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Everything posted by YawnBoy

  1. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I think I'm going to put the RP up on Friday, since that will give us more than enough time in case anything else needs worked out I'll probably post Aubrac's character sheet on Wednesday as well as a list of notable NPCs on the ship (mostly positions that I think are important that haven't been filled by players or just as an excuse for me to up the alien content).[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]As far as the piloting position goes, I think there could be two positions if one was more of a long range navigator and the other handled the ships maneuvers (in battle, docking, and other things like that). And a couple of minor problems with sign ups. [b]Lilt,[/b] you'll need to fix your character's age, because 14 is just too young to be an officer in the navy. [b]Inu,[/b] you'll have to change yours, because a robot doesn't really fit in with the universe.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]If I remember what Worf does correctly, that'd be fine for your character (I'm not entirely sure what the job is, but it makes sense for there to be a security force separate from the marines as they'll often fight planetside or in boarding parties). The ship is capable of intergalactic travel, but the SC has access to a sort of 'warp drive' so the time it takes wouldn't be an enormous factor. In addition to that, one of the most important plot devices *coughs* challenges in this RP is that the [i]Polyphemus[/i] did not have its warp drive (or whatever, that's one thing I never thought out well for this universe) installed when they fled from Kyoto III. But, as I said before, I like both ideas so it is up to you. And, I'm just now thinking of this but she should be within contact from the Commander, though I'd normally say vocal range for dramatic effect, in this anything goes really. And, Evangelion, torture? Blasphemy![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Omega, you can just have my character come to pick you up. I've been waiting for Andrew to post again but he seems to have gone AWOL. In your next post you can just have Adrian arriving, that way we can leave what happened with him and Vincent blank in case Andrew comes back.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][b]Vicky,[/b] the positions on the ship would be extremely varied, there would be command crew positions (think Star Trek, if you can tolerate it), as far as security there's an entire detachment of marines assigned to ships that large, while I don't think there would be a science officer aboard the ship for normal combat tours there would be medical officers and such (or possibly intel operatives on some sort of mission, it would also be extremely likely for their to be scientists among the refugees). There are second-in-command positions, but the current 'captain' of the ship was to be that so there wouldn't be a second official 'Number 1' on the ship (but if there was a high enough ranking navy officer who got mixed in with the evacuation, he could get recruited for such). [b]Raiha,[/b] first off let me say I was pleasantly surprised by your character concept. I like the idea of a human modified to interface with a ship too advanced for a normal person to operate with any finesse, but as far as the suspended in liquid thing goes I think it would come down to between whether your character is the mind of the ship (makes me think of the dummy plugs from Evangelion) or just an advanced way to interface (sort of like Data from TNG? Not sure, though, I've only seen one and a half episodes). Which one is really up to you because I'm cool with both, but I think having your character in a liquid chamber would limit her ability to interact with the rest of the ship.[/size][/font][/color]
  6. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Mankind has moved into space, colonized countless worlds, made alliance with alien species and spread our technology throughout our galaxy. We have become the most powerful empire to ever grace our galaxy and have surpassed our forefathers in ways they couldn't imagine. But, with all our glorious technology we are not immortal. And with all our pride we are not above the mistakes of our past. It's been centuries since the Sol Commonwealth united our solar system, and led the human race to our greatest age. We've found other species, like us, and taught them. They have become our allies, our workers, and even our soldiers. But one race stood up in defiance against us, and the peace that had lasted over four hundred years was shattered. Now, the SC fights against a foe more devoted and cunning than humankind has ever faced before. So far it has been one bloody battle after another, neither side able to gain any advantage of the other. But, a new breed of starship has been designed, with everything we've learned from the war, and the first of their kind were sent to Kyoto III, an outer colony world famed for its output of increasingly advanced technology. However, as the SCV [i]Polyphemus[/i] and her sister ships, the [i]Minotaur[/i] and the [i]Aurora[/i] were being completed, the Wuvhan launched their most daring assault yet at what has been called the 'brains of the Commonwealth', and in the chaos of evacuating the planet before the Wuvhan ground troops could land, the [i]Polyphemus[/i] was forced to flee the battle, carrying as many refugees as it could. Despite being on the cutting edge of technology, the [i]Polyphemus[/i] was incomplete, its long range navigation and communications systems nonoperational. It had also been running with only a skeleton crew, leaving it incredibly vulnerable (however, there is a hull full of refugees from one of the most educated planets under human domain, and Commander Aubrac is a resourceful man). Despite being acting captain of the ship, Commander Aubrac was not meant to be anything more than the second in command but like most of the ship, he has been forced into a position beyond his qualifications and its going to be up to him to lead the ship back to safety. ------------------------------------------------ All right so there it is. I should give you fair warning, this is the RPG I've run. You will all be playing the crew of the SCV [i]Polyphemus[/i] as they flee from the destruction of Kyoto III and try to