Johnny Justjohnny
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Name's Johnny Justjohnny. At least, that's what my construct's called; my real conch dried up when 10.31.311 went down. Since then, I've been making a killing renting my body to rich people who don't want their faces all over the news. Great life.
Basically, a prostitute. Fun stuff.
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[COLOR=Gray]So, would anyone be willing to make me a regulation-sized set of everyone's favourite anime parody/kids show, Samurai Pizza Cats? Nothing really fancy - just something with the three cats and maybe the parlor in the background or something of that nature, I'm not picky. It should say "Unscripted" somewhere in the sig, and the avi should have Speedy Cerviche in it. That's all - someone talented please make this up for me, I'm tired of not having a set at all.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray]A Crazy Cat Lady's version of "Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk." [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray]American Aviation - teaching drunk pilots to fly ****** planes into big-*** trees since 1963! OR "My god! There's a plane growing out of that tree!"[/COLOR]
Did you ever eat alligator meat?
Johnny Justjohnny replied to affection's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Gray]1 - No, I've never eaten alligator before. Not 'cause I don't want too, just 'cause it's a little hard to find them up in the Great White North, if ya know what I'm saying. 2 - Unconventional Things I've Eaten: Moose Burger - imagine the softest, juciest hamburger you've ever had. So much better then beef it's not even funny; only place I've ever been able to get one is in Newfoundland, though, but they're usually only like 2-3 bucks. Caribou Burger - incredibly expensive, and actually pretty average. A little better then hamburger, but try and find one that isn't 17 bucks. Buffalo Burger - the king of all burgers, baby. Amazing. The meat is expensive - 6 bucks for 4 good-sized burgers - but really tastey. Recommend it! Octopus Meat (Kalamari?) - well, when in Greece, do as the Greeciens do, I always say. Found cheap octopus on a Greek island earlier this year; baught it. Not big on sea-food, and I can't say that the octopus did much to change my mind. Pass. Poutine - Now, I eat so many of these that they've become mundane to me, but most of you aren't from Quebec so you probably have never heard of this dish, so I'll include it here for your pleasure. Imagine a plate full of lard-fried frenchfries covered in cheese curds (look them up if you've never heard of em; I know they don't sell much outside of Canada) and then slathered with the thickest gravy you've ever seen. My favourite dish. Frogs Legs - I don't know if this counts as unconventional, but I've never seen it anywhere outside of Quebec, so I assume it's a local thing... They're juicy and delicious but man, they just don't got enough meat on them. Buy a breadbasket full of them and you'll be fine, though. I've eaten a lot of other things, but those are the main things. I've always wanted to try koala and boar, because I feel they have potential; I'll look into that. I also ate some funky Greek foods in Greece that I don't really know by name, but nothing very good or worth noting. Turkish food doesn't do it for me. BTW, has anyone ever had Prarie Oysters? They're bull or buffalo testicals pounded flat and fried. They sound interesting; anyone got experiance with them?[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Gray]Well. This is creepier then a "Sounds of Emo Philips" relaxation tape; but I'm still gonna do it. 1 - Currently I'm feeling a mix between elation and extacisism. My sub-favourite hockey team just beat the tar out of the "Best" Team in the League 4-0 in the Finals, so I'm pretty damn happy about it! 2 - I don't know... nothing's really centering my life right now. I'm pretty much just making it through, ya know, havin fun and the like. If I had to pick one thing, it'd probably be hunger, though... yea, hunger's the thing I'm most interested in at the moment. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray]My opinion is thus: Creationism is just an out-dated attempt at explaining the unknown. When you don't know something, humans compulsivly come up with something to explain it; afterall, what's more terrifying then the unknown? Over time, we've gone from believeing in the spirits of the forest, to many named gods with their own function, and down to one god; what's the next logical step? Abandoning the concept altogether and pursueing more modern, well-founded ideas. NOW, does that mean that I necessarily think that Evolution is right? I can't think of any other explanations that make as much sense; while there may be gabs in the theory, that doesn't mean that some rediculous "I said it, so it is!" theory without any backing whatsoever is correct. So I'm going with the good right now; by exploring Evolution, we can only learn more, and maybe it'll turn out that Evolution isn't correct and there's another explanation, at which point we will explore thatone. That's how intelligence evolves. As for me, well, I don't really care what's right or wrong. I like to learn, to know, to understand the world around me; but I don't really give a ****. Who cares if we came from monkies or from ashes, doesn't change who we are. For now, I'll just go with what makes sense. Logic POWER! Also: LOL! at Fundies.