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Everything posted by TimeChaser

  1. OKAAAAAY.... :animestun Either the kid's parents never attended a single World History class in their entire lives, or they're just plain nuts. Oh, and then there's this... [QUOTE]Karen Meleta, a spokeswoman for ShopRite, said the Campbells had similar requests denied at the same store the last two years and said [B]Heath Campbell previously had asked for a swastika to be included in the decoration[/B].[/QUOTE] And... [QUOTE]He said he was raised not to avoid people of other races but not to mix with them socially or romantically. But he said he would try to raise his children differently.[/QUOTE] Well, I think we now understand why they gave their kids such warped names.
  2. The bulk of my music is Progressive Rock and Metal. I like bands and artists who push the boundaries, who aren't constrained by notions of what is popular, or what the "industry" likes the package and market. Progressive often contains long songs, (sometimes of epic length), odd time signatures, use of non-traditional instruments, songs broken into multi-part suites. Another popular aspect of the genre is concept albums, that either follow a theme or more often tell a narrative story. I also like some Power Metal, a little AOR/Melodic Metal, and a small amount of Melodic Death Metal. I also still like Big Band and Classical, which were the first genres I was exposed to as a little kid.
  3. If this guy has a drug stash and is also dealing, it's obvious that he hasn't reformed. This situation sounds like it poses a danger to the kids, which I'm sure the law would also concur with. Their well being is what matters, so I would seriously consider calling the authorities.
  4. Right now all I'm watching is [B]Gundam 00[/B] (and enjoying it quite a bit), although I have a lot of other things that I could also be watching. More on this later...
  5. I agree that it's rather silly to remove the words. I think it is important to learn thing in their historical context. I mean, removing a word like "empire"? While we now understand that being imperial is a bad thing, it's still important for people to understand this, learn about the past empires of the world. We shouldn't just sweep history under the rug because it's inconvenient and painful.
  6. I've been a soda fiend all my life, drinking far more that was probably good for me. These days I try to limit my intake, but there are some sodas I've had that I consider among the best: IBC - I love their Root Beer and Cream Soda, but the best by far is their Black Cherry variety. It has a deep, smooth flavor that's nothing like the cough-syrup taste of ordinary cherry sodas. Stewarts - Another company with some excellent flavors, the best of which are Key Lime and Peach. We found Stewarts several years ago on a trip to North Carolina and bought a couple cases of it (it wasn't easy trying to ration them). But now we can get it down here too, which makes me very happy.
  7. This is always sad to admit, but I really can't stand listening to the Beatles anymore. Yes, I know; shocking, isn't it? I listened to them for many years, but eventually I came to a point where they just didn't have the same appeal anymore. I can still watch and enjoy their films from time to time, but I don't listen to the music on a regular basis. It's a case of, if I heard them playing on the radio or something, I might not mind. But I don't actively seek it.
  8. [B]"Nobody's Hero"[/B] by [B]Rush[/B]. While it is about the deaths of two people whom drummer Neil Peart knew, I like to think it's also about those people who the rest of the world may never hear about, but who have a profound impact on us nonetheless. ______________________________ I knew he was different in his sexuality I went to his parties as a straight minority It never seemed a threat to my masculinity He only introduced me to a wider reality As the years went by, we drifted apart When I heard that he was gone I felt a shadow cross my heart [I]But he's nobody's hero Save the drowning child Cure the wasting disease Hero -- lands the crippled airplane Solves great mysteries Hero -- not the handsome actor Who plays a hero's role Hero -- not the glamour girl Who'd love to sell her soul If anybody's buying, Nobody's hero[/I] I didn't know the girl, but I knew her family All their lives were shattered in a nightmare of brutality They try to carry on, try to bear the agony Try to hold some faith in the goodness of humanity As the years went by, we drifted apart When I heard that she was gone I felt a shadow cross my heart [I]But she's nobody's hero Is the voice of reason against the howling mob Hero -- is the pride of purpose In the unrewarding job Hero -- not the champion player Who plays the perfect game Hero -- not the glamour boy Who loves to sell his name Everybody's buying Nobody's hero[/I] As the years went by, we drifted apart When I heard that you were gone I felt a shadow cross my heart [I]But he's nobody's hero Save the drowning child Cure the wasting disease Hero -- lands the crippled airplane Solves great mysteries Hero -- not the handsome actor Who plays a hero's role Hero -- not the glamour girl Who'd love to sell her soul If anybody's buying, Nobody's hero [/I] [I]Hero[/I]
  9. The one in the bottom right corner of the first four is [B]Haibane Renmei[/B]. Nice 13-episode little drama about these angel-like beings called Haibane. My favorite anime and most definitely worth watching. :animesmil The rest, I dunno squat. :animeswea
  10. And a bit more topical humor: [B][U][URL="http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/c0cf508ff8/prop-8-the-musical-starring-jack-black-john-c-reilly-and-many-more-from-fod-team-jack-black-craig-robinson-john-c-reilly-and-rashida-jones"]Proposition 8 - The Musical[/URL][/U][/B] Featuring Jack Black and Neil Patrick Harris, among others.
  11. I'd never seen Gundam 00 until SciFi started playing it, but I really like what I've seen so far, so I'm definitely going to keep up with it. I did have some flashbacks to Gundam Wings while watching the first episode, namely the confusing politics and how much like Heero Setsuna seemed to be. The last Gundam show I tried watching was SEED, but that just got too irritating after a while, and Wing is just way too painful to watch anymore. The only Gundam series I've enjoyed is 08th MS team.
