentary but quickly gaining her balance she turn around to face the demon thing.[/I] Angelic Being: > she means well but is no match for even an injured Bacus, but maybe the two of you can fend it off for a short time. Cador: > but you could help us your strong right? Please! Help us. Angelic Being: > I meant be able to aid you but I can't free myself and it takes to much time to free my, help her fend it off and buy me some time I'll gather my strength and give you what you need but be careful. [I]Cador slowly gathered his strength and picked himself up off the ground grabbing a large branch off to his side.[/I] Angelic Being: > Please kind sir help these youths fend off the demon beast! I'll restore your sight to aid you. [I]Erupting from all around Arikel magnificent warm rays of light surround him as he fells a confront he'd long forgotten. Arikel recalled this felling as an angels presence it had been ages since he'd felt this kind of blessing upon him. His eyes tingling strangely seemed to shift and turn within his head as light filter though. Mass arranges of color quickly became shapes and figures he'd longed to see again but along with the good came the sight of the Bacus and he cringed to himself.[/I] OOC: just a note events like a fight between a mortal and a demon i'll decided the demons defeat until your characters become more able (later fighting a Bacus will be easy compared to now, but that pretty much a DUH!) and Arikel please post your character for the other can see it if you would (thanks).
  11. [I]Rajaah's last hope faded with his memory as the sword plunged into his chest one last scream was heard throughout the forest as Rajaah life was taken. The Wailing Death dimmed to a soft gray color as Rajaah soul was devoured by the power of the blade exchanging the soul trapped within it with Rajaah's and vice visa.[/I] From Rajaah's mouth: I am reborn! The Wail of the living will be heard in an endless twilight! > Moon! I call to you, give me the power lost from mortal thought! Hidden from mortal fools, I Devox Kiln! Call upon the power of the eternal night to fuel my essence! [I]The ancient words spoken and the moon high above the living a horrid crackling sound emitted from high above the earth, a dark forgotten energy whirled across the skies.[/I] Devox: > my foolish child forever imprisoned within your new cold tomb, how does it feel to be failed? I warned you that they'd never do you any good and now look Rajaah. I told you Karina would be the cause of the demon awaking. But you never thought that by helping her it would awaken. The demon was me you fool! You had to let down your guard long enough for me to drain you! > the portal will soon open and the world will know true darkness, but not by my hands, no! I must gather the stones of power. Too bad really you'll never see them again and they'll never care! [I]Devox raises his hands and fades away, leaving the blade lying on the ground.[/I] With the Blade: I only wanted to ?? [I]The sword glows dimly then the color fully fades to gray a crack appears down its shaft. [/I] OOC: wow, frist character ever to actually die off an a RPG online. Well I had fun, cool game I'll be reading the rest even if I'm not in it to see how it goes, fun have!
  12. [I]The two wait why'll the "caravan" passes when it finally does they continue on they're way. A few hours pass with no sign of the broken down caravan.[/I] Cador: I think were lost. Xanthia: were not lost, we just need to find the right path. Cador: what about this one? > Xanthia: I've never seen that one before, lets go check it out. [I]The two enter the winding path in hopes to find the caravan they've been searching for and fortunately before long they come across a familiar looking clearing. The scattered remains of food line the edge of the forest along with a demonic looking corpse to the side of an opened case inside they see a young hansom man bleeding slightly from an unseen wound near his back, he lays there eyes closed without any clothing save the wings covering over his body. The two stop for a moment staring at the inspiring appearance of the being wondering again why he had sent for them. Xanthia stepped forward to touch the creature to see if it was real, indeed it was as real as she. She stares at him for a moment longer, until his eyes snapped open "NO!" he yells. Startled Xanthia steps back fainting hearing the muffled sounds of choking, she quickly looked behind her to find Cador being held by the neck a foot off the ground by an injured Bacus, his hands grasping the Bacus's claws[/I] Xanthia: Cador! [I]The Bacus looks over at her sharply throwing Cador against a nearby tree, a loud cracking and a painful scream is heard.[/I] Injured Bacus: Mortal girl explain yourself quickly or die! [I]Cador lies arcing his back flailing in pain, a small amount of blood streaming from his back. He rolls himself over arms lifting him from the ground.[/I]
