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About Kain
- Birthday 08/13/1987
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Otaku (3/6)
[COLOR=Sienna]Name: Cesar Santana Age: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: I'll put in later Position: Explosive Expert Weapons: .45 Caliber Pistol,M4 Assault Rifle,C4 Plastic Explosives,Grenades Bio: Cesar was only 13 when the war first began.He was still living in Mexico with his mother and three older brothers.The androids hadn't come down from The U.S yet but the people in his town and the surrounding cities were being evacuated and the millitary was being sent in to occupy the towns and cities and reinforcements were being sent up north to help the U.S forces. It only took the androids about a month to break through the border to Mexico. They fought vigurously to drive the machines back to the border. It actually worked for a little while because the androids began to withdraw back to the north.They actually thought they had won but little did they know the androids were just withdrawing to regroup.People were allowed to come back to their homes after the androids didn't appear for about two months.But this is when the real battle took place. The androids came back full force.This time the Mexican millitary wasn't ready for the battle ahead.Actually you couldn't really call it a battle but more of a massacre because every man,women,child,and soldier was attacked and most were killed.Cesar was a witness to all of the carnage that fell upon that country that day.Two of his brothers and his mother were killed as they tried to escape the battle.Now that he is older he wishes to avenge his brothers and his mother and take down the androids once and for all.[/COLOR]
Name: Damien Henderson Age: 16 Grade: 11 Gender: Male Appearance: Carmel color skin,both ears pierced,waves in his hair and long thin sideburns,usually wears a black wife beater,black baggy jeans,and some black low top shoes. Skills: Fighting,Good at collecting information,Street Smart Bio: Damien is the popular guy you have in every highschool.He's good looking, the ladies love him, and he knows about everything going on in the school around him.He really is smart but he's too lazy so you can't tell by his grades.One thing that sets him aside from anyone else is that he's street smart,a born hussler.He gets this from being raised in the ghetto as a child.He couldn't depend on his mother or his father for support so he had to get up and do things on his own. Hope this is ok.
After being booted out of the kitchen Lysander walked back behind the counter in the bar.It was starting to get pretty busy and he didn't want to leave Van with all the customers.Even though Lysander knew Van could handle himself he just didn't want to be left out. Lysander: Ok i'm back now. Van: Good I was starting to get worried. Lysander: No need to worry about me.Idgie might be pretty tough but I can still handle her. Van: No you can't....besides I wasn't worried about you I was worried about the food. Lysander: Oh wow thx. :rolleyes: Lysander and Van chuckle a bit as they take some more orders.
Lysander woke up knowing it was Monday and going to be busy.Most of the time he usually helped Van with the customers on Monday behind the bar even though he hated waking up so early in the morning. Lysander: Still so early...might as well get up and help Van. Lysander hops out of bed and washes up quickly before throwing on his clothes.He walks down stairs past the guest rooms eventually ending up in the lobby.He walks through the door leading to the bar. Lysander: Hey Van. Van: Hey you ready? Lysander: Aren't I always.
Name: Lysander Gender: Male Race: Elf Age: 216 Hair Color: Black and Silver Skin Color: Tan Size: Tall,skinny Clothing style: Shirt,Vest,Pants Shoes: Classy Shoes Eye Color: Hazel Weapon: Broad Sword Life Style: Lives in Inn Job: Waiter Personality: Carefree,Show-off
[FONT=Arial Narrow]September 16,2006 Racoon City.....it's becoming a hell hole.....a real city for the damned.But of course Racoon City wasn't always like this.Only after Umbrella Inc. moved here did....well strange things start to happen.Mysterious murders began to occur but after the person died they would come back to life some how.No one could figure it out. One thing we did know was that it was Umbrella.It had to be...only after they moved to our city did this stuff happen.What could it be? September 19,2006 More strange things are starting to occur.The people being killed are now zombie like.We had to blockade a part of the town so that they didn't get to the rest of us.The police have come to a conclusion that this must be some sort of virus.That damn Umbrella....I knew that them coming here was bad news.But nothing can be done now...all we can do now is pray. September 23,2006 The city...it's in total chaos.The police are severely outnumbered and can't handle the situation.They weren't trained for a situation like this.Everywhere you turn there is an undead moaning....always moaning.....I think i'm going crazy...can't take much more of this.Should I just kill myself?There's no way to get out of the city.....a zombie around every corner.....i'd rather kill myself than turn into one of them. September 24,2006 This will be my last entry before I die.I can't stand the thought of turning into one of these undead cannibals..... [U]A few days later.....[/U] A small group of mercenaries hired by Umbrella enter the city to rescue any survivors that may be running in the city.But all these mercenaries know is that a virus was released in the city.No one knows who did it but the city was infected. So this is where our story begins....[/FONT] So to sign up for my rp post up the following profile: Name: Age: Occupation: (survivor or mercenary)You can be a RCPD officer or any other thing a civilian could do. Personality: Appearance: (can post pic) Bio: (paragraph or more) Weapon: (nothing spectacular for survivors just handguns.mercenaries can have just about whatever except grenade launchers and such) I'll only be accepting about 5 mercenaries and 4 survivors.But don't worry about that just post a profile if interested but try to be creative with it.I'll post mine in a min just need to take a break for awhile.
