[QUOTE=Farto the Magic][COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Ok.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]
[COLOR=DarkGreen]Well, as its all that I have to work with, I think I will. What should I do? Go to Canada and find someone who proves my opinion wrong? **** that! Why should I wste my time, when I have Canadians at-hand? I'll just assmue that they're an accurate representation of their countrymen.
Wow... Take someone's comment and qoute them out of context... thats really mature.
You know something else that Grinds my gears... Pointless arguements. Debate is one thing, but debate requires intellegent comments (and intellegence in general). *shakes head* sometimes I really wonder about people.
[QUOTE=ForgotteÑ-HerÖ][COLOR=Blue]That, my friend, I agree. Taking another look at myself, I can guess that, yes, people will get confused.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray]I got my clothes from Steve & Berry's not hot topic. (Though my wrist cuff and necklace were from Spencer's)[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]I got that shirt with the skull and crossbones. It reads "Cereal Killer". The bones are spoons. Plus I got a shirt that says, "Beavers love wood."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]that may not be important but it brings me to my next irratator.
When people complain about a shirts contents. Don't like it? Tough ****.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
Hey! I got the hoodie that has the Cereal Killer thing on it from Steve and Barry's! I love it so much. ^.^
I totally agree with the statement about t-shirt content. Especially if it doesn't straight out say something offensive. I mean, take your shirt for example. It says Beavers Like Wood... well naturally if you think about it beavers DO like wood. They use it to build thier dams... But even if it is just "offensive" in general, don't look at it. So my idea of offensive and yours are different. Cry about it. I don't particuarly like Christian t-shirts that proclaim Jesus is comming and stuff... but I just don't pay attention to it. So if I wear a shirt that says Save a broomstick, ride a wizard... leave me the ***k alone.
[color=red]JeskaValentine, there's no need to quote entire giant posts - just edit it down to the bit that's relevant so we don't have to scroll through the whole thing again.
Also, posting straight after yourself (double posting) isn't allowed. Use the EDIT button (bottom right of your post) if you have something to add, but no one's posted after you.