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Carren Heart

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Everything posted by Carren Heart

  1. Only Juuthena, Arikel(edited), Tursi, BlackHeart, and myself are permitted to post in this thread, given you have agreed to the following: Additional rules for this thread: 1: You are only allowed a max of two posts per day (NO! more) and only one on Saturday and Sunday. 2: Your character can't gain supernatural powers until the host (my character has an ability so it will make sense in game) allows it (good role playing and storyline building will be rewarded with additional "powers") 3: you are required to post at least every three days (unless you have PM me with an explanation). If you don't your character maybe lost and you won't be allowed to post unless you speak to me first! If you agree o/r disagree to this please PM me back stating so? ----------------------------------------------The Story Begins ---------------------------------------- The early days of spring shin on brightly for the first time you can remember. [I]Visions of that odd dream linger in your mind. You saw a caravan lead by a pair of demons and a few orc minions ambushed near the Taro'us mountain pass northeast of your village. They seemed to be guarding some kind of treasure within an encrypted iron casing surprisingly they were defeated by a few dozen rebel forces. One of which you swear was the town elder. Shaking it off you continue your daily life hoping nothing bad happens, while in town you see a large gathering of townsfolk in the middle of town passing by them like many others are doing you overhear something about the Bacus (a common bat-like humanoid creature used as troopers by most demon lords while fairly weak for a demon they still could deliver a hell of a fight maybe even killed some of the strongest human warriors.) coming to town in search of something. [/I] [I]After retrieving some supplies from the local marketplace you begin to head home. Passing the local "law" enforcement officers in the streets you notice them posting up a picture of the town elder with missing as its title. You see them stopping various other persons you've seen around town asking them strange questions about the elder man where about and if you have any information on rebel forces within the area. You too are stopped and asked a few questions about the elder.[/I] "When was the last time you seen the old man?" "Do you have any relationship or connection to him?" "What do you know about the Red alliance? " "Do you know anything about possible rebel activity in the area?" [I]After answering the questions and pondering the odd happenings of the day, a fairly good friend stops you to share local gossip and to see how you are doing. Odd you think as your friend parts from you, the Bacus are still searching for whatever it is they are looking for. Maybe the dream ?. NO! it couldn't mean anything.[/I] [I]The day continues without much note and you settle down for bed, the night skies seem more distant then usual normally filled with dreadful sounds or fleeing animals. You quickly fall asleep.[/I] ----------------------------------------Dream-------------------------------------------------- [I]In front of you lays that encrypted iron casing half on the ground, half leaning against a wagon. It would seem no one else is around give the nearby animals plundering food cases spread across the ground. When you look back at the iron case it is slightly open in the cracks visible to you a strong looking human arm is seen. "please help me" faintly whispers in your ears as the iron lid falls to the ground almost landing on your feet. You look up to see a hansom young man sealed within the case he appears injured maybe by claws or small sharp blades. His arms crossed and a strange feathery cloak o/r blanket covering his naked body. "I will not harm you, please help me" again a faint whisper fills your ear you look back at the young man confused. "I'm scare, please I beg of you help me" whispers in your ear as tears form and roll down his cheeks. [/I] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You awake sweating lightly as the night wind blows gently across your face. the dream still fresh in your mind, the voice echoing in your thoughts. [B]Make sure to Read (this starts all characters)[/B]
  2. Name: Diamoon Tall'a'Kin Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Diamoon is a sharp-featured young man with a wiry build, silvery white hair and intense blue eyes Background: Diamoon was lived most his life in fear of a nameless creature that seemingly hunts for him, there's very little he knows about this being. Diamoon was been running for about seven years now, ever since his family was killed by the beast. Tattoo: Dark Phoenix involving over the sun. Tattoo Power: The Dark Phoenix grants Diamoon with Elemental manipulation (mainly Fire and Shadows" Lighting") Weapon: Diamoon is skilled with the Elven Staff (a staff with two blade on both ends) Armor: Tanned Leather.
  3. Congratulations Juuthena, Zaeon, Tursi, BlackHeart, and Zidane you are the person I've decided have made the best posts for my game you will be receiving a PM and be ready for the start on Friday o/r Monday (likely to be Monday of the thread!
