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Johnny Justjohnny

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Everything posted by Johnny Justjohnny

  1. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']Hey, I feel ya man. You ever wake up with your arm cut off half way and crammed in your anus, just come out to the ocean and yell 'SEADUUUUUDE!!!' I'll get a shark to bite your head off and put you out of your misery once and for all.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Gray] Technically speaking, my brain is located in my gut; nothing but plastics and conducters in my head. If my head were bit off by some wacko mako with laser teeth (or something equally bitchin'), it would just cause me undending pain until my brain runs outta oxygen... Which ain't quick. Thanks for thinkin' about me, though. -Johnny Justjohnny[/COLOR]
  2. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]O_o you're not invited anymore. I think I'll invite Johnny justjohnny. I'd like to [strike]film some erotic mindless-puppet-on-beautiful-unicorn videos[/strike'] become friends with such an interesting person.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Gray] *shrug* I'm up for whatever. Wouldn't be the first time I've woken up engaging in [strike]beastiality[/strike] inter-species erotica before... Sometimes I think that the rich hate me and just rent me so they can **** with my system. Woke up once covered in napalm jell-o (some people have the ****itiest fetishes!); try figureing that one out! Took me three months worth of vat work with a blackwater knifenut to regrow the skin on my butt! The life of a blank ain't as easy as ya'd think...[/COLOR] [QUOTE=Mr. Maul][size=1][color=DimGray][b]INEVITABLE THREAD SELF-DESTRUCT DETECTED. BEGIN EVASIVE PROCEEDURES. [/b] [/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray] No dice, Chenybot! Don't make me [strike]channel[/strike] download my MacGyver persona to disarm this SDmech![/COLOR]
  3. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']Seaman's my father. I'm Seadude, jackass. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to make some dolphins get me some soda while I rape a seahorse. Chow.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Gray] plz send pix lol! As for myself, well. I'm Johnny Justjohnny. Basically, I'm a human blank; my mind is a 600-terrabyte silicone storage divi. Rich technocrats all over the Sprawl pay me good money to use my body remotely. Just jack me into a dock, store my conciousness on some matrix plat, and upload the buyer's mind into the divi and let them have free range. You'd be amazed at some of the **** that I wake up covered in...[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Gray][i]Oh My God[/i] AMAZING! Wow, I've been waiting forever for Blizzard to make it official, and they finally got around too it! The vids look amazing, just incredible; the graphics are [i]sick[/i] and some of those new units look out-of-this-world sweet! Those gameplay vids were just spectacular, it's like watching a really awesome sci-fi movie! The Protoss look completely different and the Terran are as cool as always, though I havn't seen much of the Zerg as yet. Oh man it's going to be so awesome! Korea must be going crazy right now![/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Gray]Favourite Artists: [b]William Shatner[/b]: I love Bill's work, and I'm not kidding. He's the ultimate celeb; he's past his prime and the butt of every joke in the book, and he's in on every one of them. The result? Two of the most purely entertaining music albums ever made - the Transformed Man and Has Been. The epitome of Shatner's is his cover of Common People, a great song made all the more hilarious because of the song's subject matter and the fact that it's being sung by William freakin' Shatner! [b]Jethro Tull[/b]: Great prog-rock band that's been around for-freakin'-ever and has been producing great music the whole way. Ian Anderson's quirky, enjoyable vocals combined with his masterful flute work are wonderful, but the whole spirit of the band is just plain awesome. Their parody of concept-albums, Thick as a Brick, is off-the-hook good, both technically amazing and easy on the ear. Furthermore, I love the folky, archiac feel on Minstrel in the Gallery, especially Cold Wind to Valhalla. [b]Stan Rogers[/b]: Amazing folk artist. His voice is the perfect hearty baritone that goes well with his sea-shanty style of songwriting, and he paints as perfect a picture of Canada as you're going to find. If you ever wanna be brought to tears, find a copy of The Northwest Passage or White Squall; the man was a genius. Died a hero in 1983, too... Died of smoke inhilation trying to get people off a smoldering plane. Stan Rogers! [b]Frank Zappa[/b]: The Zapper was one of the most incredible non-mainstream artists of all time. His lyrics were outright hilarious at times, his guitar riffs simply gut-rendingly awesome, his whole mystique just plain enjoyable. Joe's Garage and Apostrophe' are two of the best albums I've ever downloaded, and Broken Hearts are for ******** is one of my favourite songs ever. Well, there's a lot more then that, but for now I'll just leave it at those.[/COLOR]
