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About Nucifer
- Birthday January 19
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Name: Mercy
Stupid HighSchooler [International Vacuous Gold Medalist]
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[SIZE=1]Year 2182 May 4. 20 years it has been since the England monarchy has falling. Due to the assassination of Queen Elizabeth on 2023, the England Empire slowly crumbled. None of the Queen?s relatives have been good suitors for the throne. Today marks the 20th anniversary of the public rebelling. 3,000 royal guards, 52,000 policemen, and 120,000 civilians? lives lost on London?s rebelling. 15,000 policemen and 5,000 civilians died in Oxford rebelling. 4,000 policemen and 3,000 civilian died on Reading?s rebelling. Each rebelling set three hours apart, all around River Thames. Even now, no one knows the organizers of this treachery. Those of noble blood have believed it to be the man who soon fell into power 3 months after the rebelling is to blame. Arthur Bagley has mysteriously popped into power. No records of him in United Kingdom database. No birth certificate, credit cards, ID, school records, working papers, or alien card. No one knows how he fell into power as the government was trying to replenish itself after the rebellions. So far we know is that Arthur rules the United Kingdoms in dictatorship. No one can speak, write, nor think anything against Arthur?s rules. Most Nobles were killed due to so called ?tyranny? against Arthur. Even so some ?good? as come of Arthur?s dictatorship. England has become the center of technology. All taxes have gone to fund for the good of science and military strength. Arthur has been making the science division work on his little project. Even as the head of the science division little details have been spoken to me. All we know we are to make a biological weapon, for reasons unknown. Our subjects are but humans, at least three picked up each day. Most of them have committed ?felonies? against the nation from plotting against dictatorship to going past the 10 o?clock curfew set to all civilians. Some are unknown as they seem to be just children around the ages of 5-16. It is a precaution to have the memory of our subjects to be wiped clean. All records and relations of our subjects have been?abolished. Some subjects were a failure and their atoms were feed to the others as ?food?. So far we have seven successful experiments called ?contractors.? These contractors have powers beyond human capability. These powers however only last for a certain period of time. They also come with a price, a contract if you will they must follow. We have found out not settling with this contract have created?dire consequences. Each subject failing to do their contract have been completely abolished, turned to ashes as their atoms slowly break apart. This consequence affects in the matter of minutes. With the data we gathered we have found out two things: 1) you have exactly twenty minutes to follow through with your contract after the use of your power 2) each contract Is different as it seems that each success experiment have distinct actions after using their powers. We have also successfully created ?dolls? synthetic humanoids much like contractors but without a contract to follow. Their powers are not as affective as contractors but they seem to serve purpose as radars. Some of these dolls can suit their purpose as clones of dead people inserted with their memory. These dolls suit their purpose for three days as their memory is soon to be erased. Those type dolls are used for deceiving purposes only as to pull out rebels out of hiding. Normal dolls are considered an extend of contractors powers. Now for the real problem, three weeks from now I am to follow orders to release our experiments. They are to be controlled by the military. They will be in the new established force Sector 7. I have not been told the reason why this squad was established. So far I know that my ?children? will be in contact with the outside world, as well as work with humans who won?t be so kind towards their powers. I fear the worst for them as humans can be cruel to things they do not understand. I also fear the capabilities of this new squad as well as their purpose?.. --------------------------------------------- This RP is influenced by Ghost In Shell, Darker than Black, and V for Vendetta. People are able to play either contractors or humans assigned to Sector 7. The humans assigned are considered the best of the best. They are professionals at what they do are certainly not rookies. Human characters must be older than 25 years old. Contractors may be older than sixteen. Dolls are NPC?s but may be mentioned throughout the RP. The cities of England are ruled with an iron fist as they are many riots throughout England. Sector 7 HQ resides on London, Camden but power extends throughout London City. Characters origin can reside anywhere in the European continent. The role of Sector 7 will be revealed throughout the RP. For info and any question that might pop up please go to the [+] Underground (Add Link after first sign up) Sign Up: Name: (Contractors have assigned names, no last names. Cultural diversity would be nice to see in signups) Age: Gender: Appearance: ( Contractors look completely human. A paragraph and/or picture would be needed preferably both. Photos not anime pictures would be preferred but not mandatory.) Race: (Contractor/Human) Weapon: ( For contractors weapons can be used as an extend of their powers. Humans can specialize in a certain weapon.) Personality: (Earlier contractors are considered to be emotionless. Contractors now may retain some emotions) Bio: (Contractors only have memory of time in the lab with the scientist. A back ground history may be used.) Contractors only: Ability: Your ability can be anything. Blowing up things, transferring anything threw rock, or flying. I expect people to be extremely creative about their ability and limitations. Contract: Something you must do or forfeit. This may include breaking a specific finger, lining up pebbles in order, or eating a certain type of thing (such as flower). This again can be extremely imaginative. Humans Only: Spots need to be filled by human. Tech Support: Such as mechanics specialist, may work and build machines. This person may work with Dolls. This person may have full knowledge about the contractors Doctor: On board medic of the team. This does not mean you do not fight. You may use you doctor skills to your full advantage. Director: You have full connection to Arthur Bagley himself. You get direct contact from him for mission specifications. If anything happens you are directly responsible for it, especially if mission was not followed out exactly. You may call these positions as ?leader?. This also means you get annoying PM?s from me. The rest of the humans can be just normal high standard officer. I hope you enjoy. [/SIZE]
