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Everything posted by YawnBoy

  1. [color=darkred][b]Name:[/b] Johnny Sol (chosen name, formerly Niko Vilinov) [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] A man of few words and often seemingly cold and undifferent, his years in the mines took away his former sunny demeanor. Though he is often unfriendly towards other once he considers someone his friend he will assuredly keep the alliance and he was known to never leave a man behind... likewise once he considers someone an enemy he shows little mercy or forgiveness (and expects none in return). [b]Appearance:[/b] Physically, he appears to be chronically sick: he is skeleton like in appearance, with shaggy and dirty brown hair. His face is also gaunt with large blue eyes that tend to stare into the distance. [b]Hidden Power[/b] Despite his skin-and-bones appearance, due to the experimentation done on him his strength is comparable to the average well-nutritioned man on the street. His true forte however is the incredible speed and agility he now possesses and heightened reflexes that border on precognition. [b]Bio:[/b] He was born as Niko Vilinov to a typical middle class family in a country that soon became embroiled in an all out civil war between political factions. As the war raged both sides became so pressed for soldiers that they began recruiting anyone capable of holding a rifle... including small children. That was how Niko, age 12, first became a soldier fighting in his country. The war was long lasting and as he fought he became recognized as one of the most clever and skilled militants fighting in the war (and for his often sunny disposition and love for his comrades), especially amongst the 'Little Soldiers' he first served with. Eventually, at age 17, he commanded a platoon of the strongest soldiers in the war under his nom de guerre, Johnny Sol (chosen to separate himself from what he believed was the name of the child, not the soldier). However eventually he tasted defeat and was captured by the enemy and sold as slave labor for money to fuel their war effort. After arriving at the mines, Sol began to change drastically with the experiments done to him. Though the drugs made him incredibly fast, through some anomaly the scientists couldn't explain his body reacted badly and he became chronically ill. This caused him to lose much weight, and become the skeleton like figure he is currently. The mines also turned him extremely angry, and now one of his foremost desires has become to snap as many of the guard's necks as possible. Even as he has become a nearly completely different person, Sol still retains, deep down, some of the love for his allies he gained fighting a bitter war.[/color] Feel free to PM me if you have any problems or feedback.
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