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Basically my outlook on Human Evolution is this. A guy who wanted to be famous came up with all this stuff like humans came from monkeys (which is totally absurd) and stuff like that so he could go down in history. Those who go to church and who believe in God, know that this isn't true, so why, I ask you do they force us to "learn it" in school?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray] So... you, a Christian, are calling us nonbelievers idiots because... we think something... because someone said it... at one point in time... and backed it up? Which is, of course, different from the big JC, who said something and then backed it up by saying "GOD DID IT LOL!"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray]Can't wait. Gonna be great, or at least should be. Hell of cast; Dan Craig, Nicole Kidman, Eva Green, Sam Eliott, Eric Bana, and other great actors. The CGI, from what I've seen in previews, looks top-notch, and I've heard good things about Dakota Blue Richards. I'm definatly expecting a great movie when this finally comes out. I havn't seen many daemons in the trailers sofar, but that's probably because the CG isn't quite done yet, but it's a long way till release and they got lots of time. The books were amazing so, by that logic, the movie will be too. Hopefully this gets enough support for the next two books... especially the third, which has real blockbuster potential. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray]Ok! It's choices like this that make me hate winning these games :( Well, sorry that my pic wasn't very caption-able... I have 56k so I don't hang around image-heavy sites very often, so I don't have any gold on my harddrive. But eh, there were some funny responses. AFTER MUCH DELIBERATION!:[/COLOR] [QUOTE=Jeremiah]Says one kid to the other: Hey, if I stand alone, I'll get pwnd. But if we stand together we can form a mighty fagot!* [size=1]fagot noun a bundle of sticks and branches bound together as fuel [syn: fagot] [/size] Says the other kid to the one: We ain't sharing rooms anymore! * This part is shamelessly ripped off The Simpsons. :p[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray] Ok, Jerry gets it... Mostly, I found this funny 'cause I got it right off the bat, rather then having to think about it. RUNNER UPS: 2007DigitalBoy and Ikillion [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray]Oh, fun, now I get to pick a new pic... Lovely. Anyway, I looked around, but couldn't really find anything hilariously captionable... So I went with the tried and true and put up a man in a thong.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://www.tribuneindia.com/2004/20040216/s7.jpg[/IMG]
[COLOR=Gray]Croc Union Leader: Look, Bill, I don't care how much you try to tempt us - we're not going back in the water 'till you fix the damn filter! *one croc jumps in* Dammit Frank, you freakin' scab, stop undermining our position![/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Lunox][color=dimgray] Sorry to bag, but I don't understand why people think commercialized women have no figure. Yes, they're skinny, but they have hips. And boobs. And butts. And they probably work out. Angelina Jolie is the skinniest women ever, and has plenty of curves. *shrug*[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray] Excuse me if I like my women to have some meat on their bones. Shape, figure, etc, doesn't matter if she's an adult woman weighing less then I eat for dinner. The whole "skinny is beautiful" thing has always been lost on me.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray]Am I the only one who doesn't find the "Miss X" chicks hot? Seriously, Miss Japan looks horrible. Miss Italy was probably the worst, though; have a freakin' steak, for christ's sake! All this super-skinny chicks with makeup and lipgloss are revolting. And their faux-personalities are even more hilarious. Seriously, I can't be the only one who thinks this... they look like barbie dolls.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=gray]In general, Zizu was apprehensive about things like this. Shimmering blue gates on desert islands in the middle of an unknown ocean didn?t exactly make his list of [I]?Things To Trust Without Condition.?