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Everything posted by RobinWH
[QUOTE=vegeta rocker]Im still waiting for A-kon, man i can't wait! My friends and I are A-kon Tv so we will be covering the concerts and such so we get in free. I always forget to pre reg so this is a special treat for me![/QUOTE] hey !! i just got approved to volunteer too !! i'm in the group that provides help to whatever part needs extra help, so we might run into each other. i'm so excited !!!!
[QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange] Is it just me or is Kei receiving information through those constantly shimmering telephone lines? [/COLOR][/QUOTE] This is explained/reviled in ep. 4. Did you catch it ??
[QUOTE][size=1]Maybe because he can't act. I've nothing against directors making cameos in their movies, so long as they don't go whole hog about it, Stan's appearance was very artificial in nature and unnecessary. "Seems one person can make a difference..." should have been followed by the line "so long as he's got freakin' super-powers."[/size][/QUOTE] that's because he's NOT AN ACTOR (or a director). he is the CREATOR of Spiderman (and Hulk etc...in which he cameoed with Lou Farigno (sp?), the ORIGINAL Hulk). with out him...the movie wouldn't even exist. when Stan Lee (finally) agreed to let his comic books be made into movies, he said 'sure and i want to be in them !' who's going to argue with the CREATOR of Spiderman...and tell him he can't be in HIS OWN MOVIES...it's not like he takes anything AWAY from the movie...and die hard fans LOVE to see him in them. i apologize, but your comment just rubbed me the wrong way. i'm not usually one to 'argue' over such trivial things, but i am a HUGE fan - of both Spiderman AND Stan Lee...
[QUOTE=Fasteriskhead] That's actually incorrect, so far as I recall. In the comics Harry becomes the second [i]Green[/i] Goblin; the Hobgoblin is a different villain altogether.[/nitpick][/QUOTE] i stand [I]partially[/I] corrected...thank you [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobgoblin_%28comics%29][U]Hobgoblin[/U][/URL] on WiKi it seems i was thinking of the ULTIMATE Spiderman, where in fact Harry does become the Hobgoblin ... [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Osborn#Ultimate_Harry_Osborn][U]Harry Osborn[/U][/URL] on WiKi
It seems as if you need to be schooled on this subject. I'll start with number 1. The green goblin dies in the comic to give rise to the hobgoblin (Harry), so we all know he actually is dead. Now as for Doc Oc, they never actually say he dies. All you see is him sinking into the water. There's no dead body found so there's nothing that says he was killed off in the movie. It's been said before, even in comics, if you don't see a dead body the bad guy isn't dead, and even if you see a dead body there is nothing to stop the writer / creator from bringing them back. Now for number 2. You should be slapped for bad mouthing Stan "The Man" Lee. He doesn't just take "cameo roles in anything and everything super-hero related". He is in the Spiderman movies because HE CREATED SPIDERMAN. He was also in The Incredible Hulk movie too. Gee I wonder why... He made a cameo in Heroes probably because they asked him to. The conversation between Ando and Hiro right before Stan Lee's Cameo mentioned life and it not being like a comic book. Then the bus doors open and the driver is none other than Stan Lee. It's just like when they had George Takai make a cameo. His license plate said NCC 1701, which is the nomenclature of the USS Enterprise. Aside from that, "comics" have a strong presence in Heroes, so why WOULDN'T they want a comic icon such as Stan Lee to make a cameo. [QUOTE=Dodeca][SIZE=1]I went to see Spidey 3 today with some friends. I still can't believe I managed to get a ticket without a reservation, given that it's release day and all, and that I bought said ticket less than 5 minutes before it was set to start. : P Overall, I loved it. The action scenes were superb, and there's nothing more entertaining than watching Toby make a total fool out of himself every now and then. Let's face it - when it comes to looking like a complete idiot, he's perfect. Though, 2 things in particular annoyed me; 1. What is [i]with[/i] the writers and killing off the bad guys at the end of each film? You just [i]can't[/i] kill off super-villians like that, yet they do it [i]every[/i] damn time. [Sure, the Batman films did it, but most of said films were [i]crap[/i].] The Green Goblin, sure, they needed to kill him to give Harry a reason to follow in his footsteps, but getting rid of Doc Ock, [spoiler]Venom [i]and[/i] frickin' Harry[/spoiler], some of his greatest arch-enemies [b]ever[/b]?!? What the-? [spoiler]No doubt they would've killed Sandman too if they didn't need him for that 'I forgive you' scene, though it's not as if anyone'd care about [i]him[/i] kicking the bucket. He was only a minor villain anyways[/spoiler]. It's a travesty, I say. 2. Stan Lee. I'm fed up of seeing him taking cameo roles in anything and everything super-hero related. [I]Heroes[/I], [I]Spiderman 3[/I], other things I can't remember... enough is enough! >.
[QUOTE=White][COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma] The picture can be staged and uploaded. Also, it's one picture containing all of the items. Just like I said.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] thanks ! somehow i kept missing that line when i was re-reading the guidelines. i'll try to stop asking so many questions now !!
