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About Joanie9111
- Birthday 11/19/1980
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My apologies if someone posted a thread of this earlier, but I just need to know. I finally got Vol. 11 of the DNAngel Manga, and it definitely ended with a cliffhanger, so I am assuming it is going to be continued, however I have not heard anything. So has anyone heard if there is another volume being published? And if so, when? They seemed to suggest that it will continue but other than that no further information has been given. Any insight will be greatly appreciated, thanks! :) [INDENT][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Please make sure to check the rules and thread directory before creating a new thread. I've merged your thread with the already existing one on DNAngel. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~indifference[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
You are right Drix! Which might mean you would be interested in hearing about Vedic Astrology. The original Babylonian system is now our present "Western Astrology", which, as you explained it, is calculated from a point on the earth, most likely the Tropic of Capricorn. The Vedics actually figured out a way to calculate the constellations from a point in space (and still do to this day) so they take into account that 23 degree "wobbling" the Earth does as it does it's orbit around the Sun. So you are right, comparing one's Western Astrology Chart to their Vedic Chart there might be some variations on the signs. The shifts might be subtle or drastic depending upon when the individual's birthday is. It's not that the Western System is "wrong" and the Vedic System is "the right one", it's just a different reading and interpretation of an individual's energy. In the Vedic System one's Sun Sign (the "main one" you figure out depending on your birthday) merely presents the Ego, which is insignificant to an overall individual's energy. The Vedics place more significance on the Moon Signs, and the Rising Signs, because they interpret the more profound energy and can even provide a reading for one's Karma. You were born in the middle of May, so the 23 degree shift might have some impact, it might not, one would have to do your chart to know for certain. :) =Drix D'Zanth]Astrology has a pretty interesting history. When it was first developed by the Babylonian empire about 1,500-2,000 years BCE the star-gazers would watch for specific patterns in constellations. Eventually the astrological zodiac that people use today was codified around 2,000 years ago in the same general region under slightly different assumptions. Your sign is determined by the specific constellation of stars that the sun passes over during that month (or period of time that they use to pick your zodiac sign). Being born on May 15, I could expect the sun to pass over the Taurus constellation. Well, I could 2,000 years ago. Unfortunately, the research of A.L Berger and A. Wittmann demonstrate that the Earth wobbles like a top (a phenomena known as axial tilt). This means that today the sun passes a full constellation beyond Taurus during my birthday, which means that I?m actually a Gemini. And when astrology was first being thought up I would be born an Aries. Astrologists don?t seem to care much about this little bitty problem. I wonder what I am, a determined but stubborn Taurus, an energetic but impatient Aries, or a witty but cowardly Gemini?[/QUOTE]
Hi Niki! I can understand your concern, disgust, and fears around drugs and alcohol. There are many psychological and physiological reasons why people get involved in a vicious cycle of using and abusing a substance. The thing about drugs is that originally there were medicinal intentions for their formulation (with the exception of crack, I guess) and eventually spiraled out of control when there was a shift for them to be used on a recreational level. The same thing is happening with many legal, prescription drugs. So many people for years have abused prescription drugs like ritalin, pain killers, even anti-anxiety drgs, and continue to do so. Life can suck sometimes, I am sure we are all aware of this, and it can seem almost impossible to deal with. It's hard for many people to deal with really deep, very intense emotions and experiences, which is why some of them do turn to drugs or alcohol, probably initially as an alleviant. That, in itself is quite a problem to deal with, let alone with the potential for substance abuse. I grew up in your typical really rich suburban area where my parents and their cohorts would have the lavish parties with booze flowing from every angle endlessly, coccaine and marijuana being passed around freely. THat turned me off from the get-go as I was able to see for myself how pathetic and wasted the people would end up being by the end of the night (or early in the morning sometimes). And it is a shame, because I do enjoy tasting and learning about fine wines and sakes (yes, there are some great ones that do not taste like turpentine). :)
I definitely definitely definitely any day of the week, prefer subs. This is not just for anime this is for any foreign film. I really like to hear the original dialogue, because even though you may not understand what they are saying exactly, there are tones, emotions, and energy that come through in the original performance that get lost when you blanket them over with new sound. I guess I have a slight advantage, my family has been taking me to see foreign films since I was 7 years old (I still remember my first film, it was "Salam Bombay" back in 1988 and the language was in, of all things, Hindi), so I am very capable of reading quickly and still be able to take in the entire film. Also, anything anything I mean ANYTHING dubbed just gets on my nerves! Even if it is dubbed in a language I don't understand. One reason I cannot watch too much tv when I am in Europe, here is a film I KNOW is originally from, say, Germany (like Run Lola Run!) and it has been dubbed in Italian (cue nails on the chalk board). My one exception would be some Kung Fu movies with Jackie Chan (and that's even pushing it sometimes). So yes, in conclusion, bring on the subs!!! :-D
Mistress Roxie, where abouts in NJ is the AnimeNext con you have mentioned here? :) [QUOTE=MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff]Currently the only one I'm going to is Otakon. What sucks is that I'm ALWAYS a week late for Anime Boston. ...But I'm (hopefully - fingers crossed!!) going to school there next year, so I'll be able to attend in 2008. Nyah. ^^;; I Really, REALLY wanted to go to AnimeNext (it's in NJ!), but damn it, I'll be in Italy! *growls* The thing that sucks is that they changed the date of the con. Last year it was mid June, and this year it's competing on AnimeExpo weekend (which was a dumb thing to do, IMO), but I'll still be away!! *wails* The only plus to being in Italy (besides being in Italy) is that I'm bringing a Subaru cosplay and taking pictures in Venice. Woooyeaha!! ^__^;;; (Er... presuming that my cosplay doesn't suck too much. *__*) If anyone is going to Otakon, let me know. I'll be there! =D And I know I'm totally dominating the conversation with anime conventions right now. But I just wanted to say that Vic Mignogna (voice of Ed Elric) says that (or rather, someone else in a panel with him said that) he's such a big Star Wars fan that he declined an invitation to an anime convention - in HAWAII because in conflicted with a Star Wars convention he was just attending (as a fan). Lol. Well, you gotta love the dedication. ^_^;[/color][/QUOTE]