  4. may i have the other monster tattoo
  5. i will post and contact the characters that made the RPG, if anyone esle wants to post before then go ahead. for those whom make the "cut" i will inform you about additional rules i have set for this RPG. -------------------------------------------------- my character: Name: Orin (doesn't know his last name) Gender: Male Race: Hybrid (Angel/Demon) Appearance: Orin lukily has retained the better halves appearance and looks more human (or angelic) then demonic, he has light brown long hair sky blue eyes and a very tone muscular body all in all he has exceptional looks that are beyond most mortal beings. This is kind of a give away to his enemies but likely he could this good looking after all he's 16 two years before the scaring. History: After birth a demon overlord named Verish'na and his demonic guard killed Orin's parents. Verish'na locked the child away within a mystic tower where he and his Demonic Queen Anais, hoped to isolate him until they discovered how to manipulate him to follow their demonic ways. Fourteen years quickly passed as the two demons slowly taught him the basics of life but never permitted him to see another living creature. The two demons shortly after his fourteenth birthday discovered that his angelic side was resisting them. Three months passed until the demons decided to dispose of him before anything could or would happen. Without any idea of how to control or focus his powers Orin was no match for the demonic overlord and his queen. For two more years the two demons performed test and experiments find how powerful he truly was. They discovered limitless potential angelic and demonic reserves of energy unlike anything they have ever seen before. They also discovered he opposes the demonic ability of power fragmentation which allows powerful demons to transfer their supernatural powers to a mortal or other supernatural host. But unlike the demonic ability Orin's gift had no strings attached and with his limitless reserves he could grant endless power if time permits.
  6. does anyone wish to continue this game?
  7. [I]Rajaah looked over at the creature could this be what he was informed about it appeared powerful enough.[/I] Rajaah: < To himself > this creature must be the one that will open the gate! [I]The creature puased for a moment as an unimaginable power flared up sharply.[/I] Guardian: > Impressive but not enough!? Rajaah: > You fool! Me greatest power is not a weapon but a gift! [I]The guardian looked confused for moment as a brillant gray light engufted Valen, Wolf, and Karina.[/I] Rajaah: > Guardian you will fall before the chosen.! [I]In a swift fading light Rajaah?s screams became vilently intest as Ari also began to glow a dim gray, within a moment a power like none other they felt involved them wounds mended themselves into with the last scream was heard Rajaah was no where to be seen.[/I] Wolf and Valen: > My lord! Yes! Ari and Karina: > I feel ?. [I]With the power granted to them the Guardian steps backward in shock.[/I] Guardian: > that still won?t be enough!
  8. OOC: It will be a while before i can post again please keep Rajaah in this ...sorry.
  9. no demon soldiers, angels or gods please for this story the weaker you are to start the better (trust me your character will be strong enough later if your weaker to start and if your powerful to start your weaker later just keep that in mind!) (please edit post if needed) we'll have time to post i'll keep this up for a while then start (i'll PM all of you two days before i make my choices then i'll PM the characters that will join this game.)
  10. 50 years ago the era knows as the Chaos War; plagued mankind with suffering, confusion, and malice. Angelic creatures descended from the heavens to meet their counterparts in immortal battle that was soon to be known as the Chaos War. During this time man will chose a side but because of its greed and lust not all joined the forces known as "good" or the angelic creature from the realm you call haven. The numbers will side with the angelic being and the strong would side with the desires presented by the demonic creatures from the realm you call hell or the abyss which ever you'd like to call it. The battle ends with no real victory named and the angels and demons return to there given realms to continue their epic battles until seven more years pass and the demons return. Then begins the Ravaging of our world, demonic kings take the noble rule of man. They rule over the populous with a vile and wicked temperance sacrificing virgin women and young children as a daily holiday to there dark gods. Beauty, Kindness, and Justice are high crimes in a world that has all but forgotten these simply ideals. upon a woman or man's eighteenth birthday they are defaced and scared until the wounds either kill them or will never truly heal. As for the hope of eternal happiness within haven HA! If one fights against them they condemn you to a Ritualist sacrifice of which last a full year when upon the completion of the ritual your soul is forever damned to suffer within a true hell! So the question lies before you what will you do ????? ( I will accept the best five posts other then of course my own. ) Name: Gender: Occupation: History: >