get to safety. You will be able to create a huge variety of characters, be they part of the ships command crew, an engineer, a marine, a refugee, or anything else you can imagine. I don't want to give away much of the story but, oh yes, there will be twists. [b]Sign Up Sheets[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Your characters name, if you're a military character include your rank as well (my only requirement is that there be no Navy characters with a rank of Commander or higher, but if your character is Army or Marine go crazy) [b]Race:[/b] What species your character is (details on the different species are in the Underground thread, and you can create your own as long as I approve it first). Only Wuvhan are off limits (but if you want to play a second character that is a Wuvhan, maybe a part of the effort to find [i]Polyphemus[/i] that'd be pretty cool) [b]Gender:[/b] Self-explanatory, unless your a Kray :) [b]Age:[/b] [b]Physical Description:[/b] What you look like, pics or description is fine with me. [b]Personality:[/b] Be detailed enough (one or two good paragraphs). [b]Occupation:[/b] What your character's job is, and if your a refugee then put what your job was before you wound up on the ship. [b]Backstory & Abilities:[/b] A brief character history and summary of what you can do (this would include what kind of education you have and definetly include what languages you speak). All right, I think that's it. If you have questions, please post them in the Underground, and I look forward to seeing your characters. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Here it is, the Underground for my first RP. In addition to serving for discussion for the RP, this will also serve as a Encyclopedia for the universe that this takes place in (I get way too into it when I'm making a world so there will be a plethora of backstory for a sci-fi universe that no one cares about). This RP will center on the crew of the SCV [i]Polyphemus[/i], a revolutionary new starship recently construced by the Sol Commonwealth, as they flee the destruction of Kyoto III at the hands of the Wuvhan, fearsome aliens intent on their war with mankind, on an incomplete vessel with a hull full of refugees. It isn't in the inn yet, I know, but I'm posting this first because it is just more time-consuming and I want to get it out of the way. Another reason I'm posting this first is so that everyone who feels like it can chime in with feedback and such, so if there's something I've overlooked I can fix it. [b]The SCV [i]Polyphemus[/i][/b] The [i]Polyphemus[/i] is a ship of the Sol Commonwealth constructed to fight in the war with the Wuvhan (large, frigid, rat-like aliens) and the set for most of the action. Despite not being fully completed and not especially advanced in relative technical aspects, it is one of the first products of a new design philosophy among human-manufactured starships. Since it is only now that the SC is getting their first taste of an interstellar war most of the previous ships were designed based only on theoretical ideas of how space combat would play out (focus on armor and weapon capacity) but in practice it took only a small amount of damage to cripple a starship so the [i]Polyphemus[/i] and her sister ships the [I]Minotaur[/I] and the [I]Aurora[/I] are designed to be hard to find, harder to hit, and packing as much of a punch as ships their size (about one kilometer long) can squeeze onboard. It is equipped with a single, large plasma cannon (things like plasma torpedoes and laser weapons exist but are only used in space due to difficulty controlling their heat output) that is slow to fire but can cripple even a full-sized Wuvhan cruiser with a single shot; it also carries a number of missile pods (mostly for enemy fighters), laser weapons (for intercepting incoming missiles, think Halo 3), a pair of EMP bombs (though these are seldomly utilized), and a few squadrons of smaller ships (Mako fighters and Thresher bombers). Though the [i]Polyphemus[/i] is more suited for stealth than its sisters, it had yet to have its long range communications and navigation installed when it was forced to flee so it is in a very dangerous position especially since the Wuvhan seem to be much more focused on a single ship than they should. It is currently under the command of Commander William Aubrac, an inexperienced yet talented officer who was sleighted to the be ship's second-in-command and only be acting captain while it was being assembled, however circumstance has decreed otherwise. [b]The Sol Commonwealth and the Wuvhan War[/b] The Sol Commonwealth is an organization very similar to the USA in that it consists mainly of a single area (the US has the continental 48, the SC has our solar system) as well as a large number of colonies and military bases outside of their borders. Though because it is centered in our solar system it is mostly populated by humans, the SC is not limited to one race and there are many immigrants and colonists to our neck of the galaxy who consider themselves just as much a part of the SC as the average Earthling. The Wuvhan war started as a dispute over SC bases on the Wuvhan's homeworld (cultural problems and even global warming were drasticlly affecting their planet) but escalated when Sol Soldiers desecrated a temple and the Wuvhan staged a planet-wide revolt, taking over the SC's bases and ships. While they lack their own navy, they've gained a large number of ships through acts of piracy and are posing a huge guerilla threat to the SC, who has yet been able to succesfully invade their homeworld because of the freezing temperatures and harsh terrain. While they are inexperienced with the technology, the Wuvhan have continually proven themselves to be cunning tacticians and devoted warriors. While the SC's ability to fight on land has been crippled by two failed invasions of the Wuvhan's homeworld, the Wuvhan have slowly been gaining the edge in space battles. They've yet to mount an offensive against the Sol System, because the defenses are highly advanced and the Wuvhan would stand no chance in battle; however, they have been fiercely raiding against outer territories owned by the SC and their fleet has been impossible to eradicate due to the SC's difficulty in finding them. The war is currently at a stale-mate. [b]The Aliens[/b] While no other political entities are assisting the SC directly in