  13. OOC: with permission I changed my character. [I]Dameon watched carefully from a distance learning how they fought preparing for they first encounter. While Raagar an old intimating grisly man and Kitsune a hybrid fox person sat talking behind him.[/I] Raagar: I say we just ambush them or something! Kitsune: and that is why we don't listen to you Raagar. Raagar: Can it furry! Kitsune: I swear Dameon, if he calls me that one more time I'll? Dameon: do nothing right > Kitsune: yeah, I was just kidding > [I]Three more of the group emerges from the nearby forest.[/I] Blight: The ogres were sent as you commanded. Squee: Yeah boss, just like you said. Dameon: excellent, and I see you found Harper. Harper: > I was speaking to Pyrial about having found they others. Dameon: and his command? Harper: they are the ones we were sent to dispose of. Raagar: I'm crushing them! Dameon: listen carefully, all of you they are pretty well formed as a group but not nearly as experienced as we are but still ? Blight: we know, Dameon never undermine the power of the tattoos. Kitsune: I don't understand why we have to worry if their aren't as well adept with them as us? Harper: the power of the tattoos protects them Kitsune, like it does for us! Raagar: AH! The power of my badger tattoo will defeat them all! Dameon: You idiot! You can't handle them alone the Dragon guides them. Raagar: But the Dark phoenix guides us, right! Dameon: yes, but the dragon still may pose a treat! Harper: what tattoos do they have? Dameon: Snake, Wolf, Tiger, Black Widow, Hawk, and of course the Dragon. Harper: well then sounds about as varied as yours with your Phoenix, Raagar's Badger, Kitsune's Fox, Blight's Bat, Squee's Paying Mantis, and My Wisp. Dameon: Yes well rest up and prepare I'll go speak to the others maybe even our informer if I can get to him without notice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Dameon Luciriel Race: Half-Angel (Grants him Wings, enhanced attributes, and an unnatural fortitude). Description: There are two kinds of strength, the physical and the mental, intertwined yet quite different. Dameon, clearly enough, has the former. Tall with hair the color of crisp autumn leaves partly hiding his eyes and falling messily to his shoulders he serves as an imposing presence. Broad shouldered, with the sort of build that speaks of more than mere physical labor, it is clear that he is more than passingly familiar with conflict. His eyes are strange, a blue as bright and clear as the cloudless desert sky, too clear. Because eyes are supposed to be fragmented things clouded by thought and impulse. Dameon's hold only the detached emptiness of the abyss. It's not as if he hasn't seen things, he wears scars enough to prove such an assumption false. They draw abstract designs across his torso, make paths down his arms. On his back, a different sort of permanence a black phoenix rising from the ashes, wings spread, beak open in a defiant scream. It seems an ill chosen mark for Dameon, expressionless and seemly distant as the thought of snow on a summer afternoon. Wings the color of midnight in a windowless room rise from his back. The color of lost sight, a black that has nothing at all to do with light and wishes no such aquantince. Folded against his skin they make him appear almost light by comparison, though ever embracing sunlight has in truth darkened his skin to a deep bronze. Simply clad as he is, in a pair of torn pants, he fails to be unremarkable instead drawing the eye in the manner of something unexpectedly missing. His presence holds the formless threat of the void about it, all the more dangerous in its lack of direction. Natural Abilities of Note: Dameon is adept at psionics - Mind Block: Protects from mind-altering abilities. - Sixth Sense: Alarms him of incoming danger. - See the Invisible: Allows him to see the invisible. - Intuitive Combat: Allows him to read the surface thoughts of an enemy to aid in anticipation of incoming attacks o/r reactions to his attacks. - Telekinesis: Allows him to move object/people/things with his mind. Tattoo: A Dark Phoenix Tattoo Power(s): The Dark Phoenix grants Diamoon with Elemental manipulation (mainly Fire and Shadows), and he may ignite himself in black flames that greatly enhance his physical attributes.
