Carren Heart
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Everything posted by Carren Heart
[I]After looking at Athena, Jason reminded himself that it is no longer just about him his ability to fight and focus was also in Athena's best interest. He had mustard the courage to accept the UCS training knowing that he'd have a partner and he wasn't going to let her down. He sat back up in his sit trying to calm himself down and think about the objective he started writing notes.[/I] Jason: > I'll train with the simulator after every lesson just to be sure I know the lessons. [I]The class continued.[/I]
[I]Moments passed, as the night grew darker, Rajaah had sensed a strong presence approaching Jaudiar but he would not intervene this time she could call upon him at anytime she wished and he knew this. Rajaah paused for a moment looking down at his blades.[/I] Wailing Death: Ra?jaah! Rajaah: Yes father. Wailing Death: Ra?jaah! [I]The black runic blade rose up from the ground lightly glowing a faint grayish color as it spins rapidly about. The howling from the cutting winds it suddenly stops as the blade pointed east.[/I] Wailing Death: Kill! Ra?jaah! KILL! Them! Rajaah: Karina? I wonder what he wants with her? Rajaah look over at the moon smiling wickedly. Rajaah: I'd best check out how Jaudiar is doing, but I'll stay out until she calls on me. Rajaah: Show me father! Who! [I]The runes encrusting the blade howled with enormous power crackling gradually forming what seemed to be a mirror, inside this mirror an image appeared.[/I] Rajaah: who is this father? Wailing Death: Kar?.ina! Rajaah: Very well father but not now! Wailing Death: SOON! Rajaah: Clam yourself father, yes soon. Wailing Death: Good. [I]The sword clam down landing to the ground quickly.[/I]
my real name is Perry Alan Michaels i have no clue what it means
I have studied Tae Kwon Do, Tai Chi, and Dragon (a defensive form of martial artist that commonly teaches great leg blocks) for some thing now I had a private mentor in Dragon, which is a very cool martial arts style I've been it about four tournament in which only won one of them (the others I didn't do to badly but I also didn't do that good.) I personally studied martial artist for the discipline and ability to defend my self. but its been about three years since any of this, i think i'll get back into it though.
[I]Jason sat there as the two demonstrated counter attacking in front of the class, all the time he thought to him about how dreary this was and that he already knew all of this. Slowly he wondered off drawing a picture of his family looking at it miserably leaving him self out of the picture. He slowly drifted off, daydreaming.[/I] [I]He recalled standing at the coffin wondering why this happened to them, why he wasn't there when his Grandfather walked up to him and angrily looked into his eyes.[/I] > Grandfather: why Jason? Jason: > why what? Grandfather: why didn't you get them away? Jason: > I ? uhh ?.uhh His Grandfather grab his shoulder's shaking him. Grandfather: YOU SELFISH BASTARD WHY? [I]Jason was sharply thrown to the ground crying silently to himself, the beating of his heart filled him with unforgettable throbbing.[/I] > [I]Jason raised his hands to his face as a few tears rolled down his cheeks. He thought to himself " I'm not ready to continue yet." He sunk into his chair miserably.[/I]
[I]Tranquilly looking onward into the undying night sky, Rajaah looks over at Jaudiar with a bewildered expression flushing over his usually detached face.[/I] Rajaah: Your Chaos? But you seem to have an ordered darkness to you, that is one of the superior aspects of your very existence Jaudiar. [I]Jaudiar stood still staring into the darkness so familiar to her while still listening she pondered to her self.[/I] Rajaah: If you don't mind, what plans for them do you have my lady? Should I arrange a chamber of them or do you not want them to become part of my walking dead?
[I]Rajaah simply watched in delight of the show of power knowing that this wasn't even the beginning of the fun to be had. [/I] Rajaah: Well done > OOC: Sorry for short post, but i'll let Raiha continue for a while (Love what your doing)
Calming walking into the class just as Rev. ended his comment to Katiya, Jason looked around silently then quickly sat down in his seat waiting for the class to start their training. He notice his partner there as well and nodded to her. Jason made sure to take the notes as Rev. wrote them down he would review them later before sleeping for the P.V.S.D would have it full affect on him.
i will have to post Monday, sorry but i'm not going to be able to get to a computer any more this weekend (plans) raiha just keep it up your playing him just fine, Thanks
OOC: i did (don't post again unless your going to post for the story).