war, our biggest allies are the [b]Presheii[/b] who assist us in every way other than direct military force (though, Persheii serving within the SC are a relatively common sight). They are a medium sized (averaging about 7ft tall and highly muscular) dolphin-like race, with waxy skin that ranges in color from shades of blue, black, gray, and white, eyes that are in shades of grey and long powerful fingers. They evolved much like Earth dolphins in that they hunted fish on a large scale but are believed to have invented democracy much earlier (in terms of evolution and cultural advancements) than humans. Their history is completely devoid of the presence of any sort of totalitarian government or any sort that wasn't either communist or democratic in nature, and their demeanor is simiilarly cooperative and non-competitive. They only have records of one religion existing throughout their entire history and it is a monotheistic religion based off their observation of the stars and moons (which are rarely seen from the surface due to their dense atmosphere) and they developed space flight shorty after humans. It was with the Presheii of Sirius B that humans made first contact with, and our cooperation with them has been an example of interstellar peace and friendship ever since. Their homeplanet (Presha) is almost completely covered in water and even their atmosphere is two thirds saturated hydrogen (humans can be drowned by the air if they breathe it for an extended period of time). The few areas of their world that aren't underwater are gargantuan coral reef outcroppings and rocky surfaces, which are largely used as embassies by the SC and other galactic entities. Though they have never been as significant as the Presheii to humans, the [b]Kray[/b] have been a notable presence in the SC since our discovery of their homeworld about two hundred years ago. They are small (usually less than four feet, standing upright) reptilian creatures, who are extremely skinny and have hollow bones which makes them extremelly agile and even more fragile. It is presumed they evolved as such because their planet's lower levels (underneath the 200+ feet tall canopy) are frought with fierce predators that the Kray are no match against and they are exclusively tree dwellers. They have green skin, yellow to red eyes, and large beaks that are colored from yellow to black to white and their appearance is said to be very avian by humans. Their society consisted of small tree-borne tribes with totemic religions until they were discovered and approached by the humans and the Persheii. Though they still have not developed their own methods of space flight, many have become colonists through the SC and have proven themselves to be extremely capable mechanics. It is believed that because their kind never developed a system for currency that they have no instincts for greed and only burgeoning concepts of ownership but are very survival driven and can be remarkebly competitive. Also, the Kray are unable to vocalize the languages of humans like the other races can (English has become the universal language) so while they may learn it and understand it, they cannot speak English which can make communication difficult (though because of this, many engineers and pilots learn the Kray's language). The [b]Hetsh[/b] are a large (nearl nine foot tall on average), black skinned, mammalian species that were most recently found by the civilized world. They have an elephant-like appearance (no trunks though) and are known to be a very brutal species. Their planet is extremely barren (mostly deserts, excluding jungles at the poles) and because of it they have evolved to be fierce competitors and are almost devoid of the ability to operate altruisticly to those who aren't part of their herd. The herd is the center of their social structure and they are still a nomadic race. They have only recently been discovered and as such have barely been taught of the outside world and trade with their planet is very sparse (partly due to their species still being uncivilized), but because of their ferocity and martial skill many have somehow found their way off their planet and work as bodyguards, soldiers for the SC's war against the Wuvhan, mercenaries, and, in worst case scenario, pirates. The Sol Commonwealth is at war with the [b]Wuvhan[/b]. They are larger than humans, covered in white fur, blue eyes, and their oversized teeth and wiry frames have left many humans to compare them to rats. Their planet is drastically colder than any of the others discovered to hold intelligent life and their civilization had been at the epoch of their 'industrial' age when they were introduced to alien species. Their culture has a great amount of focus on honor (to the point where one would be considered a pariah for telling a lie) and their religion is based off of a long dead philosopher (and they've shown themselves to put more emphasis on religion than any other race). Initially, it seemed that both the SC and the Wuvhan were benefitting greatly through eachother and it was believed their friendship would one day rival the Presheii. The SC would bring in culture and technology in exchange for the raw materials of the Wuvhan's home planet. However, the SC's presence on the planet was mainly that of large companies who handled their enterprises and military installations to protect Sol's interests on the planet. The Wuvhan leadership began to appeal to the SC official government to stop the labor abuse and environmental damage that was being caused by the capitalists but the SC's laws forbid it from directly mandating the companies. Eventually, after a violent incident of misconduct on the part of SC Marines stationed planetside, the Wuvhan began a revolt and within weeks had killed the entire SC presence on their homeworld, commandeered many of their ships and began their war against the Sol Commonwealth. Also, I'd be more than happy to include some player-created races, as long as I approve them first (I just want them to fit in with the style of the other races). [b]The Technology[/b] While technology is very advanced compared to modern days, it is still mostly derivative of our current technology. While plasma cannons and lasers are used in outer space, such weapons are completely unused planetside because of the difficulty in dispersing the heat. In terrestrial engagements, the technology is very similar to what we use now (firearms, explosives, and other such devices). Space flight is common, but still considered expensive for the average citizen. Allright, that's it for now , but I might add more information later if I think its neccessary (but I think I might've gotten a bit carried away already). And if enough players choose to be marines or other types of soldiers I'll probably put a detailed equipment guide here too. Please, post any questions/feedback/suggestions/criticisms/etc. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Adrian stood over the body and sighed deeply. [i]What a damn waste[/i], he thought to himself as he looked into his empty eye sockets. [b]"I'm going to look around his apartment, can you make the call to forensics?."[/b] He said to Vincent, not waiting for an answer before he took off to the apartment building (five blocks, in about five seconds since he had to slow himself to control his jumps as to not slide off the rooftops). He followed the blood trail back to the apartment and stopped to take a look at the absent door. The hinges were completely removed from the wall, and he found the door down the hallway, split in half. As he stepped into the apartment he could see that it had been quite a fight. Nothing was in a place that it could rightfully be- the couch was split into three pieces, one of which was balancing precariously outside on the fire escape, the fridge was knocked over, food was spread around the kitchen floor, and all of the silverware was sticking out of the living room wall. As Adrian stopped for a moment as he heard footsteps behind him, [b]"Can't you ever fuckin' wait?"[/b] [b]"Seems like a waste of time."[/b] Adrian replied to Vincent with a small laugh, not bothering to look over his shoulder at him. [b]"This... Is some pretty fucked up shit." "Oh, you think so, do you?" "Look at this place, Wynn. I was right about our guy, his powers were definetly developed otherwise there wouldnt be much of a crime scene. But that also means whoever did this is some kind of badass,"[/b] Adrian said in his always perfectly neutral accent, only now with obvious interest, [b]"And if the same thing happened to Adam and Gabe's guy, then I wouldn't imagine it being a coincidence-"[/b] He stopped as he was interrupted by his cell phone ringtone ("Gimme Shelter" by the Rolling Stones). [b]"This is Adrian." "Adrian, it's Jake. Are you with Vincent?" "Of course. What's going on out there?" "I've got orders from Adam, we're going to have to bring in everyone." "[i]Everyone[/i]?" "Every super-human in the city, for protective custody." "How many people is that?"[/b] Adrian asked, not knowing if there were fewer than a dozen or over a hundred of their kind in the city. "I don't know, but we need to do it fast." "That won't be a problem." "Felix should send you what you need to know." "Alright then."[/b Adrian said as he hung up the phone. [i]It's times like these,[/i] he thought to himself, [i]That they should be really glad they've got me.[/i] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][b]"Another red light..."[/b] Adrian heard his compatriot, Vincent, murmur angrily for the third time as they made their way through New York. Adrian had been leaned back in the passenger seat with his eyes closed in some attempt to rest after a sleepless weekend, but he now decided, listening to the symphony of car horns, rude shouting, and car alarms that was NYC, to learn what he could about their new assignment. [b]"It's New York, get used to it."[/b] Adrian said as he sat up in his seat and looked over at Vincent, [b]"So, what've we got today?"[/b] [b]"Just a recruitment mission, guy who controls gravity."[/b] Vincent said as he sped the car up to make a green light. [b]"That's an interesting power..." "It's boring work, Adrian." "Oh, I don't know... I kind of like the idea of finding someone who could rip a hole in the universe." "What are you talking about?"[/b] Vincent replied with a slight chuckle in his voice. He was used to things like that coming out of his partners mouth, but still got some small enjoyment from it. [b]"Well, if he controls gravity shouldn't he able to just nix it? I mean it's what holds us together. Like, our atoms would come undone or something." "That's just your comic book logic. Your going to be expecting this guy to turn everything into atom bombs and rip holes in the universe, and all he's going to be able to do is make us gain five pounds. Besides,"[/b] Vincent added with a laugh, [b]"You don't know jack about physics."[/b] Adrian laughed along with him, even when he was being slightly insulting Vincent was likeable enough. In fact, Adrian had noticed he was a bit too likeable (since the first time they met when he mispronounced Adrian's surname as Gene-Lewis). He couldn't put his finger on exactly why his partner gave him this feeling of unease, but knew from their time of working together that he always got his job done. He liked his partner, but couldn't feel safe trusting him. They pulled up next to the building Adrian assumed was their destination and began walking up the steps to the building. [b]"But at least agree that, conceivably, a guy who controls gravity could undo molecular bonds and make a huge ass explosion.[/b] Adrian continued as they enterred the building. [b]'But you changed the subject, a minute ago you were talking about 'ripping a whole in the universe' and now your talking about nuclear ex-" "What room?"[/b] Adrian suddenly cut off his partner as they turned a corner to a new hallway. [b]"17b. Why..."[/b] Vincent started until he realized what it was- there was no door between 17a and 17c. Just a hole ripped into the wall that lead into a destroyed room and a trail of blood going from the room and up the hallway. