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Everything posted by CanSee

  1. It was in Sailor Moon, when Bunny screamed for the Grale, which she gave to Hotaru, and then, as she screamed, it came ! COOL ! Also, when Galaxia remembers how the chaos took her over !
  2. Man, rayearth is fantastic ! It´s soooo cool ! I´ve seen one ep, but only in polish :( But it was cool ! It´s something like Sailor Moon goes Record Of Lodoss War... Imagine that and you have Magic Knight Rayearth.
  3. How did you guys like the Sailor Moon finale ? For me it was great, but the finale with Sailor Saturn was cooler ! What do you think ? Tell me...
  4. I watched NGE, but gonna watch CB next year, actually, but i REALLY DOUBT that CB could be better than NGE ! Nuffin´s gonna change my mind...
  5. My favourite is [B]KITE[/B] by Green Bunny. It´s a short one about 2 young assassins, quite cool and realisticaly drawn. You can see very clearly how the skin was dragged from the face of a bomb victim... [CanSee]
  6. He, I mean, yeah, the English version is way lame, but on the other hand the Italian version is really ironic: lotta penises and everything, but they changed KameHameHa to [B]Sphera Energetica[/B] looooooool ! [CanSee]
  7. I heard that the Cartoon Network version is a rather messed up, is that right ? Censored Dragonball ? LOL I mean, do they show Chibi-Songoku´s "li´l friend" ? No ? I heard that they drew blue pants, and stuff... I mean, I´m watching the German version, which is WAY messed up with the dubbin, but, fortunately, not censored ;) ... [CanSee]
  8. [CanSee] I dunno what my fav DBZ ep is, cuz I´m still at the Freiza saga, but my fav. Dragonball eps are: When Songoku kills Piccolo Daimao and when Zimbel (or was it Tamburin, I don´t remember) kicks Songoku´s *** and his heart stops beating and Yajirobi finds him, thinks he´s dead and then Songoku awakes... Plus, the ep where Songoku is in the village Jingle, where he kicks some Red Ribbon ***...
  9. Dragonball Retrospective, my idea of Dragonball, would review all the events of Dragonball Z and GT and the Z/GT movies and specials. But, it´d be drawn realistic, like KITE, or Neon Genesis Evangelion. So, no li´l chubby guys and stuff. New cool animations and so on, plus the story would be told shorter. This would be WAY better than putting a new Dragonball. BTW, do you know about Dragonball After Future ? It was a fake news about a new Dragonball set 700 years after Dragonball GT, with SSJ 5 Songoku ! LOL. Yours, CanSee :)
  10. Hi, this is CanSee... I´ve got a question: Is there an RPG for SNES or PSX about Dragonball with a good turnbased fight system, without ugly graphics ? I wonder... If someone can tell, me ? TNX BTW, how´s Final Doubt, does it have good martial arts ? Yours, CanSee :)
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