Mostly people expect so much from this " Starwars : Episode 2 " movie since it has been a legendary series through almost all of our lives. Some people judge them and think only the old ones are worth it because they are the originals and the are no match for them, which i think is very wrong in some way. All of the stories to this secuence of movies are already written, there isn't going to be any dramatic changes to it that affects the whole story, there are going to be changes in the story, but no changes that actually mean much... For example the pot racing on episode 1, that was never actually part of the original story ( I believe, correct me if I'm wrong ). People tend to think that Starwars Episode 2 is either going to 'suck' because is not part of the orignal things and other people expect so much from the movie itself. I myself, will wait to see the movie not making any judging coments to it until i can actually see what is good or bad about it. I just Lucas has done a good job as he did already in Episode 1 and the 3 original Episodes from the Starwars series.