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Johnny Justjohnny

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Everything posted by Johnny Justjohnny

  1. [QUOTE]That was my point. God, please pay attention.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray] [SIZE=1]Was it? Hmm... Sorry about that, must'a been ranting.[/SIZE] [/COLOR] [QUOTE]Also, a 'miserable failure?' How so? (not that i support communism, if it were up to me we'd have a monarchy)[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray][SIZE=1] Communism will never work and it has always failed to so - not the government itself, Communism is a fine idea. The problem is that it is impossible to implement Communism without it mutating into a veiled dictatorship. Simply, this is because the whole idea hinges on the main emptysuits in charge not being dicks, which is a proven impossibility. [/COLOR][/SIZE] [QUOTE]The Communist society that was formed in the USSR and spread should not be said to be anything resembling what Marx or Engels intended with their ideas. Specifically the political system implemented by the Bolsheviks, where you have one 'Party' ruling over everything despotically, is particularly flawed and pretty far removed from the descriptions of a classless, stateless utopia you read in the Manifesto. Unfortunately the system of government the USSR used was copied by every other Communist country that existed. It spread like a disease. I'd like to take the time I'm not making the argument that any other attempt to implement a communist society would work since it's very idealistic, impossibly so. It's just simplistic to say "Communism has failed" as there are a bunch of Trotskyist and others who would bitterly disagree with you. Much more complicated than that.[/QUOTE][SIZE=1] [COLOR=Gray] I agree with you that the USSR wasn't true Communism, but I say Communism has failed because there is no way to avoid it degenerating into what the USSR became... the temptation for the leaders will always be to great. Now that was offtopic...[/COLOR][/SIZE] [QUOTE]Well, I'm assuming that the baker isn't on the brink of starvation/poverty/malnutrition. It's not fair to the baker, and I'm being presumptuous but the starving person needs it 'more'.[/QUOTE][SIZE=1][COLOR=Gray] Maybe the Baker is so successful because he doesn't have some tramp running off with his wares all the time... And it's not a matter of 'more.' It's a matter of 'deserve.' I sympathize with people who get shat on in life, but that doesn't mean that the Baker has any reason to be victimized by it - wether it be one loaf of bread, or a hundred, he worked hard to make it so that he can feed HIS familty. Like I said, I'm sorry for the people who don't have any other option, but there are too many people who are in that situation because of their own complacency and poor decision-making, it would be far to easy to abuse a situation like that. Those are the people that the truely misfortunate should blame. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [QUOTE]for the first part i understand what your saying, but to tell if that dealer is telling the truth just check to see if there lieing.[/QUOTE][SIZE=1][COLOR=Gray] Do you know how much it would cost to run an extensive backround check on every drug-sifting drifter who claims that they only did it because their family needed it etc? Information on those type of people can be very hard to get and police forces aren't miracle workers, they don't have time to devout a cop to every sob story that comes their way. It simply isn't feasable.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [QUOTE]Also most people i know who have sold drugs alredy had families and had to support them on there own with no job[/QUOTE][SIZE=1] [COLOR=Gray] And? Maybe it's time those people grew up and got a real job. Maybe not a great job, but start somewhere, work your way up to respectabilty, rather then hanging around on the bottem rungs of society feeling sorry for themselves. Plus by letting these people deal drugs they just add to the problem, creating more people with no jobs and no money and families to support. [/COLOR][/SIZE] [QUOTE]I think crime is morally and ethically acceptable if your survival depends upon it, but I don't think it should be legal for the reasons Raiyuu mentioned.[/QUOTE][SIZE=1][COLOR=Gray] See, here I disagree. Why should the crime's victim suffer because of the criminal's plight? What about a baker who works hard all day making bread in the heat, and then puts his wares on display to try and earn a profit, only to have someone walk along and take it without paying? How is that fair to the baker? Or what about in more extreme cases, do you agree to mugging someone in a dark ally because they have the money a criminal needs to feed its family is 'morally and ethically acceptable'? [/COLOR][/SIZE] [QUOTE]How about this. Instead of legalizing the obvious crime of stealing, why not heal the economy, create a government that isn't war-hungry, and unite peoples under peace. Then, you know, this problem wouldn't exist.[/QUOTE][SIZE=1][COLOR=Gray] Impossible. There will always be crime because there will always people who have more. More money, more food, more whatever, there will always be people with more, and people who want more and are willing to cheat to get it. Communism was a form of government that tried to eliminate that division, but it turned out to be a miserable failure. Even if you DO eliminate poverty, all you get is a bunch of rich people trying to steal the money from other rich peoplle (which is worse because it's just greed without a hint of the survival instinct).[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Gray]The terrorists aren't winning at all! :animestun :animestun [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Gray]Try headbut. Effective in all situations, easy to use, simple, fun to say... Hell, it worked for Zidane, I'm sure Lugia can handle it...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Gray][b]"You are what you is."[/b] - Frank Zappa [b]"Even the losers get lucky sometimes."[/b] - Tom Petty [b]"The survival of everyone on board depends on just one thing: finding someone on board who can not only fly this plane, but who didn't have fish for dinner."[/b] - Airplane! (Specifically, Leslie Nielsen as Dr. Rumack) [b]"Surley you can't be serious!/I am serious... and don't call be Shirley.[/b]" - Airplane![/COLOR][/SIZE]
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