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Everything posted by Nucifer
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Axel sat in a restaurant hearing the clatter of knives, plates and forks. He wondered why he sat down torturing himself by watching other people stuff them selves. All Axel could afford was the free complementary bread and two dollar soup. Two dollars was all Axel could conjure up, all that was left to his name. Now the Axel bank was left to zero dollars and zero cents on this meal, what a bother. Axel broke a piece of his bread and stuffed it in his mouth. Maybe that Obsession ship had some grub, no nice grub. No drool, no slob, no strange brown thing ready to attack you whole as soon as you poke it with a fork. Axel dug inside his sweater and pull out the Obsession letter. He was invited to go aboard on the ship Obsession as a fighter. Great, this sure must be a fake. Yet the letter looks too authentic having the royal signature of the supreme general. Not one of his friends could have faked this, all where way too stupid. There must be a mistake. Axel looked at his meal containing his bread and watery soup. He sighed blowing his golden blond bangs away from his face. He read the letter once again. He must pack up his things and head to Satellite dock 1, the eastern side. Axel looked at his gym bag that was filled with his clothes tucked under his seat. Axel has been long debating with himself about the letter, extremely doubting himself. Yet Axel didn?t consider it doubting just calling it the truth. Axel sighed once again and picked up his gym bag from under the seat. If things got extremely boring he was going to split. He was kind of tired living his life as vagabond, even though the school told him he was. He stood up and lunging his gym bag behind him. He kicked his chair in and left his two dollars on the table. Onward to Satellite dock 1, eastern gate he hoped it was as impressing as it sounded. Axel stepped on the Satellite dock annoyed as he floated through the dock belt. Axel wiggled his feet hoping of any chance of able to set his feet on the floor, no luck. His was able to finally set his feet on the ground at the end of the dock belt. He tapped his foot on the metal floor insuring him no more zero gravity. The eastern entrance to Obsession, maybe he did have[I] some[/I] sort of luck. [/FONT] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Sorry but I'm afraid that the RP will not commence. Everyone took the precious time filling out the sign-up sheet that it broke my heart to cut off the RP. I might someday renew this RP but I think I should first experience RP'ing in the OB. I don?t really have a feel for OB yet been a new comer?.. I?m truly grateful that you guys wanted to join my RP. This RP was a spur of the moment thing and I?m glad in gave out a nice turn out. Sorry for the inconvenience [/FONT] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][B]?Gosh I?m hungry?[/B] Axel stretch and yawned. It?s been seven days since he ate a decent meal. He kicked a rock as he strolled by the military office. He stopped for a moment looked at the window. That sign as been up there for sometime now. There is a sign posted on the military window ?Obsession Crew Wanted?. He heard of this before many of his friends saying they going to apply to go aboard a ship called ?Obsession?. He thought this all was a military prank. He leaned forward towards the window and carefully read the sheet of paper posted. ?Open for public application?, is this true? There was no better way to find out but to enter. Axel opened the door and went inside. To much of his surprised many men where sitting down scribbling on a piece of paper. He went up to registry and looked at his application. He looked around him and seeing the countless of men applying. Yep, there was no way he was going abroad the Obsession. He banged his pen on the application, sighed and started adding to the noise of scribbling pens. [B]Name[/B]: Axel Veto [B]Age[/B]: 26- Third Generation [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Position[/B]: Fighter [B]Reasons for Application:[/B] I