  6. [QUOTE=kalon][B]BigSky:[/b] I thought the bag monster was pretty amusing, although you do have a few grammar mistakes in there. "Fat-man" should really be fat man and "Irishkid" needs to be Irish kid. I like the idea of the word "un-onomatopoeia-able," but it seems a bit too lengthy, especially with the hyphens. It might be better to choose a word with about the same meaning. Other than that, you're writing style is pretty good, and your descriptions are original. [/QUOTE][COLOR=Gray] "Irishkid" and "fat-man" were both intentional; I wanted to avoid using names, but still wanted to sort of apply a one-word title to the characters so that they could be easily identifiable. Irishkid is also a sort of play on the term Irishman; he's Irish, but he's not quite a man yet, meant to imply that the fat-man was somewhat superior to the red-head, which is a total in-joke, so don't let it bother you. Oh, and as for un-onomatopoeia-able, I just really, [i]really[/i] wanted to use that word, so I found a way. I realize "indescribable" would have been much more apt, but not nearly as cool. Thanks for the comments :D [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Gray]This is a really, [i]really[/i] short story (half a story, actually; the rest is sort of in-progress right now... I might post the completed version when it's done) that I'm writing for english class (I have a really open-minded LA teacher) and I'd like some people to comment on my work thus far. Ok, the assignment is this: take an event that happened in your life, and fictionalize it, a la The Life of Pi. I decided to make the story about a guy I know who stuffs his locker full of old plastic lunchbags (to this day, I swear it!) full of half-eaten food, because that's about as interesting as my life gets. Anyway, here it is! Please comment... [B][B][center]The Bag Monster of Locker E3114[/center] [/B] ?You?re feeding it?? The tasteless fat-man said to the red-headed Irishkid standing across from him, an incredulous look etched into his round, Herculean face. ?You?re telling me you?ve got a better idea?? The Irishkid responded, matching the fat-man?s incredulity with his own sarcasm. ?Oh, I don?t know, maybe we could tell someone about it?? The fat-man replied, his voice edged with whine, ?Like, you know, someone smarter then us?? ?Didn?t you learn anything from ET, man? Known fact: every time you find something cool, the worst thing you could do is go to the authorities about it!? The Irishkid held his hands, palm-up, in the air to illustrate how obvious a point he was making. ?It?s common sense! This has to stay a secret!? The fat-man?s handsome features twisted with an unmistakable twinge of stubbornness, and he removed his glasses and cleaned them abashedly. After a short pause, he continued: ?Ok, ok, fine ? give it all the bags it wants. But if it gets too big and you have to flush it down the toilet, you ain?t using mine, got it?? Having mentally bested the fat-man, the Irishkid?s lips curled back to reveal the vile smile hidden there in his Dante-esque mockery of joy. That hurdle topped, he turned to his locker and reached for the combo-lock. The fat-man took a few steps to the left and the Irishkid began to roll in the numbers. At first glance, one wouldn?t think much about Locker E3114. Your standard-issue, narrow aluminium school locker, with a yellow face and a few dents and scratches here or there; nothing to set it apart from the other fifty-or-so that ran down one of the school?s subsidiary hallways. As they say, never judge a movie by its trailer. The lock clicked and was pulled open and off its hook. With the kind of unison formally only seen during Nazi rallies, the two took in a deep breath and held it there as the door creaked open slowly. The fat-man?s eyes squeezed shut squeamishly, and a short cry escaped his lips as the smell poured out. It came at you in droves; its attack was as relentless as a Soviet assault, more debilitating then a high-heel to the crotch, like the rage of some putrid Poseidon clone. The smell broke like waves, leaving you with momentary gasps of air, only to steal it away seconds later as the smell poured into the swell. To put it poetically, it smelled worse then Hitler?s rotting corpse. The Irishkid was more used to the smell then the fat-man, so he managed to stay on his feet while the