OOC: It's been a week since post... [SIZE=1]Sena agreed to the idea of going out on the balcony. What?s the point of having a beautiful view without using it? He felt as though he just made a fool of himself rambling on and on. He was plotting down his ideas and views for everyone to see or just this particular person. This was the first time he spoke his mind so outwardly. Three years of isolation, no human contact does such wonders. Even so Sena agreed as he was going out to the balcony anyways. [I]?Was I inviting myself??? [/I] Allen thought. The thought was dismissed as Sena walked to his room to fix a drink. Allen went to his room instantly finding a mini bar. He looked inside finding different alcohols. Bacardi, Crystal, Hypnotic?nothing that he would drink. Allen wasn?t sure what would alcohol do to his body. As he remembered he never drink one sip of it. He never even tasted eggnog or champagne with low alcohol content during new years or Christmas. He quickly found orange juice and poured it into a glass, there is no use to experiment now. Both Allen and Sena went out of the balcony. Allen sat and set his glass Sena doing the same. Allen sighed looking at the view. He tried looking directly at the moon or sea trying not to pay attention to the height they were in. He found no serenity at watching neither the moon nor the sea. Everything was just quite setting this lonely feeling that trembled Allen body. How lonely he felt was truly realized, even if he had company right now. It felt?absolutely dreadful. He started hearing Sena speak. Sena did not turn to look at Allen as he spoke. He was probably awed by the view. He spoke about not discussing about religion, as he has not gone to church or read the scriptures for over five years. He paused for a moment almost waiting for Allen response when he had none. He talked about religious views apologizing for bringing up the subject once again. [I]?How can you not talk about religion when is your audience existence? ?[/I] Sena gave Allen a smile. Allen blushed and hung his head. He simply replied not knowing anything else but religion. It seemed as Sena was so occupied with making him feel better. Sena even proposed going to the beach tomorrow as their cards were finished. Allen agreed to it hoping he would have fun as he hasn?t in so long. He couldn?t draw attention to Sena?s situation been a much more sensitive one. It seemed as though Sena?s father was such an influence on Sena?s life. To be back stabbed by someone you known all your life.[I] ?Ohh how I wish I can help him sort things out the way he is helping me??[/I] Yet how useless he would be as he only knew his precious scriptures? The subject was changed into their cards, as Sena was slowly falling asleep. Allen looked at the view, how he was getting sick of it so quickly. He laid back in his chair rubbing his eyes. Maybe if he kept up conversation he might be able to stay awake longer?. [B]?You know nobody back home would have guessed I would become?what I am?? [/B] Allen smiled despite the fact he made himself sound like a monster [B]?I was considered popular back home. I had so many girlfriends mostly because I couldn?t say ?no? to any girl. If I remember correctly I had three girlfriends name Janet, two named Jeannette, five named Mary, four Ashley, and seven Ariel. The other six girls had different names. My town wasn?t very original when it came to names?? [/B] Allen turned his head to only smile to a sleeping Sena. [i]?I guess it couldn?t be helped??[/i] Allen stretched not blaming Sena. He grabbed his orange juice drinking the last sip. He yawned and shook the ice in his glass, how eventful. Less than twenty four hours in the house and mostly everything has been broking. He wonder how long will it take for the remains to shatter as well. He got up from his chair as it was better not to think about the future but the present. He looked at the sleeping Sena and picked up his glass. The ice in Sena?s glass was half melted showing it has been quite some time spent on the balcony. He placed the glass back not knowing if he should dispose of the glass. Allen went back inside washing his glass and putting it back on its place. As he passed the main room the balcony door was still open. He walked back inside the balcony seen a still sleeping Sena. The wind was picking up and the cold night air was setting in. It is unkind of him not to wake Sena. Allen leaned over the sleeping body and shook him. [B]?Hey?wake up. You catch a cold here??[/B] As Allen shook Sena?s hair fell on his face. Allen brushed it aside only for his hand to shake. Allen looked at his hand and blushed. He quickly put his hand in his pocket hoping it will calm his nerves. At least his pocket will cover up the shaking. He continued trying to wake up Sena. [B]?Come on, is not best to fall asleep on this conditions. The cards better be here soon?.?[/B] Allen sighed As Allen shook Sena strands of hair fell on his face. Allen saw it as courtesy to brush it off. Allen pushed the strands away instantly his hand started to shake. Allen blushed and put his hand inside his pocket. He ignored his trembling hand and continued trying to wake up Sena. ?[B]It would look suspicious if I grab your card and hang it to you?come on get up?? [/B] Allen said trying his best to wake him.[/SIZE]
