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Carren Heart

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Everything posted by Carren Heart

  1. Feel completely free to have some fun first Harlequin, The main Plot of this Story will unfold a little latter ?
  2. Arikel for now go ahead and start or what ever .... having problems with character ideas ... Kay
  3. From Raiha's Post [I]Skee: what is a person like you doing here?[/I] [I]Winter: who wants to know?[/I] [I]>[/I] Skee: > No need for those fair lady, I come in peace.
  4. if its one thing i've learned in life its that you only ever have two or three REALLY good friends.
  5. well Arikel, you've role played this with me in real life so may i play Tremere ((people Screaming all around him)) and if so would you mind if i was a Evil character ..... ((again the screaming))
  6. > Skee: > > Skee: > I'll wait for now, See what they'll do before acting. >
  7. zidane11 just check out the treads .. it's started
  8. Name: * Diamoon Tall'a'kin Age: * 15 Height: * 5"7 Weight: 170lbs Class: * Warrior/Adventurer Nationality: * Born in Verconica Valley in the eastern wastes. (Make your own up and tell the position on the "planet" it would be in) Ambitions: * Find his Sister, Establish a Name for himself, and perhaps one day find a women in love and hold. Skills: * Great wilderness survival skills and fair craftsmenship Gear: * Long Sword Short Bow w/ arrows Backpack Traveling Gear Leather Armor Soft Leather Boots Bio: * until the age of ten Diamoon life was as happy as one could believe, But one night brought the rider's to his quiet little village and pillage every thing they could including live people of a far off slave trading business. Scared and alone for three long years Diamond has been reunioned with his lost mother and father but not his sister. He stayed with them for two more years working to save money for a very long trip to the west to search for his lost sister. After reaching his financial goals he set off in search for Luna his younger and only sister, ever since then he has traveled learning how the world beyond works and how to survive its perils.
  9. Carren Heart


    > Skee: > Dragons ? Again? I'd bet. > Skee: >Interesting, they have yet to leave this land. Usually they come and go ? > Skee: What? .. someone lives?
  10. begin looking for the start tread .... (others may still join but only if i approval)
  11. Janus roasting silently in the strong oak tree watching yet another stranger hearing every thing he says'. Janus: When will people learn you ask? Kas: < Claming Looking Up then simply nods > Janus: < Grinning > when there is no one left to be taunt. Kas: < Looks down > How sad that an elf would grin at this grim sight. Janus: > True, True but if one can't grin at the past what does the future hold ?.. ???
  12. Name: Skee Gender: Male Age: Around 743 Description: Human Form: Tall slender hansom, Frail looking teenager with long light brown hair flowing to his shoulders, Sky blue eyes with a intense deep compassionate glare within them. Description: 1st Dragon Form: Skee, has two different dragon forms his first is his smaller pale blue scaled 8 by' 6 by' 14 feet large dragon with no kind of flaming breath or great ability to fight this form is simply a less intimating form he uses commonly. Description: 2nd Dragon Form: Skee's second form is that of a huge deep blue sapphire scaled 16 by' 10 by' 24 feet dragon. With a powerful build even for a dragon, surprising swift movements, and Chilling breath like none other Skee is a dragon unique in many aspects. Color: Human: Slightly paler then normal. 1st Dragon Form: Pale sky blue tone to his scales that make him less noticeable while in flight.2nd Dragon Form: Deep azure scales with a hint of black outlining scales. Past: (HEHEHEHEHEH) you'll have to find out my friend.
  13. Name: Janus Moon Glade Nickname: Moon Blade Age: 145 Race: High Elf Description: Standing about 5'7 feet tall with long brown hair and silvery Radiant eyes. He is a very hansom man, even for an elf. Equipment: Mythril Long Sword to his side with a very study dark wood long bow hanging on his back.
  14. The year is 1999 also known, as the "year of reckoning" an ancient creature was unlocked upon earth. These Large reptilian creatures have been given the code name "Dragons" do to the remarkably simpler characteristics Of the storybook dragon. Intelligent, winged Fire-breathing reptiles have laid siege human cities and have Begun to head to the west across the vast oceans to America. Presently the only free world power left under Full human control they have little idea of what they now face and will fall within the next year. Call it destiny or fate but you are among the world's last hope you have discovered a second breed of dragon Different then there more aggressive kin and much fewer then number you must ally But with the ability to Transform into humans hopefully this new found creature will bring hope and enough power to save your world. I'll allow up to seven persons to be in this Rpg. If more then seven people sign up I'll base it on your posts.
  15. Name: Dallas Von Age: 21 Height: 5"11 Gender: Male Soul: Heroic Skill: Marksmanship and Martial Arts Weapons: Sniper Rifle, Sai (2) Bio: Dallas is a Japanese American born in New York, were he signed-up for the service at the age of 17. Showing promise he quickly shot up in ranks becoming one of the best snipers in the service. Other then that is life is a mystery. Personality/Appearance: Long brown haired, blue eyed with a fair build he fixes in with almost any crowd
  16. that is one reason why i can't get on and school is where i sign in
  17. hey guys sorry but its going to be hard for me to get on a computer.... it'll take me a while ... so be paitent or continue thats also fine
  18. hey guys sorry but its going to be hard for me to get on a computer .... it'll take me a while ... so be paitent or continue thats also fine
  19. hey guys sorry but its going to be hard for me to get on a computer .... it'll take me a while ... so be paitent or continue thats also fine
  20. hey guys sorry but its going to be hard for me to get on a computer .... it'll take me a while ... so be paitent or continue thats also fine
  21. hey guys sorry but its going to be hard for me to get on a computer .... it'll take me a while ... so be paitent ..... O and i'll start the game in two o/r three days in the tread i'll have posted who made it in ....................................................................................................... And Unholy Newt i'm a he .... :)
  22. hey guys sorry but its going to be hard for me to get on any more .... it'll take me a while ... so be paitent or continue thats also fine (Nightfire just make something up rajaah won't tell you yet if you don't know ....)
  23. > Dallas: Sooooooooo ? where Ya from? > Dallas: > Well ?.. ???
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