Name: Rajaah Kiln Age: 24 Alliance: Evil Appearance: Rajaah is about 5'8 with white hair and gray eyes enveloped in a reddish tint (Image the dune eye color thing but red) he is physically well build and prefers to show off his pecks a lot. Other then that he has a Crescent shaped scare on over his left eye. Personality: Rajaah is simply cool, calm and collected in almost every situation. For reasons unknown to even him Rajaah has a Duel overlapping voice, which is both nerve-racking and unique Weapons: Twin rune encrypted Scimitars (Wailing Death, and Winter Angel) Magic: Hell Rot: By placing his hand upon the target, the spirits of pain and decay awaken to wreak havoc by agonizingly devouring living tissue in a circle around the area touch in this way. Silhouette of Oblivion: upon completion of this extensive ritualistic spell the necromantic force can call upon inner darkness to create a lasting demonic minion of great power o/r several weaker minions of mild power. Chamber of Souls: by casting this spell the necromancer places lost souls within a living creatures body to corrupt it from within, if the spell is a success the host body wastes away and becomes a member of the walking dead. Magic Elemental: Unholy ( Necromancy ) New Age. Bio: Rajaah was simply a power hungry necromancer that didn't know when to quit, about four years after he murdered his mentor and sent his sights on conquest. While on his vile quest Rajaah met up with a lone traveler that claimed to be tremendously power and would crush Rajaah. Her name was Jaudiar; they battled for hours until both realized that either would make it out alive if this continued so with an remarkable show of magical power and cunning Jaudiar cast a mystifying spell upon Rajaah twisting his will around her for eternally while some how keeping his mindset intact, even empowering it to a large degree. Now Rajaah serves Jaudiar blindly and without question. Starting Point: By the side of Jaudiar.
i will post my character i a little while. after i get some things down.
excuse me but do you still need evil people to sign-up!
Name: Aven Valier Race: Silver Elf Character Class: Cleric / Sorcerer Alignment: Neutral Good Description: Elven man with silvery white hair that stands about 5'6 in height and weights about 134 lbs he is renown for his unearthly good looks Spells: (If Applicable) Mending, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Mage Armour, Summon Monster I, Magic Missile, Identify, and Spider Climb History: Aven Valier is the heir to the Elven kingdom of shimmer-sky he has fled into the world seeking to escape an arranged marriage wishing to marry out of love rather then obligation.
[I]After searching for a few minutes Jason decided to ask someone else for directions finding one of the staff he quickly learned were to go for training. Stopping by at one of the bathrooms on the way back he paused at one of the mirrors. [/I] [I]He stared blankly while he thought of that night.[/I] [I]Phone rings.[/I] Steven: Jason it's your annoying little sister. Jason: Coming. Hello! Kayla: Jason! When are you coming over to pick us up? Jason: O'crap sorry Kayla! I'll be a while yet, maybe an hour. > Kayla? What's that smell? Kayla: Hold on! Anna! Jason just get here fast okay I don't want to miss seeing Josh at his play! Jason: Your little boyfriend can wait. I'm be there in an hour okay, I promise. Kayla: Alright Jason love ya bye! Jason: Love ya too. > Jason: Sorry I slipped on something and tried to catch myself. Servant: you alright come here I'll get this cleaned up and treat your hand. Jason: > Thanks The two walk off to gather cleaning supplies and treat Jason's hand. Servant: I'll clean it up you need to get over to the training area ASAP. [I]With that Jason ran off searching for the training area hiding his hand in the process.[/I]
[I]High-Rule waiting for the small group of angels to return.[/I] High-Rule: I need wings; really badly this is just not working for me. [I]Sighs deeply[/I] High-Rule: perhaps I'll just have a walk around. High-Rule walks down a path for about fifth teen minutes before coming across three travelers. A young girl, young boy and a older looking man. Old Man: Excuse me sir > if I were you I'd return from wherever you came from. [I]High-Rule notices that the small group looks as thou they've been attacked. Blood slowly creeps down the old man's face and the two children appear to have also taken some harm. High-Rule swiftly goes to their aid.[/I] High-Rule: what happened to you? Old Man: Via'pus scouts looking for something came to our village and started killing people demanding for knowledge about winged figures seen in the distance. [I]High-Rule Thinking to himself, " **** they've seen us, this is very bad!" looking over the Old man and the two children High-Rule sighed slightly. The old man looked at him questioningly and an a blink of in eye they were all dead.[/I] High-Rule: Sorry but I can't have anyone finding us, I should have turned around and stayed to the camp. [I]High-Rule returned to the Submit quietly saying nothing trying to forget what he had to do finding no excuse for his actions but hoping he had made the right choice. [/I]
[I]As soon as he once again had some quite Jason started to look over his uniform. Thinking to him self "I make this thing look" as he put it on. Interrupted by the announcement he looked down at him self.[/I] Jason: Perfect timing for once > I shouldn't have been so rude > I'll make it up to her. > Well time to go look around for this Valentynes guy's kid to get those directions. [I]Jason heads out to find John Valentyne ???.[/I] OOC: Sorry for short post have to go!