fat-man fell to his knees and gasped for air. But, as most things do, the attack passed with time and the air became breathable, if unpleasant, once more. The fat-man recovered, whistling reverently. ?Damn! That thing?s getting big!? The fat-man stated, prompting the Irishkid to grin again and arch his eyebrows with a sort of malicious pride. ?Mamafloo penzoile frer kikgaedegae!? exclaimed the Bag Monster, its voice a banshee?s wail played in fast-forward. It had nested in the top tier of the Irishkid?s locker amidst plastic bags and product placement, a mushy, amoeba-like mass of sentient fungus. ?Mikalaealoo ik penzoile hermanari!? It continued, a mouth forming like a fissure across its surface. The fat-man whistled reverently, and the Irishkid made a cooing noise under his breath in a vain attempt to silence the thing. With an un-onomatopoeia-able cry, the thing resolved a stubby tendril from its mass and reached out with it creepily, like a sagely beggar with a strange deformity. The Irishkid made a shushing noise and reached into his back pocket, returning with the Bag Monster?s favourite dish ? a plastic Super-C bag filled with rotting goodies. The thing?s tendril curled around the bag and took it roughly from the Irishkid?s hand, the tentacle then retracting rapidly back into the body and bringing the bag with it. The Irishkid stood back and let the beast go at it. The fat-man mad a shrunken-head face and let out a low, questioning note, shrinking away from the feasting beast in the locker. The Irishkid grinned and closed the locker door, leaving the slurping abomination to its meal. [/B][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Gray][B]Name:[/B] Zdenek "Zizu" Medvedov [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B] Appearance: [/B]Zizu is your run-of-the-mill post-teenage fat kid; a tall 6'3 with broad shoulders and a sizeable gut, his appearance just screams jovial. His face is round, with a pair of soft blue eyes that lie behind a pair of narrow glasses. He keeps himself clean-shaven, but maintains a sizeable mop of dirty-blonde hair on top of his head with no particular style. His skin is a sort of uneven pale, covered in a pale layer of naturally bleach-blonde hair. Generally, he wears excessive layers of baggey, dark clothes, and never wears jeans. While he may not look like it, Zizu is a very strong guy; not because he's got an array of muscles built up under those layers of flab, but because he understands momentum and leverage. He knows how to use his huge frame, making him an unpredictable fighter and a good doorstop. [B]Country of Origin:[/B] Born Czech, raised in Canada. [B]Element and Starting Powers: [/B][b]Rock[/b] [u][b]Easter Island Special:[/b][/u] Zizu's trademark move. When activated, he grows a rocky carapce all over his body and becomes virtually immovable when he wants to stay in one spot, making him a terribly effective tank. On the downside, he loses most of his mobility, making him vulnerable one-on-one. [u][b]Incan Typhoon:[/b][/u] With his ability to control small rocks, Zisu can send cyclones of the little devils at his enemies at ultra-high speed, doing little actual damage because of the size, but proving to be a distraction and an annoyance. Can only target one enemy at a time because of the sheer number of rocks involved. [B]Personality:[/B] Zisu is a remarkably easy-going guy. He likes to laugh and enjoy himself, rarely taking a situation seriously, no matter what. Doesn't like having a lot of responsibility or being a leader, is more comfortable as a follower. Is unnaturally lazy and unreliable in pressure situations, but is occasionally overcome with bouts of pride and determination that make him dead-serious and driven. These are rare. Has a strange sort of "I don't care!" confidence about him; that is to say, he'll say anything about himself or someone else regardless of who he offends, because he finds it funny and really doesn't care what people around him think. Most people just think he's a jerk.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Gray]Terry Fox. The bravest man to ever live, bar none. Loses his leg to cancer at the age of 18. What's he do? Does he sit there and mope about it, or try and use it to get life easy? Nope. He decides to run across Canada, from St. John's, Newfoundland, to Victoria, BC. On one leg. He aimed to spread awareness and raise money for cancer reaserch; people came out in droves to cheer him on and give money to the cause. He got all the way to Thunder Bay (About half-way across the country) before his cancer spread to his lungs and forced him to stop. He died June 28th, 1981, just 22 years old. Every year since then, in Canada and in places around the world, the Terry Fox Run is held to raise money for cancer