[color=firebrick][I]Kain tosses Kyo into the water so he can cool off. Kyo-Hey!!What's the big idea!?! Kain-Chill out man.... Kain opens all of his pokeballs and lets his pokemon out to stretch and relax.He then falls into the cool refreshing lake and cools off just like he told Kyo to do. Kain-If you just chill out and don't get so fired up you'll catch alot more pokemon and understand alot more.... Kyo-......... Kain notices something is swimming around under him and touching his back.He doesn't try to swim away cause that might make things worse. Kain- Uh-oh......something....is......in.......my.......pants!!!!! Kyo-Yeah your really calm Kain ;) As Kain jumps out of the water a Corphish jumps out of his pants.Mightyena runs over to Kain and tackles the Corphish sending it sliding on the ground. Kain-Ok use Quick Attack now Mightyena!! Mightyena dashes at the Corphish and smashes into it.But the Corphish clamps down on some of Mightyena's fur and they both go flying.Corphish takes most of the damage and is stunned leaving it open to be captured. Kain-Good job! Kain throws a pokeball at the Corphish and it is inside it in a red flash.The ball rocks for a second then turns white. Kain-Now if you just chill out you'll have plenty of opportunities to catch pokemon. Kain walks away leaving Kyo in the water to think and cool off so.[/color][/I]
[color=firebrick][I]Kain woke up lazily.He npticed he had over slept and everyone had gone. Kain-Well geese they couldn't wait on me...... Kain goes down to the cafeteria in the pokemon center to get something for him and his pokemon to eat before they went out down to the gym.He let Mightyena,Houndour,and Heracross out of their pokeballs so they could get some grub. Kain-I want you guys in tip top shape so we can win when we go face Gina today. Kain had everything planned out.First he would start out with Heracross and start out the battle slow.Then he would change to either Houndour or Mightyena depending out what Gina does.As Kain finishes his food he packs up all his things and returns his pokemon to their balls. Kain-I wonder where everyone is....oh well i'll probaly see them in Vanilla Hill. With that Kain went off towards the town's pokemon gym.It was his first battle and he was really nervous.Kain approached the gym door only to find that the gym was closed but would be open a little bit later. Kain-Well this sucks.I might as well try to find Sam and everyone else.[/I][/color] Sorry I haven't posted in awhile.You can find me whenever you want and tell me when the gym is open Blanko.
[color=firebrick][I]Kain-Heracross use Horn Attack!!!!!Houndour use Bite!!!! Heracross hits the Mightyena with a strong Horn Attack sending it across the room.It quickly recovers and gets up and performs a strange headbutt.Houndour clamps down on a Poochyena and tosses it about the room but the other Poocheyna tackles him. Kain-Grrrrr....alright Heracross use tackle attack to knock out one of those Poocheyna! Heracross flys into one of the dogs and knocks it out the window and back to where it came from.Houndour kocks out the other Poochyena with another bite attack then finishing it with an ember attack. Kain-Now both of you tackle that Mightyena!! Both Houndour and Heracross tackle the Mightyena into a wall knocking it out.Kain tosses his pokeball at it trapping it in the ball.It rocks back and forth for a second before stopping and the little button turns white again. Kain-Good job guys.You ready to get somethin to eat Kyo? Kyo-Bout time....[/I][/color]
[color=firebrick][I]Kain tosses the key on the night stand next to his bed and plops down on it face first.Kyo does the same thing but his stomach starts growlin and Kain is awakened by the strange sounds. Kain-Have you ever eaten?That was a pretty loud growl.... Kyo-Uhhhh that wasn't me...... Kain-It would have had to be you what else could it have been because it wasn't me.... Kain got up quick and looked out of the window.He saw about three pairs of red eyes staring out from the darkness of the night.Kain lets out Heracross and Houndour to prepare for battle.[/I][/color] It could be any pokemon you want just needed some action.
