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Everything posted by twilightrave

  1. "Don't underestemate me Chris."Noell said"they don't call he the trinity for nothing!"Noell's eyes changed to a zombifide white color, and he summoned the three tailed winged wolf Trinity."TRINITY"He yelled,"HELL MODE!!!"
  2. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I see she has killed the gaurds"Said nexis looking out the window."you never thought that their orders where to let you do as you wish.Ide wrather you not get into this."Noell called in one of his maids."tell Lady Lunataria that she may leave now.it seems we are about to get an unwelcome guest."He looked out the window again and saw that a blood red clowd was drawing closer to the castle.He knew Zabriel had come to kill him."HURRY!"He said"get Lunataria out of here![/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. "I didnt want to do it Queen."said Noell,"but it was the only way I could ishure all the best would be here to help.you see...contrairy to what your brother thinks, I'm not out to save my own skin.To tell the truth, I wanted to make a formal request.If my brother truly is in involved, I want you and the rest of the kingdoms to stay out of it!If this is truly his doing you are all in danger."the queen looked at Noell like he was crazy."well I will be back in the morning.feel free to use the castle as you wish.when your brother chris arives tell him everything I have told you.Oh, and by the way.I just wanted to let you know...you remind me alot of my sister.please, if he is involved stay out of it.I cant let any more die at his hand."said noell with a grim look on his face.he walked out of the room and closed the door.
  4. "So..."thought Noell"two days, what am i to do till then?"He sat in his thrown and smiled."Brother, dear brother. I WONT LET YOU HARM ANYONE ELSE."his smile quickly turned to a frown as his general walked in."pardon me sir.you have a letter from an annonimous sender."Noell took the letter and read it slowly.for the first time in years, Noells eyes had been seen."he knows!"said Noell."but how, how could he posibly have found out.SERVENT!We must send a letter to the Lady and Chris.We must tell them the life of the innocent is at stake."Noell quickly sumoned Trinity, the three tailed winged wolf, and prepaired for battle."shall I gather the army sir?"said his royal advisor."no,I'm going alone. Tell the Lady and Chris Imight not make it to their meeting."
  5. [QUOTE=konske] "Oh, it seems that you don't like me very much. I am begining to like your attitude. It seems as though you are itching for a fight." Chris heard him give a small smirkish grunt. Slowly Chris pulled out a black crystal. He held it under the table, out of sight. "IF it must come down to it, then I will. But until then, you, your kingdom, they have not gained anything from this conversation, other than a possible threat. I will give you five minutes to change my mind." He stared at the man, not taking his eyes off of him. Waiting for what he had to say.[/QUOTE] "I wont need that long."said Noell"tell me Chris have you herd of a man named Zabriel?"Chris gave a disturbed look,as though he had not only herd of the name, but like he had seen the man himself."No."said chris"I dont belive I've herd that name."Noell smiled"you're lieing.I can tell by the way your body is moving,but I digress.Zabriel is my brother.Long ago he killed our parents, and our sister Tasha.He was after the power of our people.Now I fear he plans to kill the innocent aswell."Chris looks at Noell with a fearfull look."What would he want with the innocent?"Chris asked.Noells smile quickly turned into a frown."Power.He wants The power of the innocent so he can kill me.You see, the longer the innocent stays alive the weaker he will become.I can't let another fall victom to his cruelty!!!"
  6. "Lord Noell"said his top general Talix,"you have recived a letter from the west sir."Noell rose from his thrown and walked to Talix.He took the letter and gave it one good glance.He smiled and thought to himself,"she's just like my sister used to be.Ok it seems we will be having a different guest to day."He said"make shure everything is ready."Noell then whent to his chambers.He turned to a picture of two females.One was yound and beautiful."my sweet sister,"he thought,"I WILL AVENGE YOUR DEATH!"tears run down his face as he yells in anger"Zabriell...My brother...I WILL KILL YOU!!!"
  7. "lord Nexus what shall we do about this one they call the innocent?"Said his leeding general." We shall do what we must!" Said Noell reacking for a glass of wine. He had known this day would come. He just didnt know it would be this soon."Zabriel!"He thought."I know you have something to do with this. No matter what it takes, I will kill you brother!" "My lord your armor is ready."said the black smith."Just set it down next to the thrown.So tell me, what do you know of the innocent?"He asked."I know nothing other than what you have told me Lord." said the smith."Perhaps you might ask Lady Lunataria.Maby she will know more."said the royal advisor."then send a mesage through the twilight, asking for a meating of the two kingdoms." By order of Lord Noell Nexus the mesage was sent.
  8. if needed I will be the lord of the southern kingdom.