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. ((Sorry for takin so long to post, I'm a bit rushed...)) [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]In all of Rel's history of thieving, conning, and running at just the right moment he had always gotten lucky... but never quite as lucky getting caught stealing, and instead of having his arm broken, being thrown into bed by a beautiful sylph. And he didn't even think he was to be killed or robbed. The only downside could be the talk of battle, which was poor foreplay at the slightest (for Rel, at least). Rel made a point to stay away from fights, because he had no desire at all to be on the ass end of an ass kicking. But, somehow he got the feeling if he stuck close to Mreelsa he might be safe in any upcoming scuffles. Mreelsa had begun to undo the longsword from her waist and as she did so Rel tried to follow suit. However, Rel didn't have a sword to throw to the ground with a flourish; instead he had a number of thief's tools and a small knife that were all bound akwardly to his body in various places for the purpose of remaining hidden and were now proving difficult to remove in any dignified manner. He had just managed to remove the knife that he had strapped to his abdomen when he noticed Mreelsa had silently walked over to him on the bed. Rel had been so occupied removing his tools that he hadn't seen her remove her shirt and now, staring into her amber eyes as she stood above him, Rel realized what a waste of time it had been. He started to stand, but her hand quickly pushed him back onto the bed so that now he laid on his back, looking slightly afraid of his much stronger 'owner'. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Just got a quick question about the Genesis Corporation. Is the corporation itself owned by a political force, like the U.N., or is it owned by a group of individuals like the Company in Heroes? Or are the peons even trusted with such information? Oh and btw, gotta say thanks for making this RPG in the first place (er... that is if I'm accepted, I guess), I was thinking of making a Heroes-type RPG (especially after seeing the second season beginning) but didn't think I'd be up to it. EDIT: Also, how does everyone find their pics? I've just been using google image but the only thing I've found even close was a pic of Cloud. And would it be alright to use real pics?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][b]Name:[/b] Adrian Jean-Louis [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Physical Description:[/b] Tall and stringy looking at first glance but surprisingly muscular on closer inspection. His skin tone is deeply tanned, and his eyes are bright blue. His shaggy blonde hair and his narrow figure both help give him the overall appearance of being somewhat dishelved at all times, though in actuality he puts much time and effort into his appearance. ((Looking for pic...)) [b]Personality:[/b] Adrian is a typically sarcastic and self-involved person though he always shows a sense of altruism to other 'special' people that he meets. He could be called narcissistic as he tends to look down upon normal people and pride himself (and his kin) on being the first of a new species. However, he does often compare himself and others like him to comic book superheroes and is very optimistic about his kind (though he does lament not having telekinesis in place of his own ability). In the past, he has shown himself to be highly protective of his kind and become very angry, if not violent, when they are used, abused, or mistreated (even when it comes into conflict with the Genesis Corporation). [b]Occupation:[/b] Genesis Operative [b]Powers:[/b] Adrian is capable of moving at blinding speed, and is even capable of breaking 200 miles per hour on a level, straight surface (though doing something such as that would be exceedingly exhausting). This increased movement extends to the all other aspects of his movements and not just the ability to run (he can write and do other such activities with his hands at ridiculous speed as well). His ability has also made him into a respectable martial artist (though hardly formidable), something he has had some minimal training for in the Genesis Organization. In addition, Adrian's reaction time as also increased alongside his movement which aids in such activities (also makes him a mean soccer player). ((Hope this was alright, and that the Heroes reference I threw in wasn't too too obvious)) [/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Ha, if the casualties are this bad in the inn, I just can't wait to see what happens when they meet the dragon. MY posts are too short, are they?! Er, yes, they are. My last post I did notice was very, very short. But I will snatch up the compliment about my writing (I takes 'em wheres I gets 'em) and pledge to write longer posts from here on out. But an excuse? You betcha. A good one? Not really. So far in the RPG, I've been playing Rel as a sort of 'straight man' (in the relative terms of a fantasy context) and most of his actions have really just been reactions to the craziness around him (often a limited deer-in-the-headlight response). And, yes, that was a goof I didn't catch until I read your post (proofreading is for amateurs). [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  14. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]The chaos that was the bar seemed to be at a high point, with more than a few people being thrown around at eachother, but Rel was quite unaware of that. His head was still busy figuring out what had happened. At the moment, the world beyond Mreelsa seemed quite obsolete. Rel was quite used to the usual dancing around the words after a much longer period of time had passed when it came to this particular subject. So, as it was, he felt his face getting very hot and his capacity for speech dry up. [i]Wait, this has happened before...[/i] He thought, quickly coming to the conclusion that she was planning to rob him in his sleep tonight until a mental image of the sylph straddling him mid-coitus silenced that line of thought. [i]Besides, I haven't got any money to steal.[/i] But, Rel realized he was still standing there with Nazani looking at him with that almost sadistic gleam in her eyes while he had stood there, completely silently, for quite some time, with a dazed and confused expression on his face. [b]"Er..."[/b] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][i]How does she know about me?[/i] Rel couldn't figure it out, but somehow the seer knew that he was going to be working for him before even Rel knew and had told the sylph he had just been on the floor with to bring him there. The most likely possibility seemed to be that there was a conspiracy in the town to bring Rel to the seer and everyone in the tavern was working towards that end and no matter how ridiculous the idea was, Rel figured that it was a much smaller chance that the seer had actual foresight and knew his travel would bring him to Nalinae in search of work. [i]But really the how is more important than the why,[/i] Rel decided and realized that he should return his attention back to making some coin. He preferred to work alone, as a rule, because sharing his earnings wasn't something Rel enjoyed. But, he might need some help and the present company certainly seemed... capable. He could use their help to get the job done, and maybe even slip away with their earnings. Unless of course, Rel got caught. [b]"If you're planning to subjugate me, might as well get me a drink."