Carren Heart
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Everything posted by Carren Heart
Walking quietly into his assigned room Jason stretched, thinking to himself "late again god I try so hard and I'm still late." He looked around the room noticing a suitcase on the other bed. Jason: > guess I'll meet my roommate later. Jason paused for a moment, "I'll take a shower and if time, rest a little." He slowly limbered cover to the bathroom resting his suitcase on the bathroom sink. > OOC: Sorry I can't easily get to a computer on the weekends.
It is alright enigma i'll allow Raiha to be in the story (i'll need another how knows the original story to make this one work) and anyway Zylik will appear in this story (for those who know, who he is.) Will edit and put post up (have to go for now.)
Everyone please continue if you'd like, i'm persentily not posting becuase my character was with Arikel's chr. so please continue i'll be posting again soon.
alright thanks, Lalaith Ril i owe you one.
no thanks, i don't see it being as funny .... Owell, and i don't want to create another character. I guess i'll just drop :(
yes he is going to be fine i found out this morning, his arm is badly injuried but he will be okay.
what happened to me being in this thing? i was going to post my character but if i do there be to many males!
i'll be in this but please save a spot
Just for you all are aware, Arikel may not be posting for a while. Sunday around 3:00 o/r 4:00ish he was involved in a car accident and is being hospitalized.
Just for you all are aware, Arikel may not be posting for a while Sunday around 3:00 o/r 4:00ish he was involved in a car accident and is being hospitalized.
i won't be able to be on the computer for about four days so please continue a little without me.
I'd go back in time and give myself a computer.
[I]The brilliant light died down slowly as the young man leaned against a tree waiting for the fallen heroes to return to him waiting he pondered how they'd fight the Via'pus. [/I] ????: It will take months before they have gained enough power to defeat the Via'pus by them selves, that's assuming they have perfect understanding of their powers. [I]The split tomb of Pyrial sword waiting for its master, was soon disturbed by the rising angel himself. Looking onward as the angel sat down sighing to himself perhaps the young man's presence escaped the newly risen angel's vision. [/I] ????: I see you've returned to me, my friend. [I]The young man paused waiting for a response[/I]
[I]Standing silently in the fields of the great mountain valley the young hero, of which mankind thought had perished stood at the graves of fallen heroes waiting for some unknown event to occur.[/I] ????: A year has come and passed and your deeds, still lies in the hearts of man. Your faith it rests in the very place you now sleep, but now you must awake my friends. [I]The winds of the mountain valley grew still and quite, as the beast of the surrounding forest calmed. [/I] ????: I now ask you to join me once again but this time reborn with the power you'll need to defeat the Via'pus. [I]The forest erupt of the sounds of a thousand panicking animals, the winds swipe over the valley plains with growing veracity. [/I] ????: You must show temperance my friends, you scare the wild life of your presence. [I]The winds calm quickly and the animals, calm themselves. [/I] ????: There you go, good now don't be surprised you will return weaker then you were. But this is a simple side effect, you'll gain your strength with the passing of days. [I]Clouds begin to form around the mountain valley blackening the skies with their appearance, the crackling of Thunder echoes for miles abound as the cloud might strikes near the mountain pecks. [/I] ????: It is time my friends bath in the rewards of your faith and willingness for those yet to come, in a power behind yourselves a power I now summon to revive you in its eternal bliss, AWAKE !! heroes of mankind. AWAKE !! [I]Clouds boom with tremendous might as one by one lightning streaks down to the earth were the tombs of five brave souls lie waiting, and with a Thunderous bang followed by a light more brillant than life it's self ... [/I]
I will start this story today so everyone is in becuase we didn't go pass the limit.
(For Siren and Raiha knowledge, this is the story before the original Fallen Angels. And sorry but your not guaranteed a spot for this story, but I'm sure you can poll off a good character idea.) My character ...... Angelic Name: High-Rule Name in life: Unknown Apparent Age: Sixteen, maybe Seventeen. Heroic Last Deed: Never truly died but his historical death was that he was the last to perish during the finial battle at the mountain valley. Other then that nobody truly knows of his fate. Why you fight: Unknown, the myths of his families' death by the hands of the Via'pus are a popular one. Background: Being the Mysterious Youth that lead the rebellion nothing is known about this being, except that he fights for mankind.
