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Lord Of Terror

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Everything posted by Lord Of Terror

  1. This is far from an original storyline..however I belive this will be great fun to act in a RPG like this. [COLOR=DimGray]"try to catch my as you may, and elusive as I'll be, you'll search upon a Bay, and look upon the Redwood tree" Sergent Mcoy read aloud at the scene. "Damnit what does this mean?" he shouted as he was turning the evidence around in his hand. The suspect had left a poem on the back of a [URL=http://img219.imageshack.us/my.php?image=californianorth90tg0.jpg ][COLOR=DarkRed]map[/COLOR][/URL] of the area. It had been 3 days since he had any sleep,these ongoing investigations left him effortlessly on edge. This was the fifth crimescene that he had to come to this month, all by the notorious Panther. Bruitle crime scenes flashed through his mind as he tried to figure out how to catch and stop this mass murderer. For all he knew this guy enjoyed killing, and was good at it. In the past year there had been countless unsolved murder cases which had no leads. On this case nineteen teenagers where ruthlessly killed with what the experts belived to be a "high powered" nail gun. They belive it to be "high powered" because most nail guns could shoot point blank through two human skulls, much less at a distance of ten feet. The corpses of the teenagers where strewn around in no particular pattern, but there was one who was at least three feet away from the others. The sergent walked over to examine thim closer, he looked about thirteen. "****" he cursed under his breath as he saw the body, he had a nail lodged in his torso and another in his throat, it appeared he was alive when the "panther" left. He had crawled less than four feet befour drowning in his blood.Sergent Mcoy called an officer over to come and take the map to to the lab for fingerprints, it was a longshot but any little detail would help. He shuddered as the door blew open and the wind picked up the stench of the newly dead, the smell clung to the back of his throat making him gasp for freash air. He burs out the open door and took in deep lungfulls of air trying to rid his mouth of the foul tast, but even the memory of it almost made him gag. He glanced up only to see something move, He drew his Sidearm only to find it was his shadow. Whats wrong with me, i'm jumping at my shadow?, has that maniac scared me me enough to fear for my life? he thought his heart pounding. "Ecsuse me Sir." he turned around gun raised "Sorry to disturb you Sir." a cadet sayed eyes widened with fear. He lowered his weapon "but the crime scene is worn out and we where wondering if we could go home, Sir." he quickly finished. "Tell them I said they can go home" he told him with relif, the cadet started away to tll the others, "oh and cadet" the cadet turned around with a look of curriosity "Yes Sir?" he asked puzzled. "Try not to sneak up on me again, I might not hesitate and shoot you in the head" he said making the last part clear. "Yes Sir" the cadet shouted and ran off to inform the others of the realease of asignment. When Mcoy got back to the office there where only a handfull of people there, he went to his office and made several calles. He needed help on this so he was getting all the help he could get![/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sign-ups You have been called to come in and aid Segent Mcoy in finding and capturing The "Panther" Age : 25-40 *Note: we dont need any retired 75 year old cops hence the age restriction, experionce is good but we want to have field agents, shap minds, ext.* Apperence : Picture is prefered but if you cannot live without a writin dicription it does not bother me in the least. *note: your character does not have to be in uniform* Title : This means: State trooper, FBI, SIU (Special Investigations Unit), IDSI (International Department of Special Investigations) *Note: I need 1 of each befor we can start the RPG but I also need a minimum of 5 people* Bio: How your life as a cop has been, how you moved up as a cop, ect. *NOTE: I DO [B]NOT[/B] WANT ANYTHING ABOUT HOW YOU CAME TO BE A COP ON HERE! MY REASONING WILL BE EXPLAINED AFTER I HAVE CHOSEN MY PLAYERS! FAILURE TO FOLLOW THIS WILL RESULT IN [B]COMPLETE DISREGAURD [/B] TO YOUR SIGN-UP!* *Extra note: In this sign-up I will be judging in "Quality over Quantity" meaning A fifteen paragraph sign-up will not impress me if it isn't thought about and writen well*
  2. ;) I will not poll because i have no favorite, I just love it all :animesmil . If i'm not busy i'll sign up to about anything, excluding horrible storylines, ect.
  3. [QUOTE] Originally Posted by ForgotteÑ-HerÖ A new question. How can I check if anybody would even be interested in my stories? Heck this would even help my RPs in the adventure inn, lol! [/QUOTE] You could create a poll. i.e The types of RPG's people like to participate in. Just a thought but also if they join your rpg then most of the time it means they like it, or at least want to try something new.