[/b] Rel said to the two, finally regaining some of his confidence from the pride shattering table slam, [b]"I generally don't speak to employers if it can wait until the morning, but..."[/b] He let the sentence hang- telling the sylph she was the boss was probably unnecessary at this point.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  16. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"] [i]What kind of a bar is this, anyways?[/i] Rel thought to himself, feeling very confused and slightly frightened. Of the other occupants of the tavern one was a sylph whom had slammed him into the table and was now claiming ownership of Rel, two seemed to be part animal, Rel was fairly sure the one in the corner was a vampire (and not the eloquent, aristocratic type that you read about), another that summoned a wall of wind to protect him (briefly) and there was another one who quite simply popped into existence a few tables away. It was very likely that Rel was the only 'normal' human being in the building at the time. But of the more immediate oddities, the sylph was now bent over him after giving Rel a (by anyone's account) long and (by Rel's account) amazing kiss. He'd felt his face get very hot as she started, but had quickly forgotten about that. Now though, bent over at the waist over him and claiming she liked him and would keep him she looked oddly funny. [I]Amazing that she can go from scary to sexy to cute in only a few moments; most women I've met do the opposite over a course of days.[/I] It was only now that he realized he was still lying on the floor amongst the ruins of a table. Rel slowly rose up and (realizing again how embarassing the situation was) brushed shivers of the destroyed table from his sleeves and red hair. He took another quick scan of the tavern, only to remember that he'd just been caught as a thief in front of the entire place and wouldn't be able to make any money here. Rel turned to the sylph and asked, [b]"Keep me?"[/b] though he had already worked over fifty possible meanings of the phrase that were now making him very nervous. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  17. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][i]Not good![/i] Rel's mind raced as he frantically tried to work out how many bad things had happened to him in the last 30 seconds and what they were. He quickly came to the conclusion that he'd been caught, slammed through a table, pinned to the ground, laughed at and was in immediate danger of a barroom castration but had seemingly been helped by a sorceress that had just entered. Back where Rel was from it was prohibited to use magic in taverns almost universally (nobody wants an indoor hurricane spoiling their evening drink), but thankfully in this part of the world it hardly seemed the case. But he didn't think it was a vast improvement, he was still on the floor with a clearly dangerous person on top of him and eventually the spell would have to be lifted. [i]But, on the other hand...[/i] The other half of Rel's brain recognized (partially due to a crude shout he half-heard from across the bar) that he was being straddled by a beautiful mercenary, who was quite definetly purring. She was certainly the type Rel had a tendency to fall for, dominant, with big amber eyes and- [i]Stop it, that sort of thinking has a habit of getting you into trouble.[/i] Trying not to focus on the 'up side' of the situation, Rel instead tried to figure a way to distance himself from the stiletto. Force was completely out of the question as Rel wanted no sudden movement when there was still a knife so close to him (though, he doubted he could overpower her regardless). However, he was small and skinny, he might be able to slip out of it but she had him pinned so perfectly it would be difficult even with her bound; her eyes were still focused on him like a cat playing with its prey before it- [i]Wait.[/i] Rel stopped as he realized that a minute ago she had been very happily drunk but now her eyes were completely clear and her expression was quite sober. Then, deciding his last option would be to talk his way out of it or just act completely submissive and hope she wasn't in too sadistic of a mood but he decided he'd like to keep some slight dignity and asked in a tone that he hoped would make him sound braver than he felt, [b]"You faked it so I'd rob you, didn't you?"[/b] and hoped she wouldn't pick up any hint of fear in his voice.[/color][/font][/size]
  18. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"] The town of Nalinae was not the sort of town that Rel Nerom liked to spend his time in. There was no great amound of work available (at least, not the type Rel preferred), no red light district, no drunken dwarves shouting obscenities at what they thought was an elf. Though as dull of a surrounding Rel found it, that was where he was and was going to be stuck at until he managed some coin flow. The night's stay at the tavern was about to cost him his last few coins, after which Rel would be forced to scrounge in the pockets of a (hopefully unwitting, and ideally intoxicated) citizen of the town. He briefly considered shortchanging the ogre who he paid for his room at the inn, firm in the knowledge that ogres, as a rule, were big and dumb. But as he paid, he silently reminded himself that this particular rule just made them more dangerous. He counted his coins aloud (twice) and handed them to the tavernmaster, making sure he knew that Rel believed him to be the owner of one of the finest establishments in all the land, not to mention having a very striking appearance that reminded him of an obscure monarch; then (with Rel believing the tavernmaster in much better mood, having been so thoroughly and convincingly complemented) asked him if he knew of any quick jobs available in town. Then, with the seers name firm in his memory, Rel turned toward entrance of the tavern and decided to grab a bit of cash before he ran off to the seer. [i]Just a few quick coins, then I'm gone.[/i] he thought to himself, but then quickly revised it, [i]Just enough for a few drinks.[/i][/font][/color][/size]