An ages long past the world was plagued by fool demonic creatures know as Via'pus whom ruled over mankind. Where common man lived in horror of each passing day, what would happen next the village burned, my daughter devoured, or my second wife possessed. These where only a few questions asked before one found an even greater horror around the corner. Until a strange young man feed up with the treatment of his people rallied an army to stand up against the dreaded Via'pus. This would later be know as the era of renewal where man would stand against those how rule them in an epic 7 year war. This showed people that indeed the Via'pus were powerful but were also able to be defected. The war spend to the very corners of the world until the Via'pus allured the last of the rebellion into a mountain valley. Lead by the same Strange man the people fought for there lives for the future of their loved ones but it seemed useless the new ideal of faith seemed to be failing them, the battle ground now lays silent a mere memory of what fate awaits those whom would fight. A year passes as the Via'pus slaughter millions as a punishment to mankind for there faith in themselves, and a show of power in what they can do if angered. ???.. The silent fields of the mountain valley were man would fight for their future trembles as you awaken, to reward mankind's faith. ???.. NOW AWAKE MY FALLEN ANGELS AND REJOIN THE FIGHT!
Hello Herald of oblivion wants me DEAD !! .... read the background. anyway half my powers aren't very strong at all ... but i understand.
Name: Jason Hunter Mutant Name: Hunter Age: Unknown Mutant Powers: Resistant to other (mutant powers) that Absorb, Acute Sense of Smell and Hearing, Animal Instincts that rival any before him, Resistance against Physical Harm, Inhuman Physical Strength, Speed, and Endurance, Innate Combative Instincts and Reflexes, Ability to regenerate limbs and wounds quickly, Sixth Sense, Danger Sense, Slight Psionic Abilities, and more will develop. Description: Stands 5'11 about 212 pounds of tone muscle mass, Jason is (as any mutant that like human.) younger looking (17ish) Very hansom man with long brown hair, sharp facial features with a mustache and goatee Background: On the eve of Apocalypse's power he set into moment a safeguard, a way to avenge him if indeed he would fall before the Herald of Oblivion. This safeguard was a creation Apocalypse dreamed up hundreds of years ago bout felt no need to complete only improve his masterwork creation. A power that if allowed to grow surpass him but in turn revive him into its very being. With methods now long forgotten Apocalypse created the body of his renewal and hind it from the sight of man and beast to safeguard it from harm. This creature he envisioned would gain power as it aged and matured with no bounds to its limits but destruction. When Apocalypse fall in battle to the Herald of Oblivion his four horsemen awaken Jason to begin his journey of power and with luck his revival to Life the only thing in the hunter's way was Oblivion. Knowing of Apocalypse's plan to bring fourth the hunter the Herald annulated many creature's that would aid Jason forcing him to flee for his life and seek mutants powerful enough to protect him and allow him the time to gain the power needed to revive his dark master.
I am so .. in this time ... i'm post my character later ......
Name: Alex Wright Gender: Male Age:19 Car: Totaled (Will be trying to get picked up.
Name: Diamoon Hero / Villian: Rummi Age: 18 Race: Fenshared Weapon: Keeps a Long Sword with him Top 3 spells: - Fall to The Halo (Massive Holy attack takes a massive amount of energy at the start of the game Diamoon fears it power, he believes that it will end his life if he uses it.) - Chamber of Souls (Creates a Zone of protection) (It protects against Summoning darker creatures, rising of the dead, and dark manipulation of souls.) - Exodus (A fire attack spell that is very effective against Deamons). Discription: a tall wide shouldered hansom young man with features that resemble an elf. Bio: I'd prefer people to find out in character. Guardian: a small dragoniod creature named Skee.
Has this game fallen under all ready? .. or are we going to continue?
> Skee: Perhaps we have ? why do you ask? Obviously you'd remember much an event, would you not? Winter: > Skee: But then again, its been quiet a while and you do seem confused about the question. > Skee: Ah. Sorry my lady, you must excuse me I'd become rather use to talking to my self. Winter: Thanks okay, ???? ??? Skee: > What was the question?
Personally, I'm a great role player (not online) but tabletop role-playing; I have experience like none other I've met, I have developed game systems that highly rival if not surpass D & D, White Wolf, and many other Role playing games, but my main problem is getting all the information on paper, other then that when it comes to Running games I have people ask if I can run all the time, but as to online experience and just computer experience in general mixed with the fact I'm fairly poor at gammier and spelling. I'm a "Renown" Role-player where I live. Am sure Arikel would argee....