  14. [I]Rajaah departed unseen into the night half wishing someone had noticed but now it was to late he'd have to face the horrid fate his father cursed him with. He'd never had come to this time if he realized that, but he found out deep within himself he know his fate.[/I] Rajaah: I'll fight it to the end father mistake that not! Wailing Death: you'll fail Rajaah, when it comes down to the important matters you always fail. [I]Rajaah stood silent a single tear fall down upon the blade.[/I] Wailing Death: you cry? How foolish. Rajaah: My life means nothing and you mean nothing to me, I cry because you're my father but your right. Wailing Death: > meet your fate Rajaah with my rebirth! [B]The forest silent with the end of an agonizing scream emitting from its depths.[/B] [I]Rajaah backing away from the blade holding Winter Angel in a defensive stance drops to his knees, he looks down at his gut only to see a stream of blood.[/I] Wailing Death: You should have listened to me Rajaah and killed the girl, now I'll have to kill all of them, what were you hoping to find! Rajaah: An escape from you father, and if not that peace in my death. Wailing Death: And have you found it! Have you! Rajaah: NO! Father I haven't! The only thing in found was sadness in seeing the lives of others how had a chose because they had people who car? > [I]Rajaah grabbed the blade that impaled deep within his chest almost to the heart, he winces in pain tears again falling him his face, as the world began to grow dark to him. His thought wondered to the others and the first time he meet each of them Karina risked a lot trusting him and the others never questioned him even thou he had fought against them before.[/I] Rajaah: I wish ?. wish ? I'd seen more? > goo?d .. bye my ? > friends. [I]The Wailing Death erupted into a awesome energy as it prepared for the finial blow allowing Rajaah to feel the dreaded pain of death. [/I]
  15. [I]Rajaah stood alone for a few moments away from the group; leaning against a tree he drew Wailing Death.[/I] Wailing Death: Soon Rajaah. Rajaah: > Yes I know father, I know. [I]Rajaah looked up at the sky pondering, he seemed distant and saddened by whatever it was he pondered. As he spook quietly to himself [/I] Rajaah: Soon I'll be no more. Wailing Death: and you'll know what death is. Rajaah: Death I do not fear. [I]Rajaah sank back against the tree slightly " I just don't want to be like you anymore father" he thought to himself " but no one will morn my passing." After that Rajaah stood and begun to walk away towards the forest looking back over his shoulder once.[/I]
  16. I'll be posting when I have a good idea (so still plan on my character appearing sorry WB.)
  17. When they fall asleep. -------------------------------------------Second Dream-------------------------------------------- [I]Before you stand that same handsome young man with that seeming feathered cloak or blanket that covered him shows it's form to you as bright awe-inspiring wings hanging high over the being shoulders. The man holds out a hand to you kindly you see your hand extend to him, he walks you along the clouds looking down at a peaceful world you'd always dreamed of. As you pier down a dark whole o/r something opens up and those vile creatures that plague your world pour out from it as winged creatures descend from the heavens attempting to repel their forces. Years are like moments to your eyes as you see the great chaos wars before you lay waste to cities and kingdoms then it stops the demons retreat to their hellish realm and the winged creatures you believe to be angels descend after them as their battle leaves your world. [/I] [I]Decades pass as the world rebuilds from the destruction left by this Great War. You look back at the winged being that stands by your side. He shakes his head sadly and points back down at the heavenly view of your world, you see demon plaguing it once again. You see tears fall from beside you, when you look to the winged being he looks up at you and says.[/I] ???: I never knew, until now. > but hope lives on if you believe in it > I'm sorry to always appear before you asking for your help but please hurry. [I]Behind the man erupts a demonic claws slashing into him, he arcs his back screaming in pain his tears fall from his face sprinkling across your arm.[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [I]As you awake a slight wet feeling chills your arm. [/I]
  18. Name: Forlorn Wright Race: Venshard ( a race created from the essence of a fallen god) Age: 263 First Desired Item: Armour of Stamina Second Desired Item: The third, a combination of brown and vibrant green, controlled the earth and all it's plantlife. Bio: I will edit later Unique Characteristics: I will edit later
  19. Meanwhile outside of town?. Bacus Trooper: Here they come! Nag'a warriors approach. Weak Bacus: How many? Bacus Trooper: Maybe four! But that'll do trust me. [I]From the woods four tall serpentine demons emerge wielding long two-handed crescent blades (think a half circle blade used with swipes very strong and sharp) they are power warriors known as Nag'a (Demonic serpents renown for their Strength, Speed, Agility, and for their unearthly fortitude against mortal weapons. A dozen these creatures have been known to repel small armies of elite human warriors without losing a single Nag'a)[/I] Nag'a Leader: > where is the Commander. Weak Bacus: He's in the town hall, awaiting your arrival SIR! Nag'a Leader: And what have you found here? Weak Bacus: Nothing yet SIR. [I]The Nag'a sharply smacks the weak creature away throwing him into a tree 5 yards away and crushing spine instantly. The Bacus Trooper looks over frightened quickly bowing before the Nag'a.[/I] Nag'a Leader: Bring to me the rebel leader. Bacus Trooper: But we haven't found him yet sir. Nag'a Leader: Then find him, you have an hour. [I]The Bacus trooper runs off. As the Nag'a Leader looks over to his left at a house away from the others.