OOC: Do you mean I put Allen names in place of Axel?s name? While I reread I have noticed my mistake. Oops, it might be due with them having such a similar name. Axel and Allen both starting with the letter ?A? maybe next time I try putting characters with two different beginning letters XD. I apologize for my mix up? [SIZE=1]Axel looked at his food swirling his portions around in his plate. He wasn?t hungry which was new for him. His stomach always took over his brain; he didn?t have much of a brain. He wondered how long it will take until his debt to Lex was done. Three days, months, maybe even years of battle until he could make it even. Back at Rasm he owed many of his friends a good sum of money. He wondered how they could stand been friends with him. Yet this wasn?t over money this was over [I]bravery[/I]. He wondered when he will get a nice night of sleep. There really wasn?t a day and night on the ship. He wasn?t up for a twenty four hour job. [I]?Ohh Axel what did you get yourself into?? [/I] What did he get himself into, he always lead a life of a vagabond. [B]?There weren?t any seats left?? [/B] October said sitting next to him. Axel looked up from his plate. October didn?t seem too happy with sitting next to a man. That was extremely recognizable. Been aboard the Obsession felt like they were some huge experiment, seen how long it take until everyone in the ship killed each other off. He wondered who would be victorious in this battle. [I]?The men of course?no help from me of course.?[/I] He tried to pay attention to the woman on his side. Axel felt more cautious then afraid now. He had to be careful how he spoke, body language, and greatly take care of his nervous smiling. One false move or signal and he was surely to get October or the other women angry. Woman like hounds can smell fear, this was Axel?s logic. [B]?Uhh, so Lex is doing better correct?" [/B] Axel said trying to keep cool. [B]?Yes??[/B] October said, and then murmured [B]?Maybe if there was a female doctor??[/B] [B]?Good, good??[/B] [B]?Quite a show?protecting a woman? [/B] [B]?I bet she doesn?t need much protection?? [/B] Axel laughed trying to hide any hint of nervousness but it the laugh came out simply and fake. [B]?Not from a man?maybe we need to protect her from-? [/B] [B]?I do not wish to harm her in any way. I understand the little confidence?? [/B] Axel paused for a moment then changed the subject [B]"hank you for helping me carry her to the doc?s? [/B] [B]??I wasn?t going to let you carry her alone. That would be too?suspicious? [/B] [B]?Ha, right??[/B] Axel simply said ending conversation. On Axel the other side of him Lex was quietly eating her food. It wasn't too long tgat she sat down, how much of the conversation did she hear? She seemed to be pondering about something. It wouldn?t be a surprise if it was the loyalty in Axel?s words to protect her. It could be the awkwardness or hidden irony in the whole ordeal. Axel himself wondered his own loyalty as well. An announcement was made, they were landing soon.[I] ?Maybe this would be end with a nice sleep?? [/I] This was soon disturbed by Lex getting up holding her plate. As she took one step Lex face showed an unpleasant feeling. Most likely she was in pain as she closed her eyes and shook her head. [b]?Well?looks like the doc?s pain meds have worn off.?[/b] Lex said setting down her plate heading to the doc?s . Axel saw this as an opportunity. He stood up from his seat and said in a non-pushing manner [B]?Need a hand?? [/B] [B]Na, I got it, finish your dinner.?[/B] This almost felt like a command. Axel sat down back in his chair and watched as Lex walked off to the doc?s place. How annoying was it to owe something to someone. Even if it was annoying to Axel, he owed a lot to too many people. He just wished that he could repay this debt soon. Yet how can he gain bravery in such a small amount of time? [B]?I just wish she allowed me to help her?I feel responsible?? [/B] [B]?Is that comment made for a response?? [/B] October said placing down her fork [B]?Why not??[/B]Axel sighed now feeling weary [B]?How independent are the woman, seriously? Maybe I should take a lesson in independence?? [/B] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Allen looked at Sena as he walked over the balcony door. He opened the door and a breeze was let in. The room felt stuffy or maybe it was just the energy of the mansion. It was no surprise seen everyone?s energy right now. Everyone seemed tired, depressed, or angry. The breeze had a salty smell to it. He wondered if the balcony over looked the sea. If he remembered the afternoon events correctly he first meet Sena on the balcony. Yet he didn?t get to see the view. Did the sea provide some comfort to Sena? Sena turned around and looked at Allen. A slight blush graced Allen?s face. [I]?I was staring wasn?t I..?? [/I] Allen thought embarrassed. He was staring at Sena intensely when he opened the balcony door. He even stared at him when he got out of his room. Allen immediately felt like a stalker. Sena could take it wrong? [B]?Oh sorry I was staring wasn?t I? Isn?t like I was staring lustfully you know. No, no nothing like that, ha.?[/B] Allen laughed nervously. Allen couldn?t exactly read Sena?s expression. [B]?I was just wondering how you felt right about now. You?re okay right now, right? These situations would make anyone feel like leaving?? [/B] Allen scratched his neck. Sena sighed [B]?I thought of leaving??[/B] [B]?Ohh??[/B] Allen looked down on his feet. [B]?Is not about you Allen, like I said before-?[/B] [B]?Don?t need to repeat yourself?I understand? [/B] [B]?You know is rare to find someone who doesn?t instantly hate me??[/B] Allen winced [B]?Why? You and I are sinners correct? What we have done is not exactly approved by the church.[I] ?The spirit is good while the flesh is evil? [/I] is a heresy. God created us in his own image and likeness. He found everything he created to be very good. So this flesh of ours is good. So isn?t sex good as well since is a normal human flesh desire? Even if the church does teach us not to do it before marriage does marriage really count? Is just a piece of paper saying that a man and a woman are together?Is the same as boyfriend and girlfriend is not like marriage papers give you the okay to have sex. Further upon this?if he made us in his own likeness what about homosexuality and other [I]?flaws? [/I] in human creation. Is it the work of the devil???[/B] Allen looked at Sena. He quickly noticed he was rambling. Allen blushed once again embarrassed on how he again talked about religion. Yet all his life was about his faith. How can he change when it has been twenty four years of the same thing? [B]?Sorry?I was ranting. I been thinking about this as I sat here. Maybe I was trying to make an excuse for us?for everyone. I just try to judge you as a[I] person[/I] and how you act around me. I don?t care about the past right now so?forget everything okay? Hey! What about this?let?s go to the balcony and get some fresh air?you said is stuffy in here and it?s making me sleepy as well. Shall we get something to drink and wait for our cards on the balcony??[/B] Allen suggested. He hoped this would losing up some hostility that might be between them. Alcohol to water, anything would be good right about now[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Axel looked up; he could totally understand her situation.