  19. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Yeah, the thing I like most about the Heroes idea is that it would be different from what I think the norm is for RPGs in the way that your character (at least starting out) would be a normal person in pretty normal situations until the powers come. Also, the second season premieres pretty soon so I'd think there'd be a lot of interest, whereas I don't think a lot of people are very interested in American Gods (not to say it isn't an awesome book). But I don't think I'd be able to think of an RPG story that could really do Heroes justice, coming up with a good plot would take a ton of thought and a lot of collaberation from everyone. I think most people would want to play the 'heroes' but you'd need at least one person to play a 'company man' type of character and one or two to play the 'bad guys' but they'd be allowed to be a lot more powerful though very outnumbered (and who knows, in the RPG the baddies might win). Still, I would really love to see one happen, if anyone is really interested.[/font][/color][/size]
  20. ((This looks too interesting not to sign up for, but lemme know if I need to change my sign up)) [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=darkslategray][B]Name:[/B] Rel Nerom[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=darkslategray][B]Age:[/B] 27[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=darkslategray][B]Species:[/B] Human [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=darkslategray][B]Occupation:[/B] Small time grifter and thief[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=darkslategray][B]Appearance:[/B] Has moderately long dark red hair and blue eyes. He is somewhat light skinned and pretty short (about 5'4") and skinny. ((Having trouble finding a pic, but when I find one good enough I'll add it))[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=darkslategray][B]Personality Flaws:[/B] He often attempts to manipulate others (to varying degrees of success and failure), and believes himself much more charming than he is (though, he has shown time and time again to be pathetically vulnerable to the charms of others). Rel is also far from being brave, and has never killed anyone not because he hasn't had the chance or because he's morally against it but because every time he's taken the opportunity to run instead.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=darkslategray][B]Speciality:[/B] Rel is a thief before all else, and is fairly skilled at prowling, pick pocketing, breaking and entering.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=darkslategray][B]Reason for Living[/B]: Rel's goals are always the same: make some money, spend the money, and if at all possible avoid having sharp objects put through his body. He rarely works for any significant reason, usally just to have enough money to eat, considering he tends to spend all money he receives to moment he receives it in the most irresponsible manner he can think of.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=darkslategray][B]In What Manner You Suffer From a Story Line:[/B] Rel has always enjoyed the small thrill of taking what wasn't his until but never realized until his teens that he could make money doing so, which he began to do as much as he could.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"]I've got two different ideas that I thought would make good RPs and I was wondering if anybody else thought they were interesting. The first is one based off of the novel 'American Gods' by Neil Gaiman (or 'Anansi Boys' which takes place in the same universe). Its an extremely good book and I think it'd make a really good RP where the players could play the gods or normal people who get drawn into it, but I'd be worried that not many people have read it so not too many people would be into it (and if you haven't read it, I really recommend it). The second one would be based off the TV series Heroes. Which, also, is a great show and I think a lot of people on this site would have seen it; plus, I think the show lends itself to an RPG fairly well. So, let me know what you guys think or if you'd be interested in something like this. [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. ((Hope I'm not too late to sign up, but PM if there's anything I can do to improve this)) [FONT="Fixedsys"][SIZE="2"]US Army Personnel Files: Sgt. Jonathon J. Iroquois (Ret.)[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][B]Eyes Only[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][B]Age:[/B] 29/31 (Medical and military records are not congruent) [b]Career History:[/b] Enlisted (stated age 18, though according to medical records 16), but was to be discharged during basic training due to assault on fellow trainee. His commanding officer however, said he was 'valuable enough to salvage' and allowed to remain in training with heavy disciplinary measures. Graduated basic, and was immediately placed in the 75th Ranger Regiment, midway through the West African Campaign. Was promoted to Sergeant near the end of his combat tour despite continued disciplinary actions against his alcoholism. Also received Purple Heart and Distinguished Service Cross for his performance during the retreat from the Ivory Coast and was to be recommended for transfer to Delta Force. Accused and convicted of murder of his commanding officer during combat operations, and was stripped of medals and rank. Pleaded innocent against witness by his platoon. Immediately discharged following psyche evaluation, and sent to Septa. [b]Performance evaluation:[/b] In top physical condition throughout career and shown particular ability as a marksman, despite losing right eye in combat. Has also proven himself to be a gifted combat leader, having taken control of his platoon after the murder of his lieutenant. [b]Mental Condition:[/b] Exhibits strong aggression and rage at times, and is prone to losing self control especially to superiors. Despite being very intelligent has a strong dependancy to alcohol and seems incapable of quitting on his own and seems to suffer delusions of grandeur. Has also shown great disdain towards genetically modified or bionically enhanced humans. [b]Appearance:[/b] Photo attached, taken at time of arrest and discharge.[/SIZE][/font] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/72/Snakeprison.jpg[/IMG]