have nothing better to do in life. I have no particular skill other then shooting at people. I guess you can say I have a pretty good shot but isn?t that easy? You aim and pull the trigger. Even so I would like to be a fighter as my teachers said I always had an excellent shot. I?m a pretty good flyer, I guess. I don?t like to do much so sitting on a spacecraft doing nothing but shooting should be easy. It was interesting to see applications open to public. Anyways I got bored and decided to come in. This was mostly a spare of the moment thing. I don?t care where life takes me. If don?t like my application I can always put ?I love my planet Rasm and I?m interesting in flying the spacecrafts? Yet I be lying to you people. Axel gave his application in. There was no way he would get in. His school grades where horrible as he always feel asleep during test. Unless they over look his application, bored demeanor, and look just at his accuracy and gun skills, he should be okay. This is one thing he can scratch out in his ?before I die? list. [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v111/Dark_Misstress/28_2_1.jpg][Axel's Apperance][/URL] [/FONT] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][B]Sign ups are not closed beacause of my Sign Up post. They are still open. Anyone who hasn't finished there sign up, please do. [/B] [B]Real Name[/B]: Lynette Treu [B]Screen name[/B]: xX52%BullViewXx [B]Nick Name[/B]: Bull [B]Location[/B]: New York [B]Age[/B]: 15 [B]Personality[/B]: Careless, clumsy, shy and insane are a few words you can describe Lynette. She trips and falls as though she can?t walk or stand on her own two feet. She gets excited and scared easily as she has trouble controlling her emotions. The most words Lynette can say are ?I?m sorry? and ?It?s all my fault? as she seems to apologize for everything she does. Lynette is a very uncoordinated person as she can?t seem to get her life together. When Lynette signs in her screen name her demeanor changes into a different person. She becomes funny, carefree, and confident about herself. She can make everyone in the internet social group laugh. There is no better person to go to when you need cheering up in the internet social group. There is no ounce of clumsiness, shyness, or insanity in Lynette?s body when she is in the internet. Maybe this is Lynettes true nature. [B]Appearance[/B]: [B][URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v111/Dark_Misstress/girlwithglasses.jpg][Click][/URL][/B] Lynette wears a series of oversized band hoods and jeans. Her hood?s sleeves always droop over her hands making her have very loose grip on everything. Her style is day in and day out hoods and jeans. Her oversized hoods and glasses hide her outer beauty as her shyness hides her inner beauty. [B]Bio[/B]: Lynette has no siblings and she mostly has to take care of herself. She lives with her father with no mother. Lynette can?t remember her mother yet her father assures Lynette that mother died while giving birth to Lynette. Even so Lynette believes that her mother packed up and left. Lynette cooks for her father as it?s all she can do in real life without falling on her face. When her father comes home very late from work she has a hot meal ready for him. Her father tries very hard supporting Lynette and has done a good job as a single parent. Her father thinks she is a social ?in? at school as Lynette often lies about school. Even though she is use to lying to her father she loves him very much and can?t see a day without him. At school Lynette has only one friend Axel. Unlike Lynette his very kept, coordinated, and has an extreme confidence about himself without hinting conceitedness. He is the ying to her yang. He tries his best to create an ounce of confidence in Lynette. His theory is if she gains any confidence in herself, her clumsiness and shyness will disappear. He yet hasn?t had any break through with Lynette?s demeanor. Lynette is much in love with Axel yet not in the sense of ?man and women? love. She loves how he has confidence in himself and can be so poised. She wonders why he even hangs out like a lump like her. Many