  12. How about every time I've ever danced in my life? I used to take dance lessons (my parents wanted me engaged in some kind of physical activity), and recitals were murder, especially when you had to wear silly costumes covered in itchy sequins. My prom didn't go too well either. I should have known there wouldn't be any decent music to dance to, plus my girlfriend was petrified of embarrassing herself, so we had one very short, abortive attempt at dancing the whole night.
  13. [quote name='Vicky'][size=1]Aaaawww whaaat? When I first checked, or rather last checked on the website ages and ages ago it said this Christmas =( How boring. I have to wait longer. Not amused.[/size][/QUOTE] Heh, and you replied before I realized my error and fixed it. It's MAY 8. :animesigh Yeah, they were going to release it in December, but then thought it wouldn't do well at this time of year, so they've changed it to an early summer release.
  14. "Ghost Opera" by Kamelot. I just love these guys... [YOUTUBE="Kamelot - Ghost Opera"][/YOUTUBE]
  15. [quote name='Vicky'][size=1]Hang on a minute, just clarify, when is this out again?[/size][/QUOTE] Release date is in the thread title: May 8, 2009. :) Also, here's a shot of the redesigned Enterprise: [URL=http://s245.photobucket.com/albums/gg59/ASfan/?action=view¤t=enterprise579_REVb.jpg][IMG]http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg59/ASfan/th_enterprise579_REVb.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  16. [quote name='Nathan'][FONT="Arial"]Now that would be fun. Playing darts with something like that would be amusing. Might even be worth the money spent to buy the silly thing. [/FONT][/QUOTE] I wanted to do that to the pictures of Bush and Cheney hanging on the wall at out local social security office.
  17. Well I don't really listen to anything that would qualify as romance music, but there is one song I know that probably qualifies: [B][U][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHa2SgShQPA&feature=related"]Enchant - "Beautiful"[/URL][/U][/B]
  18. OK, yeah that does sound pretty crappy. :animesigh I mean, I knew that Richard's father [spoiler]was already dead at the start of the book, and hadn't he had Richard memorize the entire Book of Counted Shadows when he was a boy?[/spoiler] I certainly won't go out of my way to watch this now (not that I really was to start with). I've read to around the middle of [I]Temple of the Winds[/I], but that was 3-4 years ago by now. I need to pick it up again one of these days.
  19. [B][U][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V5n1OkjYtg&feature=related"]"Dear Dead Days"[/URL][/U][/B] by [B]Frost*[/B] from their new album [B]Experiments in Mass Appeal[/B], which I just ordered this week.
  20. I haven't seen any of the episodes yet, and I don't even think it's being carried on any channels in our area, because a scan of this weekend's TV guide drew a blank. I could download them, but I'm not even sure I would bother with it if it's as bad as everyone says it is.
  21. [quote name='Vicky'][size=1]Also, beaming up isn't actually [i]that[/i] farfetched because, rumour has it, the theory is already being worked on (except it's not beaming up, it's something dodgy about matter transfer).[/size][/QUOTE] The thing about beaming or transmatting or whatever you like to call it, is that the living body is a pretty complex thing. You would have to break all that down into energy, and then reassemble it perfectly One bit of information out of place, and you either come back all messed up, or it's good night nurse.
  22. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]And labeling every person in a certain income bracket as a bad person or a selfish ******* is generally an assumption made by the bitter, jealous, or near sighted. If you could explain your view a little further, I'd be interested. And I mean that nicely. I'm not sure if you're implying that the government can fix selfishness in businesses or not. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I didn't say every person in a higher tax bracket, I'm just saying that the system is unequally balanced. Also, Mr. Blonde beat me to a good explanation. The point I make is, especially with the middle class hurting so much and starting to dwindle due to the horrible state of the economy, why should the people who already have oodles of money be given the tax breaks, when all the rest who have to bear more of the burden are given practically nothing in the way of relief?
  23. [quote name='Mr. Blonde']I didn't want to go on a star trek rant, but I do have other issues with the series. Beeming down for instance... but we won't get into that. However I'm not sure they go over the speed of light. I could be wrong though, as I'm not a big star trek fan.[/QUOTE] Well, I asked my dad about the explanation they had on Wiki for building the Enterprise on Earth, and he's not too sure that it holds up very well scientifically speaking. I'm gonna go geek for a moment and deal with how the Enterprise travels. I remember seeing on some kind of Science of Star Trek program that when they say "warp speed" they literally mean the engines generate a warp in space and they ride it rather like a surfer rides a wave. It isn't light speed travel, but literal warping of the fabric of space.
  24. [quote name='Mr. Blonde']One thing though... they're building the Enterprise on Earth? Gene Rodenberry (creator of Star Trek) knew what he was doing when he had the Enterprise in the original series built in space. There is no way you could launch something that large out of Earth's orbit. Damn you Abrams! *shakes fist at sky*[/QUOTE] Yeah, I didn't get that either. They try to explain it on the Wiki page though: "One example of a concept which seemingly contradicts Star Trek canon but came from the precedent set in the novels was having the Enterprise built on Earth, rather than space. Orci said that the idea that some things have to be constructed in space is normally associated with "flimsy" objects which have to be delicately assembled and would not normally be required to enter a gravity well. He said that this did not apply to the Enterprise because of the artificial gravity employed on the ship and its requirement for sustaining warp speed, and therefore the calibration of the ship's machinery would be best done in the exact gravity well which is to be simulated." I'm not personally sure of the science behind that, thought I could ask my father. Being a science teacher and having worked out at the Space Center, he might know.
  25. Currently addicted to a song sent to me last night by a friend. [B][U][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkXPyY9Wo_A"]Voltaire - "God Thinks"[/URL][/U][/B] It's a darkly humorous song, sarcastically skewering those who presume to know what God thinks.
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