reaserch. Obviously, you're not running 6,000 klicks across the country, you're running as much as you can and donating money to the cause. Since it's inception, over 340 million dollars have been raised for cancer reaserch; last year alone, over 32 million were raised, accomplishing Terry's dream of raising one dollar for every Canadian. And that's why Terry Fox is my hero. I'm always surprised when people outside of the country tell me they've never even heard of him. [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Fox]Further Reading[/URL] [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Fox_Run]Still Further Reading[/URL] [/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][CENTER][img]http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/3720/an20open20hand20symbol2ek2.gif[/img] [B][SIZE=4]+[/SIZE][/B] [img]http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/1533/roosterwb4.jpg[/img][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray] Yea, I like to strangle roosters too. Mother****ers, always crowin' in the middle of the morning while I'm trying to sleep... and nothing puts me in a better mood then getting some extra sleep. [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Gray]Too angry? Chill the **** out. Still angry? Nothing I can do to help ya.[/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE] Foolish because we haven't seen enough currency from our own continent that we thought it an espionage tool.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray] Wether you've seen it or not... well, come on! It's a poppy coin; how out-of-your-gourd nuts do you have to be to think it's spying on you?[/COLOR] [QUOTE]I'd rather have the Dept of Defense take all precautions to prevent espionage on them rather than being too lax and putting national secrets at risk.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray] See, it's one thing that the US Army contractors put it under a high-powered microscope. That's just idiotic. Then, when they found absolutely no evidence of anything resembling radio or broadcast tech, only something that looked sort of nanotechy (and trust me when I say this... if Canada ever made a spycoin, it'd have a big honkin' antenna on the back and a Radioshack logo instead of a poppy.), they sent the evidence to the DD... well, rather safe then sorry. But when the DD looked at all this evidence that had been gathered, and found something there worth declaring an espionage threat, THAT'S where the rediculous, Voneggutian comedy aspect comes into this. It's like the Culture of Fear theory gone to the hilarious.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]It is one retarded looking coin -- homemade looking to some point[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray] The poppy is supposed to look like that; it comes from the poem In Flander's Fields, and the stamp that was made to commemorate it in the 60's. The same poppy was used on the stamp as is used on the coin. Plus the picture that Retri posted looks kind of wierd, it doesn't normally have those tiny holes in it... Wierd. [/COLOR] [QUOTE]
  13. [URL=http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20070507.wspycoins0507/BNStory/National/home]Link[/URL] [QUOTE]WASHINGTON ? An odd-looking Canadian coin with a bright red flower was the culprit behind the U.S. Defence Department's false espionage warning earlier this year, The Associated Press has learned. The odd-looking ? but harmless ? "poppy coin" was so unfamiliar to suspicious U.S. Army contractors travelling in Canada that they filed confidential espionage accounts about them. The worried contractors described the coins as "anomalous" and "filled with something man-made that looked like nano-technology," according to once-classified U.S. government reports and e-mails obtained by the AP. The silver-coloured 25-cent piece features the red image of a poppy ? Canada's flower of remembrance ? inlaid over a maple leaf. The unorthodox quarter is identical to the coins pictured and described as suspicious in the contractors' accounts. The supposed nano-technology actually was a conventional protective coating the Royal Canadian Mint applied to prevent the poppy's red colour from rubbing off. The mint produced nearly 30 million such quarters in 2004 commemorating Canada's 117,000 war dead. The Globe and Mail "It did not appear to be electronic (analog) in nature or have a power source," wrote one U.S. contractor, who discovered the coin in the cup holder of a rental car. "Under high power microscope, it appeared to be complex consisting of several layers of clear, but different material, with a wire like mesh suspended on top." The confidential accounts led to a sensational warning from the Defence Security Service, an agency of the Defence