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Everything posted by Die

  1. Die


    :devil: Volume 8 is awsome, you should definetly go and see it, it is definetly worth buying it. It explains so much of the series most people dont understand and it also shows the best fights you could ever imagine in the Trigun series. :demon:
  2. :devil: For me I have a few favorite anime series, which are Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and Trigun. I also like movies like Ninja Scroll and Vampire Hunter D. But i really dislike the series Slayers, and i trully believe all the suposed parts that are to make people laugh, are not even funny at all. But guess we all have different opinions about anime itself. :demon:
  3. Die


    :devil: Trigun, one of the shortest anime series, but an awsome story indeed. Express in this threat your opinions and thoughts about the series itself, and do you think of it and what do you like or hate about the characters in it. In my opinion, its awsome how Vash always loves life and he was a very positive way of living, but he is still stuck with Rem's voice on his head, that is what controls him and confuses him so much. :demon:
  4. :devil: It is obvious for Anakin and Amidala are going to get toghether, for they are the parents of Luke and the princess. Mostly i hope this movie gets together the love story and the way the emperor gets Anakin to go to the Dark side. So mostly, bad guys win this movie ( I hope for the sake of it. ). :demon:
  5. :devil: Angel Sanctuary... I hear from a lot of my friends it is a very nice movie. The Story, very interesting indeed. I haven't seen it myself, but I dare to once judge by the cover of it. I dare to say it is a very good movie and you should go ahead and buy it. ( hey you could always change it for another if you didn't like it ! heh.. ) :demon:
  6. :devil: Mostly people expect so much from this " Starwars : Episode 2 " movie since it has been a legendary series through almost all of our lives. Some people judge them and think only the old ones are worth it because they are the originals and the are no match for them, which i think is very wrong in some way. All of the stories to this secuence of movies are already written, there isn't going to be any dramatic changes to it that affects the whole story, there are going to be changes in the story, but no changes that actually mean much... For example the pot racing on episode 1, that was never actually part of the original story ( I believe, correct me if I'm wrong ). People tend to think that Starwars Episode 2 is either going to 'suck' because is not part of the orignal things and other people expect so much from the movie itself. I myself, will wait to see the movie not making any judging coments to it until i can actually see what is good or bad about it. I just Lucas has done a good job as he did already in Episode 1 and the 3 original Episodes from the Starwars series. :demon:
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