[/I] But, in lieu of anything else to do, and in spite of his gut?s certainty that this was going to turn out bad, Zizu followed the group through the watery threshold. He went through last. One moment of darkness and discomfort later, Zizu was standing on a brick floor in what looked like a hastily abandoned palace. It was a gigantic single room that stretched off in all directions from where they stood in the same bluish brick. There didn?t appear to be any source of illumination, not even a torch, and yet the whole room was bathed in a strange, muted blue light that illuminated even the farthest corners, although it was a low illumination. The most noticeable thing was a strange sense of increased pressure, like the very air around them was pushing down on them. Off in the distance was the most interesting thing in the otherwise-bare room; a strange, raised platform seemed to grow out of the floor in tiers, a narrow staircase running up its side in a perfectly straight line. From their angle, Zizu couldn?t see what was on top of it. Zizu preferred the desert island. The others had gotten there first, and were already taking a few cautious steps by the time Zizu had taken in the whole scene. Cody, Nathan and Solace looked absolutely floored by the whole thing, their mouths gaping and eyes darting to-and-fro. Ruhe, however, looked a little queasy, his face a paler shade then normal; still, he too seemed amazed. It was then that Zizu felt it; a strange sensation, like being tired and having the flu all at once. He felt the colour drain from his cheeks and his arms began to sag. He felt like he was about to fall over. Overall, Zizu was having a bad day. [B] ?Wow, it feels like we?re underwater!?[/B] Solace marvelled, running her hands through the air and feeling the strange thickness of the particles. [B] ?What is this place??[/B] Cody said, his eyes settling on the alter-like structure. [B] ?Aquas du Mon.?[/B] Nathan said matter-of-factly, gesturing to the writing on the ground. [B]?What that means, well anybodies guess.?[/B] [B]?Anyone else feel like you just got hit by a truck??[/B] Zizu quipped in a muted, flat tone. [B]?Yea,?[/B] Ruhe said,[B] ?I feel it too, like I haven?t slept in a week. I felt perfectly fine on the island. I don?t like this place.?[/B] Zizu echoed his sentiments. [B] ?Strange; I don?t feel any worse for wear,?[/B] Solace said, the faces of the other two making it clear they didn?t either, [B]?maybe it?s just a side effect of the gate-thing. Or maybe it?s just stress.?[/B] She offered, shrugging her shoulders. Zizu decided that he?d had enough of this strange place. Without a word, he wheeled sluggishly and took a big stride back towards the gate; and ran face-first into a brick wall. [B]?Gate?s gone.?[/B] He stated the obvious, rubbing his sore nose but not able to heal his pride.[B] ?Stuck here. Oh joy.[/B]? He always talked in short, to-the-point sentences when he got nervous. [B] ?Well, guess that's not an option anymore.?[/B] Cody said, a hint of concern showing in his face. Like all animals, humans hate having their escape-rout cut off. [B] ?Yea. Let?s go find out what that monument thing is. If we?re going to find answers, we might as well start there. Doesn?t look like much else in here; I can?t see any exits.?[/B] Nathan spoke without letting any concern show through. Without another word, he put on his leader face and strode confidently towards the strange thing. Solace and Cody trailed right behind him, with Ruhe and Zizu straggling a bit further behind. In front of the strange convoy, the mysterious landmark stood like a mountain rising from a flat plain, imposing and strangely majestic. [I]Oh fun[/I], Zizu thought, [I]stairs. Just what I needed. [/I][/COLOR]
[quote name='Sazumechan']Oh and Pat Benutar.(I dont think i spelled her last name right but Im not sure how you spell it.sorry guys)[/quote] [COLOR=Gray] It's Pat Benatar. "Benutar" sounds like a really awesome cross-breed between her and the minotaur... Talk about sweet. She's a solid singer though, good voice.[/COLOR] [QUOTE] Why has nobody mentioned the Rolling Stones yet? I'm honestly surprised. Another one of my favourites, especially with that all-awesome song "Paint It Black".[/QUOTE][COLOR=Gray] I thought about it, but the Stones really aren't one of my favourite bands... I love a lot of their stuff, but the real reason they were such a hugely successful band is because they represented an edgier, more rebellious alternative to the bubble-gum pop of the early Beatles recordings. Still, "Wild Horses", "Sympathy for the Devil", and "Painted Black" are some of the best songs ever. [/COLOR] [QUOTE]I've heard some very good things about Pink Floyd, but so far I never found any of their songs that I'm all too crazy about... I dunno, "Money" is sort of neat, but... [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray] Agreed. I put Pink Floyd on when I want to go sleep; amazing artistry in their music, but most of it was so freakin' dull. I guess it's just the kind of thing you've either got to be an artiste or high to fully appriciate. [b]Wish You Were Here[/b] is an amazing album, though, far better then Dark Side or the Wall.