Department, that mysterious coins with radio frequency transmitters were found planted on U.S. contractors with classified security clearances on at least three separate occasions between October 2005 and January 2006 as the contractors travelled through Canada. One contractor believed someone had placed two of the quarters in an outer coat pocket after the contractor had emptied the pocket hours earlier. "Coat pockets were empty that morning and I was keeping all of my coins in a plastic bag in my inner coat pocket," the contractor wrote. But the Defence Department subsequently acknowledged that it could never substantiate the espionage alarm that it had put out and launched the internal review that turned up the true nature of the mysterious coin. [/QUOTE] [IMG]http://images.theglobeandmail.com/archives/RTGAM/images/20070507/wspycoins0507/0507poppyquarter188.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Gray] Hilarious. Simply the funniest thing to ever happen in the world of espionage; this is zanier then Leonard 6. This is straight out of The Stupids. I can just see the DD agents huddleing around a table in a dark room, staring a single, solitary commemerative coin with intense looks on their faces, saying: "This strange red marking, likely some local combination between the swastika and communism, is far too outlandish; who puts colours on their money? Yes, there's no way around it, boys, the Canadians are spying on us." This is just emberassing. Paranoia in the US is getting pathetic. Still think the West is winning the war on terror?[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Gray]My last name is simple. Baillie. Like the drink, Baileys, only without the S. Probably, you're wondering how anyone could possibly frank that up. Oh, the wonders of living in a French part of the world... Ok. On any given day, I'll answer the phone, and this is what I'll hear: [i]"Allo? Iz tis Miter Bai-ee-ai?" *click*[/i] I don't really know how they manage to screw that up. Most of my teachers, even the French ones, manage to get it right; but telemarketers always seem to screw it up. I guess it's because they think it's pronounced like [i]Robitaille[/i] (Robe-it-ai), but still... I go out of my way to pronounce all the French names I run into correctly, why can't people make the same considerations for me? [/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='Farto the Magic][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]And I didn't say that everyone from Canada was bad. I just said that I hate Canadians who hate me because I'm American. And then I followed through with a mockery of those people. If you felt included in the mockery, consider yourself formally excluded. I like some Canadians, just not the ones who are nationalist.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=Gray] No, you pretty much did. Until your little apologist line at the end, you basically said everyone from Canada is an ignortant ego-maniac with an inferiority complex. Maybe you should watch your words a little more closey. Let's go in depth in your original post, shall we?[/COLOR] [QUOTE] At my school, 10% of the population are Canadian, and most hate Americans for no apperant reason.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray] Ah, a wonderful sample size. Like, maybe 100 imports at the most, yea that sounds like enough to base an entire opinion about a country on...[/COLOR] [QUOTE]It annoys me that their country sits up in a corner, poking fun at everyone else and acting like its so amazing.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray] It [I]is[/i] amazing. Just because we don't have some Manifest Destiny-esque desire to put our finger into everybody else's pie (like a certain country I could name, but won't) doesn't make that any less true. Canada is a virtual paradise - try and live here before you talk ****.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]No one will mess with you because you don't do anything, Canada.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray] Yea. You're right. We should totally, like, pick up our guns and go and, oh, I don't know, invade some poor country. Maybe piss off a few religionuts and disregard the UN, act like a bunch of teenage kids with firecrackers, that'd make us cool, right? No one will mess with us because we don't give them any reason too, genius. I can't see any problem with that.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]If they wanted your land, they'd sweep in from the North, because by the time the Canadians would figure out that something was up, the other guy would be about a hundred miles from the American border.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray]Er? You really don't understand anything about politics or warfare, do you?