[B] ?Ha, I guess I wouldn?t want a woman doctor touching me? [/B] Axel gave a nervous smile. Axel couldn?t help but feel responsible for her head trauma. She basically made her go to the front of the line for him been so weak. He depended on her like he depended on most of his friends. Scratch that, a woman as a friend? There comrades of course been on the same team. Next time he had to some way to protect her so they?re even. [B]?So, feeling better???[/B] Axel said afraid of the answer. Lex looked at her bandage hand. She slowly flexed her hand seen if it?s okay. Axel tried to look for some slight discomfort in her face. He couldn?t exactly tell, woman have such confusing facial expressions. She touched her head and looked at Axel. [B]?Yeah, I feel okay. I guess Neron did a good job??[/B] Lex said and slightly mumbled [B]?for a man?? [/B] Axel ignored the comment [B]?Sorry, you know for my performance on the battle field?? [/B] [B]?No you don?t-? [/B] [B]?Come on I kind of feel responsible for your injuries. If I wasn?t so weak and cowardly you wouldn?t get so badly hurt. I know your strong and take care of yourself but I got your back for now on okay? Is bothersome to owe someone so, with this it will be even.? [/B] Axel gave her a normal natural smile. He hoped she would accept her apology and take the offer. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Allen fidgeted with his feet as Sena talked. He was greatly uncomfortable with talking about this subject so openly. He has been trying to contain such things like this for so long. Sena talked about his sins and Ben?s saying that they were in the wrong. What Allen is, is nothing compared to what he has done. Sena seemed to almost choke as he spoke. Sena continued saying that Allen was condemned for falling in love. Allen winced as he heard the word condemned. His parents screamed that word to him many times. [I]?My son, my only son will be condemned to the fiery pits of hell? [/I] Allen almost heard his mother cry. As both his parents were greatly disappointed, his mother showed it the most. He would hear her constantly pray to god to remove this ?demon? that has possessed her son. It was her who asked a priest to illegally perform so many exorcists on him. Allen insisted that it was wrong. How could Sena understand strong religious beliefs that ran in his family? How everyone in the community were hoping for his success. Sena grew up with values that raping girls was not a problem. He grew up with the word of god choked down his throat. It pressured him and teased him. Allen couldn?t help but set one similarity between Sena and him, both were sculpted to be like there fathers. Allen was sculpted to be a perfect priest and Sena a?rapist. Both of them seem to be shunned by their parental. He continued to hear Sena talk? [B]?I believed that my father was right and that it was okay to force yourselves on others. How do you know that what is in the scriptures and what your religion taught you is true as well??[/B] Sena questioned him. Allen bit his lip having no way to respond to that. Once he asked a similar question to Terry when he realized his ever growing love for him which was unspoken at the time. Terry gave him a dirty look and told him not to ever question the words of the church or such ancient written. Remembering this only gave Allen a pained face. This gave him a realization that Terry and him may never be. [I]?Oh how I hate the word never?? [/I] Even so his faith has been dangling over the cliffs for such a long time? Sena began with another dirty secret of his. As he first linked it out he said liking both men and women. Allen did not take the hint. Sena started walking away yet turn back to say it straight forward. His gay roommate was once his lover.[I] ?Wait a few minutes ago he confessed on raping girls? [/I] Sena talked about going farther then he has ever with acts of homosexuality. [I]?If I could I would be ripping Terry to shreds right now??[/I] Allen coughed at his thought. How can he think such a thought? He could understand he was male and had sexual urges like any other living being. Even so he was disgusted by himself to think of acts of homosexuality. ?It? has spread like wild fire now after all these years. True he was still a virgin. If he had his way he wouldn?t be at this moment, he wouldn?t be at this house. Sena walked himself to his room. Allen did not disgust him as he has done the same, well gone further then Allen will ever go at this point. Allen felt a little bit safer now knowing that he?s roommate didn?t fear him. Allen still didn?t know if he should stay or not. Yet at least he was among sinners and loners. Allen scratched his neck and sat on the couch. He fidgeted with his fingers trying to think out his situation here. Even if he did not disgust Sena, he probably disgusted the other men in the mansion. Yet all he wanted was one person in this whole entire world. Allen sighed wanting to go home, feeling that it was better to stay in confinement then amongst men. Allen yawned feeling sleepy. His thoughts have tired him. Yet he had to stay awake a little longer? He decided to just get ready for bed and wait. He walked to his room and got ready. Allen put on pajamas and knelled a front of his bed. Even if his not considered one of god?s children right about now praying was a nightly ritual. He prayed for his parents to accept him or more preferably wash away his sin. He prayed for every sinful soul in this mansion, he prayed that god may forgive them. He decided to mostly pray for Sena that god forgive him for the sins he has told him. Allen stopped and opened his eyes. He starting to think that praying will do very little. Allen went to the main room. He quickly glanced at Sena?s room. The curtains were closed and he has been there an awful long time now. Allen felt as though he should knock to ask permission to go inside Sena?s room. Yet seen has everything has been going it was best to leave him alone. He hoped that the poor soul would not be condemned for his actions. Even if he has done such wrong Sena acted like a nice person. [I]?Yet nice people can be deceiving?just like a smile. Nice people are the ones who get screwed over most of the time?? [/I] Allen almost couldn?t believe himself for thinking such a thing. Even so, that might be the first thing he truly believed. Allen sighed and sat on the couch once again. Allen kept glancing at Sena?s room. For the first time ever in his life he anxiously waited for his prayers to be answered. [/SIZE]
If You Could Fly, Who Would You Spit On?