[color=firebrick][I]Kain walked down through the forest leaving Genim back where they had met.He wanted to get to the Pokemon Center in Edgewood before night fell.Kain was only about a mile away from town now so he thought this would be a good excersise for his pokemon.He let Heracross and Houndour out of their pokeballs so they could run with him. Kain-Alright now guys try not to fall behind k? Kain begins the downhill run by jogging so that they didn't get so tired right at the beginning.Houndour was ahead of both Kain and Heracross.Kain could tell that Houndour was a very competitive pokemon which he thougt would come in handy during tough battles.Then Kain looked at Heracross who was running right beside him loyal as ever.Heracross would make a good traveling companion and friend.After about a half hour of jogging they reached Edgewood.Kain took in some very deep breaths as Houndour kept on jogging in front of him. Kain-Alright lets head over to the pokemon center and get some grub! Kain returns Heracross and Houndour to their pokeballs as he walks into the pokemon center only to here shouting in the rec area about a Scyther causing trouble.Kain leaves his pokemon with the assistant at the front desks and walks in the rec room to see what's going on.To his surprise he finds Sam,Starr,and Nitsuke. Kain-Well what do we have here?[/I][/color]
Hey Swordmaster you need to put more length to your posts or you gonna get banned.That last post wasn't even a paragraph. [color=firebrick][I]Kain greets Genim graciously and offers her a sandwhich and an apple. Kain-I don't have too much to offer.I have to keep up with supplies.Can't just go around eating and using up everything ya know? Genim-Yeah,I got what your sayin. Kain-How many pokemon have you caught?I've got Heracross and Houndour so far.I'm gonna need at least one more to even try to get my first badge from Gina.[/I][/color]
[color=firebrick]Kain had settled in a clearing to rest a bit and grab a snack.He let Heracross out of its pokeball so it could eat and stretch its legs.But before Kain could get his back pack off he heard growling in the brush and trees behind him and Heracross.Heracross turned around quickly to face their opponent.It was a Houndour that looked extremely hungry and would eat just about anything.It began to growl viciously at Kain.Heracross flew in front of it to give it a challenge. Kain-Alright Heracross you ready? Heracross-Heracross!! The Houndour began the battle with a bite attack.Heracross barely got away in time but it was able to recover and follow in with a skillful and well aimed tackle attack.It hits Houndour head on sending it a few feet away but the demon hound hops back up and fires an Ember attack.Heracross tries to dodge but isn't fast enough and catches some of the attack. Kain-Come on Heracross you can do it!!Use Horn attack!!! Heracross tosses Houndour up with its massive horn and as Houndour is in the air Heracross charges at it and hits it dead on knocking it out of the air.The Houndour tries to get up but falls back down. Kain-Now here goes.... Kain throws one of his pokeballs at the Houndour.In a red flash the Houndour is in the pokeball.It rocks for a second or two then finally falls still and the button turns white and Kain acquires his second pokemon. Kain-Great job Heracross!Come on over here and take a rest. Kain and Heracross take a res tbefore continuing on to Edgewood to get their first badge.[/color]
[color=firebrick]Kain was still packing his bags preparing to leave.He wanted to make sure he was ready for the path that lay ahead of him and Heracross. Kain-Ok Heracross we ready? Heracross replies cheerfully and follows behind Kain as they walk out of his dorm heading for the front entrance of the school.As Kain walked out of the school he drew in a deep breath. Kain-Lets head for Sprite Forest.After we get through the forest we'll be just a few miles away from Edgewood....it sure will be good to be home again.... Kain takes out a map from his backpack and looks for a route to Edgewood.He starts out on a dirt road leading to Sprite Forest.[/color]
[color=firebrick]Kain sat up in bed sniffling.He had just gotten over his cold and was really bummed he had missed the graduation ceramony.So he lazily got up and walked to the door.As he opened it there was a teacher standing at the door to his dorm. Teacher-I'm sorry you missed the graduation and the partnering. Kain-Hmph me too.Well what is it? THe teacher extends her hands and gives Kain his COD,his first pokemon,and extra pokeballs. Kain-Wonder what i got... Kain opens the pokeball with a vast amount of curiosity and to his pleasure and comes a beautiful Heracross. Teacher-I hope you like it.I thought you two would be the best of partners! Heracross-Hera.Heracross. Kain-I think we will be fine together. Kain gives a small smile but before he closes the door his old teacher tells him one last thing. Teacher-You should be cleared out of your dormitory by 5:00p.m today....oh and congratulations! Kain-Yeah...thx. Kain shuts the door and looks at his new found friend. Kain-Well i think we should get packin. Heracross-Hera![/color] Sorry for postin so late you guys.Hope i didn't hold the story up too much.