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Everything posted by Meatlhead1

  1. You want to know what really grids my gears? You America. **** you. But, in all seriousness, is many people in general. That just keep on making fun of someone due to what they wear, music, or height. That's what grinds my gears.
  2. Well my input on this whole topic is use MySpace and AIM. Get to know the person. Then, ask if someone like me were to ask you out would you reject them? I'm just wondering. Something like that. Or just tell one of there close friends that will be sure to tell them, and make you sound awesome when they do it.
  3. Meatlhead1

    Dane Cook

    Oh was that Mitch guy the one that said, "I like rainbows but I'm not gay. I'll get a shirt that has a rainbow on it, then under it, it will say not gay, then under that it will say but supportive." He is funny like Dane just not as crude.
  4. Meatlhead1

    Dane Cook

    The Atheist, B&E and the whole thing when he saw his dad's "items" Were hilarious. By far my favorite.
  5. Meatlhead1

    Dane Cook

    He is one of my favorite comics. My favorite bit was his Atheism I found it to be hilarious.
  6. There are probaly better songs that describe me better but this is the only I can think of. Whoops sorry I forgot about doing that... Yeah I'll do it right now. (Even though this song never had a video someone covered it...) [B][URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTtPsLmnSHk]Blink 182[/URL][/B]
  7. I guess the one for me would have to be Another Girl Another Planet by Blink 182
  8. Just two of many: Blink 182- The guitar, drums, bass and lyrics are nearly perfect. All of which fit perfectly with the songs they write. Blink 182 also gives off a great positive energy with thier songs. They tend to be on the funnier side, which I think makes them all the more better. The lyrics they made were great. They are some of the greatest song writers ever. The break up that occured really sucked but with the two bands stemming from it, it means almost the same Blink good ness. Atreyu- With all of there CDs they have only gotten better. They have (In my opion) the perfect time when the lead singer screams and when the drummer does the soft spots.The guitar and bass fit great with it. The high speed makes it all the more better.
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