OOC: Please remember that the Via'pus are very powerful themselves (its okay that Valeigh is killing these ones fairly quick) but please keep in mind that the average Via'pus is about as strong as a lesser angel!! IC: High-Rule: I sense you there Diamoon, show yourself! [I]A tall-cloaked figure appears in a quick flash of vibrantly mix colors of gray and black stands at an easy 6'1 with a thin black sword to his left at the handle a visible claw like hand extends out from the cloak.[/I] Diamoon: > High-Rule (h-rule) chosen (osen) of Valeigh (leigh), you (u) Fool (ol) I warned (rned) you (u) about (out) awakening (akening) them (em). High-Rule: and I told you no deal Diamoon, they'll find out your brother's plans then you'll fail again. Diamoon: AHAHAHAAHAH!! (AHAAHAH!!) I don't ('t) have (ve) time (e) for (or) your (our) games (ames) you'll ('ll) see (e) me again (ain) foolish (lish) Mortal (rtal). [I]The figure dissipates the very way from which he appeared.[/I] High-Rule: > good they're still weak for a moment there I thought I was too late. Via'pus first then maybe they'll be able to defeat the triad. > OOC: the (letters) are to try and simulate the overlaping duel voice thing. hope that didn't confuse anyone.
Name: Raziel Race: Ancient were' beast Element: Ice Weapon the claws and teeth in his Hybrid form Age: 18 Biography: As animalistic as a civilized creature can be Raziel is a loner unless he spots something he likes or someone he wants which often leads reasonably powerful females to be angered with him or find this animalistic side extremely attractive. He seemingly hates his ideals of weakness and strives to become the perfect creature and seeks a mate he feels is as close to the perfect creature to stand by his side, he looks for Power and confidence in a mate as well as Cunning and Wisdom. Looks/Description: In his human form he is a strikingly hansom man with a Powerful sexy build. In his Hybrid form he is triple fold as powerful as he normally is, but unfortunately he can't maintain that form for long and seeks to improve its duration.
Jason: When the training starts? Well no I have no idea to tell you the truth. Athena: We should find out ASAP. Jason: > am not worried, any way around it I finally get a worthy opponent win or lose I've made it to the top ranks for my age. [I]Jason stands turning around to open his suitcase, in it a small odd looking metal box with variously colored wires hanging out of its right side.[/I] Athena: I've never seen that before, what is it? Jason: > P.V.S.B. Athena: > and that would be? Jason: Portable Virtual Simulation Database, it's used while I sleep. Athena: How does it work? Jason: > you place this visor over your eyes while you sleep and the programmed flashes of light simulates virtual battle while you sleep. Making whom ever uses the device to reaction to advanced battle situations as more of a reflex apposed to a response. Athena: How did you come across it, and where? Jason: Actually I created the idea and a genius friend of mine made the device, she hopes to get rich off the crazy thing. So far it has done wonders for my training.
[I]As Athena whispered to Jason he slowly turned over facing Athena, looking at her strangely for a moment then sitting up.[/I] Jason: > Yes I'm up [I]Looks over at the young woman[/I] Jason: And how is it that I have the pleaser of meeting. Athena: my name's Athena. Jason: Pleaser to meet you Athena, my name's Jason. [I]They shack hands[/I] Jason: Question mite you be my partner? OOC: Sorry for short post but I have to go!