  4. I edited my earlyer post if there is a problem with a link someone tell me ill fix it asap.
  5. Kuro packed his things and awaited the arrival of his transportation to the airport. By the time the bus arrived his ex-girlfriend had left for school. He had only told her he was leaving, nothing more nothing less. There was no reason for her to know he was about to be living the high life in Dante Lui'ci's mansion. It semmed to take hours to get to the airport. The stench of strong sweat mixed with faint colone resided on his "Bus-mate". When they finnaly arrived at the airport he was relived to get out and strech his legs. He had no cash on him, but he went to the nearest ATM and took out $3,000 of the money Dante has placed in his bank account. He wasn't shure when the next time he was going to have access to another ATM or bank so he made shure to get enough so he could enjoy all the plesent things in Australia. [I]Today I ride 1st class[/I] he thought to himself as he purchased he ticket. Upon boarding the plane he noticed how much nicer 1st Class was than coach, he had never ridden on anything other than coach. After the takeoff he summoned the stewardess for a pellow, allthough the seats where very comfertable. He fell asleep and woke up as they where flying above the coral reef. After landing he picked up his bags and stared around looking for anyone who stood out in the croud. There he was, a rather large black man dressed in suit. He seemed to me staring back at him, then he made a motion with his hand for Kuro to come. "Mr. Monvoni" the man said. Motioning to the shiny limo we walked over and he opedned the door. The interior was incredable leather seats, carpeted floors, mini-bar it was loaded! Unlike the airplane it took him a few hours to get comfertable enough to fall asleep.He finally positoned himself across the two seats, he was 6'3 so this was a tad difficult. He awoke with a start as the limo started down a steep hill trowing him off the seat. when he was able to get himself back in the seat he realized they where at a dock. "How long have I been asleep?" he asked the driver. "About three hours" he said I looked up at him through the glass seperating the two, "how long till the mantion?" he asked. "Another hour on the ferry" he stoped the car as we pulled into the dockside parkinglot. There was no other sign of people, save for the older-looking man standing by the dock. The driver got out and opened the door, "wait here, the others will be joining soon." he said. Kuro grabbed his things along with some liquor, [I]hey why not, it was free right?[/I].The limo left leaving him with the older male, so he went beside and listened while he played a flute. He was good.
  6. OOC : Am I to late to post? I will any way. Name : Kuro Monvoni Age : 19 Location : guantanamo bay, cuba Appearance : [URL=http://img509.imageshack.us/my.php?image=guys48tf4.jpg]Kuro[/URL] Personality : Kuro is a eager lad who is allways wanting to learn new things, also he's a tad on the mischievous side. He was raised by his mother after his father died in a war two months befor he was born. He learned many things from his mother, respect, chivalry, and most importantly religion. He and his mother where living at the military base, so he grew up around soldiers, and the millitary. He both respects and loves his country and would do anything for it. Bio: After his father died he and his mother lived day to day on the military base. At the age of 13 he was orfened, after his mother caught a case of pneumonia. He then turned against god and hated him for leting his mother die. He left the base and went to live in the "Red Light" district where his aunt, only living relative, lived and worked. She wasted no time at the age of 15 she put him to work on the streets to provide for himself. He became vicious and started to lash out to anyone who spoke out against him. at 17 he murdered his aunt and had to flee from cuba. He went to the United States where he met a wonderful latino american who stole his heart. She was in colloge where he soon enrolled alongside her. He had began studying to be a lawyer. He proposed to her one day,she said no. Heart broken and meaningless as he felt life went on. He begain searching for anywhere to stay to get rid of his hurting past. It was then he recived a E-Mail from Dante Lui?ci?s mantion. Desperate to find anyone who would shelter him he accepted and left. Greatest Desire : To Love and be loved in return. Greatest Fear : Rape
  7. Very good story, And to any of you who love vampire type story's i recomend Laurell k. Hamilton's Anita Blake Series in which the first book is Guilty Pleasures. Be warned there is explicit content and may not be suitibal for children under the age of 13.
  8. Very nice poetry, I am somewhat of a poet my self :animesmil a few years of experience teach well, I suppose I like it because I relate, if you would like me to post some of my poetry tell me but I wouldn't want to post any if you just wanted people to R&R your work. -Miatsu
  9. I like this one I wrote it at work a few weeks ago, please feel free to R&R [B]Death[/B] I Sit in the shadows Waiting for the light hoping that my happyness Will take to flight Thinking about death Has only made it near My dreams become broken All that I hold dear My depth of fear Is only skin deep For what I dream I cannot speek Somthing sparks What could it be? I am filled with happyness Death has brought it to me
  10. I was wondering if someone could make me a banner / avitar banner : 500x100 avitar : 150x80 [URL=http://img249.imageshack.us/my.php?image=reaperangelgq6.jpg]Clickme![/URL] If possible i would like it to have Death writen on the far right side of the banner. Thank you and sorry for the trubble.
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