  23. OOC: Sorry about the length, and I guess we'll just pick up the posting order next time around? [size=1][color=darkred]Shakun, or Gray rather, paced alongside his young companion as they tailed their latest mark, a dwarf who seem to have stolen something, a scroll of some sort, that was very valuable to some important people in Moren. But, his job wasn't to kill the dwarf or too steal the paper yet, he just had to keep an eye on him... and keep a closer eye on Rell while he was at it. Not that Lefty didn't trust him, he just didn't trust him enough to keep his hand away from his firearm long enough... a crude weapon anyways, like most dwarven inventions. [b]"Don't let him notice us following him, remember we're just two travellers going to get some food."[/b] He said to Rell, scratching his head behind his ear. [b]"Please, we'd have to hold up a sign and a flasher for this rock head to notice anything."[/b] What he said was very true, they had followed the dwarf into the dinner hall and he had begun to eat and drink in a way that seemed to quite disgust the rest of the company (mainly elves and a smattering of gnomes). [b]"Dwarves..."[/b] [/color][/size]
  24. [size=1][COLOR=DarkRed][b]Name:[/b] Shakun, though he is called Gray by almost all. [b]Age:[/b] 67 (around 30 in human years) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Wolf-kin [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall (about 6' 6"), coverred head to toe in steely gray fur, with amber colored eyes. Has a long string of tribal beads in his hair going down from his left ear. Has an elongated 'snout' and strong claws, typical of his race, and is extremely muscular (even more so than is typical of his brethren). Wears simple, rough leather clothing. [b]Bio:[/b] Born in a small, shamanistic tribe of Wolf-kin many years ago. It was there that he learned his skills as a hunter from his father, and proved himself to be one of the most adept of his generation. As time went on he became the leader of his tribes Jhetu (Hunter and Warrior caste) and was even thought to possibly be a chosen heir of their chieftain. However, as the goblins began to spread past their native mountains and develop technology rivaling that of the dwarves (and having support of the Loyalist faction in the human's war) they invaded the homeland of the Wolf-kin, for expansion room and natural resources to feed their vast industrial base. Shakun, and the leaders of all of his neighboring tribes Jhetu, led the defense of their homelands. Though outnumbered and possessing vastly inferior technology they proved extremely tough opponents for the small and fearful goblins. However, their lack of numbers soon made it clear that they had no hope of winning by themselves. Fortunately, the rebel faction in the human war decided that if the goblins took their lands they would be able to feed war supplies to the loyalists. They sent an army led by General Bas Hakome (the man who would later become known as Lefty the bounty hunter) to assist the wolf-kin against the goblins. With the human's help the Jhetu quickly repelled the goblins and crippled their ability to make war for years to come. Even after their part of the war was over, Shakun pledged his life's service to General Hakome as payment for helping to keep his lands safe. He would remain with him, fighting inthe war all the way to the rebels final defeat at Fort Akan, and continue to serve him after the war as lieutenant of the Bounty Company. [b]Speciality:[/b] His life training as Jhetu made him a very talented warrior with a strict code of honor. Though he often uses one handed axes and bows, he believes that the only truely honorable way to conduct combat is with his natural weapons (teeth and claws). [b]Personality:[/b] Often viewed as distant and somewhat cold. Gray however is highly emphatic and well aware of other's emotions. He is most certainly the quiet type and places a great deal of importance on honor, but always comes through in a tight spot. He has been fighting alongside of Lefty for more than 30 years and they have come to trust eachother with their lives, though he will question him when he believes he is wrong and will not follow orders that he deems dishonorable. Gray has taken a liking to Rell, his enthusiasm reminding Gray of himself when he was younger, however he occasionally becomes annoyed with Rell's loud mouth. Regardless, he thinks of himself as an uncle to Rell and often considers it his responsibility to protect him as he still views Rell as 'just a pup'. [/COLOR][/size]
  25. [size=1][color=darkblue][b]Name:[/b] Keitaro Obata [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Appearance:[/b] Noticeably tall for a Japanese boy his age, with a very pale and wan face. Of average build (though perhaps on the skinny side), Keitaro also wears his hair somewhat longer than most of the other guys (though mostly because he doesn't want to be bothered by the neccessity of getting it cut). [b]Personality:[/b] Keitaro is generally very quiet and introverted, only speaking if there is some importance or when asked a question. When he does choose to speak he is generally a friendly person (no matter how he actually feels about the person he's talking to, Keitaro will usually lend a helping hand). His nature has left him with few close friends even though he is on good terms with most of his class. He is also very intelligent, and is generally known to be so amongst his class. He generally considers dealing with people out of his way and would rather be reading or daydreaming. Keitaro is also very manipulative of others when it fits his purposes, though he is usually has good intentions while doing so. [b]Pre-Program:[/b] He grew up fairly normally, though always reclusive. Although Keitaro is one of the top students in his school (hoping to become a doctor afterwards), he spent most of his time locked in his room afterwards. In his younger years he was generally disliked by his classmates for being to bookish or nerd but in the last few years he has come to be generally liked.[/size][/color] There it is, please lemme know if theres any problems or such and ill be glad to fix them.
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