[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Stupid Canadians.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Canada.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray]Yea, sure [I]sounds[/i] like you're only talking about certain Canadians here... [/COLOR] [QUOTE]But there were also some real d*****bags.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray] Man, no ****. There are dumb mother****ers in every corner of the world. There are stupid Chinese people, there are jerk-*** French people, there are English ********, there are people everywhere who will say stupid things. Don't be one of them.[/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE=Farto the Magic][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]Grow up first? And talking about an entire country behind their back is mature? That's pre-teen stuff, mate. And their opinions of me are justified by my opinion of them, based on theirs of Americans as a whole? So by not liking that they hate me because of a stereotype, I fall into the stereotype? What are we stereotyped as? Hating Canadians because they hate us first? A non-vague explanation would be nice... [/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE][COLOR=Gray] You're stereotyped as ignorant people who know nothing about other cultures and peoples. I don't believe that to be true, but your rant about [I]us[/I], regardless of what inspired it, does nothing but confirm this. You hate a whole country because a few imports talk smack about you and yours? I know a whole lot of Americans who are ignorant and stupid and moralist, but I don't go around saying that they represent the whole of America.[/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='NIKI12345']Hey before yoy call anyone a religionut you should really look things over. Me I'm Muslum but just because I disagree with kids thinking that just because I'm Muslum I'm going to blow them up. I want to make my life job a job where I study the good and bad things about religons and try and put that big puzzle of ours together. Yeah so you say he should grow up I think you need to grow up first before you tell anyone what they need to do. Hey I can add you to the list of two people who can grind my gears. Congrates.[/quote] ... ... [COLOR=Gray] What? People can be religious all they want. A religionut is someone who forces his religious ideas down the throat of people who want no part in it. Those people who go door-to-door preeching about their ideas, those people. The Fred Phelpses and Osama bin-Ladens of the world. Please, before ranting, try and read the rest of the post, da?[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Gray]I put about a pound of cheyenne pepper, and a quarter of a litre of various hot sauces into my friend's pancakes. Man was just sittin' down to enjoy some freakin' flapjacks, poor guy's eyes came about three inches out of their sockets![/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Gray]People who go out of their way to be different - they're like the negative moulde for all the cardboard cutouts that make up this world now-a-days, only worse because they're smart enough to make the choice. Be yourself, don't be someone because no one else is. Harry Potter erotic fanfiction. Actually, anything that has the words "Harry Potter" and "erotic" make my list... which includes Dan Radcliffe's Horse Pose Prose. Jeezus, that is one harry ************! (loL!) People who take life seriously. Life is just a series of running gags and amusing stories, each more amusing then the last, and people who think it's anything more just get on my nerves. Chill the hell out, it's not like it's permanent or anything. Toronto, and anything afilliated with Toronto. Moralists, religionuts, and any other kind of fascist punks who refuse to accept different points-of-view and moral philosophies, and force their own views. This includes censors, Health Food Hitlers, and other like-minded book-burning filters. I'm not an irritable person, really. It takes a lot to grind my goat. [/COLOR] [QUOTE] Canada. At my school, 10% of the population are Canadian, and most hate Americans for no apperant reason. It annoys me that their country sits up in a corner, poking fun at everyone else and acting like its so amazing. Ego-maniacal when it comes to politics, them. No one will mess with you because you don't do anything, Canada.Not because you're all-powerful. If they wanted your land, they'd sweep in from the North, because by the time the Canadians would figure out that something was up, the other guy would be about a hundred miles from the American border. Stupid Canadians. Now don't get me wrong. I went to Canada, and there were some nice people up there. But there were also some real d*****bags.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray] Everything you just said confirms their opinions of you. Maybe if you want to talk about us, you should grow up first, ya? I don't hate Americans, but sometimes I wonder why...[/COLOR]