other people don?t like Lynette do to her how uncoordinated she is and her total lack to take care of herself. Yet many people can?t pass laughing at her as she falls to even start a conversation with Lynette. Axel is not like the rest and can look through all her flaws. She admires his courage to talk to her and not caring about been shunned by his other friends. She loves everything about Axel with pure admiration In the internet Lynette is considered a clown. No one outside the internet social group knows how she acts in the internet. She meet CrayolaBoxWanted as ColoringTheSkyGreen through a internet forum and got her IM screen name. Ever since Lynette got Crayola?s screen name they became best internet buddies. Crayola introduced her to everyone else through an IM chat Crayola created. Ever since then Lynette has never let anyone in the internet group down or every left there side. Lynette and Crayola look for each other for advice. Even how close Lynette and Crayola are they don?t know each others real names. Lynette was the first person that was worried about Crayola but lied to herself saying ?Everything is okay?. To her amazement Crayola 4 months later came to her and told to round up everyone as a ?Welcome Back? party, much to Lynette?s excitement to Crayola?s return she has doubts about Crayola?s return. [/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1]IM screen names are completely made up. The event of the screen names actually been real is completely coincidental [B][COLOR=Red]xX52%BullViewXx:[/COLOR][/B] Lol, you can?t be serious [B][COLOR=Blue]DrunkedOutIQ90:[/COLOR][/B] lmao, yeah I am. I found this video of Charlie the Unicorn. There this two other unicorns that seem to be on some steroid or drug or something?.. [B][COLOR=Red]xX52%BullViewXx:[/COLOR][/B] Unicorn named Charlie? Aren?t unicorn suppose to be girlie name like, I don?t know FuFuCuddleRainbowSprinkles. [B][COLOR=Blue]DrunkedOutIQ90:[/COLOR][/B] XD Can that even fit in a name tag? O.o that?s a stupid name for a unicorn. I mean?RainbowSprinkles .____. [B][COLOR=Red]xX52%BullViewXx:[/COLOR][/B] It is better then Charlie >_< [B][COLOR=Blue]DrunkedOutIQ90: [/COLOR][/B] That name makes him sound like icecream. O___O Omg I want ice cream. [B][COLOR=Red]xX52%BullViewXx:[/COLOR][/B] Roflmao [B][COLOR=Blue]DrunkedOutIQ90:[/COLOR][/B] Lmao, anyways have you seen CrayolaBoxWanted by any chance? [B][COLOR=Red]xX52%BullViewXx:[/COLOR][/B] No I haven?t seen her in months. [B][COLOR=Blue]DrunkedOutIQ90:[/COLOR][/B] Yeah that?s weird. I thought her life was the computer XD. Yet seriously I?m kind of getting worried. [B][COLOR=Red]xX52%BullViewXx:[/COLOR][/B] Yeah I know what you mean. Yet don?t get worried about it her comp probably got fried. Just wait a little longer until she gets a new one. If you want to worry go ahead, I worry with you XD. [B][COLOR=Blue]DrunkedOutIQ90:[/COLOR][/B] Yeah w/e [B][COLOR=Red]xX52%BullViewXx:[/COLOR][/B] You worry then shrug it off XD. Your attitude amuses me. [B][COLOR=Blue]DrunkedOutIQ90:[/COLOR][/B] Nice to know I?m your jack-in-the-box [B][COLOR=Red]xX52%BullViewXx:[/COLOR][/B] Lmao I?m going to call you Jack-o and you will be my Jack-o. Don?t worry I never let another women touch you XD [B][COLOR=Blue]DrunkedOutIQ90:[/COLOR][/B] Nice too know -____-. Anyways I gtg, see ya [B][COLOR=Red]xX52%BullViewXx:[/COLOR][/B] byez -DrunkedOutIQ90 logged out- Lynette sunk down into her chair staring blankly at the computer screen. CrayolaBoxWanted has not been on for 4 months and no one in the internet social group has heard of her. Everyone was getting worried as Crayola was the only reason everyone knew each other. She was the internet social group sweet heart. It was weird for her to even miss a day without chatting, let alone 4 months. Something was up. -CrayolaBoxWanted logged in- Lynette jumped out of her seat to see Crayola?s s/n pop out. [B][COLOR=Red] xX52%BullViewXx:[/COLOR][/B] OMG CRAYOLA! ?glompsnugglehug- [B][COLOR=Blue]CrayolaBoxWanted:[/COLOR][/B] ? [B][COLOR=Red]xX52%BullViewXx:[/COLOR][/B] I missed you lots. [B][COLOR=Blue]CrayolaBoxWanted:[/COLOR[/B]] ?. [B][COLOR=Red]xX52%BullViewXx:[/COLOR][/B] ?.Hey