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Everything posted by TimeChaser

  1. Just to take a break from the heavy discussions that have been going on in here, has anyone seen any of these TV ads for Obama commemorative plates and coins? I'm surprised the kitsch-selling has started so quickly. I saw the first ad only a couple of days after the election. :rolleyes:
  2. [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]The trailer just screams "LOOK AT KIRK, HE'S SO EDGY!"[/color][/QUOTE] Hopefully they've done more to his character than that. Although I look forward to seeing Kirk played in a way that isn't lumbered by those traits of Shatner that were easy to poke fun at.
  3. It's been a few years, but next summer we'll have a new Star Trek movie. This one is set during the younger days of the original crew, while Kirk is still a cadet. From what I've read, the plot involves Romulans from the future coming back in time to change history. [CENTER][YOUTUBE="Star Trek Trailer"][/YOUTUBE][/CENTER] The movie has been made to cater to the general audiences who aren't hardcore Trekkies, but with long-time fans also in mind. From the comments I've read on You Tube, people seem to be picking this apart already without even having seen it. Personally, I think it looks quite good, and a breath of fresh air for the franchise. So, anyone around here a Trekkie? What do you think? Or, if you're not a fan, would you go see this anyway? [B]CAST:[/B] Chris Pine - Kirk Zachary Quinto - Spock Karl Urban - Dr. McCoy Simon Pegg - Scotty Zoe Saldana - Uhura John Cho - Sulu Anton Yelchin - Chekov Bruce Greenwood - Captain Pike Eric Bana - Nero (the villain) Winona Ryder - Amanda Grayson (Spock's mother) Leonard Nimoy - Future Spock [B][U][URL="http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/startrek/large_trailer2.html"] Follow this link to see a larger version of the trailer.[/URL][/U][/B]
  4. Thanks to Funimation acquiring certain titles, there's now some more anime I'd like to get, whether I ask for them as gifts, or just ask for the money/gift cards to buy them with (most likely). Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage 1-3 Hellsing Ultimate vol. 4 Welcome to the NHK There's a also a bunch of classic Doctor Who titles out on DVD that I've fallen way behind on, might ask for a couple of them, maybe.
  5. Heya Drift! Welcome to [STRIKE]the dark side[/STRIKE] the other side. :animesmil Don't worry, it shouldn't take you long to get the hang of the place.
  6. [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]And that brings up another point; Doctor Who isn't the best with internal consistency. Or logic for that matter. Which, I suppose, is perfectly acceptable from a show based around time travel. You kind of have to ignore logic from the get-go.[/color][/QUOTE] There is that. Practically all long-running shows have continuity issues, and Doctor Who in particular. I think it was just a bit of a script error though, like they didn't think it out too far. There wouldn't be much else that would be enough incentive for the Master to agree to help them. The main reason they came up with the 13-lives limit is that the body could only take so much before it finally gave out. Every regeneration leads to higher chances of instability. This was made most clear in [I]The Trial of a Time Lord[/I] when the Doctor met the Valeyard, an amalgamation of his dark side from sometime in his personal future.
  7. [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]I'm under the impression that they've had the ability before; I haven't seen the episode myself, so I'm going on hearsay, but I believe the Master was offered new regenerations in The Five Doctors. And apparently BBC's current stance on the subject is "[URL="http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/s4/faq/plot_continuity.shtml"]who knows[/URL]?"[/color][/QUOTE] Yep, in [I]The Five Doctors[/I], the Time Lords offered the Master a new set of regenerations if he would rescue the Doctor. However, this clashes with the main storyline, where President Borusa sought Rassilon's mythical immortality. If they could already give the Master new regenerations, why didn't Borusa just do that? It's a technical paradox that continues to plague fandom.
  8. [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]I'm also not concerned about the regen limit. I don't believe it's been mentioned in the new series, and I wouldn't put it past the new writers to either ignore it or find a way around it, especially after what they pulled with that false regen.[/color][/QUOTE] Besides, the fact that the Master returned at the end of Season 3 (simply explaining that the Time Lords had resurrected him) proves that by the Time War, they had that ability to give themselves a complete new set of regenerations. I bet that due to the war, they had to extend the number of regens to keep from losing too many of their troops. It's just a theory, but like you said, since they haven't explicitly mentioned the 13-regeneration limit there's good probability that they will find a way to get around that if the show is still going strong when we get near the end of #13.
  9. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]If you can, you should swim. It'll be easier on your knees and ankles.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] We have a pool, but A) It's pretty much off-season for swimming now, and B) It still needs major cleaning after they finished constructing the new screen around it. When it warms up again next summer, I certainly will go swimming.
  10. Well, due to health issues in the past year, I haven't had much in the way of exercise, and I'm terribly out of shape, so I need to work on that. I started yesterday by going on a bike ride. It was pretty short - my legs started to hurt before I even got off my street - but it was still the most sustained activity I've had in a long time. I plan to do more in the way of walking and bike riding.
  11. A couple more ladies I must mention... [B][CENTER]Simone Simons[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg59/ASfan/l_eea5224fe5b4b4a22077496eb3bfec65.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Lead singer of the band Epica. Beautiful face, beautiful voice, and that hair... I've always had a thing for redheads. [B][CENTER]Claudia Black[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg59/ASfan/claudia-black_3a.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] She blew me away as Aeryn Sun in [I]Farscape[/I], then moved over to [I]Stargate SG-1[/I] as the shady Vala Mal Doran. Great actress with a very seductive voice.