  9. [SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=RoyalBlue]let's see... ide wrather hang out with Tookie Williams one of the true OG's. if I had a pic ide show it.but he's not an option so MJ... Hilarious Dufflebag is a waste of space, and air that we could all be breathing.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  10. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name: Charles Williams Age: 17 Gender:male type of magic:ruin Weapon: the Time Blade and the Blue Salamander. Time Blade: given to Charles the day his father died. His father entrusted him with the fate of his people. Blue Salemander: a blade made of rare blue onyx, and a blue crystal known only to his people. signature moves: blood blade. Blood blade is an attack where Charles draws blood from his left arm and turns it into a blade capable of slautering a whole army. He also has the ability to summon the arch angel Trinity. History: Charles ran away from his home land. Throughout his life he has searched for a way to kill his brother who took over the land. Charles travels alone; knowing that everywhere he goes trouble is not far behind. Charles was born as Ronald Robertson. His older brother Richard thought that his younger brother did not deserve the name of his great grandfather. Years later Richard's hatred for his family grew to the point that he killed his mother and father. Ronald thought he would be the next one to die, so he ran from the island. He vowed to return and kill his brother. On Ronald's 16th birthday, he got word that his brother had sent assassins out to kill him. He thought and thought about a way to avoid dieing. He quickly changed his hair, clothing, and his name. Ronald Robertson was no more, he was now Charles Williams. Charles traveled for 6 months wondering whether he would live or die. After another month he finally found a small town. He stayed there in solitude for another month. Richard finaly cought up with Charles. Charles knew he had to do something to get away from his brother. He pulled out the time blade and attaked. Richard and his men pulled back. Charles quickly jumped out the back window and ran for his life. Today is Charles' 17th birthday, and he has yet to find a way to kill Richard. Personality: He is a temperamental lone wolf. He trusts no one, and will kill with out a second thought. He can have his little sap moments every now and then, but he is known to destroy private property.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. Name: Noell Nexus Age: 17 Gender:male Personality: He is a temperamental lone wolf. He trusts no one, and will kill with out a second thought. He can have his little sap moments every now and then, but he is known to destroy private property. Appearance: Dark blue hair w/purple tips. His eyes are never seen, for they show the shame he feels inside. He wears an armor made of turquoise and onyx. Cursed by his brother to wear it until he or his brother dies. Weapon: the Time Blade and the Blue Salamander. Time Blade: given to Noell the day his father died. His father entrusted him with the fate of his people. Blue Salemander: a blade made of rare blue onyx, and a blue crystal known only to his people. Position: Guardian
  12. [COLOR=Navy]Name: Noell Nexus Age: 17 Race: Angel/Demon Kingdom/outsider: outsider. Bared from his home land heave isle, he searches for a way to seek revenge on his brother who took over the land. Appearance: 5'6" male. Dark blue hair w/purple tips. His eyes are never seen, for they show the shame he feels inside. He wears an armor made of turquoise and onyx. Cursed by his brother to wear it until he or his brother dies. Weapon: the Time Blade and the Blue Salamander. Time Blade: given to Noell the day his father died. His father entrusted him with the fate of his people. Blue Salemander: a blade made of rare blue onyx, and a blue crystal known only to his people. Abilities: blood blade. Blood blade is an attack where Noell draws blood from his left arm and turns it into a blade capable of slautering a whole army. He also has the ability to summon the arch angel Trinity. Past: Noell ran away from his home land heave island. Throughout his life he has searched for a way to kill his brother who took over the land. Noell travels alone; knowing that everywhere he goes trouble is not far behind. Noell was born as Talus Avre Nexus. His older brother Zabriel thought that his younger brother did not deserve the name of his great grandfather. Years later Zabriel's hatred for his family grew to the point that he killed his mother and father. Talus thought he would be the next one to die, so he ran from the island. He vowed to return and kill his brother. On Talus' 16th birthday, he got word that his brother had sent assassins out to kill him. He thought and thought about a way to avoid dieing. He quickly changed his hair, clothing, and his name. Talus Avre Nexus was no more, he was now Noell Nexus. Noell traveled for 6 months wondering whether he would live or die. After another month he finally found a small town. He stayed there in solitude for another month. Zabriel finaly cought up with Noell. Noell knew he had to do something to get away from his brother. He pulled out the time blade and attaked. Zabriel and his men pulled back. Noell quickly jumped out the back window and ran for his life. Today is Noell's 17th birthday, and he has yet to find a way to destroy Zabriel. Personality: He is a temperamental lone wolf. He trusts no one, and will kill with out a second thought. He can have his little sap moments every now and then, but he is known to destroy private property.[/COLOR]
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