  20. [quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']I'm changing my answer, ex-girlfriends are usually far more dangerous than any other weapon, and if she knows Judo like one of mine did, you can just multiply the lethality factor by about ten.[/SIZE][/quote] [COLOR=Gray] Wouldn't the ex-girlfriend just try and kill you after takin' out the baddies? You might as well be unarmed, you'd still die but it would be infinently less horrible.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Gray]This week it's probably... [b]Mr. Tambourine Man[/b] by... William Shatner. I downloaded the song as a joke - and, for a while, I listened too it because it was hilarious. But now I can't get enough of it... it freakin rules! His 2004 album, Has Been, is also great on a purley musical level... the guy is so great because he doesn't take himself seriously. I love it![/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE=BlueMoon] The fashion trend I hate the most, however, is in children's clothing. I can't stand the clothing little girls are given now. I call it Bratz clothing after those dolls. It's all halter tops and thongs and such. I don't understand why that clothing sells so well. [B]It feels like oversexualizing girls. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray] Bingo... start em' young and early, build the cheap-to-make-but-expensive-to-buy whore-style of clothing into them early and they'll be hooked for as long as they're profitable. Brilliant marketing scheme, really, but a shameful commentary on our society as a whole and the importance we put on the notion of cool. As for me, I ****ing hate fashion. I don't wear something because someone else - be it a celeb or the guy sitting next to me in LA - thinks it looks cool. I put no weight into the concept... it's never seemed to matter to me. I don't conform to any fashion concept, be it conformism or the oxymoron that is nonconformism... don't see the point to it. Whatever feels comfortable and whatever I like, that's what I wear.[/COLOR]
  23. [quote name='Roleni-Chan']Me personally was a big drunkie, big time stoner as well. Never Ciggys, I think they are gross. Not anymore but I think its wrong now. But doesn't it violate the First admendment of the United States?[/quote] [COLOR=Gray] If the above post doesn't convince you of the dangers of drugs, then nothing will... Holy crap that was confusing. I don't do drugs, but I think people should have the right to put whatever they want in their bodies. Notice I said whatever they [I]want[/I] - I think that there's a difference with ciggarettes because when you smoke around people who aren't smokers, you put things into their bodies that they want no part of... that's the line in the sand for me. [/COLOR]
  24. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']A friend of mine thought of the best weapon ever. A squirtbottle full of AIDS-infected blood. If someone pisses you off, you pushe the nozzle in their mouth and watch them freak out. Sweetest revenge ever.[/COLOR][/quote][SIZE=2] [COLOR=Gray] Great weapon. You give him AIDS, he blows your head of with a .346. 6 years later, BAM! Instant karma. Me, I've always been partial to shaped plasma charges. Ok, sure, it may not have the sex appeal of a katana, or the testosterone-infused masculenity of the AK, but, god dammit, there's not a thing in the world more devestating then getting a face full of plasma. Really wakes you right the **** up. Great thing is that you don't have to be right next to the guy to use em - or accurate. Just find out what city he's living in and drop a few shaped plasma charges out, and he's pretty-well ******. Although I must admit, I do get a massive erection holding the Peacemaker, which like tripples my Str attribute, making it a pretty slick weapon in its own right. In any case, nothing quite beats a good ol' lightingbolt on a cold day, that's for sure.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=2][COLOR=Gray]Currently: [B]This Wheel's On Fire[/B] by [B]The Band[/B] Great bit of music from the band that first spanned the bridge between Roots of Rock and Rock n' Roll. Right now I just love it - it might not be as big as The Weight or Up On Cripple Creek, but it's still a fanastic song. Not sure what the hell it's about, but I really don't care. HM: Badge (Cream), Tie Your Mother Down (Queen), Back In The High Life Again (Warren Zevon), Dancing In The Streets (David Bowie and Mic Jagger)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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