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Everything posted by dgs

  1. well i am a sail boat racer, i am a web junky, and i am well rounded person i guess?
  2. black and wight or color the story is what maters. altho i personally like black and wight.
  3. i would hate to see 110 dollars go down the drain, but you would be best off going back and re-perching the dvd,s. try overstock.com of look at the privet sellers at amazon.com. Ebay is another good place for buying dvd's. If you go to ebay be sure to look at there costumer rating, and also look at the shipping price. Best of luck to you. D.G.S. :animeswea PS. try to check out what other people know abought the sight before you buy.
  4. pokemon was the first anime to grase my eyes. the show chased me away after it expanded two over 150 pokemon. i still enjoy hearing the pokemon them song and reminiscing to the past. at one point i was so decated that i bought french pokemon cards. i finally abandon the show in 2001, but got really excited when they released fire red and leaf green for gba. it was fun to remains at all the good times i had was ash misty brock and the rest of the pokemone world. as a side note Prof. Oke. is the best. :p
  5. grate show it has taking me the beter part of 6 years to finaly buy the last dvd. but it was well worh it. :animesmil
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