High-Rule: I sense a small group of Via'pus, > in that direction, Valeigh you should take the others and intercept the two angels in the direction, they're not ready to fight any sort of Via'pus yet. Valeigh: Why take the others then! High-Rule: > Valeigh you know you'll fight with the Via'pus. So why not show the young angels what its like wielding divine power? Siren: I could fight them, I've been fighting Via'pus most of my life! High-Rule: No! Siren you're in a new body, while it appears as your old one its very different and very dangerous if you can't channel your power carefully. Valeigh: Trust him, even through he's a mortal his knowledge rivals must angelic scholars. Siren: > Very well then I'll let Valeigh fight. Ken: How long before your bodies have enough strength to fight again. High-Rule: Maybe days, weeks, or even months but for now you don't have the time, Valeigh lead them to the others I'll wait here. [I]The three angels spread their wings and ascend upward at amazing speeds ??[/I] High-Rule: Their power still settles within them? Odd even Valeigh power is growing, am starting to see why they're so afraid of them, given time and even the triad won't be able to fight them. > Be care my angels, I have a horrid feeling about this night.
[I]After his refreshing shower Jason went out into the main part of the room and noticed the his partner hadn't returned yet.[/I] Jason: odd, well she must be out an about somewhere I'll just rest for awhile and maybe she'll return later. [I]Jason laid down on his mattress resting for awhile until he slowly fell asleep dreaming of his family he so missed, smiling at the old memories of his sister playing with there dolls and how him and his mother would always stay up late pondering how they'd pay the rent and planning how they'd pay the next after that. Slowly but surly his dreams shifted to the night at training camp went he heard the news, the house burnt to the ground and his sisters were both caught in the fire and there bodies never recovered, the smiling also shifted to a protected cold look, starting to turn around a lot " Kayla " " Anna " he said softly to himself, "I'm sorry I can't." the expressions of his face slowly changed into a sad broken image of the cold protected look and then the dream came to in end as he laid there soundly with only a slight tear running down his cheek. " I'll try " he spook quietly to himself " I'll try "[/I]
OOC: I'll try to lead you in the right direction. High-Rule: > Why anything you wish to eat, concentrate on it and it'll be yours. [I]Siren begins to concentrate deeply trying to manifest something, but sadly fails.[/I] Valeigh: > so what is it we are waiting for? High-Rule: We wait for the others to find us; it really shouldn't take very long soon they'll feel what is the correct course and come to us. Ken: So we just wait? High-Rule: Yes, we simply wait Ken: High-Rule, how long until these headaches stop? High-Rule: it's all different for each of you, your new bodies must learn to adapt and become one with your bodies. Siren: So what are we now? High-Rule: You and all the others that rose from your graves are now angels. Siren: Angel? Me? Ken: ??.. High-Rule: Fallen heroes of mankind drawn together to save mankind, with the guidance of death. Valeigh: Which would be me. High-Rule: > you'll take back what I have lost. Siren: What have you lost? High-Rule: why the battle of course, and the hopes of mankind have dwindled. Ken: So we fight, that's why we're here! High-Rule: Basically yes, you need to fight for mankind's future. Ken: Why can't you and Valeigh, fight for them. High-Rule: I'm nothing more then a mere human in essence, bestowed with some supernatural abilities. Valeigh: And I simply can't fight all the Via'pus alone. High-Rule: You will join Valeigh in the fight for your world. Siren: and what about you? High-Rule: I'm Valeigh's chosen, her mortal Champion and I've been chosen to help guide you in your quest. OOC: I hope this clears a little confusion.
OOC: Don't forget my character is with Pyrial as well As Pyrial and Alkora continued talking seemingly forgetting there companion the young man simply stops, as the other two continue their course. ???: > it would seem they know where they're going. > ???: Great Valeigh, so you've returned as I knew you would. Valeigh: > High-Rule !! High-Rule: Yes it is I Valeigh. I've returned to claim what is mine with the help of humanities best heroes and of course you my dear angel of death. OOC: Sorry can't write anymore WB and I'm being kicked of.