Nucifer replied to DeadSeraphim's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1] Spitting on an unsuspecting person sounds fun. Even so, I spit on the daily bases already. How un-lady like it might be but I hack one across the FDR with my best friend every time we walk to school. It?s a contest sort to speak whose spit can go farther. Sadly in the morning the FDR can be filled with traffic, so lots of cars have my DNA on them. Now what happens if there?s a murder inside that car? I am the first person the cops will look for. Now if I could fly I would hack one right on English teacher, Justin Timberlake, and the guy from American Idol who stays on that show because of his great hair. I wouldn?t mind swashing some hair remover in my mouth before spitting on him. I do fear that I might have to fly to the poison control center afterward. Hnn, yet the list grows ever so bigger everyday. [/SIZE] -
OOC: Deepest apologize for the Nero...Neron thing. I promise not to make that typo again. [SIZE=1]Axel sat on a chair holding his little bump on his head. He looked as Neron pulled the curtain and started fixing Lex. Neron called her Lexiana which sounded a much more fragile name then Lex. Much like October it was an unexpected women name. Even so he was slightly worried for Lex. If he remembers correctly Lex was Volker Fighter 2. She greatly helped him during battle. Axel almost idolized her as she was everything he wasn?t. Strong and confident about herself, that what kind of women Lex looked to him. Axel glanced at October who looked sketchy about the idea of a male doctor touching Lex. Axel smile almost laughing at October. It was funny how she worried yet Axel would worry too if there was a female doctor. He was happy that Neron was a male. He be completely freak out if he was injured in battle and a woman touched him. Neron pulled the curtain around showing Lex sleeping safe in sound. Allen sighed in relief ?Good, she?s okay?. He looked at October she probably thought the same too. Back there she fainted and both of them made such a fuss. He glanced at Neron and smiled grateful for his work. [B]?Who shall be first??[/B] Neron said giving a good glance at Axel and Allen. [B]?Well nothing, whatever happened to Lex was the worst. It makes my head injury look meaningless?.? [/B] Axel poked his bump. [B]?Are you sure? I gladly take a look??[/B] [B]?No, no I?m just been a baby? [/B] Axel smiled nervously.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Allen laid his head on the dinner table. He cried softly to himself. He couldn?t put up with himself anymore. As much as he tried he couldn?t wash away his sin. No amount of holy water could wash away what he has grown up to be. His teachings told him that what he was was wrong, his parents said it was wrong, and most of all he thought it was wrong. Any other thoughts others wise were acts of heresy. There was no way possible he could go back to a room he shared with a man. He raised his head and wiped away his tears. He had to remember what he parents told him to always do. Mask every feeling with a smile, happiness overpowers sadness. Even as much as he tried he could not force out a smile. His eyes and nose were red from crying. This wasn?t a sight of grace and happiness. He had to give respect to the rest of the people?s confession. He sat up straight from his chair and kept his self quite from sniffling cries. He looked around the dinner table waiting on the next person. He glanced at the proud witch Wendy who started to cry, the lonely Jennie who held back tears, Mariko who shook and cried as she glanced at Sena, and an empty chair. Sena didn?t seem to want to look up as he clenched his hand together and shook. So far this people were having a mental break down. He glanced at one man who quickly looked away. Allen guessed his confession deeply frightened him or maybe all the men at the table. Allen felt terrible as though the devil has possessed this body of his. [B]?How many? Am I supposed to count or something??[/B] A voice spoke Allen quickly looked for who spoke up. He looked at the man who looked away as far as Allen knows with disgust before. Allen looked down at his hands. He didn?t want to meet up eyes with this man as he almost feared for his safety. The man continued speaking yet he seemed to circle around his confession. Dante didn?t seem too happy with his postponing and urged him to move along. He talked how he had such active sex life. As he was hurried along he gave a number of how many girls he has been with. Allen almost let out a gasp. [I]?145 girls he slept with?? [/I] He thought of one word he could call him. Allen shunned his thoughts as he couldn?t judge him. Allen felt as though this man was almost the exact opposite of him. This man liked woman a lot if that wasn?t the biggest understatement in the world. He was doing what god wanted if it wasn?t for tossing them aside and the enormous number. He felt sorry for every woman that fell into his grasp. He quickly thought of Sena as well and does young girls. Allen shunned his thoughts again, he couldn?t judge. He wasn?t in any position to point fingers. He was thinking as a religious man once again. He pretty much this point threw away everything he was taught. Could he really hold on to the words of God? He couldn?t judge any of these people. Nothing was wrong with any them, each hold there own. He didn?t know he could forgive himself the same way. Dante began to speak after this Benjamin Moraes finished. Time seemed to stop as everyone stopped sniffling and their crying. All attention was giving to the man that triggered everyone?s tears. As Dante spoke Allen was relieved. [i]?Good sleep, even though there is another card?.?[/i] He remembered his roommate and decided he beat him to the room. If he got there first he could quickly go to bed and avoid Sena?s disgusted glance. Allen quickly got up with the rest of the guest. He almost ran his way to his room. He opened the door to his room. He walked to the middle of the room which he considered a living room. He sat down on the couch and panted. He probably had a few minutes before Sena reached the room if he wasn?t rushing to bed as well. Allen got up to walk to his room but heard the door open.[i] ?Too late? [/i] Sena walked in and looked at Allen. Allen gave him a smile hoping it will ease some tension. Both there dirty secrets were exposed at the dinner table. They both must be sick with the crying and the dirty glances that probably went around. [B]?You don?t have to pretend to smile?? [/B] Sena slowly said Allen smile faded he probably guessed his charade. [B]?Huh, I guessed you noticed.?[/B] [B]?I was looking for a look of disgust not necessarily a smile?[/B] [B]?Yet I?m in no position to judge correct? I was looking for the same look. I could understand that you?re uncomfortable right now. I will quickly ask Dante to change our living arrangements in the morning.?[/B] Allen looked down at his feet. [B]?I had a roommate once who was?.in your position a while back. Yet he didn?t think the same way you do?.?[/B] Sena didn?t seem to look at him. [B]?I see, it doesn?t mean it isn?t wrong. The reason you?re probably not looking at me because you?re afraid of me or a hateful glance from me? Which way may I address this matter, as a religious man or a normal person? I don?t know if I?m either, don?t worry I?m won?t judge you if you don?t judge me?Yet I?m concerned of staying in this room. Are you okay with?everything?? [/B] Allen wasn?t sure that was a proper question to ask. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]OOC: I hope I captured your character correctly Indifference. If not I will edit my post. [/B] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Axel touched his head and walked over to the infirmary. He can hear loud noises coming from the infirmary. He heard a women?s shrill over needles. What happened to the fearless man eating women he feared? A slight smile graced his lips. It was nice to feel even for a second that he wasn?t the most cowardly person in this world. He wondered if needles were what all women feared. He wouldn?t now. Axel leaned against the wall next to the infirmary door. He found the conversation extremely humorous completely forgetting of his little bump on his head. He heard a man trying to comfort the women Axel started to laugh hysterically. What a weird site, a man and a woman acting so close. As Axel stopped laughing he saw a walking slowly walking towards the infirmary. He quickly noticed her as one of the Volker Fighters, Lex? The woman quickly glanced at Axel. She stumbled back and quickly fell into the ground. Axel saw this and froze. He wasn?t sure what to do. He walked over to her and hovered over her limping body. He couldn?t even think of touching a woman. It was a horrifying thought yet this woman looked terrible ill. As he propped down to grab her yet he was awarded with a quick swift kick that went over his head. He fell back and looked up at another woman. Is he going to die? Was she a real man killer, he was going to die for trying to do a good deed. It was bothersome to try to be a good person. [B]?Hey what?s the? bi-g idea? I?m just try-ing to help her??[/B] Axel strutted in his words. [B]?Help? Wait, aren?t you a fighter too??[/B] She questioned him. Of course she would question that. He didn?t look like a fighter nor had the bravery or strength of a fighter. He was just about to get eating alive by this woman. [B]?I guess I?m a fighter, and of course I?m trying to help?[/B] He slowly said not believing in his own words. He went back to the woman slump over unconscious. He hand shook as he propped the woman?s head up. He can?t believe he just touched a woman! [B]?What are you standing there for, aren?t you going help too??[/B] Axel said to her. Not to be hasty but he had to get her into an infirmary quick. Anyways, he couldn?t think of carrying her. [B]"Oh sorry, I guess I kinda forgot there were, uhh men... on this ship and assumed the worst, but let?s get her in the infirmary."[/B] She scratched her head confused. She grabbed the woman?s leg and Axel grabbed the other end hesitantly. The both lifted her up and scuttled her over to the infirmary. Axel body shook in fear. Eww, he was touching a[I] woman[/I]. To get his mind off of fear he tried making friendly conversation. [B]?My name is Axel, do you mind telling me yours?? [/B] The woman let out a sigh [B]?I guess it can?t be helped, I?m October?? [/B] Axel twitched trying to hide his fear ?[B]Umm, nice name? I thought woman would have more monstrous names like [I]?ManDestroyer? [/I] or [I]?DeathtoMen? [/I], lame names I know?? [/B] Axel glanced at October and she looked surprised almost annoyed. [B]?Umm sorry if that offended you in anyway.? [/B] Axel smiled nervously. [B]?Let?s just walk her over, we don?t need to conversant.? [/B] October said in a sigh. Axel let go out one side of the woman making sure not to drop her. He opened the door and secured his hand again to support the woman?s weight. October and Axel scuttled in with the woman?s unconscious body. [B]?Sorry doc to bother you, but we have a bit of an emergency??[/B] Axel spoke to Nero. Nero looked away from the two prisoners and at Axel and October. His eyes quickly went into the attention of the unconscious woman Axel and October were holding. The woman had blood dripping down her head. Bits of her hair were caked in blood. [/SIZE]
[FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1]Allen put on his suit coat and stared at himself at the mirror. He slightly adjusted his red tie and sighed. He looked a bit over dressed. It was just dinner yet a good first impression was ok. He hasn?t met all the people in the mansion. He hoped none of his evil would come out. No crosses, churches, or holy water to contain it. He had to rely on pure will power. It made him quiver to think of been around so many people seen as it been such a long time he had a concrete conversation or around anyone other then his parents. He walked out his room and looked around to catch a glance of Sena. He was hoping to go to dinner together maybe some friendly conversation. Allen shook his head as it seemed he scared Sena off. Sena was shaking by something as soon as he entered Allen?s room. Sena blow it off as if it was only that he barged in without knocking. Maybe he was just embarrassed that he forgot to knock or something else. He was staring intensely at the small doll collection in his room. No sight of Sena in the entire room. Allen looked at his watch and sighed. He better head to dinner. He didn?t want to be the last one to enter. He went to the hallway and tried his best to find the nearest staff. He caught one of the maids and kindly stopped her. [B]?Excuse me madam, may you appoint me to the dinner room. I seem to be a little lost??[/B] Allen flashed once of his meaningless smiles. [B]? Oh, just straight forward and turn a left Sir Laizor? [/B] The maid blushed and flustered from the smile. Allen smiled again and tilted his head. Another woman caught into his deceiving smile. Couldn?t anyone see how fake the smile was? Allen guessed it was good that she didn?t since the evil in him. Yet it hurt him a bit as his heart only belonged to one person. Ha, the only reason his on this god forsaken path of his is because of Terry. [B]?Thank you very much?[/B] Allen said and walked away quickly. Allen relaxed his face and walked to the dinner room. As he was following the maid?s directions he was more following his nose. What ever they were serving it smelled delightful. As he entered the dining room he saw people already sitting down. Allen quickly put on his famous smiled and greeted everyone. Typical, everything in the dinning room was in the same taste as the rest of the rooms of the mansion. The dining room seemed to be set for noblemen. He guessed Dante was trying to seek extra comfort for his guest. Allen walked over not daring sitting next to Sena. Right now Allen was scared of conversation with him as he was shaking up the last time. Allen sat at the very end of the left side of the table. As Dante entered and made his speech they began their feast. Allen patted his suit pocket and felt the card inside. He wondered what exactly Dante had in store for him. Allen pushed that thought aside and began to eat. A steak and mashed potatoes were placed a front of him. Allen poked the steak with his fork and can tell it was the best cut of meat. A slight smile graced his lips as steak was his favorite food. Reminded him of the time his father would barbeque in the back yard. In does times he haven?t even hit adolescence. In time of adolescence were all he could think about was Terry or girls. Pure non-sinful years were his full attention was put on God and family. Allen thought of those times as he slowly cut