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Everything posted by RobinWH

  1. this sounds fun !! count me in...i'll participate as much as i can.
  2. i'm fairly new...can i join ?? just in case i can... [B]Name[/B]Heather [B]Screen Name[/B]RobinWH [B]Age[/B]28 uh..bio ?? i'm not sure what to write here...
  3. [quote name='Nerdsy][color=deeppink']Leviticus 19:28, of the King James version. For all your stemming needs.[/color][/quote] i KNEW there was something in the bible because my grandma constantly reminds me of it everytime she sees my tattoos.
  4. [QUOTE=Aaryanna][COLOR=DarkRed] Oh and you may not realize it RobinWH but the other school BYU is a university so all of the students are over 18 and they can and will expel you from school even though tattoos are not listed on the dress code, just having piercings other than one in each ear for women and guys aren't allowed to have them at all. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] i realized that. but BYU is also a mostly religious university so their tattoo guidelines are based on religious beliefs. my post was based on the fact that the kid in the article was under 18. although i do agree that if there are other students at the school that have tattoo's, this one student shouldn't have been excluded.
  5. [QUOTE=BlueMoon]You just hit on the fashion trend that annoys me most. I don't care for it. I don't care if people wear it, although I tend to disagree with their choice to do so. But that's not why I hate it. I hate it because it's getting hard to find nice looking jeans that aren't "super-low" or "ultra-low" and such. I just don't feel right wearing them. I don't want my pants over my stomach, either, but it's hard to find the comfortable middle ground. The fashion trend I hate the most, however, is in children's clothing. I can't stand the clothing little girls are given now. I call it Bratz clothing after those dolls. It's all halter tops and thongs and such. I don't understand why that clothing sells so well. It feels like oversexualizing girls. [/QUOTE] wow...did i write this ? or you ?? i totally agree with everything you just said. my daughter is turning 8 next week...and i expressly said NO BRATZ for gifts. she doesn't understand why i don't want her to have any...and she's too young to really. but someday i will explain it to her. some of the little girls i see walking around sometimes... :( it truly worries me as to what might happen to them as they grow older. *e.t.a. i don't know what the fashion trends are around here....i don't go out in public much :wigout: i buy what i want, and wear it when i feel like...i could care less what is 'in' i'm in Texas....btw
  6. i know this is kind of off topic... but this is why there are laws (in the US at least) that don't allow anyone under 18 to get a tattoo or piercing. granted you can find some places that will allow it if a parent is present, but in general i know a lot of tattoo artists won't even tattoo a person under 18....weither a parent is there or not. if a 16 or 17 year old wants a tattoo...that's great. if they STILL want it when they are 18...then they have thought long enough and hard enough, to deserve to get something that permanent. in other words... if a person wants a tattoo bad enough they can wait until they are 18. remember...JustMyOpinion
  7. [quote name='vegeta rocker']I will be attending A-kon this year in June, i have gone the last 4 years. It's in Dallas; if anyone else is going let me know![/quote] i didn't see this when i posted my *plea* for people going to Akon....sorry ! is there anyone else besided us going ???
  8. i know this is an old thread...but i'm fairly new. is there anyone here that is in Texas (DFW area) that may be going to A-Kon in June ?? i'm going to TRY and go as long as i can save the money and get the time off work. i can't wait cause it will be my first con. to go to !!
  9. funny...i was actually just thinking about this yesterday so far, i don't prefer any one way. how ever the anime is when i get it, that's how i watch it. i do agree having to read everything kind of takes away from seeing what's going on, especially if there is a lot of dialogue but on the other hand i like hearing the japanese so i guess i am officially on the fence...
  10. [QUOTE=Dagger]Um... I don't know that Lost or 24 are the best examples for this. FCC restrictions prevented those shows from dropping the f-bomb from the start. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] exactly.... these shows you used as examples are RESTRICTED BY LAW from using the f-word. although i have seen/hear alot more use of some of the less harsh words in the recent past (bi**h amongst others). kids will either hear it on the playground, in a movie, from a parent, or ON TV there is no SURE way to ever guard them from EVER hearing swear words .....unless you live in the middle of nowhere with no TV, internet or socialization....
  11. i got pregnant at 17 (because i was stupid and had unprotected ***) i made the best (in MY opinion) of the situation and gave my son up for adoption. it was the hardest, but smartest thing i have ever done. before you worry about anything else, you need a true answer to q. 1. pregnancy tests are pretty cheap, buy one and have your girlfriend do it. if she'd not...hopefully this will scare you enough to never have unprotected *** or maybe just not have it until you are in a LOVING, long time, COMITTED relationship. if you want more info/advice, or have any more questions...feel free to send me a private message.
  12. i can't wait !! i LOVE all the SpiderMan movies and this is going to be the best yet !
  13. from IMDb A prequel to X-Men. Wolverine lives a mutant life, seeks revenge against Victor Creed (who will later become Sabertooth) for the death of his girlfriend, and ultimately signs up and goes through the mutant Weapon X program. [URL=http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0458525/]more[/URL] on IMDb Status: Pre-production Comments: Jackman has confirmed the script is finalized; production could begin in the fall of 2007 Status Updated: 16 October 2006 Note: Since this project is categorized as being in production, the data is subject to change; some data could be removed completely.
  14. i found the Otaku while looking for info about anime. I'm not as versed in the variety of anime/manga that i have watched/read, but i am getting there. so far my favorites are Witch Hunter Robin and One Piece, but I've seen no where near all of either of them (and i own the WHR box set !). I joined the OB cause i wanted to find out about more anime/mangas that i might be interested in; and to meet other people that have the same intrests as I do.
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