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Jethro Tull is made of win and awesome. Rock-HeavyRock with a flute player? YES PLEASE. "Warchild" is a great album.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray] Jethro Tull clocks in at number six on my all-time favourites, just missing the cut... Amazing band. They were incredibly flexible musically and Ian Anderson is amazing. I love how they can go from hard, bass-heavy albums like Aqualung and Warchild to light, folky stuff in Heavy Horses and Minstrel in the Gallery, and be equally good at both. They even dabble - successfully - in satire. Thick as a Brick is both hilarious and incredible musically. Next to Canned Heat, the best use of the flute in a band ever. They're still touring, too; I'm gonna get tickets to a show in November. Going to be sweet![/COLOR]
Writing Directions to where you live - writing challenge
Johnny Justjohnny replied to Roxie Faye's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=Gray]You've left my life. Wonder what it's like to kiss a girl. Become a sexual deviant. Find things screwed up and wrong incredibly hot. Go to extreme measures not to be caught masterbating to futa shota yiff bondage two-three times a night. Feel deep shame. Find shame hot. Become apathetic towards the future; realize that life is short no matter which way you slice it, and thirty years of fun is better then ninty years of vegiburgers and excersize. Love every minute of life. Desire to become a tank driver. Realize that you'd probably not fit in a tank anyway. Suggest driving a zamboni instead. Settle for riding lawn-mower; crash into pond. Find hilarious. Become angsty; not because of loves lost or want to create, but because you're a cyberpunk with dial-up, effectivly a net-gimp. Write dirty limricks in response, and bitch about it to your parents. Don't get highspeed. Continue to suck at Counter-Strike and continue to miss out on hilarious YouTube videos. Consider becoming emo; realize that you're better then that. Think of yourself as a writer. Write bad role-play posts and cliched stories before dabbeling in unique naratives; think you're a great writer with good potential. Begin to criticize your work harshly; think it's crap and you'll never be a writer. Fail to overcome these thoughts; consider becoming a professional critic. Become a Canadian nationalist, extreme liberal socialist and rabid hockey fan. Continue to be a Canadian nationalist, alter your alignment to socialist libertarian, and become a tepid hockey analyst. Distance yourself from the pot-smoking buddies you grew up with and attatch yourself to the nerdlingers you can't deny relating too. Find a person with the exact same sense of humour as you, who also happens to be a bigger nerd then yourself. Feel better about yourself. Stop taking life seriously. Become an easy-going jovial fat-guy and enjoy things a whole lot more. Use a self-depricating sense of humour to amuse friends and bullies alike. Stop watching anime. Stop doing well in school. Start watching anime. Put on a pair of track pants. Nine months later, take them off and nail them your wall; lie in bed naked with it for a few nights. Yea. Go to highschool; realize you've lived your whole life in seclusion and have no idea what's going on in the world. Be the wrong kind of laughing stock. Desperatly try and think of cool bands to relate to your peers with; fail miserably.Officially stop watching nothing but kids cartoons. Go through a genuine phase as a rapper. Refer to yourself as AB in the third person for weeks at a time. Grow out of it, hopefully faster then I did. Become a social reject and become uptight about being fat. Eat more in response. Become lazier. Hate life. Get a computer. Become even lazier. Enjoy life a little more. Go to French pre-school. Get picked on by French kids; develop a hate for the language that'll last the rest of your life. Move to English school and skip the pre-school level, making you one year younger then everyone else in your school. Be labled intelligent. Live on a dirt road in a big house in the middle of nowhere, at the bottom of a valley with no neighbours under 50, all of which speak French. Love playing in nature for the first five years of life; become bored with it and become a coach potato. Have a mother-hen, easy-going/tempermental father, and a horrible bitch of a sister for family. Get dropped on your head at two by said sister; hate her for the rest of your life. Get born. Directions to my life, you say? Kay, so I attempted to (probably unsuccessfully) to write the directions backwards to sort of spice things up a bit... there's my life, mostly. Left out some unimportant things, but it's mostly there.[/COLOR]