  11. [I]Rajaah stood quietly for a few moments gathering thoughts and clearing his mind he deeply breathes in then looks over at the group.[/I] Rajaah: within four years from now the era know as the Chaos War; will plague mankind with suffering, confusion, and malice. Angelic creatures will descend from the heavens to meet their counterparts in immortal battle soon to be known as the Chaos War itself. During this time man will chose a side but because of its greed and lust not all will join the forces known as "good" or the angelic creature from the realm you call haven. The numbers will side with them and the strong will side with the desires presented by the demonic creatures from the realm you call hell or the abyss which ever you'd like to call it. Visor: > does everything get destroyed. Rajaah: No, the battle ends with no real victory named and the angels and demons return to there given realms to continue their epic battles until seven more years pass and the demons return. Valen: then what? Rajaah: then begins the Ravaging of our world, demonic kings take the noble rule of man. They rule over the populous with a vile and wicked temperance sacrificing virgin women and young children as a daily holiday to there dark gods. Valen: > Bastards Rajaah: Beauty, Kindness, and Justice are high crimes in a world that has all but forgotten these simply things. Ari: Beauty? A crime? Rajaah: Yes, upon a woman or man's eighteenth birthday they are defaced and scared until the wounds either kill them or will never truly heal. Kindness is like murder here with the demons all but a memory of the golden time of man. Valen: how can they just live like that? Rajaah: we have no choice Valen you live this way or die. Valen: I'd rather fight and die then allow that! Rajaah: Why is that Valen! Because of a noble purpose and the hope of eternal happiness within haven HA! If one fights against them they condemn you to a Ritualist sacrifice of which last a full year when upon the completion of the ritual your soul is forever damned to suffer within a true hell! [I]Rajaah stops looking angered by Valen words as if it hit home somewhere amongst memories.[/I]
  12. [I]Rajaah impatiently listened to the story of how Karina got hurt.[/I] Rajaah: If we don't go you may get hurt again > Can we go! Valen: > settle down yesh! We're going just a little slower then usual. Rajaah: > it won't be long. [I]Ari being the closest to Rajaah at the time over heard his comment.[/I] Ari: > long tell what? Rajaah: > the beginning of the end. [I]Ari stopped at Rajaah words they oddly enough sounded afraid and whole hearted almost as if he dreaded the words himself.[/I] Ari: What do you mean? > what end? Rajaah: > all of this Ari; the green land, the sounds of wilderness creatures, and the peace of it all. [I]Everyone stopped hearing the almost familiar words from Rajaah it echoed in their minds. Rajaah's words struck their souls heavily the intensity behind his voice strengthened them. They felt their hearts beating faster.[/I] Valen: What do you mean Rajaah? Rajaah: Just as I said Valen. Karina: you can't know that. Rajaah: > O, I must be mistaken. Then again you'll see soon enough. Ari: even if it were true we can stop it right! [I]The others were about to speak up.[/I] Rajaah: Perhaps, but doubtful. Valen: How do you know this? Rajaah: > I've seen it and lived it, how do you think I know.
  13. [I]Rajaah hearing Karina's comment looked back at her question; while her friends gathered around her they all started talking about what had happened. Rajaah silently watched them all talking all appeared as friends something very different to Rajaah whom has only enemies and temporary allies of similar nature as him self he'd never seen the dealings of friends. After a few moments he shook his head and started walk off.[/I] Ari: Where are you going Rajaah? Rajaah: > I don't belong here, am not like you and I will never be like you. Visor: Doesn't mean you can't try Rajaah. Karina: You said you wanted to see my way, Right? Rajaah: Yes. Karina: Then don't leave yet, that's not my way. [I]Rajaah stood in silence [/I] Ari: Come on Rajaah, stay for a while. Valen: > yeah come on! [I]Rajaah again stood in silence then turned around looking at them, and nodded.[/I] Rajaah: We should still leave this place before Aerow gets out. I'll deal with him another time.