  12. [quote name='Katakidoushi']I'm beginning to worry about TC's obsession with Dr. Who. I think it's time for an intervention. We're only here to help.[/QUOTE] I've been obsessed with it for 23 years, no amount of intervention could help now. :rolleyes:
  13. I see you couldn't resist the call of the OB either. Welcome, Shishou. :animesmil
  14. Right, I just watched the Children In Need thing and I am even more convinced now that David Morrisey's character is just some impostor and not the genuine "Next Doctor". I could be wrong, but I think this is just another thing to make the fans go "WTF!?" and stay fidgety until the episode airs, like how it looked like the Doctor would regenerate at the end of [I]The Stolen Earth[/I].
  15. The socialist charge against Obama was totally unfounded, just more crass political mudslinging. The point is that we are not supposed to be a society that has a gaping chasm between the rich and everyone else. We are falling back to where we were at 100+ years ago, with barely anything resembling a middle class. It doesn't take a genius to realize the Reagan ideal of trickle-down economics does not work. The rich are not investing that money in ways that benefit the rest of us. It's one of those ideas that works better in theory than practice because of the inherent foibles and selfishness of people. I want to include some statistic that highlight just how poor the economic situation in America has become. This is a ratio of salaries paid to top-tier CEOs and those paid to the average employees of their firms: Britain - 24:1 France - 15:1 Sweden - 13:1 USA - [U]475:1[/U]
  16. [quote name='Matt']I've seen that movie [I]way[/I] too many times. Well, maybe I'll see it once more before the New Year. ;) I'll take a look at your other suggestions.[/QUOTE] Ah, well as long as you've seen it at all, that's fine. :animesmil It's my favorite movie, so I always recommend it and watch it every time it gets played on TV. And thanks. :)
  17. [quote name='Sangome'][SIZE="1"]NO WAY YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME *shot*[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Yeah, like nobody saw that one coming. ;)
  18. To start off with, here are a couple of ladies who definitely make my heart flutter. [B][CENTER]Sharon Den Adel[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg59/ASfan/Sharon1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Anette Olzon[/B] [IMG]http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg59/ASfan/Anette.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Sharon is the singer for Within Temptation, and Anette is the new singer for Nightwish. What can I say, I have a thing for female singers of Scandinavian metal bands. And here are a couple of good looking guys that I cannot go without mentioning... [CENTER][B]David Tennant[/B] [IMG]http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg59/ASfan/David1.jpg[/IMG] [B]John Barrowman[/B] [IMG]http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg59/ASfan/John.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
  19. I found out about Tennant leaving a couple weeks ago. I was hoping he would stay and do at least one season under Steven Moffat, and he said he was tempted to, but decided the time was right to leave. As for the next actor, I don't think they've picked him yet. I know the title of the Christmas Special is [I]The Next Doctor[/I], but that is not conclusive proof that David Morrisey is going to be the one to take over from David Tennant. It may be like the plot of the audio play [I]The One Doctor[/I], when the Sixth Doctor and Mel met an impostor. They've already started bandying other sames about, including Sean Pertwee, whom I wouldn't mind seeing in play the part because he's a good actor AND the son of Third Doctor actor John Pertwee.
  20. I don't see Apollo 13 in there... *shot* I was hoping to suggest a few more, but since the list is only a first draft, I will. :p [B]The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert[/B] (1994) [B]Hedwig and the Angry Inch[/B] (2001) [B]Murder on the Orient Express[/B] (1974)
  21. [quote name='Shinmaru']Haha, I never would have pegged you as a fan of [b]A Hard Day's Night[/b]! Really good movie, though. The Beatles are great in front of the camera (Ringo has a big part!), and the whole thing is filmed with this amazing, exuberant energy and humor. This is one of the movies I'd watch to cheer me up after a lousy day.[/QUOTE] My sister and I grew up loving the Beatles, and we loved their films too. :animesmil What I need to do is get DVDs of Help! and Yellow Submarine too. The only one I didn't like was Magical Mystery Tour.
  22. I'm not really into lots of movies, but I'll mention a few favorites. [B]Apollo 13[/B] (1995, Ron Howard) [B]Labyrinth[/B] (1986, Jim Henson) [B]A Hard Day's Night[/B] (1964, Richard Lester) [B]V For Vendetta[/B] (2006, James McTeigue) [B]The Da Vinci Code[/B] (2006, Ron Howard) [B]What Dreams May Come[/B] (1998, Vincent Ward) [B]The Rocky Horror Picture Show[/B] (1975, Jim Sharman) [B]Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust[/B] (2000, Yoshiaki Kawajiri)
  23. Eat, eat, and eat some more. And when I'm full, I'll probably slump into a chair and watch some TV. :p Seriously though, we always just stay at home, cook dinner, and eat over at grandma's house. I'm hoping some of our errant relatives might drop by for a quick visit at least.
  24. Enjoying some [B]Riverside[/B] right now, particularly the song [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBOUycyQEq4&feature=related"][U][B]Schizophrenic Prayer[/B][/U][/URL]. It's steady beat and tribal-sounding elements make it very hypnotic.
  25. Just sent to me by a friend. For my fellow Doctor Who fans... [IMG]http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg59/ASfan/Obama11.jpg[/IMG]
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