[QUOTE=RobinWH]i know this is an old thread...but i'm fairly new. is there anyone here that is in Texas (DFW area) that may be going to A-Kon in June ?? i'm going to TRY and go as long as i can save the money and get the time off work. i can't wait cause it will be my first con. to go to !![/QUOTE] my plans have changed emensly, and i doubt i will make it to A-Kon now. *editing, because i just signed up to be a volunteer for A-Kon. if i get accepted i WILL be going !! if not i might be able to swing a one day ticket (i know in the end it will probably cost me more, but i will only be able to go one day if i don't volunteer) so now i am going to try and make it to Anime Fest in Wichita Ks, in Aug. does there happen to be anyone here from Kansas ?? (or Missouri even !)
[quote name='Sazumechan']Do we have to find one picture that contain all those things or just find a picute with each item separately? Just want to make sure.Thanks![/quote] i'm pretty sure it's all in one picture.... but then i could be wrong. :twitch: i have a question.... does the picture have to be a PRE-EXISTING picture....or could someone possibly stage one and post it ?? thanks ! [color=dimgray][size=1]Merged posts. Please do not double post. :) - White[/size][/color]
ha ha ha...that's good ! question for White - is this a round where we can answer more than once ? or will we only get points for the first ? thanks !
I've watched the first 2 ep's and this is going to be a great anime ! I like how it went right into the story (and action) and you learn about the characters as it goes - as opposed to taking the first few ep's to introduce everyone and not having much action at first. i can't wait to see ep. 3 !
in the other Heroes thread someone told me there is supposed to be 5 seasons... WHEW ! tonights was GREAT ! i'm not going to say much incase some people haven't seen it (and if you didn't you can watch it on NBC.com after 2am tonight) next week is going to be just as good ! it's about what it would/will be like if they don't stop the nuclear bomb !!
i watched the first 2 ep. last night and they just didn't seem to hold my attention. the premise/plot is neat, but it just seemed slow, and there wasn't too much action. although i did like what Matsuri could do, .... that was pretty cool. i probably will continue to watch though, at least long enough to find out what's up with Aono, and the loli-in-a-box girl. i'm beginning to think that anime like this one might not be my 'taste'.
I've just finally gotten to watch the first 2 eps., and i LOVE it so far ! It's enough of a change to the original story that you don't know exactly what is going to happen, but it's a very welcome change. I can't wait to see ep. 3 now !!
i don't mean to be a pain, but shouldn't all the people that got points in the last round get 2 points ?? or am i misunderstanding the rules somewhere ?? [QUOTE=White] When you win a round (more than one winner per round!) you get 2 points. If you win twice in a row the amount of points you get decreases (2nd win gets you 1.5 points, third and anything after gives you 1). [/QUOTE] [size=1][color=dimgray]Fixed. Thanks! :) - White[/color][/size] no...thank YOU !!
thanks ! i need to get working on more just need to find the time ! :p
what about starting out a community type college this year and getting things ready to apply to art school next year ?? that way you can get some of the easier pre-requisites out of the way, work on your portfolio and admissions paperwork, and be ready to apply the next go around . i know a LOT of people that do this, the only thing is you need to make sure the art college you want to go to will accept the credits from the community college.
[quote name='True Angel][COLOR=Magenta']Well if you look back at the first page of this thread at White's post then that's where it would be. ^ ^[/COLOR][/quote] i did..and i guess my question was kinda vague... but i'm just gonna wait till White get's on and the contest is over and see what happens... thanks though
[quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray'] Damn, I didn't even notice that! :animesigh [/color][/quote] me either...i feel dumb ! when do we find out who's right ?? and how exactly do the points work ??
May will be a big movie month in my household cause we will be seeing ALL of those movies. Then I probably won't really see anything in the theater until July, when once again i will be seeing ALL those movies.
[quote name='Sandy][B]#9[/b] has got to be [B]He-Man[/B'] (from Masters of the Universe), but it isn't an anime, so perhaps it was a trick question?[/quote] that's what i was thinking, but i've already answered one so i didn't post anything.
i tried my hand at banner making tonight here are the first 2... [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h300/VeronikasPhotos/graphics/banner2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h300/VeronikasPhotos/graphics/banner1.jpg[/IMG] i'm going to keep working and i'll post more here when i get more made if you want to use one please at least link it back to this thread. Thanks !
[QUOTE=Clurr][FONT=Arial][strike]Hairstyle 6 is [B]Ed from Cowboy Bebop[/B]. :][/strike][/FONT] *grumblegrumble*[/QUOTE] sorry ! :2women: i had that one and the Naruto one, but THEN realized i could only post one answer...so i went with Ed cause i love her ! someone needs to figure out the 5th one ! i recognize it but can't figure out from where and it's bugging me !
#6 is Ed from Cowboy Bebop
[QUOTE=Nehszriah]I heard that they are planning five seasons, but I'm not sure how far they'll get. [/QUOTE] oh thank goodness !!! [quote name='Sazumechan'] I just hope they dont cancel it and just play reruns on SiFi. That always seems to happen to the shows I reallly really like.[/quote] i agree ! i always seem to like the oddball shows that not as many people like. but i think this one has a large enough following that they wouldn't do something as stupid as canceling it before the 5 yrs is over.
ME ! ME ! I have been HOOKED on this show since the first episode. I really hope they have more than one season, because there is SO much they could do with this show. It is unlike any other show out there, and it's just amazing. [QUOTE=Nehszriah]Does anyone around here like Heroes? There doesn't seem to be much of a calling for it on theO, but I think it is an awesome series. Who else thinks that the 23rd can't come sooner?[/QUOTE]