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Order Of Otaku

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About Order Of Otaku

  • Birthday 10/31/1993

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  • Biography
    I love all who love anime!I will support you if you do fanart!I'm also up for request just email me about the details.In short,I'm in love with anime,and forever will be.
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Order Of Otaku's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. The Family Guy soundtrack(Live In Las Vegas),the whole soundtrack.
  2. Check out the publishers(of the American version)website.So that would be tokyopop.com
  3. If I make a manga should it be in color? Because people think color manga will be expensive to buy.
  4. Every ending of an anime. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Welcome to Otakuboards, [B]Order Of Otaku[/B] Please don't hesitate to go and re-read the Official Otakuboards rules as well as the How to post in Anime Lounge sticky located at the top of the forum. In said rules it states that one line posts like these are considered spam. Your future posts should contain more than just. "Every ending of an anime." try to be more descriptive and say why they made you cry, What series were they and so on and so on. If you have any future questions feel free to Pm either myself or another Staff member~Ikillion[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. As the title says I love art contest,and I was wondering if any are going on the site?
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