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Everything posted by jen_sa

  1. 1. D-51-Brand New World (One Piece) 2. DBSG-Asu Wa Kuru Kara (One Piece) 3. TRIPLANE-Dear Friends (One Piece) 4. BoA-Every Heart (Inuyasha) 5. Every Little Thing-Grip (Inuyasha) 6. ANZA-Tobira Wo Akete (Card Captor Sakura) 7. Hitomi-Over The Sky (Last EXILE) 8. BoA-Duvet (Serial Experiments Lain)
  2. 1. [B]Gokusen[/B]-a teacher who happens to be part of a group-Yakuza. 2. [B]Card Captor Sakura[/B]-a 10 year old girl who claim magic powers and gather clow cards. 3. [B]One Piece[/B]-a boy named Luffy who embarks on a journey with his friends to be the pirate king. 4. [B]Ranma 1/2[/B]-a 16 year old boy who when splashed with cold water turns into a girl and when splashed with hot water turns back into a boy.
  3. i have gokusen and it's really good. also card captor sakura. i luv those two. i seen death note and that was good too and i have also seen the live action one as well. =>jen
  4. i've seen death note and the live movie version of it too. it is scary but it's good. =>jen
  5. Have you seen Love Hina they have a christmas special for that. I have it and it was good. =>Jen
  6. Probably the one from Fushigi Yuugi when [spoiler]Nuriko died.[/spoiler] That monster from the evil side killed him that I cried at the sight of it. =>Jen [COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][INDENT]I added spoiler tags to your post, next time, when posting something that can spoil it for someone who has yet to see the show, use spoiler tags. Thanks! ~Aaryanna[/INDENT][/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. I've been watching Ranma I have the complete series so I've seen them all already. I also watch One Piece I luv that too. =>Jen
  8. I've been watchin One Piece and I'm up to ep 274. I haven't seen the next ones yet. =>Jen
  9. I first watched Sailor Moon when I was young and it was on TV and I watched it before I go to school in the morning. Then I haven't been watchin anime for a while until Pokemon came and I started watchin that. Later on my cousin introduced me to other anime which haven't appeared in the country yet so I was glad to watch more and then other different animes have appeared on TV and I've been watchin them ever since. =>Jen
  10. I've been watchin One Piece and I'm up to ep 274 I haven't seen the next ones yet. =>Jen
  11. I loved Sailor Moon, Captain Planet, Sesame Street, Play School, Power Rangers, Looney Tunes, and Disney shows. Think that's all I remember.
  12. I like action and drama comedy and maybe romance depends on the anime it is. I like Ranma, Inuyasha, One Piece and others. Something funny that is.
  13. I dont drink alot coz its totally bad for my health. I have a medical condition and if i drink it may cause me to have an attack at any time. I take prescription medicines but they're not drugs coz i have to take them accordin what the doctor asked me to do. =>Jen
  14. Ive been payin for prescriptions for almost 12 years now and Im still a young girl. I have a disability and a medical condition and i have to get prescriptions all the time for my health. It gets worse every now and then. =>Jen
  15. I once vomited when i first got my braces. Has that ever happened to u? =>Jen
  16. It seems to have alotta eps. Ive only seen up to around ep 220 i think. Im still waitin to see the other eps wonder when i will get to watch 'em. =>Jen
  17. I haven't seen it. I do wanna watch it but I can't. =>Jen
  18. Im not sure what new animes will be shown in Australia this year. Im hopin that there will be some. Have to wait and see. =>Jen
  19. I wouldn't mind subs or dubs coz I watch any anime with them but considering that I actually watch subs. On TV they show dubs and not subs. =>Jen
  20. One Piece is on TV in Australia and I seen it also on DVD. I seen the episode where the crew play games with Foxy Pirates. =>Jen
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