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If so, tell us things about your band. :D What genre you play, how many people, do you have fun/like what you do, hardest/best thing about being in a band, possible samples of your music? I start this out of pure curiosity, by the way. So, ...anyone?
I'm starting to favour Spring, despite the winter-esque temperatures taking place. Fall through winter are nice changes, but lots of heartbreak and bad memories and just plain bad things happened then, and Spring was when things would always start to pull together. For a little more than just the weather reasons, I choose Spring.
Those that counter things for the sake of countering things. Also: stereotypes.
This past week a friend of mine introduced me to Ben Folds, my favourite songs of him [so far] being "Narcolepsy" and "Zak & Sara". The guy's a great pianist with some catchy tunes. I'm certainly humbled as a pianist listening to this. It's always good to be introduced to a musician that's inspiring to you.
The Sign-up dealio: [U][B]Name[/B][/U]: Ubac Ngozi. "Ngozi" means "blessing" in Igbo. [U][B]Age[/B][/U]: 23 [B][U]Gender[/U][/B]: Male [B][U]Status[/U][/B]: Self-styled noble. [B][U]Faction[/U][/B]: Not quite sure, as he is "Thoroughly confused"! [B][U]Appearance[/U][/B]: Ahem. Ubac is a rather tall, jaunty, clumsy type of fellow. His height reaches about a 6' 6", with a healthy stature. The first thing noticeable about him is probably his broad shoulders, besides his unnatural height. If one were to look down, they?d notice large feet to match the large size. Whilst looking down there, they might find the leather shoes Ubac wears are worn down and he could tell you they barely fit him anymore. Actually, both shoes are different sizes. On nicer days, sometimes he goes without shoes and goes around barefoot. If you ask, he?ll tell you he doesn?t mind the annoying pebbles or weeds under his feet, and no, he?s not that concerned with getting tetanus from this. Looking back up, his facial features see a rather handsome man with high cheekbones and sad eyes. Most end up getting caught in such expressive chocolate eyes, probably wondering the relevance of emotional eyes compared to an intimidating bodily feature. Ubac does not have a full fuzzy beard, but rather wayward bristles on and around his chin. The whiskers on the underside of his chin poke the large Adam?s apple, which juts out from his neck. The voice that omits from it is as deep as the colour on his skin, which is a dark chocolate. Ubac would most likely been seen wearing a large frilly dress shirt, once white and formal, and knee breeches. The particular shirt satisfies Ubac, and it runs down just above his knees, where it?s normally tucked in to his brown-gray breeches. It?s guaranteed that they have not had a proper wash with antibacterial soap (or any soap) in at least a few years. Aside from this, Ubac manages to keep himself clean, if not his clothes, and manages to smell fairly inoffensive. In addition to the ?pauper? preset, and fairly out of place, a dusty Beaver Fur Hat lies atop Ubac?s stringy coils. [B][U]Personality[/U][/B]: If anyone were to ask anything about Ubac, the first thing that would come to mind would be "quiet". Yes, he is the silent type, and would rather think things through completely before charging right into something. Despite his rather intimidating stature, Ubac's really... not that threatening. He would rather stop to smell the tulips and then wonder the coincidence that he might stumble upon such a flower than punch a guy. He seems rather childish, but, well. Yeah. He is. Not in the "oh god why is he screaming obscenely and finger painting all over the place" way, but in the way that a child's curiosity shines though. Alongside this curiosity comes an odd naivety. He will most likely believe whatever you tell him, at least until he finds evidence suggesting otherwise. Ubac takes info in, and has a habit of trusting others too greatly too quickly. Because of his almost immediately trust, he?s a very friendly person, with a ?be grateful for what you have? attitude on life. Though he lacks them, Ubac would do anything for a friend. [B][U]History[/U][/B]: Ubac would be a strange site to see in Cenive, but it?d mostly be in the streets. Both of this poor lad?s parents descended from Nigeria, Africa, making him automatically outcast. Ubac doesn?t know a lot about both parents, and even less about his mother, whom died shortly after giving birth. He did know that his parents traveled north until they knew they had reached the ocean. They were close... as it was the Mediterranean Sea, and they had spotted a cargo ship loading, about to depart. ?How did you know, pappy?? Little Ubac had once asked. ?My boy, God showed us the way, and we knew in our hearts that seeing that ship was destiny,? Pappy?s deep voice rumbled in his accent, patting his son on the back. Pappy and his wife both snuck into the cargo crates, hoping wherever the boat will take them will lead them to better life. As neither adult spoke fluent English, they had no idea the tea ship was heading to Obleses, Greece. Both spent a few days with smuggled bread in their area, until, as they understand, a storm was heading and had to go off-course. Instead of going east, they?d be going west. The ship?s captain docked at Panels, Italy. Both Ubac?s mother and father hurried off, wrapping their clothes tighter across their bodies. Both were already married in Nigeria, and had left two children behind in neighbours? care. Heterosexual intercourse happened whilst in Panels, and nine months later, Ubac was born. His mother did die due to pneumonia a few months after. Ubac?s father took the infant, highly upset, and fled as far away as he was willing to go. He ended up in Cenive. After some consideration, Ubac?s father decided to settle in Cenive, and that?s where Ubac grew up. ?Pappy?, as Ubac would call him, went into normal stages of grief. Life was all right up until Ubac was about four, which is when Pappy stopped denying the death of his wife and it finally sunk it. Both males had been living all right; low-wage, but affordable lives in a low cost apartment, however the four-year-old couldn?t be expected to pay rent. At that time, Pappy had picked up on English, and taught it to his son, with still a heavy accent. But yes, it sunk in. Pappy started using what little money he had on going to the local Inn. It would normally be once a month, but the binge drinking ended up getting more frequent. Even the men at the Inn were concerned, looking beyond race. In a month?s time, Pappy was a violent alcoholic, as most alcoholics are, and things were getting bad, fast. Don?t they usually? Pappy came home to a shivering Ubac, who didn?t understand the concept of mind-altering beverages. Beating and throwing of bottles would occur, until Pappy would pass out. This occurred for around eight months. On Pappy?s seventh birthday, Pappy had regained some control. Unfortunately, he came to his senses about what he was doing, and how he was treating his only son in his presence, his only family. So, Pappy saved up what he could from quick work he could find, and bought his son a play by a lad called William Shakespeare. Ubac was ecstatic, and couldn?t wait to read it, though had difficulty. Pappy read out the first page, and let his son try the rest on his own. Not long later, Pappy asked his son, in the friendliest voice he could muster, if he?d like to go down to the chocolate house. Ubac, of course, agreed. He was about to get his first chocolate. When they arrived, Pappy gave his son the appropriate amount of money for some chocolates. Ubac entered, but came back to find that his father had disappeared. -- Since then, being a lad of 23, Ubac as managed to live without holding any grudge against his father. He learned how to live on his own, a modest living, and a humbling experience. He has little knowledge of any politics in the world surrounding him, but Ubac has heard of the renowned Judiciary, and has no opinion of them. Their business is not his own. [U][B]Weapon[/B][/U]: There are no real weapons, as he does not like to fight. The only things he has are ?what God gave him?. ([B][U]Role[/U][/B]: N/A)