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  1. GUys mom was a swan and guy had a white bruce lee suit and then they were androids and andrioids that his father made took over and the fought the swan guy...iuno. ya it was kinda like that... help if u can please
  2. i feel like watching beserk again, but i no longer own the disks, anyone know where i can watch it on the computer, i couldnt find it on youtube.THX in advance
  3. My all time fav is [B]Jet Set Radio Future (JSRF)[/B] its old, but its for the X-box ;) id go with that or maybe [B]Fire Emblem[/B] for the gamecube.
  4. TOP 5! ok well since i cant pick, these r in random order HELLSING- awesome anime, great art,storylines dark and refrences real life(Vlad Tepes). Its 13 episodes long so its affordable....Did i mention it has Vampires. P.S. Alucard(backwards)=Dracula XD ELFEN LIED- awesome gory anime, amazing art, storylines dark(nothing to do with elfs). Its 13 episodes long so its affordable....This show is awesome,deep, and has a good ending. BESERK- awesome goryness, amazing artwork, dark storyline, 26? episodes long(havent seen it in a while) so it wont cost to much.... Great anime! ---starting to see a pattern...gory,dark,good artwork... ORPHEN- awesome awesome awesome, great art(ill settle for nothing less!), great storyline(darkish...) two seasons with 26 episodes per season. First seasons great...second one's not that great..one of my all time faves. Samurai X- need i say more?.....well i will cause u said to. BEST ART EVER,gory, dark, based on real ppl,short cheapish AWESOME doesnt get much better than this!
  5. ive been watching ALOT of anime recently (thank you youtube!) and i vaguely remember an anime about a boy who has some crazy dream, and when he wakes up the girl from it is in his bed, or something like that. Can anyone tell me what it is?, i dont have much else to watch now!
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