the steak and placed the pieces in his mouth. Sadly his appetite was quickly ruined as some of his comrades confessed to their dirty little secrets. He heard stories of molestation, rape, witchcraft, and just plain loneliness. Allen guessed that these confessions were pushed out by the cards they received. One woman was so shaking by the contents of her card she quickly left the dining room. Some of the people looked like there were about to cry or were. Allen didn?t know what to feel for them pity, hatred, disgrace, or remorse? He didn?t know if he should speak as he religious man in some situations or as a person. Maybe does two parts were too closely intertwined to speak as either. Allen pushed away his plate and put his hand inside his pocket. Did he really want to read his card as it seemed to cause such mental anguish at the table? Allen pulled out his card hoping for the least dramatic card. He opened it and slowly read the words. Allen stopped at one word. Allen lip quivered and his hand shuck violently. Allen ripped the card to shreds. How could he known? Did he let any of his evil slip? No crosses, holy water, or church to comfort him around this place. Allen couldn?t image speaking such words to anyone. How it be when the first part of the letter was so kind?. He could see people quickly looked at Allen only to look away. There was enough drama at the table to last a life time. Allen hung his head his lip quivering his hands holding his head. How can he put this without expecting such hatred? He went against the bible something that his life, his existence was based on. Everything did not make sense anymore. He guessed he had no choice but to speak up now. Everyone was waiting his confession as he was the latest one to read his card. Allen raised his head and saw all the piercing faces looking at him. Allen cleared his throat and thought ?cool, calm, and collected??.. [B]?I guess I first introduce me self?? [/B] Allen slowly spoke and stared of to a distance [B]?My name is Allen Laizor and I come from Texas?? [/B] Dante looked at him intensely. He could feel his hot stare on his face. He didn?t want to see anybody?s face. He didn?t want to hear anybody?s response. He blocked all noise and scenery in his mind. To him he was in a blank room reciting his sin to himself. Dante and everyone waited for his confession. [B]?I am?.a very religious man. My father was a priest in a catholic church. As the only male out of his four children there were expectations of me. I constantly read the bible, I always went to church, and prayed my heart out. I went to Catholic school and Catholic University?.I did everything my father wanted me to do??[/B] Allen slowly spoke a blank stare and blank face. No emotion was in any of his words, he couldn?t feel anything. ?I thought that the only comfort I would always have was the comfort of god. I hoped to just like my father, to marry have children and be the spokesman of god. To preach to others about the word of god?.have my own church one day but?? Allen braced himself for the worst part[B] ?I went against the word of god. I fell in love with someone I?m not supposed to love. I could have choosing any girl, as I had many girlfriend and girls that fondled over me. But?.I fell in love with?a guy.? [/B] Allen blink as he could almost hear his parent?s stopping him. Something they tried to hide and contain has just been spoken to ten or more people. Allen continued[B] ?Sadly, he was a strong religious man. He didn?t feel what I felt. When I told him I loved him in college he ran away from me. Transfer school and cut all connection from me. After my confession of love to him?.I was kicked of Catholic University and moved back home. My parents didn?t know at first but soon they found out as many Catholic Universities would not accept me. They hide me from the community not wanting anyone to know they had a sinful son. There public image and faith was more important then there only son?.?[/B] Allen paused taking it all in him. After 10 seconds he started again [B]?The worst part wasn?t been condemned by my parents and god but not seen him again. There is no way I can find him?.I love him to death and do anything for him. I thought after all these years he might even in the smallest chance felt the same way. I?m a loser, a sinner, and most of all a?.faggot?[/B] Allen couldn?t take it anymore as much as he tried to contain himself, he cried. Tears slowly ran down his face as he continued to stare of to nothing. He slowly turned back into reality were he was back into the dinner room, people staring with a piercing glance, and a mischievous smile from Dante. [/SIZE] [/FONT]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Axel was surprised he made it out alive at this fight. This sparked certain happiness in him. He didn?t know if this was the start of confidence. Yet many years of insecurity would not vanish in a matter of one moment. Axel was relieved as he landed his spacecraft in the hanger. His cockpit opened and he sat back looking at the metal ceiling. Maybe open space and stars were better for that little moment. Axel took of his helmet and sighed. He fluffed his hair and cursed under his breath. Hat hair was annoying. His golden locks fell to the front of his face blocking his vision. He brushed his hair aside quickly turning that happiness to frustration. As he finished missing with his hair he climb down from his space craft and fell onto the hanger. Zero gravity did not sit well with him. As he floated along the hanger he saw the two basic Volkers. They looked even worse up close. A smile graced his lips thinking that very thought. Yet this thought soon canceled that smiling feeling: The pilots were amazing in battle. This made his feel ever more of the underdog. He could see the prisoner pilots not far from him. One prisoner was a man the other a woman. Both seemed to enjoy each others company. Axel winced at the very thought, was that even possible? Axel grabbed his head as he was thinking this over too much. The back of his skull hurt, he remembered a slight injury he obtained in his cockpit. Stupidly Axel cocked his head back to hard and hit his helmet on the walls of the space craft. It was a bummer just to get injuries from simple head against wall no battle scars or injuries to show. His stupidity would be the end of him. Axel touched his head and can feel a slight bump. How annoying this would be bothering him for days. Maybe he should go see Neron yet he would only think less of him with just a simple head injury his complaining about. He had a head injury that wasn?t caused by his ship spinning out of control and him banging his head against the ceiling as he was slowly trying to gain control of his space craft. Nothing heroic of that sort. Axel try to poke the bump back in but that didn?t work. He tried to held it down but it hurt if he did so. After countless efforts of poking and scratching he decided to go to the docs. He hoped he remembered where his office is. OOC: I won't be able to post untill Saturday or Sunday. I'm sorry [/FONT] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Axel gripped his controls tight. Lex was in the front fighting destroying as any enemies as she could. Axel fired from the back of battle having only a sniper system. Lex held well on her own cutting down enemies that advanced to the front. Axel fired trying to cover give her cover. As his Volker was designed he needed backup. His Volker was specifically for back position battles, as it was long ranged weapon and very little shielding. The Volker design wasn?t designed to take hits but to stay in a safe distance. That?s one mistake Axel had already made. Axel was way to close to enemy lines. The first day and he already made one mistake that can total his Volker. He had to move away some how? [B]?Volker fighter 4?.do you hear me?? [/B] Axel slowly spoke. [B]?I read you Volker fighter 2? [/B] Lex quickly responded [B]?I need to take position?..farther away from battle. My Volker can not take much damage. I would be a lot useful if my sniper had a better range?.?