  14. [I]High-Rule momentarily stood watching the angels ascend into the heavenly skies above; he concentrated deeply to summon the powers of divinity to form crackling wings of pure energy after doing so he blasted off into the heavens to follow the angels.[/I] High-Rule: One of you will have to take me when we get to high up and while traveling into space, I can't survive without your help. Sinistrad: > I'll aid you. High-Rule: > Alright then. [I]The troupe continued onward.[/I]
  15. [I]The day passed quickly and night was approaching as Jason walked back to the room to speak with Athena, Pondering what and how he'd say what he needed to say.[/I] Jason: > Okay Jason you like her now you did to tell her that > she beautiful, smart, and your partner it shouldn't be that bad. > Athena: Jason? You okay? [I]Jason stopped dead in his tracks and looked over at her then around the room confused a little.[/I] Jason: > yeah? Athena: so what did you want to talk about? Jason: > it's now or nothing. [I]Athena just looked at him patiently waiting for a response.[/I] Jason: > Well I'd like to ask you a question. Athena: Go ahead. Jason: What do you think about me?
  16. [I]The light of the morning sun brought a relieving calm feeling to the troupe of angels. Valeigh felt a light gentle touch brush across her face as she opens her eyes to see High-Rule still slightly injured but far better then before, he smiled at her with thankful eyes.[/I] High-Rule: Awake my dear. [I]The others heard as he spook to her.[/I] Valeigh: > Entari you look better. High-Rule: I am > Thank you, but we must continue on our journey the Via'pus have a spy among us. Valeigh: > what? One of us? > before you awoke we were heading to my father, we should continue there if a spy is within our company he'll know how we'd find them.
  17. [I]Both night and day quickly came and gone as High-Rule laid still and silent among the holy grounds. His body slowly but surly mended itself recovering from the dire wounds he had suffered early, close by sat Valeigh looking over at the over angels talking to themselves.[/I] Sinistrad: > so that's the angel of death caring for a human like that. Siren: Titles can be deceiving Sinistrad. Sinistrad: Doesn't she think he'll be put into danger again? Siren: I'm sure she's thought of that. Always High-Rule petty strong he can take care of himself. Sinistrad: Siren we raised in army against those things when we were human, and it got us nowhere in the end. > How can he be safe with us. Siren: Maybe he won't, maybe he will. I can't say but he can help us for now and besides he was our friend when we were mortal and I'd prefer it to stay that way danger or no danger. [I]A few moments pasted in silence.[/I] Siren: > Wow! That's amazing I can fell the strength of this place > can you? Sinistrad: > yes it's truly amazing indeed. Valeigh: These holy grounds flow through you and gather lost strength if ever we get separated you should seek holy ground. Siren: But this strength is still growing within me > Valeigh: Like Entari said, you may fell weaker but I'll renew and you'll become much stronger then you once were. Sinistrad:
  18. [I]Rajaah stood there looking over at the strange man.[/I] Rajaah: You're a foolish idiotic man to think for a moment you could defeat me, let alone the others. Aerow: > we'll see who's foolish! Rajaah: > I'll take this joker > I'll be amazed if you even manifest the thought of defeat in me. [I]Aerow goes into a stance while Rajaah simply smiles confidently and nods.[/I] Rajaah: Go ahead you first! We'll see if your worthy Aerow.
  19. [I]Rajaah stood there quietly waiting to see the reaction of the others, knowing it probably won't be the best of responses do to the fact he brought Karina here in the first place. As he began to ponder how they would treat him Valen looked over at him but not in malice but he looked puzzled.[/I] Rajaah: Valen is your name correct? > > Ari, Vahn as well > > Visor, Tyron and Shin? > > Tyron: How are you? And how did you know our name? [I]Erupting from the runic encrusted blade to Rajaah's right side a haunting spin chilling voice spook that quickly echoes through the halls.[/I] Wailing Death: Rajaah Kill them Now!
  20. This guys going to be a Evil creature yearning to be a good guy! Name: Casteus Bhaali Race: Demon (Can morph into a human) Weapons: In his demonic form his claws, fangs and tail. Magic: Demonic History: Unknown Gender: Male
  21. i am confused, what happened to my character?
  22. [I]Rajaah's hand met hers and then shock on the deal.[/I] Rajaah: My name's Rajaah Kiln. Karina: I'd tell you mine but as our first encounter shows you already know it. I have a question for you why do you want to learn my ways? Rajaah: To revive something I'd had no choice in. Karina: What's that? Rajaah: To serve good or evil. [I]Karina paused at the answer wondering why he had no choice but for now she'd leave it at that.[/I]
  23. will you allow one more sign-up as EVIL!
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