what?s up? Is something wrong? You suppose to glomp back you know. [B][COLOR=Blue]CrayolaBoxWanted:[/COLOR][/B] Nothings wrong??. [B][COLOR=Red]xX52%BullViewXx:[/COLOR][/B] Where have you been? Everyone was worried, we thought you where a ghost or something. [B][COLOR=Blue]CrayolaBoxWanted:[/COLOR][/B] I been?.nowhere. Ghost? ??Nothing of that sort, don?t worry. Hey Bull round up everyone I have to talk to them. Is kind of a ?welcome back? thing okies? [B][COLOR=Red]xX52%BullViewXx:[/COLOR][/B] Yeah sure?.I gets on it tomorrow [B][COLOR=Blue]CrayolaBoxWanted:[/COLOR][/B] Perfect, have to go bye?..see ya tommorow [B][COLOR=Red]xX52%BullViewXx:[/COLOR][/B] Okay I guess bye?don?t run off again. [B][COLOR=Blue]CrayolaBoxWanted:[/COLOR][/B] I won?t?? -CrayolaBoxWanted logged off- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CrayolaBoxWanted real name was Jackie Miller. She was an average student. Jackie?s grades where a simple B -. She was socially indebt in her school and spent most her time on her computer. About 4 months ago she was in a car incidents and been in a coma ever since. The police?s investigation found something mysterious about Jackie?s car. Jackie?s car brakes seemed to be rigged. Even if Jackie?s mother wanted to hit the brakes she couldn?t as the brakes where cut. Not only were the brakes cut off but there was some device that made the car accelerates after 30 mph to 90mph, a 60 mph spike. This was an attempt to kill the Miller family. 3 months before Jackie?s accident she was having a relationship with one of the people in the internet social group. They have been seen each other during this three months on the sly. They haven?t even told the others about the relationship. 3 weeks before her accident she broke up do to reason she wouldn?t explain. He is the main suspect for Jackie?s accident. If Jackie Miller happens to be in a coma who is CrayolaBoxWanted? This is a mystery of Jackie Miller. The RP?ers is going to play Jackie?s internet social group. No one in Jackie?s internet group knows her real name except of course the guy she was dating for 3 months. Jackie?s internet social group will play as investigators in this mystery. They are going to find out why CrayolaBoxWanted is asking so weird. Why was she gone for 4 months? And why has she rounded all of them up? I?ll personally play Lynette and CrayolaBoxWanted. In your biography please do not put as though your Jackie?s attempt killer. Everyone in the internet social group knows each other by screen name not by actual name. There will be IM simulated post for a portion of the RP. This is my first RP made experience in OtakuBoards. Do not hesitate to contact me. Oh yes people will be killed off. Sign Up Real Name: Screen name: Nickname: Location: (as in State or Country) Age: (13-16) Personality: Appearance: Bio: I will post my sign up later.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=Plum][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Well I'm pretty much a oldies fan. I like some bands from 60-80's bands such as ACDC, Posion, Gun n' Roses, Black Sabbath, and Twisted Sister. Yet I do like some current bands now. [B]Lacuna Coil[/B] is a what I consider power metal band from Italy, Milan. Even though from Italy they do sing in english. I'm very found of there new record [B]Karmacode[/B]. I think they have a done with Karmacode's 2006 release. Lacuna Coil's 2002 [B]Comalies[/B] was a wonderful album as well yet they really didn't get noticed untill 2004 with Heaven's Lie. Even though this may be true they are still one of my favorites. [B]Otep[/B] happens to be one of my ultimate favorite. I stubbled upon them about a month ago but there albums are amazing, so to say. Finding Otep's albums is a tedious task. The hardest album to find is THE ASCENSION there 2007 release. I have been hearing there old songs and my favorite song is God is a Gun. I been hearing 1 song from THE ASCENSION album which is Ghostflowers which fuels my agreeness to find the album. Thats all the bands I'm able to talk about in the moment.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]