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About Space-chan

  • Birthday 03/07/1986

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    I am just a nobody
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  1. [B]2007DigitalBoy[/B]......XDDDDDD. I think it's no wrong at all if you wanna hold the ONNA characters (not to mention surrounded by bishies).....yet, still *walking away from 2007DigitalBoy..*XDD joking. I think some of us, including me also likes to be the OTOKO characters,,..and yes surrounded by kawaii girls. But the main reason is that they're so cool, perfect and appreciated by other people that makes me want to be him..(the otoko characters of course..^__^) Ah..and I think that's one of the reason why many girls like to hold OTOKO characters when cosplaying.
  2. I would like to be>>>> [b]Otonashi Saya (Blood+)[/b]= So many bishies around her...she eats a lot yet not getting fat at all. She has this ultimate power (in giving orders to chevaliars........yes). If I were Saya, I would order Hagi and Solomon to GET NAKED!!!!!!!!Lol...Her loved ones always support her, just to let her keep on breathing. She is so lucky to have such people around her. [b]Mao (Blood+)[/b]= She _____ed Kai!!!!KYYYYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!~~~~~ [b]Kaname Chidori(FMP)[/b]= Sousuke is just too naive.But it feels safe to be with him. I want to see his stupidness and bizzare moments when it comes to saving my life.Huhu cute Sousuke....^__^ [b]Ichigo (Bleach)[/b]= It's so good to be in those outfits when being a shinigami.. [b]Soubi (Loveless)[/b]= So much power over Ritsuka.. :animesigh [b]Shana (Shakugan no Shana)[/b]= So cute and cool.......
  3. Honestly i don't mind if anyone have crushes on anime characters because im one of them (BUT that doesn't mean i don't pay attention to human beings). I would sleep with my stuffed anime characters. A football freak would possibly sleep with a pillow made off football. it's not a crime or what. It's your damn thing...your ball. The tv is turned on and suddenly 'H' anime pic/scene appears, 90% of the viewers (im refering to those who are into manganimes) would probably switch to the documentary channels............DUH!! And if it's not mentally healthy, i really can't agree. As far as im breathing, i've never turned into a schizophrenia or dimentia after that. And there's not even a word in dictionaries which have meanings for 'not mentally healthy due to obsess/having crush with anime characters'.If there was, it might've come from the damn planet called Pluto. We're human beings and we satisfy our desires in many ways, OUR OWN WAYS. If we're taught to do other people's way, then lets just be clones. This is our life (plus one and only) and we paint it with our own hands.
  4. If your talking about hero, then it's... SAGARA SOUSUKE from Full Metal Panic!!....although i think he never realize about that....This not-having-any clue AT ALL is a war-headed and when it comes to saving he's *coughs*..*coughs* life, he would probably turn bizzare!!! plus no echii clouds on the head even on green lights!XD..(just like i said, no clue AT ALL :animesigh )..A true hero i say~ ^o^
  5. I am sooooo in love with cats.As a student,i usually end up with a hole in the pocket or might save some for future needs by skipping meals.But strangely,when there's a homeless cat passing by,i'll automatically give what i have (food) or go two bloks from where i stand just to buy something for the cat. Thank god there's only one around. So the story goes on until i felt this stomach pain and was admitted to hospital due to gastric.After discharged, my dad brought me to this restaurant and he ordered chicken rice.A thin cat neared out table and i was like:"oh..a cat.Here you go"(throwing all the chicken).For my kindness, i was given a spank on the head and end up eating rice only. :animesigh
  6. im gonna start working as a doc this april!!!so the planning goes for the money~~~what to buy... 1)complete set of animes 2)shopping for figuras 3)anime costumes :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited:
  7. just say:It's not that i dont LIKE you,it's just that i LIKE the way we are now.I LIKE your personality when we're being friends--->beware:never ever ever use the word dont LIKE.It's double pain.
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]dude, when they ask you,just point the finger to the car and say:"It's not me,it's the car 'who' killed him" ...They'll probably 'arrest' the car and you're saved.Why not just tell the truth?There's no harm innit.[/COLOR][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][/SIZE][/SIZE][FONT=Arial][/FONT]
  9. anime that made me cry eh?.....think it was full metal alchemist.brotherhood relationship..so touching.. :animecry: and emm there's yuyu hakusho (when urameshi [spoiler]died fighting with sensui..[/spoiler]for a few minutes thou..^o^'') and lots more.actually i forgot.what i can only rmmbr is me with running nose infront of the tv.oh im such a crybaby..=.= (now realized) [INDENT][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed][B]Space-chan[/B], please improve your post quality, using proper spelling is a must as it makes it easier for other members to understand what you are trying to say. Also, when discussing something that could spoil a show for someone who has yet to see it always use spoiler tags. I've added them for you this time, but please take a look the sticky on how to post in Anime Lounge for quick and easy instructions on how to use them. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~indifference[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
  10. ichigo's too young...but he's growing some balls dontcha think?=.=,,,
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