[/I] Nag'a Leader: > I smell a mortal in that house bring it to me. [I]The other three Nag'a rush over to the house and from it they pull a young girl. Going before their leader they toss her to the ground.[/I] Nag'a Leader: > why do you live out this far little one. ???: > because its were I live. [I]The Nag'a looks at her angered and lightly snaps her cutting her cheek a little. The girl scream slightly.[/I] Nag'a Leader: useless mortal children! > Search the house if there's nothing there then report back. [I]The three Nag'a trooper search through the house but find nothing of use to them. Leaving the house trashed they begin to depart when one looks over at the little girl and leans it's head to the side. [/I] Nag'a Soldier: What is your name little one! ???: it's Tina. [I]The Nag'a ponders ending the child's life but decides her life as a human is enough and leaves her but not until knocking her little form to the ground as he passed. There the young girl sat scare but remaining as strong as her little mind allowed. She began to cry to herself. [/I]
  20. OOC: Zidane has PM me and told me he can't make the post I'll be inviting some from the recruitment posts as his replacement. The town hall (now the Bacus headquarters)?. Bacus Grunt: Commander Yenit, the child's father was been disposed of and the child is now enslaved with your blood as you asked. (A Mortal beings that drinks the blood of a demon becomes the mindless slave of that demon but also gains enhanced strength, speed, agility, and feels no pain ever again making them great front line soldiers.) Commander Yenit: Well done, now ship her off to Overlord Hania's fortress for training. Bacus Grunt: and for the human woman? Commander Yenit: You may dispose of her when I've had my fun >. [I]The two Bacus laugh wickedly as they think about the event of the day and the misery they've caused. Until another Bacus enters the room.[/I] Bacus Scout: Commander Yenit! I have found the corpse of one of the demons guarding the caravan and several orc corpses as well but no sign of the second demon or the wagon in question sir. Bacus Grunt: Commander it I may ask, what are we searching for anyway? Commander Yenit: A weapon from what am told. Bacus Scout: A weapon? But from what I was told it was being sent to Lord Harnia to be destroyed, why destroy a weapon? Commander Yenit: Truly I don't know. But some say that the Overlords fear the weapon. Bacus Grunt: AH! Nothing that the mortals can use could harm a Overlord like Hania. Commander Yenit: Remember that once we fought the angels for these mortals, the angels claimed they had a spirit like none other. Bacus Scout: My father served in the chaos war and he says the humans have no power over us. Commander Yenit: still a few dozen human warriors can do some great damage if left to their ways. Bacus Grunt: Only when the angels blessed them! Commander Yenit: Listen all I know is that Hania, was very disturbed when the new of the caravan being lost came. Bacus Grunt: a weapon that the Overlords fear. How odd? Commander Yenit: I wouldn't worry after our plans for this village are over no human within ten miles will dare come for the weapon! [I]The two Bacus look confused at the Commander as he laughs to himself. [/I] [B]I may be Double posting today[/B]
  21. [I]Rajaah gathering dark energies grinned wickedly at the fallen guardian, crackling energies formed encircling Rajaah as the energies crackled around him like screams about the damned they formed into a still gathering ball around Rajaah's hand, he aimed at the creature.[/I] Rajaah: Farewell pitiable creature! [I]Rajaah' dark energies sharpen his newest attack even stronger then Hell Rot this projectile attack would aid him greatly it's name Death Bolt.[/I]
  22. Meanwhile in the village?. [I]Bacus troops file into the streets of the village three by three dozen of them eight maybe nine rows split off walking toward houses of fearful citizens. Breaking down many doors, (not even knocking) throwing the old and young out of their houses as a tall well built Bacus stands in the middle of the town.[/I] Bacus Leader: Citizens of Lith'is, Overlord Harnia declares this village a threat to his reign, he commands every house old to hand over their youngest child until your elder has been found and judged for the crime of high treason. [I]With this the Bacus leader nods toward the others, as young children are grab violently.[/I] Village man: > Wait! Not my child please. > Bacus Troop: > then find the elder. Village girl: > Daddy > I love you Daddy! Village Man: > He left! [I]The tall Bacus sharply looks over at him as does a few villagers.[/I] Bacus Leader: Take that man find out what you can. Villager's Wife: Great Bacus my husband has given you what you've ask in information please release our daughter. Bacus Leader: The only thing your husband has done is confirm our lord's suspicions > Aid in the capture of this criminal and we'll spare your children anyone that fails in this will never see their child again! > as for him sacrifice him for withholding information earlier with the town officials. [I]The wife and the child scream out to the Bacus as the father is dragged away.[/I] Bacus Leader: Take the child, and bring the woman to my bedchamber.
  23. [I]The creature stood confident of his power and unaware of the growing power behind him. There was Rajaah he hadn't given his life he gifted the others with a potion of his power and teleported away that's all.[/I] [B]" Valen you die Now!"[/B] Rajaah: > HELL ROT! [I]The guardian quickly arcs it back to the air screaming in pain as the decay spread through the being carcass. With the pain and surpise the guardian's powerful spell weakened faintly.[/I] Rajaah: Valen! NOW!
  24. [B]the thread was started[/B] post by next wednesday Janurary 8th
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