[/B] Axel spoke Lex felt silent for a minute. Then spoke [B]?I trust that you will not leave battle, take position in the back. I will cover you??[/B] Axel whispered [B]?Shouldn?t you say that to the prisoner Volkers?? [/B] Hearing Lex voice send shivers down Axel spine. He still not use to the higher pitched voice of a women. Axel sighed, already they thought cowardly of him. Everyone he has talked to during this battle has been telling Axel to relax, this extremely annoyed him. Did he really sound that nervous that people was worried? Anyone would to be nervous to quickly enter battle. Yet not Lex?..he felt a since of admiration. Axel scrounged his face at the very thought of it. Axel gripped his control and set of to the back of the battle. He had to get a safe distance; he didn?t want to make extreme repairs. No, that would be too bothersome. When he finally got into a proper snipping distance he smiled happy he got there safely. Yet he notice Lex was taking a bit of damage covering him. [B]?Okay, Volker fighter 2 positioned. Ready for snipping?? [/B] Axel said. As he hit his first fire he felt some confidence within him. He was able to shot down a lot more enemies down from his position. He felt as though he had some control over his scared situation. He hoped he was a lot more help to the rest of the Volker fighters now?. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Axel looked worried as he heard the women speak on the intercom. Already they were going into battle? He looked around and saw everyone stir. Everyone was panicking including him. He wasn?t sure he was mentally ready for battle. He had to do something soon; seen people panic like this is annoying. Axel ran to the hangar seen as the rest of the girl Volker fighters heading the same direction. He guessed this wasn?t time to play around. He was amazed how quickly the woman made up their mind to go ahead and fight. Was he the only coward among the Volker fighters? It seemed the woman had warrior spirits, something he was ashamed he never had. As he went to the hangar and he was the women jump into their Volkers. Allen jumped into whichever was left. He looked around the cockpit. The Volker he was stuck with was a space craft type. He put on the ear piece he found, turned on the computer system, and flick on some switches. As he checked the database this craft had two snipers systems on the head of the ship. Axel made an actual smile content with what he has right now. All rifle ammo was loaded. He turned the communication system on, he hoped for comfort from a male voice. Everything was green and set to go. The cockpit closed and Axel slowly prepared himself. He wasn?t sure he could hand his life over to four women. For this battle it was every human for them selves. [B]?I can?t do it, I can?t do it?.? [/B] Axel slowly repeated to himself. [B]?Volker fighter launch? [/B] [B]?At least?at least I have a seat at the docs?? [/B] Axel whispered as his Volker launched into the battlefield. The way his Volker was designed he was only good for the sidelines. Enemies seemed weak but many. Allen clutched his ship control. He could do so little for this battle. He thought if the women were willing to fight, he had to do something. He had to do it for his male pride. Time to fire! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Allen saw the much uneasiness Sena had towards him. Allen kept his meaningless smile on throughout the whole conversation. He wasn?t sure if he let out any extra information slip. He thought over his words carefully. Yet as Sena said his story about Eldorado, Texas it seemed awkward feeling between them. Whatever it was the conversation seem to end fast and Sena excused himself to his room. Allen sighed letting his muscles relax as he let go of his smile. Allen turned and walked over to his room. He went through the curtains and sat down on his bed. He sat his luggage on the bed and unzipped the large black gray luggage. Hair brush, tooth brush, and glasses were on the very top on the neatly stacked on top of everything. He saw a cherry wood bureau far left of his bed. He got up and put his glasses and hair brush on top of the bureau. He held his tooth brush and looked around for a bathroom. He saw a bathroom in his room. He was relieved at having privacy in this house. The mansion has tons of staff and 10 other people wondering around this huge mansion. Yet he worst feared was sharing a bathroom with his room mate. He wasn?t comfortable with any living arrangement with a male. As his parents feared of his ?evil? been exposed, he feared it even more. He opened the bathroom door and it seemed as though it had a golden toilet seat to match the room. The bathroom cabinet mirror was an antique much like the rest of the furniture in his room. He opened his cabinet and placed his toothbrush. Toothpaste, razor, and shaving gel were already placed, sort of expected. There isn?t much to see or explain to a bathroom. He walked out of the bathroom not seen much as he was content with a working toilet. He went back to his luggage and took out his set of clothes. He placed his neatly folded shirts, pants, and sweaters in a cherry wood drawer next to his bed. He found a few sets of clothes already placed for him. All the clothes were too rich for his taste, too high quality material. The middle drawer had silk dress pants. He looked at the bottom drawer and saw different styled and colored dress shirts. Was he supposed to wear this for the dinner, first good impression? Even if the clothes were too fancy for his taste Allen had to wear them. He had to show he appreciated what Dante Lu?ci gave to him. He laid down some black silk pants, black suit coat, white dress shirt, and a red silk tie. Allen took of his shirt and put on the dress shirt. It felt soft and fragile against his skin. He carefully button up the shirt making sure not to pull off any seams. As he got to the last button someone walked in, Sena? [B]?Hello??[/B] Allen cleared his throat putting on his smile. Even though he wanted Sena to leave so he may get ready his smiled welcomed him. At least Sena didn?t catch him shirtless. [B]?Sorry, may I help you??[/B] Allen politely asked [B]?Oh, my pardon. I was just simple looking around. I wanted to see if your room had the same contents of my room?? [/B] Sena said simply. [B]?Oh, well you may look around if you wish?.?[/B] Allen flashed his famous smile. Yet as he looked at Sena he could see him staring at one particular part of his room. He seemed to look past Allen, behind him to the small shelf of dolls. It seemed to bother Sena quite a bit. [B]?Oh, I found that in my room. I use to make dolls similar to does when I was young?.? [/B] Allen slowly explained.[/SIZE]